

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-05-10 00:57 VZ, revision 20573

fix wxDisplay initialization (patch 735303)

2003-05-10 00:56 VZ, revision 20572

recognize ESC[APE] in menu accel strings (patch 733967)

2003-05-09 23:57 VZ, revision 20571

fall back to wxAlphaBlend() if ::AlphaBlend() didn't work

2003-05-09 23:54 VZ, revision 20570

use DIB, not DDB, when converting from an image with alpha channel

2003-05-09 23:52 VZ, revision 20569

memory for alpha channel was over allocated by a factor of 3

2003-05-09 23:50 VZ, revision 20568

fixed iterator over wxImage with alpha channel

2003-05-09 23:32 JS, revision 20567

Removed a spurious print statement

2003-05-09 21:48 JS, revision 20566

Fixed crash in EnsureVisible in wxTR_HIDE_ROOT mode

2003-05-09 14:31 RR, revision 20565

Compile fix for GTK 1.2.

2003-05-09 12:58 VZ, revision 20564

Insert() patch from John Labenski

2003-05-09 12:04 VZ, revision 20563

use wxDEPRECATED around GetNoHistoryFiles()

2003-05-09 10:53 JJ, revision 20562

Committing in . Fixes needed for OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWindows/include/wx/x11/private.h wxWindows/include/wx/x11/privx.h wxWindows/src/common/dbtable.cpp wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/bmpmotif.cpp wxWindows/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/x11/bitmap.cpp wxWindows/src/x11/utilsx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-05-09 10:00 JS, revision 20561

Use context sensitive help XPM for Windows too

2003-05-09 07:16 SC, revision 20560

fixing some redrawing bugs overpainting foreign window's area under OS9, reintroduced TransitionWindow calls

2003-05-09 07:13 SC, revision 20559


2003-05-09 07:12 SC, revision 20558

masking out wxOK and friends from dialog style in order to avoid clashes with miniframe windows flags

2003-05-09 07:12 SC, revision 20557

reintroduced m_isBeingDeleted

2003-05-09 00:02 VZ, revision 20556

wxDocManager::GetNoHistoryFiles() renamed to GetHistoryFilesCount()

2003-05-08 23:46 VZ, revision 20555

wxGLCanvas doesn't derive from wxScrolledWindow since quite some time already despite of the docs

2003-05-08 23:38 VZ, revision 20554

undid patch which was supposed to allow thread recreation and added instead an assert preventing it

2003-05-08 23:36 VZ, revision 20553

undid patch which was supposed to allow thread recreation

2003-05-08 23:25 VZ, revision 20552

linking fix for wxUSE_PROLOGIO with compilers/makefiles not defining __WIN32__ on command line

2003-05-08 21:42 RD, revision 20551

More patches to the masked edit control from Will Sadkin

2003-05-08 15:48 PKO, revision 20550


2003-05-08 14:29 RD, revision 20549

Patches to the masked edit control from Will Sadkin: ## 1. Fixed .SetValue() to replace the current value, rather than the current ## selection. Also changed it to generate ValueError if presented with ## either a value which doesn't follow the format or won't fit. Also made ## set value adjust numeric and date controls as if user entered the value. ## Expanded doc explaining how SetValue() works. ## 2. Fixed EUDATE* autoformats, fixed IsDateType mask list, and added ability to ## use 3-char months for dates, and EUDATETIME, and EUDATEMILTIME autoformats. ## 3. Made all date autoformats automatically pick implied "datestyle". ## 4. Added IsModified override, since base wxTextCtrl never reports modified if ## .SetValue used to change the value, which is what the masked edit controls ## use internally. ## 5. Fixed bug in date position adjustment on 2 to 4 digit date conversion when ## using tab to "leave field" and auto-adjust. ## 6. Fixed bug in _isCharAllowed() for negative number insertion on pastes, ## and bug in ._Paste() that didn't account for signs in signed masks either. ## 7. Fixed issues with _adjustPos for right-insert fields causing improper ## selection/replacement of values ## 8. Fixed _OnHome handler to properly handle extending current selection to ## beginning of control. ## 9. Exposed all (valid) autoformats to demo, binding descriptions to ## autoformats. ## 10. Fixed a couple of bugs in email regexp. ## 11. Modified autoformats to be more amenable to international use. ## 12. Clarified meaning of '-' formatcode in doc. ## 13. Fixed a couple of coding bugs being flagged by Python2.1. ## 14. Fixed several issues with sign positioning, erasure and validity ## checking for "numeric" masked controls.