

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-04-11 23:20 VS, revision 20146

don't report setlocale failure if trying to set Unicode-only language

2003-04-11 22:38 RD, revision 20145

Fixed wxMac's wxTextCtrl::SetSelection so that (-1,-1) will select the entire value like other ports do.

2003-04-11 22:32 VZ, revision 20144

return wxKILL_OK in krc instead of leaving it unchanged

2003-04-11 22:05 VZ, revision 20143

fixed bug with searching in sorted arrays

2003-04-11 19:08 VZ, revision 20142

allow vetoing wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG (backported from HEAD)

2003-04-11 17:45 SC, revision 20141

cleanup and classic fixes

2003-04-11 17:12 RD, revision 20140

Added a sample to the demo specifically for PopupMenus

2003-04-11 17:10 RD, revision 20139

Backported fix allowing for wxMac popup menus to have submenus

2003-04-11 15:20 RD, revision 20138

Test a submenu on the popup menu

2003-04-11 14:31 CE, revision 20137

correct Watcom build instructions

2003-04-11 14:14 VZ, revision 20136

use on gdk_draw_lines() call instead of multiple gdk_draw_line() ones (patch 717012)

2003-04-11 14:02 VZ, revision 20135

fixes for user dash handling (patch 717736)

2003-04-11 13:48 VZ, revision 20134

containers don't always accept focus (patch 718913)

2003-04-11 11:01 JS, revision 20133

Moved wxDateTime::TIME_T_FACTOR into datetime.cpp to prevent VC++ confusion

2003-04-10 23:12 PKO, revision 20132

Fix column count.

2003-04-10 23:01 VS, revision 20131

don't use deprecated macros

2003-04-10 21:58 RD, revision 20130

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-04-10 21:58 RD, revision 20129

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2003-04-10 21:57 RD, revision 20128

SWIGged updates for wxMSW

2003-04-10 21:08 VZ, revision 20127

regenerated with tmake after adding datacmn.cpp

2003-04-10 20:33 VZ, revision 20126

extracted duplicated code from src/*/data.cpp in a common file

2003-04-10 19:45 RD, revision 20125

Added __nonzero__ method to more classes that have a Ok or IsOk method. This allows code like "if obj: ..." to be the same as "if obj.IsOk(): ..."

2003-04-10 19:42 RD, revision 20124
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_2_4_BRANCH/wxPython/wx/lib/PyCrust

No need to have the old PyCrust in the new namespace

2003-04-10 19:38 RD, revision 20123

Added __nonzero__ method to more classes that have a Ok or IsOk method. This allows code like "if obj: ..." to be the same as "if obj.Ok: ..."

2003-04-10 19:35 RD, revision 20122

Test code for removing a submenu