

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-06-29 00:39 VZ, revision 21498

compilation fix

2003-06-29 00:35 VZ, revision 21497

we don't need to include wx/mac/private.h, at least under OS X

2003-06-29 00:32 VZ, revision 21496

fix for compiling in wxUSE_GUI == 0 mode

2003-06-29 00:03 VS, revision 21495

naming convention fixes

2003-06-29 00:02 VS, revision 21494

more bakefile optimalizations

2003-06-29 00:02 VS, revision 21493

compilation fix

2003-06-28 23:40 VZ, revision 21492

fix for comparison bug in GetHeader()

2003-06-28 20:56 MBN, revision 21491

Stop GCC from complaining about unhandled enumeration values.

2003-06-28 17:18 VS, revision 21490

MacOS X fixes

2003-06-28 16:08 VS, revision 21489


2003-06-28 16:07 VS, revision 21488

missing libbase

2003-06-28 15:59 VS, revision 21487

samples/console is buildable as part of multilib, too

2003-06-28 15:06 VS, revision 21486


2003-06-28 15:00 VS, revision 21485

don't create samples/autoconf_inc.m4

2003-06-28 14:33 VS, revision 21484

fixed dll extension when crosscompiling for win32

2003-06-28 14:23 VS, revision 21483

libgdi32.a is not included in console apps by mingw, but we required it in wxBase

2003-06-28 14:14 VS, revision 21482

upstream fixes in bakefile's handling of mutually exclusive targets with same name

2003-06-28 13:52 VS, revision 21481

typo fix (bakefile needs error checking...)

2003-06-28 13:12 VZ, revision 21480

fixed fatal crash in Create() after my last change

2003-06-28 13:10 VS, revision 21479

wxUSE_BASE fixes

2003-06-28 12:34 VS, revision 21478

fixed libtiff build

2003-06-28 12:34 VS, revision 21477

libtiff build fix

2003-06-28 12:33 VS, revision 21476

fixed linker errors

2003-06-28 12:23 VZ, revision 21475

replaced wxGetOsVersion() with wxGUIAppTraits::GetOSVersion()

2003-06-28 12:21 VZ, revision 21474

fixed unused variable warnings