

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67185

Allow wxThread::Wait() and Delete() to block, even under wxMSW. Add "wait mode" parameter to these methods which can be used to make them block even under wxMSW where they currently dispatch messages when called which can be totally unexpected. Do keep the old behaviour for compatibility however, although it will change i 3.2. Closes #12998.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67184

Respect alignment flags for owner-drawn buttons in wxMSW. Honour wxBU_{LEFT,RIGHT,TOP,BOTTOM} flags for owner drawn buttons too, this ensures that you can both change the colour and align the text differently for buttons under XP and later. Closes #12995.

2011-03-14 11:27 JS, revision 67183

Added initialisation and checks

2011-03-14 11:27 JS, revision 67182

Added initialisation and checks

2011-03-13 14:53 VZ, revision 67181

Added precision parameter to wxString::From[C]Double(). Optionally support fixed precision in wxString::FromDouble() and FromCDouble() methods. This is mostly useful for the latter to be able to format numbers in portable way (using dot as decimal separator) without loss of precision but also do it for the former for consistency. Closes #12973.

2011-03-13 14:53 VZ, revision 67180

No changes, just correct a wrong trailing comment in #else. The test meaning was inverted.

2011-03-13 14:33 VZ, revision 67179

Document wxTE_MULTILINE support in wxTextEntryDialog. It wasn't immediately obvious that this dialog could be used for multiline text entry too so mention it explicitly in the documentation. Also show this in action in the dialogs sample.

2011-03-13 10:32 JMS, revision 67178

wxComboCtrl and wxOwnerDrawnComboBox had incorrect (edge) background colour under some GTK+ themes

2011-03-12 16:57 SC, revision 67174

add external utf16 text type explicitely, as it otherwise gets treated like plain-text

2011-03-12 16:19 PMO, revision 67173

Move/Position the controls after they have been created

2011-03-12 16:05 PMO, revision 67172

Added QtTest library and '-fmessage-length=0' for easier error parsing

2011-03-11 20:54 SC, revision 67170

supporting 24 and 64 sizes via scaling up

2011-03-10 19:56 SC, revision 67168

under cocoa a too-small static box leads to erroneous layout information, therefore use fixed code layout info, fixes #13006

2011-03-10 19:55 SC, revision 67167

safeguard against not-yet-shown view which leads to crashes under OSX

2011-03-09 18:22 PC, revision 67164

add wxEVT_MAXIMIZE support to wxGTK

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67163

Make brush hatches in wxGTK consistent with wxMSW. The cross, vertically and horizontally hatched brushes used 4 pixels between the hatches in wxGTK but 7 in wxMSW which was very noticeable. Use the same pattern in wxGTK as MSW uses (as we can't change it there anyhow). Closes #13029.

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67162

Correct the name of the header for GTK+ < 2.14. Remove the extra ".h" suffix added during recent GTK+ 3-related changes.

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67161

Add tests of other hatched brushes to the drawing sample. Test wxCROSS_HATCH, wxVERTICAL_HATCH and wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH brushes and not only the wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH one. See #13029.

2011-03-09 17:35 VZ, revision 67160

Don't pop up annoying message box in the drawing sample. The rubber banding selection message box was shown even after a simple click, i.e. when nothing was actually selected which was quite annoying, so don't do this. Also remove unnecessary casts and use wxLogMessage() instead of wxString::Printf() + wxMessageBox().

2011-03-09 11:07 VZ, revision 67159

Corrections to wxTextCtrl::HitTest() documentation. Fix the signature of the overload returning row and column which got corrupted during transition to Doxygen and document the overload returning the position as well. Also document all the parameters. Closes #12954.

2011-03-09 10:44 VZ, revision 67158

Send wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_CACHE_HINT to proper window. The event was sent to wxDataViewCtrl parent instead of the control itself for some reason, fix this. Closes #13020.

2011-03-09 10:40 VZ, revision 67157

Mention that wxEVT_MAXIMIZE is only generated by a few ports. Currently only wxMSW, wxOSX/Cocoa and wxOS2 generate this event. Notably wxGTK does not. See #13022.

2011-03-09 10:40 VZ, revision 67156

Correct EVT_MAXIMIZE macro name in wxTLW documentation. EVT_ACTIVATE was mistakenly used instead. See #13022.

