

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-04-04 02:11 VZ, revision 73775

Document wxTextEntryDialog::SetTextValidator(). These methods exist since r15925 but were never documented. See #5420.

2013-04-04 02:11 VZ, revision 73774

Fix wxTextEntryDialog::GetValue() when using SetTextValidator(). Associating a validator with the text control in wxTextEntryDialog resulted in GetValue() always returning an empty string which was completely unexpected. Fix this by setting the value string manually to avoid interfering with any possibly used validators.

2013-04-03 20:13 VS, revision 73773

Use the same wxDEBUG_LEVEL settings for Xcode projects as elsewhere. Use the same debug flag default settings in the build/osx Xcode projects as are used by all other makefiles and projects - that is, wxDEBUG_LEVEL=1. This is done automatically by the headers, no need to define any extra symbols when building.

2013-04-03 04:08 RD, revision 73768

Add wxRect::SetPosition

2013-04-02 01:59 VZ, revision 73764

Don't use GetStandardCmdLineOptions() under non-Unix platforms. The GTK+ standard options are only available under Unix. Closes #15131.

2013-04-01 21:39 JS, revision 73763

Corrected code that re-encodes the book title.

2013-04-01 21:38 JS, revision 73762

Corrected code that re-encodes the book title.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73757

Make wxToolBar styles consistent and add wxTB_DEFAULT_STYLE. Don't include wxBORDER_NONE in neither wxToolBar ctor and Create() nor wxFrame::CreateToolBar() flags parameter, override GetDefaultBorder() in wxToolBar itself instead to use the border style appropriate for the current platform by default. This has the same effect -- the default border style is used unless another one is explicitly specified -- but is more clear and consistent. Also add wxTB_DEFAULT_STYLE for consistency with the other classes. Closes #15037.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73756

Remove wxTextCtrl::OnEnabled() hack from wxGTK. Don't change the background colour when the control is being enabled or disabled, it doesn't seem necessary and it's unclear why was this added by r10179 in the first place. It does result in problems however as it could somehow make the selection of wxTextCtrl invisible when it lost focus and so fixes a serious usability problem which happened to all wxTextCtrls for which a wxEVT_UPDATE_UI handler using wxUpdateUIEvent::Enable() was defined. Closes #14898.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73755

Explicitly trigger wxNotebook layout in wxMSW to ensure it is correct. Due to an apparent bug in the native control implementation, space could be reserved for the second row of tabs even when the notebook was big enough to need it. Sending it an extra WM_SIZE seems to be enough to fix this. Closes #1792.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73754

Added wxSearchCtrl to list of currently non-native wxGTK controls. It could be implemented using the native GtkSearchEntry in GTK+ 3.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73753

Fix the style value in wxWizard::Create() documentation. Somehow the raw value was used instead of the symbolic constant. Closes #15130.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73752

Fix the header to be included in wxStringTokenizer documentation. See #15130.

2013-03-31 03:12 VZ, revision 73751

Document wxDateTime arithmetic operators. wxDateTime::operator+() and operator-() were not documented, do it now. Also fix the return value of wxDateTime::Add(). See #15130.

2013-03-31 03:11 VZ, revision 73750

Document wxDataView{List,Tree}Ctrl as only available since 2.9.0. See #15130.

2013-03-31 03:11 VZ, revision 73749

Remove wx{File,Dir}PickerCtrl::CheckPath() declaration. This function wasn't defined, so don't declare it neither. This should have been part of r72475.

2013-03-31 03:11 VZ, revision 73748

Remove remaining occurrences of wxUSE_XPM_IN_MSW. This symbol is not used since a very long time as XPM support is now always available in wxMSW and most of its occurrences were removed almost 10 years ago, just remove the remaining ones too.

2013-03-31 03:11 VZ, revision 73747

Add a comment with links to proper command line parsing rules. No real changes, just added a comment with links to the descriptions of the correct rules that we should use in ConvertStringToArgs().

2013-03-29 20:53 VZ, revision 73737

Fix program not shutting down when using Ubuntu app menu. Ensure that an idle event is generated after a menu event even when the latter comes, via DBUS, from the out of process app menu and not from a real GTK menu. Closes #15122.

2013-03-29 20:53 VZ, revision 73736

Mention the relationship of wxDocument::Activate() with Raise(). Also provide an example of a custom overridden Raise(). See #15120.

2013-03-29 20:53 VZ, revision 73735

Minor documentation corrections in wxBookCtrlBase. Use the correct preposition in "set selection to the given page". See #15125.

2013-03-29 20:53 VZ, revision 73734

Added wxBookCtrlBase::FindPage(). Add helper function to find the index of the given page. Closes #15125.

2013-03-28 00:10 VZ, revision 73731

Fix assert when constructing invalid wxGBSpan inside wxWidgets itself. Various wxGridBagSizer methods returning wxGBSpan asserted when trying to construct an invalid wxGBSpan as its components must now (since r66964) be positive. Fix this by adding a special new method to wxGBSpan for constructing such invalid spans and use it now. Closes #15124.

2013-03-28 00:10 VZ, revision 73730

Add wxDocManager::FindDocumentByPath() helper. Simply refactor the code which already existed inside wxDocManager in a new public method. Closes #15126.

2013-03-28 00:10 VZ, revision 73729

Fix display of empty wxStaticBoxSizers. wxStaticBoxSizer should be considered shown if its static box is shown, even if it has no elements (or all of them are hidden). Closes #14698.