

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-09-09 15:34 VZ, revision 72450

Fix harmless virtual function hiding warning in wxMSW build. Override the other StrokeLines() overload in wxGDIPlusContext just to avoid the warning about hiding a base class virtual method from MinGW compiler.

2012-09-09 12:46 VZ, revision 72449

Fix wxKeyEvent::GetKeyCode() descripotion: it doesn't depend on locale. GetKeyCode() will always return valid key codes for Latin-1 symbols but won't do it for other non-ASCII Unicode characters even if they are representable in the current locale.

2012-09-09 12:46 VZ, revision 72448

Do not use wxIsprint() in EVT_CHAR example in the documentation. This is incorrect as wxIsprint() is locale-dependent and only really works as expected in UTF-8 locales (which are never used under Windows). Instead, just test for control characters directly.

2012-09-09 11:39 JS, revision 72447

Ensure the selected style is visible.

2012-09-09 11:38 JS, revision 72446

Ensure the selected style is visible.

2012-09-09 10:34 VZ, revision 72445

Italian translations update from Roberto Boriotti.

2012-09-09 02:44 VZ, revision 72444

Don't try to determine the clicked item ourselves in wxMSW wxListBox. This doesn't work when the listbox is scrolled as the result of a click to make the selected item fully visible and results in the index of the item being off by 1 in the generated event which is a pretty serious problem. Fix it by simply retrieving the item from the listbox itself, without doing any hit testing. This seems to give the correct result in all cases and also makes the code much simpler as we don't have to use 2 different ways of finding the item depending on whether it was selected using the keyboard or the mouse and makes it unnecessary to keep track of how the selection was done completely, i.e. reverts r64498 which is not needed any more. Closes #14635.

2012-09-09 02:44 VZ, revision 72443

Document wxDropTarget::GetDataObject(). Closes #14631.

2012-09-09 02:43 VZ, revision 72442

Don't use StringFormat::GenericTypographic() in MSW wxGraphicsContext. Using this string format results in very condensed strings when using small fonts. The results of GDI+ font rendering are still pretty bad even without it but they are at least slightly better. Closes #14537.

2012-09-09 02:43 VZ, revision 72441

Use a single global StringFormat in all wxMSW wxGraphicsContext code. Instead of creating StringFormat in DrawText() and Get[Partial]TextExtent[s], create it once and simply use it from both functions. This might be slightly more efficient as we don't waste time recreating it but the main advantage is that it ensures that these functions use the same string format and no discrepancies between them are possible. See #14537.

2012-09-09 02:42 VZ, revision 72440

Output the values of all USE_XXX options to build.cfg file in MSW builds. USE_RTTI, USE_AUI, USE_PROPGRID, USE_RIBBON, USE_RICHTEXT, USE_STC and USE_XRC options were not output to the build configuration file, unlike the rest of them. Do output those ones as well now for consistency. Also sort the options corresponding to different wx libraries alphabetically. Closes #14608.

2012-09-09 02:42 VZ, revision 72439

Document wxWindow InheritsBackgroundColour() and UseBgCol() methods. These functions were present in the interface header but didn't have their own documentation and somehow inherited the documentation of the first function in the same section which didn't make any sense for them. Do document them now. Closes #14607.

2012-09-09 02:42 VZ, revision 72438

Link MSW-specific event loop files in wxUniv/MSW. This fixes wxUniv build after the changes of r72008. Closes #14606.

2012-09-08 23:51 VZ, revision 72437

Undid accidental modification of wxTaskBarIcon in the last commit.

2012-09-08 23:48 VZ, revision 72436

Fix narrow/wide string concatenation in recently added wxSizerFlags assert. This fixes MSVC build after r72434.

2012-09-08 18:03 VZ, revision 72435

Fix some typos in the comments in wxOSX code. Closes #14636.

2012-09-08 17:46 VZ, revision 72434

Check validity of wxSizerFlags::Border() direction parameter. Catch the misguided attempts to pass the size of the border as the first parameter of the Border(direction, size) overload.

2012-09-08 17:46 VZ, revision 72433

Enable GL_CULL_FACE in OpenGL samples. Without it, the hidden faces are shown resulting in wrong display of both the cube and the penguin, at least with Mesa (but it also seems to be the correct thing to do according to OpenGL documentation).

2012-09-08 12:53 VS, revision 72432

Fix VC6 compilation after r72430. VC6 doesn't handle for loop scope correctly.

2012-09-08 12:53 VS, revision 72431

Add MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME to wx/msw/missing.h. Fixes VC6 compilation after r72430.

2012-09-08 10:58 VS, revision 72430

Add wxTranslations::GetBestTranslation(). Implement preferred language selection on modern systems (OS X, Windows Vista+). User settings for locale (aka "regional settings") and UI language are independent there and the UI language shouldn't be determined from the locale. Moreover, the OS provides a list of preferred languages, not a single value (as with locale), so we should use the best language given user's preferences and available translations. A Czech user may prefer Slovak UI over English, for example, and we should use Slovak translation in absence of Czech one in that case instead of falling back to English. On Unix, locale is language and so things remain as before. Notice that calling wxLocale::Init(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT) does the right thing now: it sets the locale to whatever the user has configured in regional settings and loads translations corresponding to default wxTranslations language, which is determined as described above. Previously, UI would be translated using a language corresponding to the regional settings.

2012-09-07 22:15 DS, revision 72429

Regenerated Xcode projects. Updated the Xcode projects for Scintilla 3.21 and removal of src/osx/spinctrl_osx.cpp.

2012-09-07 22:11 DS, revision 72428

Updated instructions for XML Tools. A newer version of XML Tools has been released (2.9.4) which supports OS X 10.6 and later. As such a link to the beta version of 2.9.4 is not needed anymore.

2012-09-07 11:51 VS, revision 72427

wxMSW: Fix incorrect subitem rect calculation in wxListCtrl. HandleSubItemPrepaint() calls wxGetListCtrlSubItemRect() (a thin replacement of ListView_GetSubItemRect) with subitem argument corresponding to MSDN documentation: it should be 0 for the whole item and 1-based for subitems. Unfortunately, as pointed out in an explanatory comment for wxGetListCtrlSubItemRect(), MSDN lies and the index actually is 0-based. The bug causes wxListCtrl's content to be shifted by one column and rendered with additional artifacts as soon as custom drawing is used, e.g. when a custom font is used. This bug was introduced in r55378; the code correctly accounted for this before that. This change partially reverts that commit.

2012-09-06 16:24 SC, revision 72425

restrict change from r71719 because otherwise apps like docview sample in ddi mode are not allowing their different child frames to be z-reordered