

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-11-06 07:35 SC, revision 72903

fixing compile for ios

2012-11-06 07:31 SC, revision 72902

supporting iOS 6 autorotate

2012-11-05 00:55 VZ, revision 72898

Slightly improve the date/time dialogs in the calendar sample. Use CreateStdDialogButtonSizer() instead of constructing wxStdDialogButtonSizer directly, not only this is shorter but it also makes the "OK" button default correctly. Also initialize the labels instead of leaving them initially empty.

2012-11-05 00:55 VZ, revision 72897

Don't move the insertion point if text didn't change in wxTextEntry. This avoids accidentally resetting the selection if SetValue() is called again with the same value. Closes #13728.

2012-11-05 00:54 VZ, revision 72896

Make hack for button creation in wxOSX more robust. Don't crash when creating a plain wxButton with wxBU_NOTEXT style. This happened because we skipped creating the peer (real implementation) in this case entirely on the assumption that we were creating a wxBitmapButton, but this is not necessarily the case. So now test that the creation of the peer is really disabled before skipping it (this required adding ShouldCreatePeer() accessor). Merging wxWidgetImpl::CreateButton() and CreateBitmapButton() (and the same thing for toggle buttons) would still be a better solution but while it's trivial to do for Cocoa, it isn't for Carbon. And we can't use a single function for Cocoa but different functions for Carbon, so for now just continue to use this hack. Closes #13622.

2012-11-05 00:54 VZ, revision 72895

Ensure that paths used inside wxOSX are always in NFC form. OSX uses NFKD but this is unexpected for wx applications, so normalize the string to use the composed form whenever we receive a file system path from OS X. Closes #13504.

2012-11-05 00:53 VZ, revision 72894

Add wxCFStringRef::AsStringWithNormalizationFormC() Cocoa overload. Provide an overload taking NSString and casting it to CFStringRef, just as for AsStringWithNormalizationFormC(). See #13504.

2012-11-05 00:53 VZ, revision 72893

Use kCGBlendModeExclusion for wxCOMPOSITION_XOR operation. The previously used kCGBlendModeXOR doesn't seem to be the right mode to use. Closes #13095.

2012-11-05 00:53 VZ, revision 72892

Implement setting default wxTextCtrl style in wxOSX. Use NSTextView setTypingAttributes to change the attributes used for the new text by default as setting them for the selected region didn't do anything useful under OS X (and did nothing at all when there was no selection). Closes #12839.

2012-11-05 00:52 VZ, revision 72891

No changes, just remove unnecessary wxTextAttr tests. If wxTextAttr::HasFoo() returns true, there is no need to test for GetFoo().IsOk().

2012-11-05 00:52 VZ, revision 72890

Suppress warnings about NSText not responding to setAllowsUndo. Cast NSText to NSTextView when sending this message to it. Hopefully it doesn't change the run-time behaviour but just fixes several lines of warnings that were given without this cast.

2012-11-05 00:51 VZ, revision 72889

No changes, just make it easier to tweak splitter sample. The sample contains disabled code for using other type of windows than MyCanvas for the splitter children but it didn't compile any more because the variables were declared as wxScrolledWindow. Fix this by using just wxWindow for them.

2012-11-05 00:51 VZ, revision 72888

Create tags for Cocoa, not Carbon, by default under wxOSX. Just change the default value of the "port" parameter.

2012-11-05 00:51 VZ, revision 72887

Fix annoying warning when running the script to generate tags under OS X. It complained about no matches for src/osx/cocoa/*.cpp.

2012-11-05 00:50 VZ, revision 72886

Update the button bezel to account for multi-line labels in wxOSX. If a button was created using a normal single-line label (including empty one) and then its label was changed to something multi-line later, its size stayed wrong in wxOSX as it still used the fixed size bezel used by normal buttons. Adjust the bezel after each bezel change now to update the size of the button if necessary. Closes #12491.

2012-11-05 00:50 VZ, revision 72885

No changes, just rename OSXSetAcceleratorFromLabel(). Make the name of the function more general and call it OSXUpdateAfterLabelChange() as it's supposed to be called whenever the label changes.

2012-11-05 00:50 VZ, revision 72884

No real change, just make bezel setting code in wxOSX more clear. Avoid code duplication between SetAcceleratorFromLabel() and wxWidgetImpl::CreateButton(), generalize the former to handle the special cases taken into account only in the latter previously. Also use a switch on border flags instead of series of nested ifs as this seems to be more clear. No changes in behaviour.

2012-11-05 00:49 VZ, revision 72883

Revert "Fix the pages range in the print dialog in wxOSX." This reverts r72805 (leaving only the changes to printdlg.cpp which seem harmless and potentially useful) as it resulted in crashes when using wxHtmlEasyPrinting because we called wxPrintout::OnPreparePrinting() before setting the DC to be used, which was wrong. In fact it's not clear how can we get the correct range of pages at all because we need a DC to paginate properly (i.e. taking into account its size) but we need to show a dialog, in which we already want to show the pages range, before choosing the DC. Perhaps we could create a dummy DC for pagination purposes but how could this work with printers using different page sizes? The best would probably be to avoid setting any limits on the page range as showing 9999 looks ugly but anything else would be wrong. See #8349, #11779.

2012-11-05 00:49 VZ, revision 72882

Update tree control layout in EditLabel() for wxOSX too. A special preprocessor check for OS X prevented the control from being relaid out correctly in EditLabel() there, which resulted in problems when trying to edit a just added item. Simply remove this check for OS X (and also MSW but this is less important as this version of the control is almost never used there anyhow) to fix it. Closes #11179.

2012-11-04 18:39 PC, revision 72881

fix setting background color in wxGTK3 with themes which use background images or gradients, fixes #14759

2012-11-04 13:44 VZ, revision 72880

Check that doxygen version is 1.8.2 in docs generation script. Doxygen often has backwards incompatible changes, so verify that we really use the version the docs are supposed to be generated with.

2012-11-04 13:44 VZ, revision 72879

Don't use "readlink -e" in docs generation script, it's not portable. "readlink" command also exists under OS X but with a completely different syntax than under Linux, so just use "pwd -P" to get the physical path name instead, this should hopefully work everywhere as it's POSIX. Closes #14796.

2012-11-04 13:44 VZ, revision 72878

Allow using _T() in docs/doxygen/overviews/changes_since28.h. This file describes changes to this macro so don't block commits changing it just because it contains "_T".

2012-11-03 19:34 BP, revision 72877

Finished adding @tableofcontents to all overviews in the manual.

2012-11-03 19:33 BP, revision 72876

Bumped the reference manual date.