

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-06-22 23:33 VZ, revision 27953

fix for a warning in DLL build (patch 966823)

2004-06-22 23:32 VZ, revision 27952

don't suppose that string literals can be casted to non-const char *, newer compilers complain about it (replaces patch 974652)

2004-06-22 23:25 VZ, revision 27951

don't pretend that type unsafe event table entry works, it doesn't any more (bug 969012)

2004-06-22 23:20 VZ, revision 27950

fixed assertion failure if Ok or Cancel button is clicked in a modeless dialog (bug 973873)

2004-06-22 23:08 VZ, revision 27949

don't overwrite initial controls value, explaining what its style is

2004-06-22 22:57 VZ, revision 27948

use C++ linkage functions (and not extern C) with std::ptr_fun<>, Sun CC doesn't accept C linkage functions here

2004-06-22 21:56 VZ, revision 27947

don't treat filenames starting with dot as having empty name and extension equal to the full name without dot (was done like this only for Unix and VMS before, now do it for all platforms)

2004-06-22 21:40 VZ, revision 27946

remove unnecessary (and provoking a warning under IRIX) const qualifier on the return value of a function returning bool

2004-06-22 21:35 VZ, revision 27945

fixed crash when string couldn't be converted to UTF8 in GetTextExtent() under GTK 2

2004-06-22 21:24 DE, revision 27944

wxCocoa no longer uses the generic notebook.

2004-06-22 19:59 RD, revision 27943

improved assert

2004-06-22 18:00 VS, revision 27942

corrected Cygwin instructions

2004-06-22 16:58 ABX, revision 27941

wxParseWildcard renamed to wxParseCommonDialogsFilter. Its usage is extended from generic dialogs to MSW, Motif and other incoming ports.

2004-06-22 15:56 DE, revision 27940

Added Bakefile conditions used by recently updated samples/dialogs/

2004-06-22 11:07 VZ, revision 27939

moved wxEntry(HINSTANCE, ...) declaration to wx/msw/app.h from wx/app.h

2004-06-22 09:58 VZ, revision 27938

fixed wxEntry() signature

2004-06-22 08:29 ABX, revision 27937

Maximized dialogs for SmartPhone.

2004-06-22 08:26 ABX, revision 27936

Conditional compilation fix.

2004-06-22 08:23 ABX, revision 27935

Choices dialog adjustement to SmartPhone.

2004-06-22 08:17 ABX, revision 27934

Less text for smaller screen.

2004-06-22 08:15 ABX, revision 27933

Minimize diff for ports where features are not possible.

2004-06-22 04:16 DE, revision 27932

Observe NSControlTintDidChangeNotification in the application delegate. TODO: Actually implement this to do something.

2004-06-21 23:08 RD, revision 27931

reverted m_adjustMinSize change prepatory for a new approach to fix the problem

2004-06-21 22:58 RD, revision 27930

reverted m_adjustMinSize change prepatory for a new approach to fix the problem

2004-06-21 22:39 RD, revision 27929

Fix for drag object bug

2004-06-21 22:37 RD, revision 27928

Changes needed to accomodate wxTheClipboard now being a macro for wxClipboard::Get

2004-06-21 22:33 RD, revision 27927

change how email is sent

2004-06-21 12:36 VZ, revision 27926

removed Direction_Max from Direction enum for consistency with the MSW version

2004-06-21 12:35 VZ, revision 27925

removed asserts to suppress gcc 3.4 warnings about condition being always true

2004-06-21 10:46 ABX, revision 27924

Reordered condition to make diff of other port smaller.

2004-06-21 10:35 ABX, revision 27923

Array of strings is needed regardless of wxUSE_CMDLINE_PARSER.

2004-06-21 10:31 ABX, revision 27922

Better conditions within dialogs sample.

2004-06-21 10:13 VS, revision 27921

reverted previous revision, old clipboard API is still used by wxMSW itself

2004-06-21 08:58 VS, revision 27920

don't export deprecated interface to clipboard from DLL

2004-06-21 08:54 VS, revision 27919

wxClipboard changes compilation fixes

2004-06-21 08:31 ABX, revision 27918

Different default buttons for native menubars on Smartphones.

