

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-11-09 07:17 PC, revision 72934

avoid deprecated functions with GTK3

2012-11-09 06:02 RD, revision 72933

wxBrushList and wxFontList do not derive from wxList.

2012-11-08 18:47 PC, revision 72927

don't assign NULL to wxUIntPtr, wxUIntPtr is not a pointer, closes #14811

2012-11-08 18:34 PC, revision 72926

avoid using deprecated gdk_cursor_unref() with GTK3

2012-11-08 18:18 PC, revision 72925

Disable GTK2-specific code to change theme when building wxGTK3. It doesn't work with GTK3, it causes deprecation warnings, and allowing an app to change its theme is a dumb idea

2012-11-08 16:46 SC, revision 72924

support for freeze and thaw under cocoa

2012-11-08 15:20 VZ, revision 72923

No changes, just remove unnecessary forward declarations. wxToggleBitmapButton doesn't exist any more, don't forward declare it. wxToggleButton does exist but is (fully) declared just below, so don't forward declare it neither.

2012-11-07 19:10 VZ, revision 72922

Another Nepalese translations update from Him Prasad Gautam.

2012-11-07 18:58 PC, revision 72921

update fullscreen state when it is changed by the WM

2012-11-07 11:02 JJ, revision 72920

Update OpenVMS make-files

2012-11-07 10:00 JJ, revision 72919

Fix for specific filename syntax of OpenVMS

2012-11-07 07:32 PC, revision 72918

add GTK3 implementations for remaining renderer functions

2012-11-07 00:57 VZ, revision 72917

Don't leave orphan taskbar icon window alive if setting it up fails. This fixes a rare bug which happens when we fail to install the task bar icon under MSW for whatever reason (the only known way to reproduce it is to try to do it very quickly after resume from suspend but there might be other situations in which this happens). In this case we must delete the icon as we are not going to get any timeout expiration notifications for it and so if we don't delete it immediately, it would remain alive forever, preventing the application from exiting as it counts as a top level window.

2012-11-07 00:56 VZ, revision 72916

Keep item data in sync with their position in wxEditableListBox. When swapping the items, we also need to swap their client data and not just their labels. Closes #14800.

2012-11-07 00:56 VZ, revision 72915

Restore propagation of EVT_SEARCHCTRL_CANCEL_BTN events to the parent. This was broken by r72581, add event.Skip() call to the handler for this event added there. Also add a handler for this event to the corresponding page of the widgets sample to be able to test this. Closes #14799.

2012-11-07 00:54 VZ, revision 72914

Fix regression with wxAuiToolBar gripper and overflow members initialization. The changes of r72785 moved m_gripperVisible and m_overflowVisible initialization to Init() but this was too early as these fields depend on the window style only set when it's really created, so re-initialize them to their proper values in Create(). Closes #14794.

2012-11-07 00:54 VZ, revision 72913

Use wxAUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE instead of 0 as default style value. No real changes. See #14794.

2012-11-07 00:54 VZ, revision 72912

Minor improvements to wxEVT_COMMAND_DIRCTRL_CHANGED generation. Set the event object for this event. Also don't skip the original tree event if the wxEVT_COMMAND_DIRCTRL_CHANGED event was handled and disallowed. Closes #14792.

2012-11-07 00:53 VZ, revision 72911

Add wxUSE_BASE checks for wxLog classes in the interface header. Also rearrange them so that the derived classes always appear after the base ones, otherwise SWIG can't compile this file. Closes #14784.

2012-11-07 00:53 VZ, revision 72910

Add wxUSE_{BASE,GUI} checks to interface headers. This allows to define just one of them to run some tool, e.g. SWIG, on only the classes defined in the base or in the core library (both are defined by default for Doxygen itself). Closes #14785.

2012-11-06 18:43 PC, revision 72908

add GTK3-specific code for DrawItemSelectionRect(), fixes drawing selected tree control item

2012-11-06 17:51 VZ, revision 72907

No changes, just fix indentation in wxDataViewMainWindow::Expand(). The code was indented two extra levels for some reason.

2012-11-06 17:51 VZ, revision 72906

Update the current row after item deletion in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Also change the code changing the current item to collect the range checks inside OnVerticalNavigation() itself instead of doing them in the caller. Closes #14802.

2012-11-06 17:50 VZ, revision 72905

Never collapse invisible root item in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Since the changes of r72325, the root item could be collapsed and marked as not having any children but this was wrong because no items could be added to it after this. Just ignore any attempts to collapse it. Closes #14801.

2012-11-06 17:25 VZ, revision 72904

Remove __WXMSW__ check around background erasing in generic wxDataViewCtrl. The background was erased only under MSW for some reason, do it everywhere now.