2011-03-09 10:28 VZ, revision 67155

Fix search for item by text in wxMSW wxListCtrl. LVN_ODFINDITEM handler could enter infinite loop if its selection was 0 and a key not matching any of the items first letters was pressed. Rewrite the loop in a simpler form to ensure that it is correct. Also clarify some comments. Finally, fix the behaviour when no matching item was found (if it didn't hang in infinite loop, it used to select the first item in the control). Closes #13026.

2011-03-09 10:28 VZ, revision 67154

Don't assert if starting search position in LVN_ODFINDITEM is invalid. Just use wxLogDebug() if this happens, asserting here is not the right thing to do as it doesn't indicate an error in the program but rather invalid external input and, moreover, we can recover from it easily. No changes in behaviour in normal case.

2011-03-08 18:22 VZ, revision 67151

Add another missing #if wxUSE_MARKUP check. The definition of DoSetLabelMarkup() should only be compiled when wxUSE_MARKUP==1.

2011-03-08 18:22 VZ, revision 67150

Czech translation update from Zbynek Schwarz. Fix some incorrect terms.

2011-03-08 15:47 JS, revision 67149

Fixed a hang in wxYield caused by menubar fix sending size events in a loop. Now only resizes the frame's contents if the menubar has changed height, to avoid triggering the loop.

2011-03-07 21:26 SC, revision 67146

support app activated and deactivated events, also bring back float_on_parent windows to normal level on deactivate to avoid behaving like stay_on_top

2011-03-07 20:04 SC, revision 67144

window level support

2011-03-07 18:31 SC, revision 67143

bracket unused function

2011-03-07 14:02 JMS, revision 67142

To prevent wxPropertyGrid from stealing frocus from other controls, only let SetFocusOnCanvas() move focus to the main grid 'canvas' if focus was already in on the grid's child controls

2011-03-07 13:07 VS, revision 67141

gtk/gtkunixprint.h only exists since GTK+ 2.14.

2011-03-06 19:22 VS, revision 67137

Don't directly include GTK+ semi-public headers. Only the main headers (e.g. gtk/gtk.h) should be included and GTK+ 3 is strict about this. Enable compile-time checks for this that work with GTK+ 2.24.

2011-03-06 19:22 VS, revision 67136

Include gdk/gdkkeysyms-compat.h. GTK+ 2.22 changed GDK_* keysym constants to GDK_KEY_* and introduced a new header for the old names. This header must be explicitly included in GTK+ 3, so do it for now. In the long run, we should migrate to the new names.

2011-03-06 16:27 SC, revision 67135

use FixedToFloat everywhere to make sure we don't round too early, preserve fractional width with CoreText as well

2011-03-06 16:24 SC, revision 67134

position buttons to the right on OSX as well

2011-03-06 15:49 SC, revision 67133

fix positioning bug with window disabler and hidden windows

2011-03-06 10:09 JS, revision 67132

Fixed #13017: wxRichTextCtrl CopyToClipboard regression

2011-03-05 20:57 PMO, revision 67131

Update to trunk r67129

2011-03-05 19:36 SC, revision 67130

merge error

2011-03-05 13:21 SC, revision 67129

support wxWindowDisabler on osx_cocoa

2011-03-05 12:16 VZ, revision 67128

Add a dependency of wxUSE_TASKBARICON on wxUSE_MENUS. PopupMenu() method of wxTaskBarIcon doesn't make much sense without wxMenu.

2011-03-05 12:16 VZ, revision 67127

Don't initialize wxGBSpan with invalid values in wxGBSizerItem. Default wxGBSizerItem ctor initialized wxGBSpan with invalid values which resulted in an assert when loading wxGBSizer from XRC since r66964. Fix this by simply using the default wxGBSpan ctor instead. Closes #13004.

2011-03-04 17:36 SC, revision 67125

fixing a CG error during construction on 10.6, resizing the client area so that the content doesn't extend over the shape's boundingbox at the right and the bottom

2011-03-03 22:24 PMO, revision 67121

Improved creation of controls

2011-03-03 18:51 PC, revision 67120

fix Activate signature after r67099

2011-03-03 16:09 JS, revision 67119

Fixed crash on exit caused by deleting old logger in wxLogChain dtor.

2011-03-02 22:17 SC, revision 67114

proper focus lost for multiline textfields and having all demanding a focusrect

2011-03-02 22:16 SC, revision 67113

the wx part knows better whether it has the focus (may be the embedded NSView, not the m_peer)