

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-03-25 12:00 VS, revision 67307

Revert r67137. GTK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES causes trouble with other included libraries (libgnomeprint this time) too. This check for trivially fixed problems is not worth the continuing trouble. Fixes #13078.

2011-03-24 18:53 JS, revision 67306

wxRTC image writing speedup didn't make it into 2.8.12

2011-03-24 17:52 PC, revision 67305

fix tool item enter/leave notify, fixes #13083

2011-03-24 17:08 VZ, revision 67304

Set m_inheritBgCol flag in wxPanel with a background bitmap. This ensures that the panel background is used by its transparent children under wxMSW even when the panel itself is inside a wxNotebook with themed background: making InheritsBackgroundColour() return true prevents the notebook from overriding our background.

2011-03-24 11:59 JS, revision 67303

Speeded up image saving to XML (WriteHex).

2011-03-24 11:58 JS, revision 67302

Speeded up image saving to XML (WriteHex).

2011-03-23 18:37 PC, revision 67299

move deprecated GtkTooltips forward declaration to one place that still needs it

2011-03-23 18:36 PC, revision 67298

clean up wxGTK tooltip code

2011-03-23 16:22 DS, revision 67297

backported r67296. ( Fixed buffer overflow when saving certain images in the Windows icon format. When an image did not have a width with a multiple of 4 the calculations for the number of padding bytes (to get a scan line DWORD aligned) would be wrong. This caused a buffer overrun when saving the 1 bits per pixel mask. See #12937. )

2011-03-23 16:20 DS, revision 67296

Fixed buffer overflow when saving certain images in the Windows icon format. When an image did not have a width with a multiple of 4 the calculations for the number of padding bytes (to get a scan line DWORD aligned) would be wrong. This caused a buffer overrun when saving the 1 bits per pixel mask. Fixes #12937.

2011-03-23 14:57 VS, revision 67295

Only react to clicks on the checkbox in wxDataViewToggleRenderer. Previously, left click anywhere in the cell toggled the checkbox. This was unexpected when the cursor was far from the checkbox in a wide column. With this change, one has to be over the checkbox to toggle it.

2011-03-23 13:59 VZ, revision 67294

Add WXK_CONTROL_A..WXK_CONTROL_Z constants. These key codes provide nicer symbolic values for ASCII values in 1..26 range generated by Ctrl+Letter keys. Closes #13075.

2011-03-23 11:37 VZ, revision 67293

Prevent event generation in wxGtkCalendarCtrl::SetDate(). Block not only gtk_day_selected_callback() but also gtk_month_changed_callback() as we don't want wxEVT_CALENDAR_PAGE_CHANGED generated neither when calling SetDate(). This fixes partial resetting of the just set value in wxDatePickerCtrl as calling SetDate() there resulted in the date being reset from inside it and the behaviour of the control was clearly wrong as could be seen in the widgets sample. Closes #13073.

2011-03-23 11:37 VZ, revision 67292

Use correct month in the date picker page of the widgets sample. Months returned by wxDateTime::GetMonth() start from 0 while people mostly expect to have 1-based months in the UI.

2011-03-22 20:13 VS, revision 67290

Fix <object_ref> processing to respect overridden attributes. r60494 accidentally broke this, by adding faster code path for child-less <object_ref>s. Unfortunately, this made it ignore <object_ref>s without children, but with attributes overrides. Fixes #13061.

2011-03-22 19:44 SC, revision 67289

wiring notifications

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67288

Add wxUSE_THREADS checks around wxMSW functions dealing with threads. This removes the code unneeded in wxUSE_THREADS==0 build and also fixes compilation of wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread() which didn't compile any more with wxUSE_THREADS==0 since r67185. Closes #13050.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67287

Don't consider fully opaque bitmaps as having alpha in wxMSW. Remove the alpha channel from the DIB we create not only if all of its pixels are fully transparent but also if they are all fully opaque. This prevents us from erroneously creating bitmaps with alpha channel when none is needed nor expected. Closes #13056.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67286

Add wxText{Input,Output}Stream::Get{Input,Output}Stream() methods. These methods simply return the underlying low-level stream. See #10807.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67285

Post size events to the event handler and not window itself. Post the artificial wxSizeEvent to the window event handler and not window itself in SendSizeEvent() as otherwise any event handlers wouldn't see this event at all. Closes #13066.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67284

Use disabled version of normal bitmap for disabled one in wxMSW::wxButton. Initialize the disabled button bitmap with a greyed out version of the normal one instead of using the same normal bitmap for it. This is more consistent with the other ports and makes more sense. Closes #13070.

2011-03-22 17:40 SC, revision 67283

first version of osx_cocoa implementation

2011-03-22 17:39 SC, revision 67282

only remove from parent if not content view, fixes #13068

2011-03-22 16:07 VZ, revision 67281

Correctly align background brush when erasing owner drawn bitmaps in wxMSW. Add a hack to work around the problem with background alignment when drawing the owner-drawn buttons in wxMSW. This fixes the alignment for any custom brushes used for background painting but doesn't help with user-defined EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handlers which still don't work well with the owner-drawn buttons. Unfortunately DrawThemeParentBackground() remains a mystery and I couldn't understand why not only doesn't it position the DC correctly on its own but also ignores any attempts to do it manually. This also doesn't help with the stubbornly remaining one pixel non-transparent border around non-owner-drawn buttons which I just can't get rid of.

2011-03-22 15:17 DS, revision 67280

Fixed various typos. Applied patch by snowleopard2 fixing a bunch of typos such as misspellings and double words in the documentation. Combined the patch with some local queued typos waiting to be committed as well as adding new typo fixes inspired by the patch. Function names with American spelling were not changed nor was third-party code touched. The only code changes involve some changes in strings that are translated ("Can not" -> "Cannot"). Closes #13063 (again).

2011-03-22 15:08 BP, revision 67279

Extensive documentation typo patch (closes #13063).

2011-03-22 15:06 DS, revision 67278

No code changes, removed tabs from source file.

2011-03-22 11:57 JJ, revision 67277

Update OpenVMS makefiles for WXMARKUP

2011-03-22 10:56 JMS, revision 67276

To have better support for themed and custom backgrounds for wxMSW wxComboCtrl, use WS_EX_COMPOSITED and wxBG_STYLE_ERASE instead of custom double-buffering (when made possible by the OS version)

2011-03-22 09:59 JMS, revision 67275

In wxComboCtrlBase::DrawButton(), let the button background rendering changes also apply to buttons with user-defined bitmaps

2011-03-22 09:45 JMS, revision 67274

Added entry for recent wxComboCtrl background rendering changes

2011-03-22 08:10 SC, revision 67273

fixes #13064

2011-03-22 07:44 SC, revision 67272

fixes #12579

2011-03-21 12:00 VZ, revision 67269

Fix wxMSW build without PCH after recent wxPanel changes. Add missing include of wx/bitmap.h in !WX_PRECOMP case. Closes #13060.

2011-03-21 11:59 VZ, revision 67268

Allow using milliseconds in wxLog timestamp. Use wxDateTime::UNow() instead of time() and wxDateTime::Format() instead of localtime() to make it possible to use "%l" specifier in wxLog time stamp. Closes #13059.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67267

Added a simple example of semi-transparent window to the erase sample. Show how to create a custom control with transparent background. Notice that this doesn't work in wxGTK currently.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67266

Remove keyboard-related code from the erase sample. This code seems irrelevant in this sample and just complicates it unnecessarily.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67265

Don't draw the mysterious black rectangle in the erase sample. The black rectangle drawn in EVT_PAINT handler in the sample prevented the custom background from showing through the wxStaticBitmap. Maybe it was initially done intentionally but this makes the sample look broken so just don't do this.

2011-03-20 20:48 DS, revision 67264

Made some TIFF reading adjustments. Read a few TIFF tags that assist with having a similar TIFF file when saving the image again, instead of (by default) always saving as a 24-bit RGB image. Also, in accordance with libtiff, allow reading X and Y resolution values even if the resolution unit tag is not set. Applied (modified) patch by scottb. Closes #13015.

2011-03-20 13:27 JS, revision 67259

Removed ugly black (simple) border around wxHTML help window in wxGTK.

2011-03-20 12:50 VZ, revision 67258

Fix test for wxHAS_GENERIC_PANEL for PCH-less build. wxHAS_GENERIC_PANEL is only defined in wx/panel.h so test for it after including this file, not before. This fixes link errors due to missing wxPanel symbols in PCH-less builds.

2011-03-20 12:50 SC, revision 67257

spinctrl on mac is generic, so the peer is a userpane, fixes #13058

2011-03-20 12:15 JMS, revision 67256

Added wxComboCtrlBase::m_hasTcBgCol. Re-using base wxWindow::m_hasBgCol was trouble.

2011-03-20 11:59 JMS, revision 67255

Redone (generic) wxComboCtrl background painting and handling. The 'actual' wxWindow background colour is now largely ignored and overridden to refer the text-area's background colour instead (as is usually the case with controls like this). Base 'transparent' background is now only painted when double-buffered rendering is required, and otherwise delegated to the system, as appropriate. This should significantly improve control's appearance and compliancy with GTK+ and OS X themes and custom backgrounds.

2011-03-20 01:14 DS, revision 67254

No changes, synchronised source names that appear commented at the top of files with the actual path to the files. Fixed commented names (path, filename, and extension) of files in include/ and src/. Prepended the names in src/ with "src/" everywhere, while starting those in include/wx/ with "wx/".

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67253

Add wxPanel::SetBackgroundBitmap(). This method provides a simple way to set a background bitmap without defining an EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handler and, more importantly, one that works correctly in wxMSW for a window with children as it paints the background of transparent children too. Add a test of this method to the erase sample.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67252

Deprecate old style wxPanel ctor taking separate coordinates. wxPanel had a ctor in very old (wx 1.x-compatible?) style which was marked as "old" and not documented but not officially deprecated. Do deprecate it now in view of removing it in later releases.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67251

Split wxPanel in wxPanelBase and platform-specific files. So far we have only wxMSW-specific implementation (and also a trivial wxUniv-specific one) but it's still tidier to have all platform-specific code in separate files, especially as we're going to have more of it for wxMSW soon.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67250

No changes, just refactor wxMSW background brush methods. Factor out MSWGetCustomBgBrush() from MSWGetBgBrushForChild(). This is useful as in the vast majority of cases the parent window will want to use the same background brush for all of its children so it doesn't really care about the concrete child passed to MSWGetBgBrushForChild() and we can adjust the brush to the child origin in the common code instead of asking each derived class overriding MSWGetBgBrushForChild() to do this. This doesn't change anything but will make the upcoming changes to wxPanel background painting simpler.

2011-03-19 21:35 JS, revision 67249

Applied #13055: socket thread safety

2011-03-19 13:29 JS, revision 67248

Document wxRTC XML performance fix

2011-03-19 13:27 JS, revision 67247

Fix very poor performance on wxGTK when loading a lot of paragraphs with fonts due to pango calls in font accessors called from FindOrCreateFont.

