

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73399

Fix bug with showing hidden wxGrid lines when resizing an adjacent one. Don't blindly assume that the previous line is big enough if the current one isn't in wxGrid::PosToEdgeOfLine() (this assumption is wrong even without taking hiding into account...). Closes #14947.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73398

Make "More windows..." menu item in MDI "Window" menu work in wxMSW. Don't interpret the commands from this menu item as child window selection. Closes #3295.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73397

Put "#if wxUSE_TOOLBAR" around a variable only used in this case. No real changes. Closes #14957.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73396

Fix the list markers in wxGridCellEditor::EndEdit() documentation. Doxygen allows to use "-", "+" or "*" for the list items but not "#". Closes #14955.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73395

64 bit compilation fix for wxTextCtrl in wxMSW. Use DWORD_PTR instead of DWORD for a pointer. This was already done for another occurrence of the same cast in r58564 but somehow this one fell through the cracks. Close #14949.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73394

Fix setting initial wxSpinCtrl value outside 0..100 range in wxMSW. Set the range before setting the initial value when creating wxSpinCtrl, as otherwise the value was wrongly limited to the default 0..100 range instead of the one really specified. Closes #14894.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73393

Really fix the background colour used for the cells in wxHTML tables. Respect "bgcolor" attributes of <td> tags, they were ignored since the changes of r72589 (see #14443). Closes #14909.

2013-01-20 03:09 VZ, revision 73392

Don't use margins for wxGrid in place text editor controls. The default non-zero (at least under MSW) margins don't look well inside wxGrid, don't waste space on them. See #14958.

2013-01-20 03:08 VZ, revision 73391

Set margins on creation correctly for wxTE_RICH[2] wxTextCtrl in wxMSW. In spite of the MSDN documentation, EC_USEFONTINFO can't be used in lParam with rich edit controls, so pass it in wParam for them. Closes #14598.

2013-01-20 03:08 VZ, revision 73390

Set both left and right wxTextEntry margins in wxMSW. Use the horizontal margin argument of SetMargins() to set both left and right margins in wxMSW and not just the left one. See #14958.

2013-01-20 03:08 VZ, revision 73389

Fix bug with dragging non-draggable columns in wxMSW wxHeaderCtrl. Properly ignore HDN_BEGINDRAG events for the columns without wxCOL_REORDERABLE flag. This fixes dragging non-draggable columns in wxDataViewCtrl under MSW. Closes #14940.

2013-01-20 03:08 VZ, revision 73388

Fix some harmless but annoying warnings about casts in libtiff code. Avoid MSVC C4244 warnings due to implicit casts between 64 and 32 bit integers. This patch was also submitted to libtiff via

2013-01-20 03:04 PC, revision 73387

draw monochrome source directly onto destination when it is also monochrome

2013-01-20 02:46 PC, revision 73386

make some reference handling a little more direct and less obscure

2013-01-19 19:26 JS, revision 73385

When selecting the bitmap bullet style, the name can now be edited since it could be used for providing the bullet image.

2013-01-19 19:25 JS, revision 73384

When selecting the bitmap bullet style, the name can now be edited since it could be used for providing the bullet image.

2013-01-18 18:27 PC, revision 73382

use const arrays for wxDC array parameters, closes #10712

2013-01-17 10:57 SJL, revision 73381

When handling accelerators in wxWebView make sure that we do not block right-alt which can be mapped to alt + ctrl. Fixes #14974.

2013-01-16 16:39 JS, revision 73378

Fix wrong value

2013-01-16 10:35 JS, revision 73377

Better compatibility with old files when creating an image cache

2013-01-15 06:55 PC, revision 73373

add support for GtkFontChooserDialog, new in GTK 3.2

2013-01-14 17:19 JS, revision 73372

Added Set/GetFloatingLayoutMode to switch off time-consuming floating object layout if required

2013-01-14 17:08 RD, revision 73371

enum wxWebViewBackend has been removed.

2013-01-13 20:22 SJL, revision 73369

Allow registering of custom wxWebView backends. Add wxWebViewFactory as an abstract factory to provide backend creation. Remove old factory methods using wxWebViewBackend enum in favour of the new wxString based method.

2013-01-13 16:28 VZ, revision 73368

Fix wrong return value in the changes of r73365. Really fix menus under Unity. Closes #14961.