

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-02-27 18:20 VZ, revision 19366

show error message if exec() failed: not pretty but better than nothing

2003-02-27 13:01 VZ, revision 19365

fix bug with timezone calculations when WX_GMTOFF_IN_TM si true

2003-02-27 12:53 VZ, revision 19364

fix bug with timezone calculations when WX_GMTOFF_IN_TM si true

2003-02-27 12:18 VZ, revision 19363

wxExecute may only be called from the main thread

2003-02-27 12:02 VZ, revision 19362

updated the sample to show the sizers, not constraints, in the main frame; also demonstrate flex grid sizer

2003-02-27 11:55 VZ, revision 19361

added proportion parameter to wxFlexGridSizer::AddGrowableRow/Col()

2003-02-27 11:51 VZ, revision 19360

added WXK_WINDOWS_XXX key constants

2003-02-27 10:45 CE, revision 19359

update adding watcom makefiles

2003-02-27 10:38 CE, revision 19358

update adding watcom makefiles

2003-02-27 10:32 CE, revision 19357

update adding watcom makefiles

2003-02-27 10:30 VZ, revision 19356


2003-02-27 10:24 SC, revision 19355

SetValue fix

2003-02-27 10:18 SC, revision 19354

fix for SetSize was missing

2003-02-27 10:13 VS, revision 19353


2003-02-27 10:06 SC, revision 19352

SetValue can add values if not readonly

2003-02-27 00:18 VZ, revision 19351

fixed wxRegionIterator example

2003-02-26 23:10 VS, revision 19350

unified default values for conv arguments

2003-02-26 23:09 VS, revision 19349

updates to <script> handling backport list

2003-02-26 20:48 RD, revision 19348

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2003-02-26 20:48 RD, revision 19347

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-02-26 20:31 RR, revision 19346

Docs update for combobox.

2003-02-26 20:27 RR, revision 19345

More update to wxComboBox

2003-02-26 19:40 RD, revision 19344

Updated change notes

2003-02-26 19:38 RD, revision 19343

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2003-02-26 19:31 VS, revision 19342

unified default values for conv arguments