2011-03-19 12:57 VZ, revision 67246

Fix wxRegKey::GetKeyInfo() output parameters in 64 bit builds. Use intermediate 32 bit DWORD variables for ::RegQueryInfoKey() outputs as size_t is 64 bit in 64 bit MSW builds and so the variables of type size_t can't/shouldn't be passed directly to this function to avoid only filling their lower 32 bits. Closes #11778.

2011-03-19 12:57 VZ, revision 67245

Slightly improve wxMouseCaptureLostEvent documentation. Minor changes to make the event description more clear. Closes #13052.

2011-03-19 12:57 VZ, revision 67244

Document wxPopupTransientWindow. Also fix a typo in a comment in the real class declaration. Closes #13044.

2011-03-19 09:36 SC, revision 67243

going private with userpane info

2011-03-18 23:22 DS, revision 67240

Fixed documentation of enum wxImageResizeQuality. A C-style comment was not closed and resulted in the explanation of wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL additionally containing the explanation of wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BOX_AVERAGE and the latter having none. Regression since r67203.

2011-03-18 16:45 SC, revision 67233

moving userpane attribute into implementation

2011-03-18 16:10 DS, revision 67232

Set svn properties on various files throughout the repository (skipped docs/ ). Added missing svn:eol-style (set to native) and svn:keywords (set to Id) properties to c/cpp/cxx/h/mm files.

2011-03-18 15:33 SC, revision 67231

going private for m_peer to give a foundation for better encapsulation

2011-03-18 15:20 SC, revision 67230

going private for m_peer to give a foundation for better encapsulation

2011-03-18 10:16 VZ, revision 67229

Fix exporting clipboard data to primary selection in wxGTK. Honour the requested selection in our selection handler instead of always returning the default one resulting in wrong data being pasted when using primary selection (e.g. middle clicking). Closes #12947.

2011-03-18 10:16 VZ, revision 67228

Add wxHtmlHelpController::SetShouldPreventAppExit(). Add a method which can be used to indicate that the help window should prevent the application from exiting and use it in the help sample to prevent it from closing prematurely. Closes #13046.

2011-03-18 10:16 VZ, revision 67227

Limit the search in wxMSW virtual wxListCtrl by time. Instead of performing the search only up to a certain number of items, do it for as long as it takes less than the given time threshold (currently fixed at half a second). Closes #13038.

2011-03-18 08:16 JJ, revision 67226

Update configuration for OpenVMS

2011-03-17 12:35 VZ, revision 67224

Add a wxStaticText to the erase simple. This control explains better what is going on in the sample and also allows to test whether wxStaticText itself has properly transparent background (this is not currently the case under MSW).

2011-03-17 10:46 JS, revision 67223

Fixed problems caused by duplicated names across different style types.

2011-03-17 10:23 JS, revision 67222

Fixed problems caused by duplicated names across different style types.

2011-03-16 20:16 SC, revision 67221

adding missing newline at end of file

2011-03-16 14:15 SC, revision 67220

removing condition that is always true anyway (unsigned>=0)

2011-03-16 13:46 DS, revision 67219

Added support for reading image resolutions from PNG images. Patch by scottb. Closes #12893.

2011-03-16 11:58 SC, revision 67218

fixing unused params

2011-03-16 11:57 SC, revision 67217

always skip OnSize

2011-03-16 11:56 SC, revision 67216

calling explicit base class constructor from copy constructor

2011-03-16 11:55 SC, revision 67215

calling explicit base class constructor from copy constructor

2011-03-16 08:22 SC, revision 67214

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 08:18 SC, revision 67213

fixing iterator use

2011-03-16 08:16 SC, revision 67212

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 08:06 SC, revision 67211

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 08:00 SC, revision 67210

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 07:57 SC, revision 67209

making conversion explicit silences deprecation warning

2011-03-16 07:49 SC, revision 67208

signed/unsigned warning fix

2011-03-16 07:40 SC, revision 67207

signed/unsigned warning fix

2011-03-16 07:36 SC, revision 67206

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 07:34 SC, revision 67205

silence incorrect warning about missing return value

2011-03-15 21:21 SC, revision 67204

fixing iphone build

2011-03-15 17:42 DS, revision 67203

Changed behaviour of wxImageResizeQuality parameter in wxImage.Scale and wxImage.Rescale. Made the following changes: * Formerly specifying to resize using wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC or wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR could result in the ResampleBox method being used. Now always resize with the method that the user actually specified. * Added wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BOX_AVERAGE to explicitly allow resizing with the ResampleBox method. * Previously wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH was equal to wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC. It has been changed to use wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BOX_AVERAGE when reducing the size of an image and wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC in all other cases. Closes #12845.

2011-03-15 17:37 DS, revision 67202

Changed wxImage.ResampleBox to always use a box size of at least 2 by 2 pixels. Previously when resizing by more than 50% (for example resizing from 100x100 to 51x51 or 140x140) a box size of 1x1 would be used which effectively would give the same result as using nearest neighbour. Make sure that at least a box size of 2x2 pixels is always used. Patch by scottb, see also #12845.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67201

Always use icons with wxToolbook in the notebook sample. wxToolbook asserts and doesn't work if it has no images so always use them with it in the sample to avoid it. Closes #11656.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67200

Use consistent sizes for all icons used in the button page of widgets sample. Explicitly pass wxART_BUTTON to wxArtProvider to ensure that all the icons are returned in the same size, otherwise they didn't look well and could result in an assert too, see #12909.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67199

Fix setting tooltips for generic wxSpinCtrl. Forward the tooltip set for the control to its subcontrols. Closes #9817.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67198

Document wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED in wxSlider documentation too. This even was only documented in wxCommandEvent documentation but not in wxSlider, mention it there too. Closes #12292.

2011-03-15 00:25 VZ, revision 67195

No changes, just clean up wxSVGFileDC code a little. Use literal strings instead of macros such as "newline", "space" and "semicolon" and also use wxColour::GetAsString() instead of reimplementing it. Closes #13037.

2011-03-14 12:55 VZ, revision 67192

Show wx{Note,Tool}book-specific styles in the notebook sample too. Demonstrate the use of styles such as wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH or wxTBK_HORZ_LAYOUT specific to particular controls and not only the ones common to all of them. Closes #13036.

2011-03-14 12:55 VZ, revision 67191

Don't generate wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK events while the mouse is captured. This prevents the parent TLW from interfering with the keyboard handling of the window that captured the mouse which very often needs Escape for itself to cancel the capture. In particular, this fixes the problems with Escape closing the entire dialog containing the controls instead of closing just the combobox drop down or a popup menu in wxMSW. Also modify wxGTK for consistency and update the documentation. Closes #12952.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67190

Document EVT_CHAR_HOOK. Explain that it is sent to the active TLW and not the focus window and that handling it suppresses all the normal keyboard events. Mention that it is not generated by wxOSX/Cocoa currently, see #12431.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67189

Don't intercept Escape key while IME is active. Escape is used by IME and intercepting it at wxWidgets level to generate EVT_CHAR_HOOK breaks the IME UI and may result in unexpected loss of data entered by user. To work around this, don't generate EVT_CHAR_HOOK for Escape while IME is active by checking for the special semaphore variable (which could be also used for other things in the future, see #9102) value. Closes #11386.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67188

Produce correct SVG files in all locales. Using wxSVGFileDC in locales using comma as decimal separator resulted in invalid SVG files being created as a decimal period should always be used in them. Fix this by replacing "%g" format specification with wxString::FromCDouble() call (wrapped in a convenient NumStr() helper function). Closes #12008.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67187

Fix changing the size of the bitmaps in wxMSW wxButton. The size of the wxImageList used to store the bitmaps wasn't updated before and so the old bitmap size continued to be used even after changing the actual bitmaps. Recreate wxXPButtonImageData to ensure that the image list size does change. Closes #12909.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67186

Print everything by default in non-interactive mode. IF we don't show the dialog allowing the user to select the pages range, we should print everything by default instead of printing nothing at all as we used to do. Closes #12998.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67185

Allow wxThread::Wait() and Delete() to block, even under wxMSW. Add "wait mode" parameter to these methods which can be used to make them block even under wxMSW where they currently dispatch messages when called which can be totally unexpected. Do keep the old behaviour for compatibility however, although it will change i 3.2. Closes #12998.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67184

Respect alignment flags for owner-drawn buttons in wxMSW. Honour wxBU_{LEFT,RIGHT,TOP,BOTTOM} flags for owner drawn buttons too, this ensures that you can both change the colour and align the text differently for buttons under XP and later. Closes #12995.

2011-03-14 11:27 JS, revision 67183

Added initialisation and checks

2011-03-14 11:27 JS, revision 67182

Added initialisation and checks

2011-03-13 14:53 VZ, revision 67181

Added precision parameter to wxString::From[C]Double(). Optionally support fixed precision in wxString::FromDouble() and FromCDouble() methods. This is mostly useful for the latter to be able to format numbers in portable way (using dot as decimal separator) without loss of precision but also do it for the former for consistency. Closes #12973.

2011-03-13 14:53 VZ, revision 67180

No changes, just correct a wrong trailing comment in #else. The test meaning was inverted.

2011-03-13 14:33 VZ, revision 67179

Document wxTE_MULTILINE support in wxTextEntryDialog. It wasn't immediately obvious that this dialog could be used for multiline text entry too so mention it explicitly in the documentation. Also show this in action in the dialogs sample.

2011-03-13 10:32 JMS, revision 67178

wxComboCtrl and wxOwnerDrawnComboBox had incorrect (edge) background colour under some GTK+ themes

2011-03-12 16:57 SC, revision 67174

add external utf16 text type explicitely, as it otherwise gets treated like plain-text

2011-03-12 16:19 PMO, revision 67173

Move/Position the controls after they have been created

2011-03-12 16:05 PMO, revision 67172

Added QtTest library and '-fmessage-length=0' for easier error parsing

2011-03-11 20:54 SC, revision 67170

supporting 24 and 64 sizes via scaling up

2011-03-10 19:56 SC, revision 67168

under cocoa a too-small static box leads to erroneous layout information, therefore use fixed code layout info, fixes #13006

2011-03-10 19:55 SC, revision 67167

safeguard against not-yet-shown view which leads to crashes under OSX

2011-03-09 18:22 PC, revision 67164

add wxEVT_MAXIMIZE support to wxGTK

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67163

Make brush hatches in wxGTK consistent with wxMSW. The cross, vertically and horizontally hatched brushes used 4 pixels between the hatches in wxGTK but 7 in wxMSW which was very noticeable. Use the same pattern in wxGTK as MSW uses (as we can't change it there anyhow). Closes #13029.

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67162

Correct the name of the header for GTK+ < 2.14. Remove the extra ".h" suffix added during recent GTK+ 3-related changes.

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67161

Add tests of other hatched brushes to the drawing sample. Test wxCROSS_HATCH, wxVERTICAL_HATCH and wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH brushes and not only the wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH one. See #13029.

