

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-02-10 17:13 VZ, revision 73491

Create wxCURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW on the fly from normal arrow cursor under MSW. This allows to avoid having another cursor resource and also makes this cursor nicer as rightarr.cur looks rather out of place under modern Windows systems. Closes #14991.

2013-02-10 17:13 VZ, revision 73490

Create new tab at the correct location in wxAuiNotebook. Create the new tab in wxAuiTabCtrl that was double clicked and not near the last selected tab which could have been in another wxAuiTabCtrl. Closes #14995.

2013-02-10 17:13 VZ, revision 73489

Add wxIcon::CreateFromHICON() to wxMSW. Provide a public method properly assigning an HICON to wxIcon, instead of asking people to call SetHICON() and SetSize(). Closes #15023.

2013-02-09 12:11 VZ, revision 73488

Don't call ::GetLayout() in wxMSW code directly. Use wxMSW::GetLayout() wrapper to avoid directly binding to a function not present in old Windows versions and also to fix linking errors with MinGW after the changes of r73484. See #3995.

2013-02-09 01:36 VZ, revision 73487

Fix infinite loop in wxGrid::PosToEdgeOfLine(). Return -1 from wxGridRowOperations::GetLineBefore(0) to ensure that we exit the loop in wxGrid::PosToEdgeOfLine(). Doing this is the logical thing to do as wxGridColumnOperations::GetLineBefore() already behaved like this and this was is more expected than returning 0, as the function previously did for some reason. Closes #15035.

2013-02-09 01:35 VZ, revision 73486

Fix pulsing of bitmaps in focused buttons under Windows 7. It turns out that the actual bitmap shown in this case varies between the bitmaps at PBS_DEFAULTED and PBS_STYLUSHOT, so that it's invisible half of the time if we don't specify the value for the latter. Do it now to fix unwanted pulsing of the bitmap in the focused button. Closes #15034.

2013-02-09 01:35 VZ, revision 73485

Refresh wxMSW wxStaticBitmap when its size changes. As MSW native control centers the image, it must be entirely redrawn when the area in which the image is centered changes, but it doesn't happen by default, so do it ourselves explicitly. Also explain that this centering behaviour is platform-specific and shouldn't be relied upon. Closes #4564.

2013-02-09 01:35 VZ, revision 73484

Fix drawing of bitmaps with masks in mirrored wxDC. The mask must be mirrored in the same way as the main bitmap itself (currently it's not mirrored at all but this could change in the future), so create the temporary memory HDC with the same layout as is used by the main HDC. Closes #3995.

2013-02-09 01:35 VZ, revision 73483

Don't include the manifest in wx/msw/wx.rc by default for MSVC compiler. The later versions of this compiler don't need it any more, so make it easier to set up the projects for them at the expense of MSVC 6 and 7 users who will now need to explicitly define wxUSE_RC_MANIFEST=1 and predefine the architecture macro (or setup their resource compiler include path to get wx/msw/rcdefs.h under the lib directory but predefining the architecture is clearly simpler). Do generate manifest when using gcc as it predefines the architecture macros allowing us to avoid requiring using the generated rcdefs.h. The other compilers will be dealt with as needed if anybody is still using them.

2013-02-06 13:48 VZ, revision 73482

Don't recurse into top level children when validating recursively. Even with wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY flag, we should never validate the top level children (e.g. dialogs) when validating the parent window. This is never useful and can be completely unexpected.

2013-02-06 13:48 VZ, revision 73481

Refactor children traversal in wxWindow::TransferData{To,From}Window(). No real changes, just factor out the logic for children traversal into a helper template class and reuse it in Validate() and both TransferData() methods to avoid triplicating it.

2013-02-06 13:46 VZ, revision 73480

Allow creating wxCursor from ANI files under MSW. Simply pass them to the standard LoadCursorFromFile() function which supports this format. Closes #3472.

2013-02-06 13:43 VZ, revision 73479

Don't show log menu tiems in the tree control sample when !wxUSE_LOG. No real changes, just correct the "#if wxUSE_LOG" placement. See #4024.

2013-02-06 01:42 VZ, revision 73478

Fix harmless warning about NULL in wxStyledTextCtrl code. Cast NULL to the type of third argument of SendMsg() explicitly to avoid a warning about it from Ubuntu g++ 4.6.

2013-02-06 01:42 VZ, revision 73477

Fix harmless g++ warning about operator precedence. Add parentheses to suppress "&& inside ||" warning.

2013-02-06 01:42 VZ, revision 73476

Check for _MSC_VER definedness in libtiff code. This avoids warnings about _MSC_VER being undefined when it's compared with 1500 when building with gcc.

2013-02-05 21:47 VZ, revision 73475

Fix printf format specifier in graphics benchmark. Use "%ld" for long arguments to fix asserts under 64 bit architectures.

2013-02-05 21:47 VZ, revision 73474

Added possibility to use OpenGL for bitmap drawing to graphics benchmark. Draw the bitmap using OpenGL textures. Even without using PBO this results in much greater performance than using wxImage or raw bitmap access.

2013-02-05 21:47 VZ, revision 73473

Use a non-uniform bitmap for image tests in the graphics benchmark. This makes it easier to estimate the speed of the display update visually.

2013-02-05 21:47 VZ, revision 73472

No changes, just rename command line option in graphics benchmark test. It's not used for lines only, so call it "number of iterations" and not "number of lines" and use "N" instead of "L" option for it.

2013-02-05 21:47 VZ, revision 73471

Add benchmarks for wxImage and raw bitmap access to the graphics test. Compare the speed of drawing the bitmaps by synthesizing wxImage and converting it to wxBitmap and directly modifying wxBitmap bits using raw bitmap access.

2013-02-05 21:47 VZ, revision 73470

Allow selecting the kinds of DC to test in the graphics benchmark too. Still run all the tests by default but allow specifying --dc or --gc as well as --paint, --client or --memory to test just the specified kinds of DCs.

2013-02-05 21:46 VZ, revision 73469

No real changes, just flush output in the graphics benchmark. Show the output messages sooner instead of showing them all only when the test ends.

2013-02-05 21:46 VZ, revision 73468

Run wxClientDC and wxMemoryDC tests too in the graphics benchmark. These tests were not run because OnPaint() handler was called before OnCreate() and exited the main loop before the create event could be dispatched. Fix this by just running everything from OnPaint(), like this we're sure to do it. Also refactor the code a little to avoid duplicating the tests.

2013-02-05 21:46 VZ, revision 73467

Allow running only some graphics benchmarks to save time. Running all the benchmarks is relatively long, so allow running individual ones only.