

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-10-11 09:09 CE, revision 17490

make mdi.cpp resize for wxUniv/ Borland as well as wx11/gcc

2002-10-11 08:54 CE, revision 17489

wxUniversal now in makefile.b32 - use make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGUNIV=1

2002-10-11 08:38 CE, revision 17488

wxUniversal now in makefile.b32 - use make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGUNIV=1

2002-10-11 08:24 CE, revision 17487

fix for wxUniversal and BCC

2002-10-10 20:06 RD, revision 17486

No real change, just added some whitespace for readability and testing the new syncmail code

2002-10-10 17:51 RD, revision 17485

Add some test code, and testing if CVS is allowing commits again.

2002-10-08 20:37 VZ, revision 17484

added/documented wxWizard::HasNext/PrevPage()

2002-10-08 15:27 JS, revision 17483

Added IPC server capability to helpview, if you compile with hvUSE_IPC Added client demo using raw IPC classes (not yet using a kind of help controller, as we eventually should)

2002-10-08 03:41 RD, revision 17482

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-10-07 23:11 VZ, revision 17481

no changes, finally

2002-10-07 23:11 VZ, revision 17480

handle the errors in MB2WC/WC2MB gracefully in wxString ctors

2002-10-07 23:10 VZ, revision 17479

fixed the use of size_t parameters in UTF8 tests

2002-10-07 22:34 RD, revision 17478

Don't do the OnAssert overloading if not __WXDEBUG__

2002-10-07 22:33 VZ, revision 17477

more UTF8 tests

2002-10-07 22:17 VZ, revision 17476

slightly cleaned up the sample code -- but it (still) really needs a rewrite

2002-10-07 22:16 VZ, revision 17475

wxTimer::Start() only works from the main thread: mention it in the docs and add an assert in the code

2002-10-07 20:37 MBN, revision 17474

Fix wxHashMap::clear

2002-10-07 20:08 RD, revision 17473

wxXmlSubclassFactory for wxPython

2002-10-07 07:28 JS, revision 17472

Removed comment about using its own storage - wxTextValidator doesn't.

2002-10-06 22:32 VS, revision 17471

slowly documenting XRC...

2002-10-06 20:46 MBN, revision 17470

Add some missing headers for non-PCH compilers. Add a missing IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS (I still wonder how could it work without it).

2002-10-06 20:44 MBN, revision 17469

A couple more s/friend class wxFoo/friend class WXDLLEXPORT wxFoo/ for MinGW GCC 3.2.

2002-10-06 19:45 VZ, revision 17468

added default value of id param in ctor

2002-10-06 19:44 VZ, revision 17467

added a section about wxTextCtrl indices

2002-10-05 23:29 VZ, revision 17466

generate TEXT_ENTER event when Enter is pressed in a combobox