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67160

Don't pop up annoying message box in the drawing sample. The rubber banding selection message box was shown even after a simple click, i.e. when nothing was actually selected which was quite annoying, so don't do this. Also remove unnecessary casts and use wxLogMessage() instead of wxString::Printf() + wxMessageBox().

2011-03-09 11:07 VZ, revision 67159

Corrections to wxTextCtrl::HitTest() documentation. Fix the signature of the overload returning row and column which got corrupted during transition to Doxygen and document the overload returning the position as well. Also document all the parameters. Closes #12954.

2011-03-09 10:44 VZ, revision 67158

Send wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_CACHE_HINT to proper window. The event was sent to wxDataViewCtrl parent instead of the control itself for some reason, fix this. Closes #13020.

2011-03-09 10:40 VZ, revision 67157

Mention that wxEVT_MAXIMIZE is only generated by a few ports. Currently only wxMSW, wxOSX/Cocoa and wxOS2 generate this event. Notably wxGTK does not. See #13022.

2011-03-09 10:40 VZ, revision 67156

Correct EVT_MAXIMIZE macro name in wxTLW documentation. EVT_ACTIVATE was mistakenly used instead. See #13022.

2011-03-09 10:28 VZ, revision 67155

Fix search for item by text in wxMSW wxListCtrl. LVN_ODFINDITEM handler could enter infinite loop if its selection was 0 and a key not matching any of the items first letters was pressed. Rewrite the loop in a simpler form to ensure that it is correct. Also clarify some comments. Finally, fix the behaviour when no matching item was found (if it didn't hang in infinite loop, it used to select the first item in the control). Closes #13026.

2011-03-09 10:28 VZ, revision 67154

Don't assert if starting search position in LVN_ODFINDITEM is invalid. Just use wxLogDebug() if this happens, asserting here is not the right thing to do as it doesn't indicate an error in the program but rather invalid external input and, moreover, we can recover from it easily. No changes in behaviour in normal case.

2011-03-08 18:22 VZ, revision 67151

Add another missing #if wxUSE_MARKUP check. The definition of DoSetLabelMarkup() should only be compiled when wxUSE_MARKUP==1.

2011-03-08 18:22 VZ, revision 67150

Czech translation update from Zbynek Schwarz. Fix some incorrect terms.

2011-03-08 15:47 JS, revision 67149

Fixed a hang in wxYield caused by menubar fix sending size events in a loop. Now only resizes the frame's contents if the menubar has changed height, to avoid triggering the loop.

2011-03-07 21:26 SC, revision 67146

support app activated and deactivated events, also bring back float_on_parent windows to normal level on deactivate to avoid behaving like stay_on_top

2011-03-07 20:04 SC, revision 67144

window level support

2011-03-07 18:31 SC, revision 67143

bracket unused function

2011-03-07 14:02 JMS, revision 67142

To prevent wxPropertyGrid from stealing frocus from other controls, only let SetFocusOnCanvas() move focus to the main grid 'canvas' if focus was already in on the grid's child controls

2011-03-07 13:07 VS, revision 67141

gtk/gtkunixprint.h only exists since GTK+ 2.14.

2011-03-06 19:22 VS, revision 67137

Don't directly include GTK+ semi-public headers. Only the main headers (e.g. gtk/gtk.h) should be included and GTK+ 3 is strict about this. Enable compile-time checks for this that work with GTK+ 2.24.

2011-03-06 19:22 VS, revision 67136

Include gdk/gdkkeysyms-compat.h. GTK+ 2.22 changed GDK_* keysym constants to GDK_KEY_* and introduced a new header for the old names. This header must be explicitly included in GTK+ 3, so do it for now. In the long run, we should migrate to the new names.

2011-03-06 16:27 SC, revision 67135

use FixedToFloat everywhere to make sure we don't round too early, preserve fractional width with CoreText as well

2011-03-06 16:24 SC, revision 67134

position buttons to the right on OSX as well

2011-03-06 15:49 SC, revision 67133

fix positioning bug with window disabler and hidden windows

2011-03-06 10:09 JS, revision 67132

Fixed #13017: wxRichTextCtrl CopyToClipboard regression

2011-03-05 20:57 PMO, revision 67131

Update to trunk r67129

2011-03-05 19:36 SC, revision 67130

merge error

2011-03-05 13:21 SC, revision 67129

support wxWindowDisabler on osx_cocoa

2011-03-05 12:16 VZ, revision 67128

Add a dependency of wxUSE_TASKBARICON on wxUSE_MENUS. PopupMenu() method of wxTaskBarIcon doesn't make much sense without wxMenu.

2011-03-05 12:16 VZ, revision 67127

Don't initialize wxGBSpan with invalid values in wxGBSizerItem. Default wxGBSizerItem ctor initialized wxGBSpan with invalid values which resulted in an assert when loading wxGBSizer from XRC since r66964. Fix this by simply using the default wxGBSpan ctor instead. Closes #13004.

2011-03-04 17:36 SC, revision 67125

fixing a CG error during construction on 10.6, resizing the client area so that the content doesn't extend over the shape's boundingbox at the right and the bottom

2011-03-03 22:24 PMO, revision 67121

Improved creation of controls

2011-03-03 18:51 PC, revision 67120

fix Activate signature after r67099

2011-03-03 16:09 JS, revision 67119

Fixed crash on exit caused by deleting old logger in wxLogChain dtor.

2011-03-02 22:17 SC, revision 67114

proper focus lost for multiline textfields and having all demanding a focusrect

2011-03-02 22:16 SC, revision 67113

the wx part knows better whether it has the focus (may be the embedded NSView, not the m_peer)

2011-03-02 21:55 JS, revision 67112

Fixed a problem with paste resetting the content paragraph style.

2011-03-02 21:55 JS, revision 67111

Fixed a problem with paste resetting the content paragraph style.

2011-03-02 17:23 SC, revision 67110

move accel handling in front of the normal keyDown handling, support non-command menu accels

2011-03-02 17:21 SC, revision 67109

move accel handling in front of the normal keyDown handling

2011-03-02 16:43 SC, revision 67108

supporting more key equivalents for display, fixing setHidden: method warning

2011-03-02 16:42 SC, revision 67107

removing code that will not have to be updated

2011-03-02 11:29 VZ, revision 67106

Japanese translations update from Suzumizaki-Kimitaka. See #13003.

2011-03-02 11:28 VZ, revision 67105

Japanese translations update from Suzumizaki-Kimitaka. Closes #11773. Closes #13003.

2011-03-02 11:28 VZ, revision 67104

Fix typo in wxStack<T> documentation. I somehow managed to misspell wxStack<T> as wxSort<>. Closes #13002.

2011-03-02 11:15 VZ, revision 67103

Add missing wxUSE_MARKUP checks in wxOSX code. Don't define wxWidgetImpl::SetLabelMarkup() when wxUSE_MARKUP is off and definitely don't reimplement it in wxButtonCocoaImpl as this code doesn't compile without markup support.

2011-03-01 22:29 DS, revision 67101

Improved palette handling with saving PNG files. Instead of converting alpha to a mask an attempt is made to write a palettised PNG file with an ARGB palette using a maximum of 256 transparency values where formerly just up to one was supported. GIF images with 256 colours and transparency can now also be saved as a palettised PNG instead of true colour, making the image a lot smaller. Applied (modified) patch by troelsk. Closes #12850.

2011-03-01 13:16 VS, revision 67099

Pass wxRect/wxPoint arguments to wxDataViewCustomRenderer by reference. Instead of passing them by value, use const reference. This change is safe to do, because these methods' signatures were different in 2.8 anyhow.

2011-03-01 13:16 VS, revision 67098

Fixed typo.

2011-03-01 01:02 VZ, revision 67095

Relax the restriction on the number of colours in wxMSW wxPalette. Refuse to create palettes with more than 65536 colours and not 256 ones. It doesn't seem very useful to use more than 256 of them anyhow as any colours above index 255 can't be accessed via GetRGB() but don't break the palette creation with more colours in the stable branch without a good reason, maybe someone makes some use of this.

2011-02-28 22:23 VS, revision 67094

Toggle checkboxes in generic wxDataViewCtrl with single click. Both GTK+ and OS X native controls use single click to toggle checkboxes, instead of double-click activation used by the generic version. So does wxCheckListBox on Windows, so make wxDVC behave the same way. See #11185.

2011-02-28 22:23 VS, revision 67093

Get rid of WXGetAsCustom(). Instead, have WXOnActivate() and WXOnLeftClick() with same signatures as their public API counterparts and just call Activate/LeftClick() from them for wxDataViewCustomRenderer. This accomplishes the same thing, but makes it easier to override behaviour in wx's internal implementations of renderers.

2011-02-28 22:23 VS, revision 67092

wxDataViewCtrl: Fully prepare renderer for Activate() call. Instead of just setting the value in the generic implementation, do full preparation (incl. attributes etc.) as everywhere else.

2011-02-28 20:46 SC, revision 67091

adding hour constant to carbon build

2011-02-28 20:29 SC, revision 67090

fixing non-precomp headers

2011-02-28 15:47 SC, revision 67088

disable cursorRects for global busy state

2011-02-28 15:39 SC, revision 67087

avoid setting live cursor during busy state

2011-02-28 14:44 SC, revision 67086

add watch cursor to osx_cocoa

2011-02-28 13:14 SC, revision 67085

don't swallow command events that are not handled by accels, fixes #12373

2011-02-28 11:12 SC, revision 67084

adding taskbar implementation for statusitem (menubar) and dock, fixes #12838

2011-02-28 11:10 SC, revision 67083

moving appdelegate declaration to header

2011-02-28 11:07 SC, revision 67082

make sure the quit item is only shown where appropriate on osx

2011-02-28 10:26 SC, revision 67081

osx_cocoa supports both kind of taskbaricons in the menubar (standard) and as function of the dock (type DOCK)

2011-02-27 21:38 SC, revision 67078

make sure 10.4 command-key events are routed via the wx-accelerator route as well, fixes #12373

2011-02-27 19:36 VZ, revision 67077

Use single quotes in wxMarkupText unit test to work around VC6 bug. VC6 seems to have a strange bug with escaped quotes used in strings passed to macros and failed to compile the original code with nonsensical error messages. Use single quotes to try to work around this issue. They are also somewhat more readable as they don't need to be escaped inside C strings.

2011-02-27 19:36 VZ, revision 67076

Add a trivial virtual dtor to wxMarkupParserOutput. This class isn't really supposed to be used polymorphically but add a virtual dtor just to suppress g++ warning about it.

2011-02-27 19:36 VZ, revision 67075

Another fix for PCH-less build in markup code. Include wx/control.h to use wxControl::RemoveMnemonics() and FindAccelInIndex().

2011-02-27 16:09 DS, revision 67074

Fixed drawing glitch with vertical MSW toolbars. In case of a certain amount of whitespace at the bottom of a vertical toolbar it would not be drawn correctly: the more whitespace the more painting would be clipped starting from the left (covering the whole height of the toolbar) until the toolbar would look completely empty. This was reproducible using the toolbar sample, setting the toolbar on the left or right edge of the window and then increasing the height of the window sufficiently. Regression since r62971.

