

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-04-14 23:29 VZ, revision 20221

extracted duplicated code from src/*/data.cpp in a common file (forgot to commit before; sorry)

2003-04-14 20:17 VZ, revision 20220

another update, only 7 untranslated strings left

2003-04-14 18:51 DE, revision 20219

When saving the editable state, use the real state (m_editable) Same change as 1.53 -> 1.54

2003-04-14 18:34 DE, revision 20218

When saving the editable state, use the real state (m_editable)

2003-04-14 17:27 MBN, revision 20217

Code clanup: removed some useless/unused member variables/functions from wxWindow; used wxTranslateMouseEvent instead of duplicating its functionality.

2003-04-14 03:54 DE, revision 20216

Added InitMouseEvent helper method (like wxMSW) Implemented the following mouse handlers: mouseDown, mouseDragged, mouseUp, mouseMoved Added stubs for the following mouse handlers: mouseEntered, mouseExited, rightMouseDown, rightMouseDragged, rightMouseUp, otherMouseDown, otherMouseDragged, otherMouseUp

2003-04-14 03:51 DE, revision 20215

Catch and forward the following mouse related events: mouseMoved, mouseEntered, mouseExited mouseDown, mouseDragged, mouseUp rightMouseDown, rightMouseDragged, rightMouseUp otherMouseDown, otherMouseDragged, oterMouseUp

2003-04-14 03:48 DE, revision 20214

Added NSEvent class for wxCocoa

2003-04-14 01:53 DE, revision 20213

Use (generic) text dialog for wxCocoa

2003-04-14 01:21 MB, revision 20212

Added -w-inl to CFG section to suppress the annoying messages about event and radiobox functions not being inlined.

2003-04-14 01:03 VZ, revision 20211

support raw access to DDBs as well as DIBs

2003-04-14 01:03 VZ, revision 20210

added debug checks

2003-04-14 00:59 VZ, revision 20209

fixes for Win95 (where GetObject(DIBSECTION) is broken)

2003-04-14 00:46 VZ, revision 20208

don't crash if an image is not found

2003-04-13 22:56 JS, revision 20207

Test for result of searching for wxID_CANCEL button

2003-04-13 22:54 JS, revision 20206

Set wxPendingEvents to NULL after deletion

2003-04-13 22:38 JS, revision 20205

Don't use focus if NULL

2003-04-13 22:11 VZ, revision 20204

removed accidentally left #ifdef WATCOM

2003-04-13 21:58 VZ, revision 20203

renamed GlobalHandle class to GlobalPtr to avoid conflict with the Win32 function

2003-04-13 21:08 JS, revision 20202

Set wxPendingEvents to NULL after deleting it

2003-04-13 17:09 VS, revision 20201

backported wxFileName::MakeAbsolute

2003-04-13 16:23 VZ, revision 20200

don't crash in UngetRawData() if it is invalid; fixed rounding errors in alpha premultiplying

2003-04-13 15:59 VZ, revision 20199

implemented fallback for AlphaBlend() for the systems not supporting it

2003-04-13 15:58 VZ, revision 20198

don't return garbage from GetRawBitmap

2003-04-13 15:52 VZ, revision 20197

added missing wxBitmap(w, h, dc) ctor