2004-06-21 07:39 VS, revision 27917

identify more compilers

2004-06-20 22:21 JS, revision 27916

Crash fix

2004-06-20 17:19 VS, revision 27915

more recognized response types

2004-06-20 17:19 VS, revision 27914

create wxTheClipboard on first use, not startup -- this fixes crash in console-only apps that were linked against wxGTK's 'core' shared library

2004-06-20 17:18 VS, revision 27913

check for wputc wputchar putws fputws availability

2004-06-20 13:11 CE, revision 27912

fix bug with univ creating textctrl

2004-06-20 13:10 CE, revision 27911

fix univ SegFault

2004-06-20 13:10 MBN, revision 27910

Compilation fixes for wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-06-20 10:22 MBN, revision 27909

Fix for declaring arrays for non-numeric/non-pointer types.

2004-06-20 09:14 MBN, revision 27908

Compilation fixes.

2004-06-20 09:02 MBN, revision 27907

Some (incomplete) fixes for wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-06-19 22:39 VS, revision 27906

don't explicitly set font and bg colour

2004-06-19 22:36 VZ, revision 27905

fixed memory leak in wxURL when using a proxy

2004-06-19 21:30 VS, revision 27904

handle style changes correctly in GtkPizza

2004-06-19 18:59 VS, revision 27903

interpret m_has..Col, m_hasFont correctly

2004-06-19 18:21 RD, revision 27902

Regenerated renamers, each has just a change in their headers

2004-06-19 18:20 RD, revision 27901

Patch from Kevin Ollivier that merges buildrenamers into the main config module, and other tweaks.

2004-06-19 17:53 JS, revision 27900

Switch off adjust min size for book control and therefore notebook, since we don't want to stop notebooks resizing smaller than the initial size

2004-06-19 17:49 VS, revision 27899

moved DoApplyWidgetStyle to wxWindowGTK

2004-06-19 16:25 RD, revision 27898

Patch from Will Sadkin: - Fixed intra-right-insert-field erase. - Allowed right-insert in ipaddrctrl subfields. - Made _SetValue() place cursor after last non-blank character inserted, rather than end of mask. - Fixed combobox autoselect behavior to work similarly as above, so that said selection will only select the non-empty text, as per request. - Fixed some incorrect undo behavior for right-insert fields - Allowed derived classes (eg. numctrl) to pass modified values for undo processing (to handle/ignore grouping chars properly.)

2004-06-19 15:23 RD, revision 27897


2004-06-19 14:55 JS, revision 27896

DoGetBestSize may be called before m_text and m_choice are set, so check

2004-06-19 14:53 MBN, revision 27895
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/region.h

Remove no longer used header.

2004-06-19 14:03 VS, revision 27894

GTK2 port is not experimental anymore

2004-06-19 14:01 VS, revision 27893

moved wxFontMapper tests to its own file and testcase

2004-06-19 10:40 VZ, revision 27892

DLL compilation fix

2004-06-19 07:40 JS, revision 27891

Tex2RTF doesn't like {\tt{ thing}}

2004-06-19 01:35 RD, revision 27890

Controls will readjust their size and minsize when SetLabel or SetFont are called. Fixed up wxStaticText to blend the wxST_NO_AUTOSIZE with this new functionality. Made SetBestSize public under the SetBestFittingSize name.

2004-06-18 20:08 KO, revision 27889

Fixed to work with the new wxMacControl system.

2004-06-18 19:25 ABX, revision 27888

Small step in making HelpGen up to date unicode application.

2004-06-18 18:28 ABX, revision 27887

Fixes for unused values and code.

2004-06-18 17:57 JS, revision 27886

Latex corrections from Marc Albrecht

2004-06-18 17:30 RD, revision 27885

Give wxWindowGTK::ApplyWidgetStyle an implementation too so non-control windows can also change colours, etc.

2004-06-18 16:32 RD, revision 27884

Patch from Pierre Hjälm. """ It removes "from __future__ import division", fixes a couple of bugs and adds a lot of whitespace. Since I also removed an instance of [::-1] for list reversing, I think this ought to work on older pythons (I have not tested though). """

2004-06-18 15:44 ABX, revision 27883

Charsets part moved from console sample to test unit.

2004-06-18 15:18 ABX, revision 27882

Warning fix.

2004-06-18 09:48 ABX, revision 27881

Warning fixes for WinCE.