2011-02-27 15:01 VZ, revision 67073

Replace template function with template class to placate VC6. VC6 has very poor support for template functions and in particular doesn't understand explicitly choosing the type of the function to call so replace template DoApplyToFont() function with FontModifier template class in wxMarkupParserAttrOutput implementation.

2011-02-27 14:17 VZ, revision 67072

Fix for PCH-less build in markup code. Include wx/log.h to use wxLogDebug().

2011-02-27 14:10 VZ, revision 67071

Refuse to create palettes with more than 256 colours. Creating palettes with more than USHRT_MAX could result in memory corruption and there is really no reason to allow more than 256 of them anyhow as we already check that the color index is in 0..255 range in GetRGB().

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67070

Update markup support documentation. Mention that wxButton and wxStaticText now support markup in all major ports (using the generic version of the latter under MSW). Also mention markup changes in the change log.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67069

Add markup support to wxOSX/Cocoa wxStaticText and wxButton. Add wxMarkupToAttrString helper that converts wx markup to OS X attribute strings and use it in wxStaticText and wxButton. This required adding new SetLabelMarkup() method to wxWidgetCocoaImpl, it seems to make sense to have it there as it could be implemented by more controls in the future.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67068

No real changes, just make wxColour::OSXGetNSColor() const. There is no reason to not allow calling this method on const wxColour objects.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67067

Add markup support to generic wxStaticText implementation. wxMarkupText allows to easily support markup in the controls that we draw ourselves so use it in wxGenericStaticText to have a possibility to use markup on all platforms, even those where there is no native markup support in wxStaticText itself.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67066

Implement support for markup labels for wxGTK wxButton. Simply directly set the markup for the GtkLabel used by GtkButton internally.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67065

Add markup support to wxMSW wxButton and show it in the sample. Use recently added wxMarkupText to implement support for markup in wxMSW wxButton. Update the button page of the widgets sample to show markup support.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67064

Add generic wxMarkupText class implementing handling of markup. wxMarkupText is a private class that implements generic handling of markup strings, i.e. can measure them and render them onto a wxDC. This class will be used for markup support in wxMSW wxButton. Also add wxMarkupParserAttrOutput which will be useful for other wxMarkupText implementations.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67063

Add wxDC::GetFontMetrics() and implement it for wxMSW. Add a new wxDC method allowing to retrieve the font characteristics not available from GetTextExtent(), notably the internal leading (and also the average font width). Currently this is implemented for wxMSW only, the internal leading is always 0 in the other ports.

2011-02-27 13:48 VZ, revision 67062

Add wxUSE_MARKUP and wrap SetLabelMarkup() in it. Make it possible to disable all the new markup-related code by setting wxUSE_MARKUP to 0 in setup.h or using configure --disable-markup option.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67061

No changes, just add a couple of #if wxUSE_COMMANDLINKBUTTON tests. Don't even declare m_chkCommandLink if we have no support for command link buttons in the library.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67060

Draw the underline 1 pixel higher in wxDC::DrawLabel(). Adjust the height of the underline to be compatible with native MSW behaviour. Notice that in wxGTK we should use pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position() to get the font-dependent value that should be used here.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67059

Restore height tweaking in wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(). The change of r66893 was wrong, we do need to adjust the button height here because the increase to standard height is not enough if we use bigger fonts that require making taller buttons. The real problem was the use of EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT() which added too much to the height, so replace it with something based on the actual font height. This is still arbitrary but slightly better.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67058

Initialize wxButton::m_authNeeded in ctor and not Create() in wxMSW. Ensure that the member is always initialized as calling GetAuthNeeded() for a default-constructed button would access a non-initialized variable before.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67057

No changes, just do wxButton fields initialization in Init() in wxMSW. Add a helper function called from ctors and initialize m_imageData in it instead of doing it in each ctor -- this will be more important when we add more wxButton members.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67056

No changes, just move wxMSW wxButton::MakeOwnerDrawn() around. Put this method in the existing private section at the end of the class instead of having an extra access specifier just for it for some reason. Also add a comment explaining what it does and when is it used.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67055

Replace wxST_MARKUP style with wxControl::SetLabelMarkup(). This is an incompatible change which removes the wxStaticText-specific wxST_MARKUP style and adds wxControl::SetLabelMarkup() replacing it. It doesn't actually change anything yet but it simplifies wxStaticText code a lot by getting rid of many markup-related functions in it which had to behave differently depending on whether wxST_MARKUP was used or not and also paves way for adding markup support for the other controls in the future.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67054

Don't call base class SetLabel() from GTKSetLabelForLabel(). Calling wxControlBase::SetLabel() only from GTKSetLabelForLabel() made its behaviour inconsistent with GTKSetLabelWithMarkupForLabel() and also was redundant in all but two places from which it was called, so remove this call from this function itself and instead add it to its callers where it's really needed.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67053

Remove unnecessary use of RemoveMarkup() in wxMSW wxHyperlinkCtrl. Only the ampersands need to be escaped when setting the text of a native hyper link control in MSW and this is done by wxControl::EscapeMnemonics(), not by wxStaticText::RemoveMarkup() which also removes any tags which is not wanted at all here.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67052

Add wxFont::SetSymbolicSize() and SetSymbolicSizeRelativeTo(). These methods allow to set the font size using CSS-like absolute size specifications. Notice that the factors used here are incompatible with (but better than) the ones used in wxBuildFontSizes() in src/html/winpars.cpp. In the future it would be nice to reuse the new wxFont functions in wxHTML code.

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67051

Add wxFont::Underlined() and MakeUnderlined() methods. Add two more helpers for consistency with the existing methods such as Bold() and MakeBold().

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67050

Use wxMarkupParser in wxStaticText for dealing with markup. No real changes, just remove markup parsing code from wxStaticText implementation and reuse wxMarkupParser methods there instead. This makes include/wx/private/stattext.h file unnecessary as it is used only in a single place now so remove it and move its remaining contents to src/gtk/mnemonics.cpp.

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67049

Add wxMarkupParser::Strip(). This helper function strips all markup tags from the string (and also decodes the XML entities in it).

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67048

Add a class for parsing simple markup. This code is not used anywhere yet, this commit only adds the parser for the markup and the related classes as well as the corresponding unit test.

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67047

Add a simple wxStack<> template class based on wxVector<>. This is still simpler than std::stack<> which can be used with any container and not just wxVector<> but better than the WX_DECLARE_STACK() macro which was all that we had before.

2011-02-27 13:45 VZ, revision 67046

Disable NumValidatorTestCase::Interactive() for build bot slaves. This test consistently fails on the MSW build slave machines (see e.g. VC9 wxMSW trunk release/builds/2084/steps/test/logs/stdio) for unknown reason so disable it for them. Notice that it does pass when ran locally so it looks like another instance of a problem with wxUIActionSimulator on these machines rather than the problem with the class itself.

2011-02-27 13:45 VZ, revision 67045

Only use wxBU_EXACTFIT for width calculations in wxMSW wxButton. wxBU_EXACTFIT should affect the width of the button best size but not its height which should be at least the same as the height of a standard button even when wxBU_EXACTFIT is specified, otherwise buttons created with it (like the one in generic wxCollapsiblePane implementation) look completely ugly. This commit restores the old behaviour which was recently changed by wxButton sizing code simplifications.

2011-02-27 13:45 VZ, revision 67044

Specify correct size for disabled image list in wxMSW wxToolBar. Use the real bitmap size instead of the default tool size when creating the disabled image list as the actual bitmap size could be less than the default one and in this case adding images to the image list later would fail (as could be seen by using custom bitmaps in the toolbar sample).

2011-02-27 09:51 JMS, revision 67043

Include image.h and check for wxUSE_IMAGE

2011-02-27 09:16 JS, revision 67042

Change log for wxRTC fix

2011-02-27 09:15 JS, revision 67041

Applied #12986: Improved installation instructions for Mac OS X for 2.8.12 branch

2011-02-27 09:13 JS, revision 67040

Applied #12985: Improved installation instructions for wxWidgets for Mac OS X Cocoa and Carbon

2011-02-26 18:51 VZ, revision 67033

Fix libraries order in screenshotgen bakefile. The richtext library must come before the adv one as it depends on the classes in the latter and with the old libraries order linking failed in static build.

2011-02-26 18:46 VZ, revision 67032

Mention wxZlib classes in archives overview. Closes #12974.

2011-02-26 18:46 VZ, revision 67031

Don't use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER in wxSpinCtrlGeneric. We don't need to catch Enter presses to generate spin control events as we do it anyhow when we lose focus. So simply remove the Enter handling code entirely (it could be used to generate wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER events but we don't generate them nor wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED at all currently in the generic version). Closes #12980.

2011-02-26 18:46 VZ, revision 67030

Don't use wxTE_NOHIDESEL in wxSpinCtrlGeneric. There is no reason to use this flag for the spin control and doing it makes it gratuitously different from the native one under wxMSW.

2011-02-26 16:44 SC, revision 67029

fixing support for true children of wxStaticBox with wxStaticBoxSizer under osx_cocoa

2011-02-26 12:04 SC, revision 67028

making GetPosition 1:1 symmetrical to Move (respecting contentViews), fixing borderDrawing within NSBox

2011-02-25 18:28 JS, revision 67026

Fix for #11647: text from WriteText not scrolled to be visible in wxRichTextCtrl IsPositionVisible was incorrect.

2011-02-25 18:28 JS, revision 67025

Fix for #11647: text from WriteText not scrolled to be visible in wxRichTextCtrl IsPositionVisible was incorrect.

2011-02-25 14:00 JMS, revision 67024

In wxPGProperty::SetValueImage(), use wxImage::Rescale() for scaling down the bitmap instead of wx(Memory)DC functions. Results should look much nicer and also retains alpha channel with much less effert.

2011-02-25 13:25 JS, revision 67023

Applied patch in #12279: in wxRichTextCtrl, when wxRE_READONLY is set, the undo, redo function should be disabled

2011-02-25 13:25 JS, revision 67022

Applied patch in #12279: in wxRichTextCtrl, when wxRE_READONLY is set, the undo, redo function should be disabled

2011-02-25 13:21 JS, revision 67021

Applied #12601: Background color when saving wxRichText to HTML file

2011-02-25 12:37 JS, revision 67020

Applied #12941: Fixes and enhancements for wxRTC (Robert Hoffman)

2011-02-25 11:31 JS, revision 67019

Added missing colour index case

2011-02-25 10:38 JS, revision 67018

Added wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXHIGHLIGHTTEXT to fix tree and list control selection rendering.

2011-02-25 10:37 JS, revision 67017

Added wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXHIGHLIGHTTEXT to correct tree and list control selection rendering.

2011-02-24 21:34 VZ, revision 67015

Handle ANSI release configuration correctly in msvc/wx/setup.h. Preprocessor operations don't work with empty values so check for the case of empty suffix specially. This avoid warnings about "not enough actual parameters for macro 'wxSTRINGIZE_HELPER'" from MSVC.

