

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-10-28 02:08 VZ, revision 72807

Implement image support for wxNotebook pages in wxOSX/Cocoa. This currently doesn't work correctly for left/right orientations but at least it does work for the default top (and also bottom) one. Closes #12754.

2012-10-28 02:08 VZ, revision 72806

Fix taskbar sample compilation under wxOSX/Cocoa. Use wxTBI_XXX constants instead of wxTaskBarIcon::XXX ones which don't seem to exist any longer. See #11831.

2012-10-28 02:08 VZ, revision 72805

Fix the pages range in the print dialog in wxOSX. Set the min/max pages earlier for them to be taken into account and also actually do set them in the print settings. Closes #8349.

2012-10-27 14:28 VZ, revision 72803

Another attempt to fix wxTextMeasure compilation with VC6. Simply make the methods accessed by the nested class public.

2012-10-27 14:28 VZ, revision 72802

Allow using wxTextMeasure::GetLargestStringExtent() with wxArrayString. Change the signature of this method to take the number of strings and the pointer to the first of them instead of wxVector<wxString> as this allows it to be used with all of wxVector<wxString>, wxArrayString and raw arrays of wxStrings. Also return the computed size from it instead of filling output parameters. Closes #14781.

2012-10-27 14:27 VZ, revision 72801

Allow wxTextMeasure to work with non-native wxDC objects too. Just forward back to wxDC itself in this case instead of using the platform-specific code in wxTextMeasure that only works with native DCs. See #14781.

2012-10-27 14:27 VZ, revision 72800

Fix warning about signed/unsigned comparison in wxFile::ReadAll(). Compare ssize_t value with another ssize_t value instead of size_t one to avoid warnings.

2012-10-27 14:27 VZ, revision 72799

Just fix header comments of wxTextMeasure-related files, no real changes. See #14781.

2012-10-27 07:51 PC, revision 72798

redo r72781 in a way that preserves binary compatibility, closes #14525

2012-10-27 05:15 RD, revision 72788

Add missing WXK constants for the control keys

2012-10-27 05:15 RD, revision 72787

Generate the interface file for STC from gen_iface too.

2012-10-27 03:27 VZ, revision 72786

Fix incorrect libraries in the documentation. Use wxcore for the GUI classes that were mistakenly documented as belonging to the wxbase library. Closes #14783.

2012-10-27 03:27 VZ, revision 72785

Add wxAuiToolBar::Create(). Implement two-step creation of wxAuiToolBar to allow doing it from XRC. See #13520.

2012-10-27 03:27 VZ, revision 72784

Renamed file containing wxAuiToolBar documentation. The real header is called wx/aui/auibar.h, not wx/aui/toolbar.h.

2012-10-27 03:27 VZ, revision 72783

Fix PCH-less build after previous commit. Need to include wx/window.h now that wx/animate.h is not included any more.

2012-10-27 02:46 VZ, revision 72782

Break implicit dependency of "core" on "adv" via wxXmlResourceHandlerImplBase. wxXmlResourceHandlerImplBase::GetAnimation() returned wxAnimation by value which created references to wxAnimationCtrlNameStr and wxNullAnimation symbols, defined in the "adv" library, in "core" when using Sun CC even though they were not referenced directly. Fix this by returning wxAnimation by pointer to keep it opaque for "core" code.

2012-10-26 18:32 PC, revision 72781

Store the selected directory in wxGTK wxDirDialog, fixes #14525

2012-10-26 01:55 VZ, revision 72780

Compilation fix for STL build after the last commit. Add missing fn_str() call.

2012-10-26 01:26 VZ, revision 72779

Store the selected directory in wxGTK wxDirDialog. This should help with the selected directory not being remembered since GTK+ 2.24.11 as apparently gtk_file_chooser_get_filename() doesn't work any more now after hiding the dialog -- so call it before doing this and save the result. Also get rid of the ugly and apparently completely unnecessary OnFakeOk(). Closes #14525.

2012-10-26 01:26 VZ, revision 72778

Prevent pasting too much text into limited length wxTextCtrl in wxGTK. Improve insert-text signal handler to block pasting text into the control, which may overflow the specified max length in one action, and not only entering individual characters. See #3158.

2012-10-26 00:30 VZ, revision 72777

Make wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK work on its own, without wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW. Include the wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW bit in wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK definition to allow using just wxFileName::Exists(wxFILE_EXISTS_SYMLINK) which used to never work because the link was followed. Closes #14777.

2012-10-26 00:19 VZ, revision 72776

Include wx/xml/xml.h from the XRC handlers that need it. Including this header from wx/xrc/xmlres.h itself only when WXMAKINGDLL_XRC is defined doesn't work when we're building a static library and not a shared/DLL one and we don't have any symbol defined in this case, so just don't try to be smart and include this header from the files that need it. This fixes breakage of r72756.

2012-10-25 15:37 JS, revision 72775

Backported menu update event processing, but only in wxGTK if idle update processing is being used to work around the global menu not generating open events in Ubuntu Unity. This is the minimal code change to get idle processing working in wxGTK. You can either edit platform.h to switch on idle event processing, or set UBUNTU_MENUPROXY to 0 in your application before GTK+ initialisation, e.g. in your app class ctor, to switch off the global menu and avoid the bug.

2012-10-25 01:41 VZ, revision 72763

PCH-less build fix for DynamicLibraryTestCase. Include wx/log.h needed by wxLogWarning().

2012-10-25 01:40 VZ, revision 72762

Implement clipping in wxSVGFileDC. Support setting the clipping region and add update the documentation and the sample accordingly. Closes #14462.