2004-06-18 09:36 ABX, revision 27880

Flatening menu for Smartphones when menubar has only one menu

2004-06-18 08:02 VS, revision 27879

new logic applies to SetFont(wxNullFont), too

2004-06-18 08:02 VS, revision 27878

reset fg/bg colour and font to default if set to wxNullColour/Font

2004-06-18 08:01 VS, revision 27877

test colours unsetting

2004-06-18 08:00 VS, revision 27876

minor visual improvements to wxTipDialog

2004-06-18 07:30 VS, revision 27875

new logic applies to SetFont(wxNullFont), too

2004-06-18 07:15 SC, revision 27874

removed use of p2cstr

2004-06-18 06:54 VS, revision 27873

fixed badly looking dialog (different spacing)

2004-06-18 06:52 VS, revision 27872

fixed wxGenericDirCtrl sizing

2004-06-17 23:18 RD, revision 27871

Set the client size as calculated, but use the full size for the size hints

2004-06-17 22:50 RD, revision 27870

Use GetBackgroundColour so it will revert to the default if wxNullColour is used

2004-06-17 22:40 RD, revision 27869

moved metrowerks debugger support in to wxUSE_BASE to avoid suplicate defintion errors when using multi-lib build

2004-06-17 22:24 RD, revision 27868

Updated docs for Set[Fore|Back]groundColour with more hints about using them with themes

2004-06-17 21:40 RD, revision 27867

oops, forgot to remove a bit of test code

2004-06-17 21:37 RD, revision 27866

Don't have to explicitly set the background any more, the default will do the right thing.

2004-06-17 21:36 RD, revision 27865

Use GetBackgroundColour in the default OnEraseBackground so it can use the default if the colour hasn't been explicitly set

2004-06-17 21:31 RD, revision 27864

Set/Reset ThemeEnabled when changing the fore/background colours. Using wxNullColour will reset to defaults.

2004-06-17 20:30 JS, revision 27863

Corrected position of wxUSE_WEBKIT test

2004-06-17 19:51 RD, revision 27862

Hide the dialog after running it as it may be a bit of time before it is destroyed

2004-06-17 19:50 ABX, revision 27861

Separation of wxUSE_FILEDLG and wxUSE_DIRDLG in generic implementations.

2004-06-17 19:44 ABX, revision 27860

Better markup.

2004-06-17 19:42 JS, revision 27859

Added --enable-webkit

2004-06-17 19:23 RD, revision 27858

in unicode mode the return value of gridtable.GetValue must be a string or a unicode object, as the coerce to unicode function used can only convert strings.

2004-06-17 19:00 ABX, revision 27857

Warning fixes. Code cleanup. Whitespaces and tabs removed.

2004-06-17 18:27 SC, revision 27856

moved metrowerks debugger support out of wxUSE_GUI

2004-06-17 17:03 VS, revision 27855

reverted Julian's incorrect rename of wxWindows.dsp

2004-06-17 17:01 VS, revision 27854

it's OK to set background,foreground colour even with theming now

2004-06-17 16:22 ABX, revision 27853

Code cleaning: wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, true, false, wxEmptyString, tabs and white spaces.

2004-06-17 09:05 JS, revision 27852

Allow wxSplitterWindow::Initialize(NULL) in case we've deleted both child windows and want to clean up dangling pointers

2004-06-17 08:06 SC, revision 27851


2004-06-17 06:11 RD, revision 27850


2004-06-17 06:05 RD, revision 27849


2004-06-17 05:52 RD, revision 27848

docstrign tweaks

2004-06-17 05:51 RD, revision 27847

Added missing GetKind method

2004-06-17 05:49 RD, revision 27846

Fixed broken DocDeclAStr macro

2004-06-17 05:49 RD, revision 27845

Fixed upload location, test sending an email when successfully finished

2004-06-17 05:16 RD, revision 27844

XRC style names use the C++ style names

2004-06-17 04:52 KO, revision 27843

Fixing sizing problems on OS X.

2004-06-16 21:02 VS, revision 27842

WXDLLEXPORT correction

2004-06-16 21:00 VS, revision 27841

fixed missing NO_GCC_PRAGMA

2004-06-16 21:00 VS, revision 27840

fixed incorrect handling of scaled fonts and fixed GetNativeFontInfo to return meaningful data with GTK1

2004-06-16 15:35 ABX, revision 27839

Smartphone menus.

2004-06-16 15:22 ABX, revision 27838

-1, TRUE/true, FALSE/false and tabs replacements.

2004-06-16 15:03 ABX, revision 27837

Generic file dialog presentation. Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-16 14:58 ABX, revision 27836

Missed header.

2004-06-16 12:28 ABX, revision 27835

Missed decoration.