2011-02-24 21:34 VZ, revision 67014

No changes, just fix a typo in the changelog. s/futher/further/

2011-02-24 19:08 JS, revision 67013

Better unfocused selected list item colouring

2011-02-24 15:56 SC, revision 67012

reverting part of r58797, otherwise wxClientDC get no graphics context at all

2011-02-24 11:02 JS, revision 67011

Fix for #12979: wrong unfocused selected text colour in wxTreeCtrl/wxListCtrl

2011-02-24 10:35 JS, revision 67010

Documented fixes

2011-02-24 09:42 JS, revision 67009

Applied #12959: Fix build with libpng-1.5

2011-02-24 00:35 VZ, revision 67006

Update and improve "Hello world" example in the documentation. The example was corrupted by transition to Doxygen (the menu item labels got eaten), fix it to actually work. Also use this opportunity to improve and modernize it.

2011-02-23 19:43 JS, revision 67004

Note to add --disable-gui

2011-02-23 19:41 JS, revision 67003

Tweak from #12975

2011-02-23 19:37 JS, revision 67002

Assertion fixed (colours not in sync with wxSystemColour)

2011-02-22 19:51 SC, revision 67001

supporting content size scaling (retina display)

2011-02-22 16:47 SC, revision 66998

building iphone again

2011-02-22 14:55 VZ, revision 66997

Update Czech translations. Apply update from Zbynek Schwarz.

2011-02-22 14:26 VZ, revision 66996

Don't duplicate INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES definition. Move it in wx/msw/missing.h header instead of defining it in two different places. Closes #12964.

2011-02-22 14:26 VZ, revision 66995

Test for cairo_push_group() in configure. This function is required by wxGraphicsContext Cairo-based implementation but is missing in old Cairo versions so check for it in configure and disable wxGraphicsContext is it's not available. Closes #12966.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66994

Put storage class outside WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE() macros. The storage class must come first in a declaration so put it in front of WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE() and not inside it to avoid warnings from some compilers (notably Intel one). Closes #12932.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66993

Remove duplicated control names strings declarations from wxOSX. There is no need to declare wxFooNameStr constants in wx/osx/foo.h files as they are already declared in wx/foo.h. Also remove a couple of header/forward declarations unnecessary for the same reason.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66992

Move wxCheckBoxNameStr declarations to wx/tglbtn.h from wx/port/tglbtn.h. Don't duplicate wxCheckBoxNameStr declarations in all ports. Of course, the question still remains why does wxToggleButton use wxCheckBoxNameStr and not a specific name in the first place.

2011-02-22 13:13 JS, revision 66991

Documented menu bar fix

2011-02-22 13:10 JS, revision 66990

VC6 build fix

2011-02-20 21:08 JS, revision 66986

Regenerated makefiles using Bakefile 0.2.9

2011-02-20 19:18 VS, revision 66985

Put normal space between Back and Next buttons in wxWizard. Use regular space between these two buttons even on Windows, where they were previously close together. This used to be done in older Windows versions, but modern Windows HIG documents show wizards with equal spacing between all buttons and that's what Windows OS itself does. In other words, not treating this pair of buttons specially is more native.

2011-02-20 13:05 JS, revision 66984

Corrected a hit test problem when tabs are present

2011-02-20 13:05 JS, revision 66983

Corrected a hit test problem when tabs are present

2011-02-20 12:04 TIK, revision 66982

Check for bind() failing. Closes #12299

2011-02-20 11:48 TIK, revision 66981

Apply #12084: Double-clicking disabled left/right scroll buttons in wxAuiNotebook no longer counts as background doubleclick.

2011-02-20 11:26 TIK, revision 66980

Need to call wxFrame::Create instead of wxWindowBase::CreateBase in the wxPseudoTransparentFrame constructor. Fixes crash reported in #11474

2011-02-20 07:31 SC, revision 66979

handling nil images correctly, solves #12956

2011-02-19 17:18 SC, revision 66978

appeasing clang

2011-02-19 15:51 SC, revision 66977

only draw separator line on the area adjacent to content, avoids double frames

2011-02-19 15:26 VZ, revision 66976

Work around an intermittent crash in GSocket under Mac. The socket descriptor may somehow be invalid when an input timeout notification is received. This is almost certainly not the right fix but the code has completely changed in 2.9 so it doesn't make much sense to spend time on fixing it properly here. But adding this check seems to be enough to fix the crash, see #12264. Closes #8904.

2011-02-19 15:26 VZ, revision 66975

No changes, just de-TAB gsocket.cpp. TABs must be removed before committing other (significant) changes to this file which would otherwise be blocked by svn commit hook.

2011-02-19 15:17 VZ, revision 66974

Remove unused variables in wxOSX code. Simply remove some unused variables that Xcode 4 compiler warned about. See #12927.

2011-02-19 15:16 VZ, revision 66973

Remove extra semicolons in Objective-C code. The semicolons after the method signature in its implementation are useless and, in fact, provoke warnings from the compiler used by Xcode 4. Simply remove them. See #12927.

2011-02-19 15:16 VZ, revision 66972

Remove stray #pragma implementation. This #pragma is obsolete and shouldn't be used any more (if it ever had to be). See #12927.

2011-02-19 15:16 VZ, revision 66971
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/html/search.cpp

Remove long unused wxHTML files. These files seem to be left overs from the initial cvs import many years ago, remove them to avoid confusion. See #12927.

2011-02-19 14:54 VZ, revision 66970

Define forward-compatible wxT_2() macro. This macro is the same as wxT() in wx 2.8 but allows to write code compatible with wxWidgets 3 where it expands to nothing. See #12925 and r66968.

2011-02-19 14:54 VZ, revision 66969

Replace a name with Latin-1 characters with ASCII equivalent. The file wxchar.h currently doesn't have UTF-8 encoding but contained non-ASCII 'å' character which prevented any changes to it from being committed. Instead of converting the file to UTF-8 (which would be better but just might create some unforeseen problems) simply use the ASCII spelling of the name, as it's already done in several other files.

2011-02-19 14:44 VZ, revision 66968

Add wxT_2() macro for compatibility with wxWidgets 2 API. This macro can be used to make the same code compile with both v2 and v3 as it expands to wxT() in 2.8 and nothing in later versions. See #12925.

2011-02-19 13:33 VZ, revision 66967

Add wxAutomationInstance_SilentIfNone flag for wxMSW OLE code. This flag allows to suppress the error message in case there are no currently running instances of this object and can be useful if the caller doesn't know in advance whether it's available or not. Closes #12734.

2011-02-19 13:32 VZ, revision 66966

Move "static" keyword out from wxDEPRECATED() macros to placate icc. Intel compiler gives warnings if the static keyword is not at the beginning of the declaration and this happened when using it inside wxDEPRECATED() and related macros because the declaration started with __declspec(deprecated) or __attribute__((deprecated)) instead. To avoid this problem, simply move "static" outside the macro. Closes #12932.

2011-02-19 13:32 VZ, revision 66965

Correct signed/unsigned comparison in wxGridBagSizer code. Casting a signed value to unsigned type is a recipe for disaster if it actually turns out to be negative because the comparison remains always false and the loop becomes practically infinite. So cast the unsigned value to signed int instead, this should be perfectly safe as the number of columns or rows in a sizer can't exceed INT_MAX anyhow. Notice that after the changes of the previous revision the signed value should actually be always positive so this change is not strictly needed but it is still safer to write the comparison like this. See #12934.

2011-02-19 13:32 VZ, revision 66964

Don't accept invalid values for rows/columns in wxGBSpan ctor. wxGBSpan must have strictly positive row and column span as otherwise the grid bag sizer code could enter an infinite loop trying to exceed a negative number which it casted to an unsigned one. And while the cast itself is incorrect too the program still behaves undesirably (produces a lot of asserts in debug build and then crashes or crashes directly in release) if a zero size span is used so it seems better to prevent this from happening. Closes #12934.

2011-02-19 01:30 VZ, revision 66961

Fix out of bounds string access in wxMSW wxDirDialog. Using the initial directory of "/" (or "\\" or in fact any string consisting solely of slashes and backslashes) resulted in a crash as the code incorrectly tried to read the character before the beginning of the string. Fix this by checking that the string is not empty before using s.end()-1 iterator. Closes #12946.

2011-02-19 01:30 VZ, revision 66960

Don't ask for wxTextAttr colour if it doesn't have any in text sample. This fixes an assert which could happen when showing the rich text editor. Also show the colour in a more readable form if possible. Closes #12950.

2011-02-19 01:30 VZ, revision 66959

Compilation fix for PCH-less wxOSX build. Forward declare wxChoice. Closes #12953.

2011-02-19 00:42 JS, revision 66958

Version number change

2011-02-18 20:06 SC, revision 66956

fixes #12935

2011-02-18 19:44 SC, revision 66955

bail out with error in case of carbon set for 64 bit architecture

2011-02-18 19:25 SC, revision 66954

precomp header fixes

2011-02-18 18:48 SC, revision 66953

updating sysopt string

2011-02-18 18:29 SC, revision 66952

support for file-type popup, compatible for 10.4+, solves #12429

2011-02-18 08:26 SC, revision 66951

support non precomp builds

2011-02-17 23:08 JS, revision 66949

Change log updates and version/date updates

2011-02-17 16:01 JS, revision 66945

Workaround for #10040: wxGrid scrolls back to the previous edit position

2011-02-17 14:39 JS, revision 66943

Applied backport for #11157: Generic wxTreeCtrl - SelectItem toggles selection if item already in desired state

2011-02-17 13:30 JS, revision 66942

Applied fix #11254: assert on wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST and wxGrid

2011-02-17 12:01 JS, revision 66941

Backport for for #12143: Click anywhere inside wxListBox generates wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED event Needs wxUSE_LISTBOX_SELECTION_FIX to be set to 1 in include/wx/msw/listbox.h since it is not binary compatible.

2011-02-17 11:20 JS, revision 66940

Fix for backport

2011-02-17 11:12 JS, revision 66939

Applied backport for fix to #4111: wxFileName::IsFileReadable fails under Windows 98

2011-02-17 10:57 JS, revision 66938

Fixed #12312: Can't use --disable-radiobtn with 2.8

2011-02-17 10:53 JS, revision 66937

Fixed bug #9856: wxSizer::Replace( size_t, wxSizerItem *) doesn't call SetContainingSizer

2011-02-17 10:52 JS, revision 66936

Fixed bug #9856: wxSizer::Replace( size_t, wxSizerItem *) doesn't call SetContainingSizer

2011-02-17 10:46 SC, revision 66935

activating high-res support via artprov mac

2011-02-17 07:46 SC, revision 66934

patch applied with thanks, fixes #10524

2011-02-17 00:51 VZ, revision 66932

Correct example of wxRegKey use in its documentation. Don't check for the key existence, it ought to exist if we create it like this. Also don't allocate wxRegKey object on the heap unnecessarily.

