

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-07-22 12:07 VS, revision 72168

Fix typo introduced in r72167.

2012-07-22 11:21 VS, revision 72167

Document wxWindow::Close() return value.

2012-07-21 07:14 SC, revision 72166

turning off undo for setter, otherwise memory gets used up for the undo stack, fixes #14500

2012-07-20 22:23 VS, revision 72164

Call Realize() later in XRC toolbar handler (patch #13888). This is a workaround for a deeper compatibility problem in Cocoa implementation (see the bug for detailed discussion), but for now, this simple workaround is much better than not doing nothing. See #13888.

2012-07-20 13:55 VZ, revision 72163

No changes, just fix some typos in comments. Closes #14494.

2012-07-20 13:55 VZ, revision 72162

Remove unnecessary configure options from wxOSX install.txt. There is no need to specify --enable-unicode nor --disable-shared. The latter is mentioned below anyhow.

2012-07-20 13:55 VZ, revision 72161

Use both URL-specific and plain text formats in wxGTK wxURLDataObject. Just as in wxMSW, it makes sense to put URLs on clipboard (or drag them) in both URL-specific and plain text formats to facilitate pasting (or dropping) them into other applications. So make wxURLDataObject in wxGTK a composite data object containing both its old data object and wxTextDataObject.

2012-07-20 13:55 VZ, revision 72160

Use proper format in wxGTK clipboard selection handler. For some incomprehensible reason, GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING was hard coded for all non-text formats even though it was clearly never the right format to use. Use the correct value specified by the format instead.

2012-07-20 13:55 VZ, revision 72159

Use text/uri-list instead of x-moz-url in wxGTK wxURLDataObject. The standard exchange format for URLs is text/uri-list and not the deprecated and Firefox-specific x-moz-url, support for which was moreover implemented incorrectly anyhow. Also add an example of copying URLs to the dnd sample. See for more information.

2012-07-20 13:54 VZ, revision 72158

Don't use delayed destruction for sockets in other threads. The delayed destruction mechanism is not MT-safe, so using it for wxSocket objects destroyed from threads other than main resulted in crashes. Luckily, it is not necessary to use it for such sockets anyhow as they don't risk receiving any events -- which are only dispatched in the main thread -- and so can be destroyed immediately. So do destroy them directly instead of just scheduling for later destruction when wxSocket::Destroy() is called.

2012-07-20 06:59 PC, revision 72157

simplify mouse button handling code

2012-07-20 02:53 RD, revision 72148

I think the "specific to PostScript" methods have been gone since 2.6, so let's stop saying that they are there but undocumented.

2012-07-19 17:39 PC, revision 72146

improve appearance of themed borders

2012-07-19 08:46 RD, revision 72143

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-07-18 17:00 JS, revision 72137

Reverted format changes since 2.9 works differently

2012-07-18 16:04 JS, revision 72136

String formatting fixes

2012-07-18 16:01 JS, revision 72135

String formatting fix

2012-07-16 21:12 SC, revision 72115

adapting order to preference

2012-07-16 21:09 SC, revision 72114

correct handling of order of preference of formats

2012-07-15 20:05 SC, revision 72108

removing workaround for listbox, finishing drop target support, fixes #14484, see #14281

2012-07-15 12:26 JS, revision 72098

A better panel label font size on Mac

2012-07-15 08:42 JS, revision 72096

Added continuation bullet style for supporting multiple paragraphs in a list item The user can 'delete' the bullet to create a continuation paragraph

2012-07-15 03:40 PC, revision 72095

simplify ifdefs, deferred show and _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS are X11-only

2012-07-14 23:36 RD, revision 72087


2012-07-14 23:36 RD, revision 72086

Add missing Calc[Un]ScrolledPosition overloads taking a wxPoint.