2004-06-16 09:25 JS, revision 27834

Corrected some spacing and typo errors.

2004-06-16 07:26 ABX, revision 27833

Corrections to wxWinCE port descriptions.

2004-06-16 06:37 ABX, revision 27832

Smartphone menus.

2004-06-16 06:34 ABX, revision 27831

Warning fixes for WinCE.

2004-06-16 06:24 ABX, revision 27830

Warning fixes for WinCE.

2004-06-16 06:17 ABX, revision 27829

Smartphone specific resource files.

2004-06-16 05:27 RD, revision 27828

don't fail if the cleanup fails

2004-06-16 05:20 RD, revision 27827

trim the whitespace from the daily build version text

2004-06-16 05:18 RD, revision 27826

make sure the dist dir is created

2004-06-16 05:18 RD, revision 27825

regened with new version

2004-06-16 03:47 RD, revision 27824


2004-06-16 03:29 RD, revision 27823

layout tweak (it should use a sizer though)

2004-06-16 02:22 RD, revision 27822

reordered base classes

2004-06-16 02:21 RD, revision 27821

added button testcase with larger font set after creation.

2004-06-16 02:18 RD, revision 27820

Version number update

2004-06-16 02:17 RD, revision 27819

Added Navigate, SetMinSize, SetMaxSize wxWindow methods

2004-06-16 02:15 RD, revision 27818

Add SetMinSize and SetMaxSize to go along with the Get's already there.

2004-06-15 22:30 JS, revision 27817

Typo correction

2004-06-15 22:24 JS, revision 27816

Enum becomes public

2004-06-15 21:55 JS, revision 27815

Navigate corrections

2004-06-15 21:03 RD, revision 27814

Add placeholder for wxParseWildcard

2004-06-15 21:02 RD, revision 27813

Just a singel constructor for wxTextAttr

2004-06-15 15:37 JS, revision 27812

Consistent tab behaviour

2004-06-15 15:25 ABX, revision 27811

wxParseWildcard added instead of methods hidden under wxUSE_FILEDLG and wxUSE_DIRDLG.

2004-06-15 14:49 JS, revision 27810

Tests for wxTE_PROCESS_TAB again in line with other ports

2004-06-15 14:39 ABX, revision 27809

Add generic dialogs in non wxUniversal builds. Regenerated makefiles.

2004-06-15 14:35 ABX, revision 27808

Missed VC workspace.

2004-06-15 14:03 JS, revision 27807

With wxTE_PROCESS_TAB, tabs are now inserted in the text control by default. The new Navigate function can be used to do navigation programmatically.

2004-06-15 11:57 CE, revision 27806

fix for Borland Dll build (SF bug #972989)

2004-06-15 03:36 RD, revision 27805

Oops, that space crept back in.

2004-06-15 03:27 RD, revision 27804

Check exit codes properly

2004-06-15 03:26 RD, revision 27803

increased bit-depth

2004-06-15 03:26 RD, revision 27802

regenerated with fix for wxPNGHandler::SaveFile

2004-06-15 03:24 RD, revision 27801

layout tweakAdd DoGetBestSize to wxCheckListBox that adds room for the checkbox

2004-06-15 03:23 RD, revision 27800

Add DoGetBestSize to wxCheckListBox that adds room for the checkbox

2004-06-15 01:05 RD, revision 27799

Save the alpha values if the image has an alpha channel

2004-06-14 22:44 RD, revision 27798

Patch [ 971542 ] Tiny speedup for stc2wx in PlatWX.cpp

2004-06-14 22:07 RD, revision 27797


2004-06-14 22:05 RD, revision 27796

This workaround is no longer needed because of fix in wxWindowMac::MacWindowToRootWindow

2004-06-14 22:04 RD, revision 27795

Check if MacGetTopLevelWindow returns NULL before using it. This can happen when the toplevel window is beign destroyed but a decendent window (child, grandchild...) has an EVT_KILL_FOCUS handler that does some drawing or other significant work.

2004-06-14 21:59 RD, revision 27794

test full row highlight

2004-06-14 21:18 RD, revision 27793

m_img* need initialized too otherwise we can end up with rows that are a million pixels high!

2004-06-14 20:17 RD, revision 27792

clip notebook children to help reduce flicker

2004-06-14 19:53 RD, revision 27791

Add a set of scripts that can be used to build and upload the distributable binaries for all platforms all from a single command-line on a single machine. Will probably also be used for a daily build cron job.