2011-02-17 00:45 VZ, revision 66931

Remove WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE from VC6 wxCompositeWindow declaration. Hopefully not using WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE here should fix VC6 warnings about using non dll-interface class as a base class for a dll-interface one.

2011-02-17 00:45 VZ, revision 66930

Don't use native MSW wxProgressDialog version in wxUniv. The native version should only be used in the native port.

2011-02-17 00:44 VZ, revision 66929

Compile wxUIActionSimulator in wxUniv builds. Move wxUIActionSimulator implementation files to low level sources to ensure that they are included in wxUniv builds.

2011-02-17 00:31 JS, revision 66928

Applied #11097: wxGraphicsContext::DrawBitmap: x and y coords should not be affected by stretch factor

2011-02-17 00:27 JS, revision 66927

Applied patch #12444: wxAcceleratorEntry::IsOk() is broken

2011-02-17 00:25 JS, revision 66926

Applied #10079: wxAuiToolBar: Allow right-click on any kind of button

2011-02-17 00:19 JS, revision 66925

Applied #11389: dataview GetValueByRow, SetValueByRow

2011-02-16 23:58 JS, revision 66924

Applied #10576: msw build fails when using watcom with no-threads option

2011-02-16 23:37 JS, revision 66923

Applied #11350: LP64 LLP64 conflicts in wxStyledTextCtrl result in crashing win64 applications

2011-02-16 23:26 JS, revision 66922

Applied #10111: race condition bugs in wxCondition

2011-02-16 23:00 JS, revision 66920

Applied #12549: command line usage correction

2011-02-16 22:57 JS, revision 66919

Applied #11536: null ptr deref

2011-02-16 22:55 JS, revision 66918

Applied fix #11520: resource leak

2011-02-16 22:51 JS, revision 66917

Applied #12437: use static wxColourData in wxGetColourFromUser

2011-02-16 22:48 JS, revision 66916

Applied #12436: added wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST flag to wxFileSelector

2011-02-16 22:46 JS, revision 66915

Applied #12438 IsUNCPath patch

2011-02-16 22:44 JS, revision 66914

Check for double creation (patch #12434)

2011-02-16 22:40 JS, revision 66913

Fix for OLE conversion to date (patch #12857)

2011-02-16 22:35 JS, revision 66912

Fix CalculatePositions optimization (corrects #12435)

2011-02-16 22:31 JS, revision 66911

Allow m_docManager to be NULL (patch #12435)

2011-02-16 21:53 JS, revision 66910

Updated version

2011-02-16 19:51 SC, revision 66908

adding edit menu in order to be able to support native edit menu commands (osx)

2011-02-16 19:32 SC, revision 66907

support native edit menu handling (cocoa enables menu items in built-in modal dialogs automagically, if they have the proper selectors)

2011-02-16 19:31 SC, revision 66906

toolbar support in all orientations

2011-02-16 19:30 SC, revision 66905

toolbar support in all orientations

2011-02-16 17:37 SC, revision 66904

remove ununsed member

2011-02-16 17:10 SC, revision 66903

conforming to deprecation recommendation for 10.6

2011-02-16 08:38 SC, revision 66901

support for file types in save panel

2011-02-16 07:59 SC, revision 66900

support wxFD_MULTIPLE

2011-02-16 07:55 SC, revision 66899

fixing naming to conform to effective ownership, cleaning up releasing

2011-02-16 06:13 PC, revision 66898

fix GCC warning

2011-02-15 21:31 MBN, revision 66897

Fixed compilation when WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is defined.

2011-02-15 11:15 VZ, revision 66894

Make the source file non-executable. The file ctrlcmn.cpp somehow got the executable bit in r66871, undo this.

2011-02-14 23:12 VZ, revision 66893

Don't increase button height in wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(). This is unnecessary and resulted in too high buttons in some cases for buttons with images. As we increase the button height to at least the standard value later in all code using function anyhow, it's not necessary to do anything with the height inside it. Now the buttons with an image get the same height whether they have the text or not. This change also gets rid of (completely arbitrary) decision to use 11/10 of the label height when computing the fitting button size and it's always nice to get rid of dirty hacks like this. Closes #12924.

2011-02-14 23:12 VZ, revision 66892

Don't make buttons with images too wide in wxMSW. We used to increase the button size to the standard size first and then add the extra padding the buttons with images. This resulted in too much padding for the buttons with short text labels and images. Instead, add the padding for the image first and only then increase the button size to the standard one if still needed. See #12924.

2011-02-14 23:12 VZ, revision 66891

Don't add margins for buttons with text and images by default in wxMSW. For some reason wxXPButtonImageData added (big) margins around the button by default resulting in too much padding. Simply remove these margins to make it behave similarly to wxODButtonImageData. See #12924.

2011-02-14 23:11 VZ, revision 66890

Clarify wxButton::AdjustForBitmapSize() semantics in wxMSW. This method should only be called if we do have an image, assert (instead of silently returning) if it's called when we don't. Also explain in a comment why do we need to call CacheBestSize() only when we have an image in DoGetBestSize().

2011-02-14 20:13 SC, revision 66888

support framelayout for choice

2011-02-14 13:30 VZ, revision 66885

Remove X11-specific wxWindowIsVisible() from common Unix file. XGetWindowAttributes() used in this function resulted in link problems under Fedora 14 because we don't explicitly link with libX11. Instead of doing this, simply get rid of this function as it seems to be used in exactly one place in wxX11 code only anyhow.

2011-02-14 12:59 VZ, revision 66884

Explain wxSizer::SetVirtualSizeHints() deprecation. Tell people that FitInside() should be used instead.

2011-02-13 18:09 VS, revision 66881

Fix VC2008 dependencies with Bakefile 0.2.9.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66875

More wxControl::Ellipsize() tests.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66874

Don't eliminate text completely in Ellipsize(). If the shortened text is so short there's nothing left of the original, show one character and "...". This is standard behaviour on both Windows and OS X, in addition to making lot of sense. Fixes #11360.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66873

Calculate ellipsized width exactly. Width calculation using partial extents is just an inaccurate estimate: partial extents have sub-pixel precision and are rounded by GetPartialTextExtents(). Use partial extents to estimate string width and only verify it with GetTextExtent() when it looks good.

2011-02-09 20:52 VS, revision 66872

Don't shorten text too much in wxControl::Ellipsize(). If the allowed width is so small that nothing reasonable can fit it, overlap it. Ellipsized text must always contain "..." to indicate that it was shortened, it isn't acceptable to omit it. See #11360.

2011-02-09 20:51 VS, revision 66871

Ellipsization can't shorten 1-character string. It doesn't make sense to attempt to shorten 1 character long string, so don't do it. Note that 2 characters strings may be shortened (consider e.g. "mm" in some typefaces).

2011-02-09 20:51 VS, revision 66870

Remove "safety margin" from wxControl::Ellipsize(). When ellipsizing kicks in, the text is much shorter than the available space -- there's a "safety margin" of one character's width that is always left unused. This appears to be some kludge that worked around algorithm defects, not something that should really be needed.

2011-02-09 20:11 JMS, revision 66869

Added missing wxBitmapComboBox::Insert() implementation

2011-02-08 18:24 VZ, revision 66866

Tweak offset in the RichTextCtrlTestCase::UrlEvent() to make it pass. The mouse was not positioned over the URL in this test so clicking it didn't work. Tweak the offset to make it pass but it would be better to have some more fool-proof way of finding the real position of the text in the control.

2011-02-08 18:24 VZ, revision 66865

Use wxLocale instead of setlocale() to change the locale in the tests. Numeric validator tests rely on wxLocale::GetInfo() returning the decimal point and calling setlocale() is not enough to ensure this under MSW, we must use wxLocale for this currently.

2011-02-08 15:19 SC, revision 66864

disabling multiline text controls correctly

2011-02-08 15:11 SC, revision 66863

forward enable functionality to inner view in scrollview (eg for multiline textviews)

2011-02-08 14:36 VZ, revision 66862

Fix wxWrapSizer minimal size calculation. Add a unit test checking that wxWrapSizer::CalcMin() returns the expected results. Closes #12464.

2011-02-08 14:36 VZ, revision 66861

Fix bytes to integers conversion in png2c script. Use really correct coefficients for all the bytes.

2011-02-08 14:36 VZ, revision 66860

Define KEY_WOW64_64KEY if it is missing from SDK headers. Fixes compilation with old SDKs, e.g. the one used by VC6.

2011-02-08 11:47 SC, revision 66859

copy item text for app menu items from wx menus

2011-02-06 02:01 VZ, revision 66853

Correct more wxEVT_AUXn_XXX event types names. This completes the changes of r64414 and also removes the extraneous "MOUSE" from the event types listed in the wxMouseEvent ctor documentation. Closes #12095.

2011-02-06 02:01 VZ, revision 66852

Use better title by default in wxDocPrintout. Use the document name instead of the default "Printout" if no title is explicitly specified when creating wxDocPrintout. Closes #12885.

2011-02-06 02:01 VZ, revision 66851

Allow accessing 64 bit registry from 32 bit MSW code and vice versa. Implement support for KEY_WOW64_32KEY and KEY_WOW64_64KEY in wxRegKey code. Closes #10792.

2011-02-06 02:00 VZ, revision 66850

Use Explorer style for wxTreeCtrl with wxTR_TWIST_BUTTONS in wxMSW. The tree control style used by Explorer uses rotating triangles instead of the standard "+/-" buttons and so seems to correspond relatively well to this style. And this provides a possibility to have a more standard-looking tree controls in wxWidgets programs.

2011-02-06 02:00 VZ, revision 66849

Clean up wxMSW wxTreeCtrl code by removing obsolete workarounds. Remove wxUSE_COMCTL32_SAFELY that hasn't been needed for years, the current code seems to work just fine on all the systems so remove this obsolete workaround to simplify it.

2011-02-05 21:25 VZ, revision 66848

Link console programs with PNG library in monolithic build. PNG images are used by the main wxWidgets library itself now and so linking with the monolithic wx library introduces dependencies on PNG as well, even for the console applications. Link them with linpng to avoid linker errors. Closes #12889.

2011-02-05 21:24 VZ, revision 66847

Correct decoding of 4-byte integers in png2c script. Wrong multiplier was used for the most significant byte. Fix it even though it doesn't risk to be a problem in practice as the images of such gigantic size would surely break some limit anyhow.

2011-02-05 21:24 VZ, revision 66846

Re-enable generation of wxEVT_MOVE_{START,END} events under wxMSW. Handling of WM_{ENTER,EXIT}SIZEMOVE was disabled as a side-effect of r47927, possibly unintentionally. Revert this change to generate these events again. Also document that they're MSW-only for now.

2011-02-05 17:38 VZ, revision 66845

Don't adjust menu item positions for title for menubar menus in wxMSW. The code in wxMSW menu code which accounted for the extra items used to show popup menu title has become incorrect since the changes of r66178 as now the non-popup menus have titles as well. Correct the check to only do the adjustment for the popup menus. Closes #12922.

