

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-12-08 01:37 VZ, revision 73139

Catch attempts to create a window with itself as parent. This doesn't happen often but when it does, the results are catastrophic and not always easy to debug, so try catch this as soon as possible.

2012-12-08 01:37 VZ, revision 73138

Remove check of eof() return value validity. It's useless and resulted in a warning from Coverity as it correctly determined that this code could never be executed under Unix.

2012-12-06 06:33 PC, revision 73136

disable Ubuntu "overlay scrollbar", see #14871

2012-12-05 18:38 PC, revision 73134

fix tests for valid pen and brush, broken in r73099

2012-12-05 17:23 JS, revision 73133

wxRTC text box layout fixes

2012-12-04 13:28 VZ, revision 73127

Compilation fir for VC6 after r73124. VC6 doesn't have __debugbreak().

2012-12-04 01:39 VZ, revision 73126

Explicitly set margins for single line text controls in wxMSW. The margin used by them was inconsistent and depended on the initial size the control was created with for some reason. Call EM_SETMARGINS explicitly to ensure consistent appearance in all cases. Closes #2438.

2012-12-04 01:39 VZ, revision 73125

Add missing critical section locking before accessing shared variable. WinThreadStart() in wxMSW wxThread implementation accessed the variable containing the thread state without locking which was wrong, do it only inside the critical section. Notice that there is still an unavoidable race condition between exiting the thread and starting it, so it's not clear at all if we should try to avoid calling DoThreadStart() here. Closes #14865.

2012-12-04 01:39 VZ, revision 73124

Open debugger at the location of failing assert, if possible. Break into the debugger in the function containing the assert that failed instead of inside wxWidgets assert handler which is several (~8) levels below the last line of the user code. This is much more useful in practice and also less confusing. Currently this only works for MSVC as the other compilers don't have any __debugbreak intrinsice equivalent. Also update the except sample to test wxTrap() directly too. Closes #11184.

2012-12-04 00:56 VZ, revision 73123

Tag complete libtiff 4.0.3 on vendor branch.

2012-12-04 00:55 VZ, revision 73122

Add directory somehow omitted from libtiff 4.0.3 import. We don't really need this one but add it to avoid unnecessary differences with the upstream sources.

2012-12-03 20:09 VZ, revision 73113

Tag libtiff 4.0.3 on vendor branch.

2012-12-03 19:22 VZ, revision 73112

Update vendor libtiff sources to version 4.0.3. See #12301.

2012-12-03 19:14 PC, revision 73111

Remove SashHitTest() "tolerance" parameter Mouse events (LeftDown in particular) will only occur if the mouse is over the sash, so it does not make sense to have a fudge factor

2012-12-03 19:04 PC, revision 73110

Avoid setting sash resize cursor when mouse is still over border of second pane with wxGTK This made it possible to have the resize cursor, but not be able to drag the sash, and happened because wxGTK sends a leave event when mouse leaves client area instead of outer border of window. Setting the useless SashHitTest() "tolerance" parameter to zero avoids the problem. Fixes #1397

2012-12-03 18:37 PC, revision 73109

Fix SashHitTest() returning true one pixel past the sash If the sash is n pixels wide, the last position over the sash is start + n - 1, not start + n

2012-12-03 18:05 VZ, revision 73108

Exclude files in vendor branches from svn hook checks. These files correspond to upstream sources and shouldn't be subject to our checks.

2012-12-03 01:34 VZ, revision 73107

wxGTK linking fix after r73102. Remove SendSelectionChangedEvent() declaration, it's now in the base class.

2012-12-03 00:50 VZ, revision 73106

Correct lookup of Explorer-specific file association information. The code added in r52154 never worked because it was looking for the Progid value in a wrong place, look for it under UserChoice subkey where it really is. Also add a way to look up the command to open files with the given extension to the exec sample. Closes #12302.

2012-12-03 00:50 VZ, revision 73105

No changes, just reorganize the menu slightly in the exec sample. Move all file association related commands under "File" menu from the "Exec" one, having them there makes more sense and "Exec" menu is already quite big.

2012-12-03 00:49 VZ, revision 73104

Allow specifying -1 as font size to mean "default" in wxMSW. This has never been officially documented but used to work in 2.8 and still works in wxGTK, so make it works in wxMSW too for consistency. Closes #12541.

2012-12-03 00:49 VZ, revision 73103

Make wxChoice and wxComboBox behaviour same as in native controls in wxMSW. Keep the item selected from the drop down using keyboard when switching away from the control by pressing TAB: although this generates CBN_SELENDCANCEL notification, the selection is actually kept by the native controls in this case, so don't reset it ourselves -- even though it makes sense, it makes wx applications behave differently from the native ones.

2012-12-03 00:48 VZ, revision 73102

Add wxControlWithItems::SendSelectionChangedEvent() helper. Reuse the same event generation code for wxChoice in wxMSW, wxGTK and wxOSX and also wxComboBox in wxMSW and wxGTK instead of duplicating it (incompletely and so partially incorrectly in wxOSX case). This is just a refactoring so no changes in behaviour.

2012-12-03 00:48 VZ, revision 73101

Avoid using "do { ... } while ( wxFalse )" pseudo-loop. This loop can't be optimized away by the compiler because wxFalse is an extern variable which can't be known to be always false. Additionally, this creates many false positives from Coverity as it assumes that the loop can be executed more than once. Define wxSTATEMENT_MACRO_BEGIN/END macros abstracting the exact solution used and replace wxFalse with "(void)0, 0" for now as this seems to placate MSVC (which warns about using a bare "0" as a condition) while still allowing the loop to be completely optimized away.

2012-12-02 21:24 VZ, revision 73100

Warn, don't assert, about unexpected inotify events. In practice we seem to be getting some unexpected inotify() events during heavy IO activity. This shouldn't happen but it does, so at least don't prevent the program from running by popping up the assertion dialog when it happens. Closes #14854.