2004-06-14 19:47 RD, revision 27790

increment version number

2004-06-14 19:45 RD, revision 27789

If wxWidgets was build without wxDisplay then in Python it will raise a NotImplementedError

2004-06-14 19:37 RD, revision 27788

Added new event binders

2004-06-14 19:12 RD, revision 27787

ProgressDialog docstrign tweak

2004-06-14 19:10 RD, revision 27786

Various layout fixes and such

2004-06-14 18:50 RD, revision 27785

fixed compile error

2004-06-14 17:34 VS, revision 27784

fixed GTK styles handling: 1. don't modify the style unless something changed 2. use gtk_widget_modify_style instead of gtk_widget_set_style, the latter is not recommended by GTK+ developers

2004-06-14 13:34 SC, revision 27783

adding mac to the memory crit sect

2004-06-14 13:27 VS, revision 27782

respect GTK+'s theme tooltip colour settings

2004-06-14 11:10 ABX, revision 27781

Reverted generic dialogs usage in MSW makefiles.

2004-06-14 10:46 VZ, revision 27780

fill up the gauge when Update(maximum) is called

2004-06-14 10:23 VZ, revision 27779

corrected erroneous description of Update() argument

2004-06-13 23:29 JS, revision 27778

Added event table macros to wxGrid that take window identifiers

2004-06-13 23:17 JS, revision 27777

Added event table macros to wxGrid that take window identifiers

2004-06-13 21:52 VZ, revision 27776

corrected DBErrorList DLL export declaration

2004-06-13 16:31 JS, revision 27775

Tweaks to announcement

2004-06-13 16:30 JS, revision 27774

Corrected return type of SetBackgroundColour

2004-06-13 16:28 JS, revision 27773

Domain name corrections

2004-06-13 16:25 JS, revision 27772

Script tweaks

2004-06-13 16:20 JS, revision 27771

Use old project file name

2004-06-13 16:18 JS, revision 27770

Typo correction

2004-06-13 16:11 JS, revision 27769

Small WinCE symbol fixes

2004-06-13 15:39 JS, revision 27768

Fix for DLL compilation bug (Fritz Elfert)

2004-06-13 13:09 VS, revision 27767

fixed background rendering if GetThemeEnabled()=true with GTK2

2004-06-13 12:50 VS, revision 27766

fix wxPanel rendering in wxGTK

2004-06-13 00:02 DS, revision 27765

replaced menu calls Append([...], true) with the less cryptic AppendCheckItem

2004-06-12 23:44 DS, revision 27764

removed SetAutoLayout(true) calls when a corresponding SetSizer() was also called (the latter already calls SetAutoLayout(true) in case of a non-NULL window); usual cleanup: removing tabs and end of line whitespace, TRUE->true, FALSE->false, -1->wxID_ANY, Enable(false)->Disable(), ""->wxEmptyString

2004-06-12 23:01 RR, revision 27763

Applied new master define for CommandBar vs. PocketPC mixed bar. This also works now under Handheld PC 2000.

2004-06-12 22:58 RR, revision 27762

Added master define for CommandBar vs. PocketPC mixed bar.

2004-06-12 21:22 VS, revision 27761

compilation fixes for GTK (this looks weird for other platforms, too...)

2004-06-12 19:38 VS, revision 27760

set size hints in notebook sample

2004-06-12 12:36 VS, revision 27759

fixed setting of initial font under wxGTK2

2004-06-11 22:50 RD, revision 27758

Add "inplace" build option that allows the distribution to be built from witin the current source tree instead of rewuiring the wxPythonSrc tarball. (Currently it still needs the Docs and Demo tarballs to make a full build, but it can skip those parts if the tarballs are not available.)

2004-06-11 22:46 RD, revision 27757

Fix a couple warnings

2004-06-11 20:43 ABX, revision 27756

Reworked dialogs sample in the direction of fully working in not fully specified setup.h. Dedicated mainly for all those hard working on various port. Be happy with always working dialogs sample.

2004-06-11 19:24 ABX, revision 27755

Generic font dialog is still an option in wxMSW in non Univ mode

2004-06-11 19:15 RR, revision 27754

Compile fixes for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:14 RR, revision 27753

Compile fix for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:13 RR, revision 27752

Compile fix.

2004-06-11 19:12 RR, revision 27751

Added compatibility fix for wxADJUST_MINSIZE Added defines for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:02 ABX, revision 27750

No warning with wxUSE_BUSYINFO turned off.