2011-02-05 17:36 VZ, revision 66844

Deprecate second parameter of wxSlider::SetTickFreq(). This parameter was never needed nor properly documented. Simply remove it from SetTickFreq() and keep the overload still taking it for backwards compatibility only. Closes #12907.

2011-02-05 17:36 VZ, revision 66843

Implement restoring default video mode under OS X. Use CGRestorePermanentDisplayConfiguration() to implement switching to default video mode in wxOSX wxDisplay implementation. Closes #12914.

2011-02-05 17:14 VZ, revision 66842

Check for WLAN interface names in wxDialUpManager under Unix. Recognize "wlan" and "ath" interfaces as well as the "eth" ones. Closes 12923.

2011-02-03 21:05 JS, revision 66838

Fix for lines not wrapping soon enough if tabs are present

2011-02-03 21:05 JS, revision 66837

Fix for lines not wrapping soon enough if tabs are present

2011-02-03 16:02 VZ, revision 66836

Rebake everything using bakefile 0.2.9. Update configure and bakefile.m4 for the new version too. Also add the missing makefiles and projects for the XTI sample.

2011-02-03 11:59 JJ, revision 66835

Avoid incompatible operand types

2011-02-03 11:20 SC, revision 66834

fixes #10978

2011-02-02 14:49 SC, revision 66829

switching to assert

2011-02-02 12:19 DS, revision 66828

Added support for reading comments from a GIF image. Applied (modified) patch by troelsk. Changed comments (which are allowed per frame in an animated GIF) to be read using wxIMAGE_OPTION_GIF_COMMENT with wxImage.GetOption. Added unit tests for reading and writing GIF comments. Closes #12843.

2011-02-02 08:56 SC, revision 66827

testing for define alone is sufficient and more portable

2011-02-02 08:55 SC, revision 66826

fixing searchctrl on osx_cocoa, changing type for peer to wxSearchCtrl

2011-02-02 08:36 SC, revision 66825

guard against null ptr access

2011-01-31 19:23 VS, revision 66823

Account for first removal char with wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE. wxControl::Ellipsize() in wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE mode starts the string-shortening loop with the removal interval initially set to remove only the len/2-th character. But it didn't add its size to the running total of removal characters' length, thus always removing one more character. Fixed by making the initial interval 0-sized rather than 1-sized.

2011-01-31 19:23 VS, revision 66822

Remove chars one-by-one with wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE. Previously, Ellipsize() would always remove two characters at a time in wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE mode. This was clearly a bug: it led to shortening the text more than was strictly necessary.

2011-01-31 17:54 VS, revision 66821

Fix vertical rules rendering in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Vertical rules are now drawn in the last pixel of a column instead of in the first, so that they align perfectly with native MSW wxHeaderCtrl as well as for consistency with MSW native list control. There's no vertical rule at the most-left side of the control anymore.

2011-01-30 20:01 SC, revision 66819

adding support for wxCANCEL_DEFAULT

2011-01-29 15:20 VZ, revision 66814

OLE uses VARIANT_TRUE and not TRUE for its boolean values. VARIANT_TRUE is -1, unlike TRUE which is just 1, and we must use the former and not the latter with OLE VARIANT values. Closes #12910.

2011-01-29 14:55 VZ, revision 66813

Revert "Set up pages range in the wxMSW print dialog correctly." This patch changed the relative order of calls to wxPrintout::GetPageInfo() and OnPreparePrinting(), breaking the existing code and the documentation promise about OnPreparePrinting() being called first, so revert it. Reverts r66549. See #12819. Closes #12911.

2011-01-28 16:01 JJ, revision 66804

Update OpenVMS makefile

2011-01-28 09:36 DS, revision 66803

Allow writing a comment to each GIF frame. Don't write a comment as part of the GIF header during the first frame only but write a possible comment for each wxImage in an animation.

2011-01-28 09:10 DS, revision 66802

Added support for writing a long comment to a GIF image. Instead of limiting a comment to a maximum length of 255 bytes write multiple comment data blocks (each a Pascal string) followed by the block terminator.

2011-01-28 08:35 SC, revision 66801

clang fix, fixes #12332

2011-01-28 08:27 DS, revision 66800

Changed the procedure for writing a comment to a GIF image. Use wxImage.SetOption with newly introduced wxIMAGE_OPTION_GIF_COMMENT to set a GIF's image comment now. Formerly this was done (since recently) using wxGIFHandler::ms_comment which has now been removed.

2011-01-28 07:39 PC, revision 66799

build fix for wxUSE_XPM==0

2011-01-28 07:18 PC, revision 66798

better way to silence unused parameter warning

2011-01-28 03:35 BP, revision 66797

Backport of r66796 (Properly account for floated panes while restoring maximized pane.) - closes #11385

2011-01-28 03:21 BP, revision 66796

Properly account for floated panes while restoring maximized pane.

2011-01-27 19:35 SC, revision 66792

clang fixes, fixes #12332

2011-01-27 18:15 SC, revision 66791

clang fix

2011-01-27 14:27 VZ, revision 66788

Document wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED in EVT_SPINCTRL description. Also mention the name of the event type when documenting the corresponding event table macro. Closes #12897.

2011-01-27 14:27 VZ, revision 66787

Fix link errors under Cygwin with wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT==1. Define ourselves _GdipStringFormatCachedGenericTypographic variable referenced by Cygwin GDI+ headers to fix linking errors due to the fact that we don't link with gdiplus.lib at all but load gdiplus.dll dynamically. Closes #11716.

2011-01-27 14:00 SC, revision 66786

__BIG_ENDIAN__ is either defined AND has a value of 1, or it is not defined at all, so #ifdef is sufficient

2011-01-27 13:38 SC, revision 66785

fixing return type

2011-01-27 12:54 SC, revision 66784

clang warnings

2011-01-27 12:53 SC, revision 66783

good catch by clang ...

2011-01-27 12:37 SC, revision 66782

clang warnings

2011-01-27 12:04 SC, revision 66781

reverting inadvertent commit

2011-01-27 12:00 SC, revision 66780

supporting clang 2.0 under xcode, see #12332

2011-01-26 19:49 SC, revision 66777

keeping opaqueness and backgroundcolor in synch with bgstyle

2011-01-26 19:46 SC, revision 66776

per default wx' static text items have a transparent background

2011-01-26 17:15 SC, revision 66775

artmac extended for cocoa

2011-01-26 16:55 SC, revision 66774

fixing toplevel position

2011-01-26 16:54 SC, revision 66773

hinting support

2011-01-26 16:53 SC, revision 66772

PNG is the native format on iOS

2011-01-26 16:52 SC, revision 66771

avoid populating the array with NULL controls during creation (SetWindowVariant calling SetFont crashing)

2011-01-26 16:51 SC, revision 66770

support for hints, fixing textfield implementation on iOS

2011-01-26 08:42 SC, revision 66766

Maximize for iPhone

2011-01-25 19:47 SC, revision 66761

supporting a null cgimage so that we don't get exceptions, only an wxbitmap that is !Ok()

2011-01-25 19:46 SC, revision 66760

support for separator (fixed width spacE)

2011-01-25 16:47 SC, revision 66759

adding constructor from CGImageRef

2011-01-25 12:23 DS, revision 66758

Fixed heap corruption when reading a corrupted RLE TGA image. There were no boundary checks in place to verify an indicated repeat of pixels would still be inside the image's data. Added these checks and a unit test making sure these kind of TGAs now fail to load.

2011-01-25 09:15 DS, revision 66757

Fixed typo in wxFileName::GetHumanReadableSize docs. Closes #12898.

2011-01-25 06:14 RD, revision 66752

Save the mode in SetMode

2011-01-25 06:03 RD, revision 66751

Add wxRTTI macros for the wxSimpleHtmlListBox class

2011-01-24 18:36 PC, revision 66743

remove deprecated voidp, closes #12896

2011-01-24 17:45 SC, revision 66742

fixing toolbar repositioning (iOS)

2011-01-24 17:45 SC, revision 66741

guarding code in case of delayed controller release

2011-01-24 15:35 VS, revision 66740

Don't allow user to resize non-resizable columns to best size. Double-clicking columns separator resizes the column to the best width for its content. This should only be done for resizeable columns, though.

2011-01-24 15:35 VS, revision 66739

Remove incorrect comment. UpdateColumnWidthToFit() is in fact used when double-clicking columns separators.

2011-01-24 14:17 SC, revision 66738

direct constructor from CGImageRef

2011-01-23 11:13 JMS, revision 66734

To work around harmless memory leaks reported by Visual C++ static runtime libs, assume that C++ typeid operator works well with VC++ 9.0 and later (fixes #12023)

2011-01-23 11:10 SC, revision 66733

loading png and jpg from resource bundle

2011-01-22 22:25 JS, revision 66731

Reverted for a quiet life

2011-01-22 21:43 JS, revision 66730

Don't pointlessly forbid calling AddGrowableRow/Col before adding items.

2011-01-22 20:02 VS, revision 66729

wxDataViewCtrl: fix autosized columns recalculation. The code and its assumptions were correct only for generic wxHeaderCtrl, it didn't work for MSW implementation. Fixed by updating all columns every time.

2011-01-22 15:38 DS, revision 66728

Use wxString's empty() when checking if the string is (non-)empty throughout wx. Instead of constructs such as if "( s.length() )" and "if (s.length() > 0)" use "if ( !s.empty() )" instead. Similarly for "if (s.length() == 0)" or "if ( s.IsNull() )", use "if ( s.empty() )". No code changes intended except for a few instances where a construct like "if ( s.length() && wxFileExists(s) )" was changed to not check the length of the string and let wxFileExists handle such cases.

2011-01-20 16:06 VZ, revision 66727

Explicitly set "C" locale for the tests using decimal point. Ensure that the tests expecting the results with a point as decimal separator really are done in C locale. This should help the tests pass in (French) locale used by the MSW build bot slaves.

2011-01-20 16:06 VZ, revision 66726

Further improve caching of locale-specific data in wxNumberFormatter. Also update the cached data if setlocale() was called explicitly instead of using wxLocale to change the locale because at least under Unix systems calling setlocale() changes the result of wxLocale::GetInfo() and so the result returned by wxNumberFormatter::GetDecimalSeparator() and GetThousandsSeparatorIfUsed() could be inconsistent with the locale being really used.

2011-01-20 16:02 JS, revision 66725

Fixed some bugs in up/down cursor navigation.

2011-01-20 09:38 SC, revision 66724

using explicit fixes #12689

2011-01-20 00:47 VZ, revision 66723

Include more information in assert in wxNumberFormatter. Show more information in the assert failure message to try to understand why is the unit test failing on the buildbot.

2011-01-20 00:47 VZ, revision 66722

Work around wxNumValidator compilation problems with MSVC 6. Surprisingly, MSVC 6 seems to be able to compile most of the code but chokes on a wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT involving an inherited typedef. As this assert is not critical, simply disable it for this compiler.

