

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-10-25 14:35 AW, revision 78069

Get wxPGProperty items to be deleted with deferral directly from the corresponding internal list of items. Don't use iterator to collect wxPGProperty items in wxPropertyGridPageState::DoClear().

2014-10-25 01:23 VZ, revision 78068

More fixes for PCH-less build after r78063. Add missing headers/forward declarations now.

2014-10-25 00:55 VZ, revision 78067

Fix typo which broke PCH-less builds in r78063.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78066

Add a new wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS_COMPATIBLY option. This option, which is on by default unless the use of STL is disabled, provides better interoperability with the standard library when it can be done without breaking backwards compatibility. The first example of its use is to allow passing std::vector<> of any string compatible type to wxItemContainer::Append(), Insert() and Set(), allowing to directly initialize various wxControls deriving from it such as wxChoice, wxComboBox, wxListBox from a std::vector<> of strings.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78065

Work around bad wxStaticText best size calculation under wxOSX. Expand wxStaticText controls in wxBusyInfo and centre them to avoid the problem with their contents being truncated when using markup under wxOSX. This should, of course, be fixed in wxStaticText itself, and when it is, this change should be reverted. But for now this at least allows wxBusyInfo to appear correctly under OS X.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78064

Clip the last word of wxStaticText if it doesn't fit in wxOSX/Cocoa. Until this change the entire last word disappeared, presumably because it was wrapped to the next line, which was not shown at all. Now as much of it as fits into the available space is shown, which is not ideal, but better than before, especially if we're only a pixel or two short.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78063

Allow customizing wxBusyInfo appearance. Allow customizing wxBusyInfo window by passing wxBusyInfoFlags containing information about the icon, title, colours and frame transparency to use. Update the sample to show such "rich" busy info.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78062

Auto resize wxGenericStaticText when its label or font is changed. This makes the generic version consistent with the native control behaviour.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78061

Refactor: extra wxStaticText auto-resizing code from wxMSW to common. This will allow its reuse in wxGenericStaticText and maybe other ports that need it in the future.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78060

Slightly improve sizing of wxInfoFrame used by wxBusyInfo. Specify the margin around the text in dialog units, not pixels.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78059

Don't use wxRESIZE_BORDER for wxInfoFrame, used by wxBusyInfo, under wxX11. This doesn't make sense, this frame should never be resizeable, so clean up the code a little.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78058

Don't specify the title for wxInfoFrame used in wxBusyInfo. The title is not shown to the user anyhow because this frame doesn't have wxCAPTION style. And if it were shown, it should have been translated, but as it isn't, just remove it.

2014-10-24 23:54 VZ, revision 78057

Use its own foreground colour in wxGenericStaticText. For some reason, the control always drew itself using wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT. This is a good default, but it shouldn't ignore the explicitly set foreground colour, so use it instead.

2014-10-24 15:45 VZ, revision 78056

Avoid spurious error messages for WM_MDISETMENU under Windows XP. WM_MDISETMENU handler doesn't seem to reset the last error under Windows XP and this could result in spurious debug error messages when setting the initial menu in which case NULL is returned to indicate that there was no previous menu, but this doesn't indicate that an error occurred. Explicitly reset the last error to ERROR_SUCCESS ourselves before using WM_MDISETMENU to ensure that the last error can only be set after its return if it was really done by the code handling it, i.e. if an error really happened.

2014-10-23 15:56 VZ, revision 78055

Document wxScopedCharTypeBuffer::release(). Although this method is dangerous, it still (or, maybe, especially) needs to be documented.

2014-10-21 00:06 VZ, revision 78054

Revert "Use MaskBlt() with the correct ROP when drawing bitmaps with mask." This reverts r78040 (see #16512) as it broke the appearance of the disabled buttons in MSW toolbars as can be seen in the sample. The change itself might still be correct and could have just uncovered some other bug elsewhere, but for now still revert it just to make the toolbars usable again.

2014-10-21 00:06 VZ, revision 78053

Skip the menu events in wxFrameBase handlers. While wxFrame may process these events for its own purposes, it shouldn't prevent the user-defined fall back handlers for them (e.g. at wxApp level) from running.

2014-10-21 00:06 VZ, revision 78052

Avoid intercepting Ctrl-TAB keys in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Check for the absence of modifiers before intercepting the TAB key, we only want to do it for plain TAB or Shift-TAB but not Ctrl-TAB, for example, as this prevented the user from switching between MDI windows when focus was on wxDataViewCtrl.

2014-10-20 17:12 AW, revision 78051

Draw cursor image in wxCursorProperty using wxDC::DrawBitmap. Since monochrome images are supported by wxBitmap (under MSW) there is no longer need to draw cursor image using native Win API.

2014-10-20 17:08 VZ, revision 78050

Fix wxStringTokenizer copy ctor and assignment operator. Implement copying of wxStringTokenizer correctly: compiler-generated versions didn't work as the position of the tokenizer didn't point into the correct string after making the copy. Fix this by adjusting the position iterator to use the copy of the string. Closes #16339.

2014-10-19 21:05 VZ, revision 78049

Fix for PCH-less build after wake up changes. Include wx/msw/private.h when not using PCH to get wxZeroMemory() (this makes it unnecessary to include wx/msw/wrapwin.h as it's already included by the other header).

2014-10-19 16:16 VZ, revision 78048

Avoid spurious errors from wxFileType::GetCommand() under Windows XP too. This problem was already fixed in r77649 for Windows 7 (and hopefully all the other supported Windows versions), but it turns out that XP returns a different error when the association is not found in the registry, so the debug error message was still given under it. Fix this by checking for both ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION and ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

2014-10-19 16:16 VZ, revision 78047

Fix handling of spurious wake ups in GetNextMessageTimeout() in wxMSW. It didn't take long to realize that changes of r78041 did break something (see #9053), as MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() can return indicating the message availability even if no message is actually available in the queue. This notably happens when the application is activated. Fix this by calling MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() in a loop until we do get a message. Notice that this only works correctly with the infinite timeout as we don't update the remaining time to wait after a spurious wake-up, but this shouldn't be a problem in practice as no such wake-ups should happen anyhow during a small timeout duration -- and nobody typically uses long ones.

2014-10-19 14:59 VZ, revision 78046

Don't leave wxSubwindows::m_ids uninitialized. Normally it's initialized by calling Create(), but don't crash deleting an invalid pointer in the dtor if Create() hadn't been called. See #16630.

2014-10-19 14:58 VZ, revision 78045

Only select the first radio button if there is one in wxMSW wxRadioBox. Don't call SetSelection(0) if the radio box is empty. See #16630.