2004-06-11 18:37 ABX, revision 27749

Generic colour dialog is still an option in wxMSW in non Univ mode

2004-06-11 17:19 ABX, revision 27748

wxUSE_FONTDLG is optional.

2004-06-11 14:45 ABX, revision 27747

wxUSE_PROGRESSDLG is optional.

2004-06-11 14:06 SC, revision 27746

adding compatibility mode fallback for custom window definition procs that don't allocated a content view at all

2004-06-11 13:14 ABX, revision 27745

wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, wxNOT_FOUND, true, false, tabs replacements.

2004-06-11 12:55 ABX, revision 27744

Changed type of bitmaps. RC of DMC reported 'is not a valid Windows 3.0 or OS/2 1.x bitmap' for some images.

2004-06-11 12:36 DS, revision 27743

fixed typo, used word 'assigned' instead of 'allotted'

2004-06-11 02:41 RD, revision 27742

Accept both XY and X.Y version numbers

2004-06-11 01:25 RD, revision 27741

Some doc tweaks

2004-06-11 01:22 RD, revision 27740

Get unicows.dll from distrib/msw

2004-06-11 01:21 RD, revision 27739

Put this distributable here so it doesn't get lost again

2004-06-11 01:16 RD, revision 27738

corrected the .pyd names

2004-06-11 01:15 RD, revision 27737

fix the shebang

2004-06-10 22:17 VZ, revision 27736

update from herbert breunung

2004-06-10 20:40 JS, revision 27735

Combine new extra styles with old ones since some ports use this for internal implementation

2004-06-10 20:26 RD, revision 27734

Some doc tweaks

2004-06-10 19:37 VS, revision 27733

fixed pasting of Unicode strings

2004-06-10 19:24 VS, revision 27732

don't confuse wxDF_UNICODETEXT and wxDF_TEXT

2004-06-10 19:00 VS, revision 27731

removed outdated comment

2004-06-10 16:51 VZ, revision 27730

open more keys in read only mode if we need to only read from them (fixes problems with accessing some registry values under XP)

2004-06-10 16:50 VZ, revision 27729

fixed typo in wxFrame::SetStatusBar() (bug 970516)

2004-06-10 13:28 JS, revision 27728

OR extra style with existing value or some implementations will have problems (espec. wxGTK modal dialogs closing behaviour)

2004-06-10 13:27 VZ, revision 27727

disable the first top level parent, not the topmost top level parent

2004-06-10 12:06 VZ, revision 27726

count the root item in wxTreeCtrl::GetCount()

2004-06-10 12:01 DS, revision 27725

clarified the parameters of MB2WC and WC2MB a little in the docs/headers

2004-06-10 11:29 VZ, revision 27724

fixed assert in SetItemText() for wxTR_MULTIPLE controls

2004-06-10 00:09 RD, revision 27723

Take care of some focus issues with the AutoComp list box and also a crash at exit when losing focus.

2004-06-09 23:48 VZ, revision 27722

fixed OnFrameClose() return type

2004-06-09 22:19 RD, revision 27721

Ensure that the correct rectangle is clipped and refreshed for the CallTip

2004-06-09 22:01 VZ, revision 27720

explicit this-> is required by C++ standard, not g++, in WinStruct template

2004-06-09 21:48 VZ, revision 27719

count the root item in wxTreeCtrl::GetCount()

2004-06-09 19:00 RD, revision 27718


2004-06-09 18:59 RD, revision 27717


2004-06-09 18:55 RD, revision 27716

Use correct CheckForIntersect method

2004-06-09 18:54 RD, revision 27715


2004-06-09 18:54 RD, revision 27714

Support for new ctor and Union

2004-06-09 17:51 RD, revision 27713


2004-06-09 17:50 RD, revision 27712

use the API Ptr accessor for the inline functions too.

2004-06-09 17:31 RD, revision 27711


2004-06-09 17:30 RD, revision 27710


2004-06-09 17:05 RD, revision 27709

Default position for PopupMenu

2004-06-09 16:42 ABX, revision 27708

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false and tabs replacements. Correct help system in non MSW builds of OGL-Studio sample.

2004-06-09 15:38 VS, revision 27707

removed unneeded prototype

2004-06-09 11:17 VS, revision 27706

documented wxString's ctors that convert between wc and mb strings

2004-06-09 07:12 RD, revision 27705


2004-06-09 07:10 RD, revision 27704

distrib and build updates