2011-01-19 21:40 SC, revision 66721

make sure Raise is also activating the window

2011-01-19 19:36 SC, revision 66720

missing release

2011-01-19 19:32 SC, revision 66719

support icns in bundle

2011-01-19 16:08 VZ, revision 66718

Use setUp/tearDown() for NumFormatter test case locale setup. Setting the locale in the ctor of the test object doesn't work because the locale is changed by the other tests that run before this one, use the initialization method provided by cppunit to change the locale instead, this is somewhat wasteful but at least it does work, unlike the old version.

2011-01-19 14:47 DS, revision 66717

Improved detection of alpha channels in TIFF images. Some TIFF images are not properly formed, for example having an extra channel marked as being unspecified data while they should be treated as being an alpha channel. Detect some of those cases so that these TIFF images now will have alpha. Applied patch by gmeeker. Closes #12874.

2011-01-19 13:28 DS, revision 66716

Added GIF and animated GIF saving support. Applied (modified) patch by troelsk. Also added a basic unit test for checking the frames of a saved animated GIF (a previous unit test already handles content of a GIF with a single frame). Closes #8583.

2011-01-19 12:30 DS, revision 66715

removed some leftover debugging code

2011-01-19 11:48 VZ, revision 66714

Add wxIntegerValidator and wxFloatingPointValidator classes. Add validators for integer and floating point numbers. Add an example of their use to the validate sample as well as a new unit test and documentation for them. Use the new classes instead of wxTextValidator in wxGrid code. Closes #12166.

2011-01-19 11:48 VZ, revision 66713

Update cached values in wxNumberFormatter when locale changes. Caching the decimal and thousands separators in wxNumberFormatter is a useful performance optimization, however it can give wrong results if the locale changed since the cached values were initialized. So remember the locale used for the initialization and redo it if it changed. This should still be almost as fast as the previous version but now also correct (still not MT-safe though).

2011-01-19 11:47 VZ, revision 66712

Add support for long long to wxNumberFormatter. It seems to make sense to allow using it for formatting and parsing long long values as well as it can be done trivially using almost the same code as for long. It would be nice to support long double in a similar way but we don't wrap C99 strtold() right now so it wouldn't be as simple, leave it for later.

2011-01-19 11:47 VZ, revision 66711

Add wxHAS_LONG_LONG_T_DIFFERENT_FROM_LONG symbol. Instead of writing a rather unreadable "defined(wxLongLong_t) && !defined(wxLongLongIsLong)" expression every time we need to decide if a function needs to be overloaded for both long and long long, add a new symbol which can be tested directly. No real changes in the code.

2011-01-19 11:47 VZ, revision 66710

Add wxNumberFormatter class helping to deal with thousands separators. wxNumberFormatter formats and parses numbers with thousands separators. Add the class itself as well as documentation and the unit test for it. See #12166.

2011-01-19 11:46 VZ, revision 66709

Mention modal dialogs in the wxWindow objects allocation guide. The modal dialogs are an important exception to the usual rules of dealing with wxWindow-derived objects so mention them here too. Closes #12880.

2011-01-19 11:46 VZ, revision 66708

Avoid collapsing the hidden root in wxTreeCtrl::CollapseAllChildren(). The hidden root item can't be collapsed so don't even try to do it as this just results in an assert. This is similar to the changes of r48097 in ExpandAllChildren(). Closes #12881.

2011-01-19 10:33 JMS, revision 66707

In wxStringProperty::ValueToString(), regenerate composed value string also when it was empty. This is needed in cases where property's children were added before property itself was added to the wxPropertyGrid (fixes #12877).

2011-01-19 09:09 RD, revision 66706

On OSX don't propogate the alignment setting from column to renderer if it is a custom renderer. This allows the Render function to deal with the alignment itself and brings the behavior into alignment (pun intended!) with the GTK and generic DV classes. Fixes #12883

2011-01-18 14:34 JS, revision 66705

Fix for incorrect programmatic formatting (default style set immediately if not using Thaw/Freeze)

2011-01-18 13:32 JS, revision 66704

Fixed some problems with floating objects

2011-01-17 11:11 JMS, revision 66699

Changed wxMSW wxGraphicsContext font rendering and extent calculation to take into the account that the page scale has been manually changed when using print contexts (fixes #12830)

2011-01-17 00:24 VZ, revision 66698

Add skeleton documentation for wxAuiToolBar and related classes. Add classes declarations to Doxygen-generated documentation. This doesn't replace the real documentation but is better than nothing. See #10232.

2011-01-17 00:24 VZ, revision 66697

Document wxDialog::ShowWindowModal(). This function is not yet really implemented under all platforms but provide the documentation for it hinting at how (and where) it works. Closes #12873.

2011-01-17 00:24 VZ, revision 66696

Override HasTransparentBackground() in wxHyperlinkCtrl to return true. At least in wxMSW the control must override HasTransparentBackground() to return true if it really wants its background to be transparent, so do it in wxHyperlinkCtrlBase to fix the background appearance when using the generic implementation in wxMSW. See #12271.

2011-01-16 15:09 VZ, revision 66695

Remove undefined wxScrollBarBase::Create() declaration. Create() method in a base class can't be implemented and actually shouldn't even have been defined there in the first place.

2011-01-15 19:52 PMO, revision 66689

Handle 'central widget' in wxFrame, Introduce wxQtSignalHandler, wxQtEventSignalHandler

2011-01-15 16:31 JS, revision 66688

Corrected wrong range in GetText

2011-01-15 14:20 JS, revision 66687

XML import corrections

2011-01-14 20:32 JS, revision 66684

Small doc tweaks

2011-01-14 20:32 JS, revision 66683

Removed GCC 4 warning

2011-01-14 13:15 JS, revision 66682

Compile fix

2011-01-14 13:08 JS, revision 66681

Compile fixes

2011-01-14 12:57 JS, revision 66680

Implemented text boxes and tables, and further editing pages for backgrounds, borders and margins. wxRTC functions now operate on the currently focused object, which by default is the whole buffer. Up to three property commands are now shown on the context menu, depending on available objects in the current hierarchy.

2011-01-13 15:49 VZ, revision 66678

Fixes for parsing invalid HTML without tag ends. The code in wxHtmlParser supposed in many places that a '<' character must be always followed by a '>' one and could create (and sometimes dereference) invalid iterators if this wasn't the case resulting in asserts from MSVC debug CRT and possibly crashes. Fix this by ensuring that only valid iterators are used and add a trivial unit test for wxHtmlParser which checks that it can parse invalid HTML without crashing. Closes #12869.

2011-01-13 15:49 VZ, revision 66677

No changes, just remove a level of indentation in wxHtmlTagsCache ctor. Get rid of characters not starting a tag immediately in the beginning of the loop instead of putting the entire loop body inside an if statement. This doesn't change anything (this becomes more apparent if the patch is viewed with "ignore white space changes" option) except making the code easier to read and modify.

2011-01-13 15:49 VZ, revision 66676

Fix MSVC warnings about signed to unsigned conversion in the tests. Recently modified client data test added calls to SetClient{Object,Data}(-1) and MSVC complained about them, suppress these warnings.

2011-01-13 09:45 JJ, revision 66675

wxComboBox::GetClassInfo() should not be defined here

2011-01-12 19:04 PC, revision 66673

non-pch build fix

2011-01-12 18:58 JMS, revision 66672

In wxBitmapComboBox::RecreateControl(), only call ChangeValue() if the control doesn't have wxCB_READONLY style (fixes #12859)

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66670

Add support for icons in wxAUI panes title bars. Add wxAuiPaneInfo::Icon() method and shows its use in the sample. Closes #12856.

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66669

Fix crash in wxGenericRichMessageDialog::IsCheckBoxChecked(). The test for checkbox existence was inversed resulting in a guaranteed crash when calling IsCheckBoxChecked() before showing the dialog. Closes #12866.

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66668

Disable deprecation and other warnings in MFC sample. VC8+ give tons of deprecation warnings for the standard functions which are usually suppressed by wx headers but they need to be included first for the suppression to be effective. In the MFC sample they were not resulting in many useless warnings. Fix this by pre-defining _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to suppress them in the sample itself. Also suppress a warning about WINVER being undefined.

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66667

Fix entry point in Unicode build of the MFC sample. MFC needs the entry point to be wWinMainCRTStartup() in Unicode builds but the bakefile-generated projects use the default WinMain() so the sample didn't link in Unicode. Fix this by providing WinMain() which simply forwards to wWinMainCRTStartup() as this seems to work for all MSVC/CRT versions.

2011-01-11 18:05 JJ, revision 66666

make sure wxNativeFontInfo is defined

2011-01-11 17:32 JJ, revision 66665

update OpenVMS makefile

2011-01-10 13:00 VZ, revision 66664

Check index in wxItemContainer methods working with client data. The test for index validity should be done by the base class public methods themselves so that the protected methods in the derived classes don't need to do it because this allows to have the check in one place only and not in every port-specific derived class and also because a protected method can reasonably expect to be called with already validated parameters. This makes it unnecessary to perform the same check in many derived classes and fixes the problem with those that forgot to check for item validity at all before (like wxGTK wxChoice). Also add a unit test checking for the correct behaviour. Unfortunately we don't have any way to test for the precise assert being triggered so the test passed for wxGTK wxChoice even before in debug builds because the expected assert was raised by wxArray::Item() but the code crashed in release build -- whereas now it doesn't any more. Closes #12858.

2011-01-10 13:00 VZ, revision 66663

Remove redundant top level const in wxRibbonBar::ShowPanels(). Use just "bool show" instead of "const bool show". This fixes compilation for some compilers (notably OpenVMS one) broken since r66612.

2011-01-10 12:42 SC, revision 66662

adding new files

2011-01-10 12:40 SC, revision 66661

adding new files

2011-01-10 12:32 SC, revision 66660

adding new files

2011-01-08 19:22 PC, revision 66658

remove always-true test of unsigned >= 0

2011-01-08 19:05 PC, revision 66657

remove unneeded #includes

2011-01-08 18:55 PC, revision 66656

fix GCC warning about not explicitly initializing base class

2011-01-08 18:45 PC, revision 66655

remove always-true tests of unsigned >= 0

2011-01-08 18:33 PC, revision 66654

fix GCC warning about not explicitly initializing base class

2011-01-08 18:17 PC, revision 66653

proper const-ness for GetLine() and operator[]()

2011-01-08 18:16 PC, revision 66652

proper const-ness for Item(), operator[](), and Last()

2011-01-08 11:22 SC, revision 66651

removing xti code which isn't necessary for unicode under trunk anymore

2011-01-08 09:03 SC, revision 66650

rearranging xti code

2011-01-08 07:57 PC, revision 66649

update docs after r66615

2011-01-08 07:42 PC, revision 66648

Move SendIdleEvents() from wxApp to wxWindow. Use it to properly implement idle events for wxGTK menubar, toolbar and statusbar.

2011-01-08 07:39 SC, revision 66647

adding xti info for commandlinkbutton

2011-01-07 23:52 SC, revision 66646

gcc fixes

2011-01-07 23:46 SC, revision 66645

bracketing xti-only methods

2011-01-07 23:37 SC, revision 66644

adding xti info