

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-01-12 13:52 MBN, revision 18690

Remove use of deprecated KeyCode accessor.

2003-01-11 21:02 MBN, revision 18689

Changes to be backported.

2003-01-11 21:00 MBN, revision 18688

Do not use deprecated functions.

2003-01-11 20:57 MBN, revision 18687

Fix linking problems with MSVC 5.

2003-01-11 20:56 MBN, revision 18686

Fix PCH problems with some versions of CodeWarrior. (backport)

2003-01-11 20:55 MBN, revision 18685

Fix PCH problems with some versions of CodeWarrior.

2003-01-11 15:03 MBN, revision 18684

If -1 is used for width/height, use best size.

2003-01-11 15:00 MBN, revision 18683

Use checkbox if togglebutton not available.

2003-01-11 14:42 MBN, revision 18682

Removed unused, unimplemented and undocumented wxBitmapCheckBox stub. Minur cleanup in wxCheckBox::Create.

2003-01-11 14:36 MBN, revision 18681

Documented wxMotif filedialog limitations WRT wildcard syntax. Modified filedialog to either extract the wildcard (if only one wildcard is present) or assert (if more than one is present).

2003-01-11 11:57 SC, revision 18680

using the new alerts under OSX - no string255 limits anymore

2003-01-11 11:56 SC, revision 18679

added conversion function to CFStringRefs

2003-01-11 11:54 SC, revision 18678

removed commented out snippets

2003-01-11 03:50 RL, revision 18677

Changes resulting from the 2.4.0 release run.

2003-01-10 23:52 VZ, revision 18676

removed TABs

2003-01-10 23:47 VZ, revision 18675

removed wxLog::HasPendingMessages() (it can't be made to work correctly with wxLogChain); don't send the messages going to a log file to debug output under MSW

2003-01-10 23:27 VZ, revision 18674

removed style parameter from MSWCreate(), it is unneeded

2003-01-10 23:24 VZ, revision 18673

use MSWCreateControl() instead of duplicating its code

2003-01-10 23:23 VZ, revision 18672

removed style parameter from MSWCreateToolbar(), it is unneeded

2003-01-10 17:57 VZ, revision 18671

removed CopyObject(), added copy ctor, corrected Dump()

2003-01-10 17:57 SC, revision 18670

corrected type for text document (non standard save handler)

2003-01-10 17:56 SC, revision 18669

routing all apple events to the document manager instance if present, fully supporting launch by document double click, print by draging the document onto the printer icon

2003-01-10 17:52 SC, revision 18668

switching to safe yields, because we got into loops when handling print document apple events

2003-01-10 17:19 VZ, revision 18667

moved assert for parent window not being a static box to common code where it should catch more cases

2003-01-10 16:24 SC, revision 18666

added code for respecting the creator & types when saving files