

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-04-28 20:25 VZ, revision 73875

No real changes, just make wxGridCellEditor accessors const. IsCreated(), GetControl() and GetCellAttr() should both be const, so make them so.

2013-04-26 22:00 VZ, revision 73870

wxOSX: store the menu title when inserting it in the menu bar. We "lost" the menu title if the menu was inserted, and not appended, to the menu bar, resulting wxMenuBar::GetMenuLabel[Text]() returning empty strings for it in this case.

2013-04-26 21:41 VZ, revision 73869

Remove "Windows only" mention from wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER documentation. This style works for wxComboBox under GTK and OS X as well.

2013-04-26 21:41 VZ, revision 73868

Test wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER in the combobox page of the widgets sample. Remove the unused "File name" checkbox in this page and put "Process Enter" one in its place to allow toggling wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER interactively to test whether it works as expected.

2013-04-26 21:41 VZ, revision 73867

Minor visual enhancement in the combobox page of the widgets sample. Expand the lower static box to align it with the upper one, otherwise they look really ugly, especially under Mac.

2013-04-26 18:48 RD, revision 73866

revert part of last change, run configure from the builddir or cwd, not from configure's location.

2013-04-26 08:37 RD, revision 73856


2013-04-26 08:37 RD, revision 73855

Changes needed to help be more generic and working well with other modules

2013-04-25 15:16 VZ, revision 73854

Fix generic wxDataViewToggleRenderer hit testing with any alignment. This change reverts the changes of r73835 and r73838 to wxDataViewToggleRenderer::WXActivateCell() and instead fix the bug with mouse hit testing in this function in the wxDataViewMainWindow::OnMouse() itself. The problem there was that it offset the coordinates of the event differently depending on whether the column alignment was set or left as default. Now always make the coordinates relative to the item (not cell) rectangle for compatibility with GTK+ native version, which is enough to make the original, i.e. before the changes of r73835, code work. See #15144.

2013-04-25 14:54 VZ, revision 73853

Fix compilation-breaking typo in the previous commit. s/LoadUrl/LoadURL/

2013-04-25 14:53 VZ, revision 73852

Fix wxWebView test setup failure under OS X. Call LoadUrl() after associating our custom event handler with the browser object as otherwise the wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED event could be generated before we were set up to catch it, resulting in the assertion failure inside ENSURE_LOADED.

2013-04-25 13:56 VZ, revision 73851

Fix wxEVT_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICK event type name. Fix incorrect conflict resolution between the changes of r73823 and r73850: the first renamed wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICKED to wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICK while the latter renamed it to wxEVT_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICKED. The proper new name is wxEVT_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICK, use it instead.

2013-04-25 12:11 VZ, revision 73850

Provide shorter synonyms for wxEVT_XXX constants. Use the same short names as are used by the event table macros for the event type constants themselves. This makes them much more comfortable to use, e.g. Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON) compared to Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED). The old long names are still kept for backwards compatibility and shouldn't be removed as it doesn't really cost anything to continue providing them, but all new event types should only use the short versions. Closes #10661.

2013-04-25 11:35 VZ, revision 73849

Small fixes after wxHtmlTagHandler::GetParser() addition. Amend the changes of r73839: - Don't use covariant return type for wxHtmlWinTagHandler::GetParser() as VC6, which we still support, doesn't like it. Besides, this seems unnecessary. - Don't make GetParser() virtual at all as this doesn't appear to be necessary neither. - Add "@since 2.9.5" to the documentation of the new method.

2013-04-24 11:01 VZ, revision 73848

Fix showing back hidden columns and rows in wxGrid. While we don't support auto-sizing of the hidden columns and rows, we need to still show them back when SetColSize() or SetRowSize() is called with -1 (a.k.a. wxGRID_AUTOSIZE) argument.

2013-04-24 04:40 RD, revision 73841

Add documentation for some additional cell types so they can be seen in Phoenix

2013-04-24 04:40 RD, revision 73840

Add ctor for wxHtmlWinTagHandler

2013-04-24 04:40 RD, revision 73839

Add GetParser methods for the tag handlers

2013-04-23 13:56 VZ, revision 73838

Really fix hit testing in the generic wxDataViewToggleRenderer. The changes of r73835 fixed hit testing in horizontal direction but broke it in the vertical one as the computed checkbox rectangle was not relative to the cell rectangle as it should have been. Do fix this now. See #15144.

2013-04-22 12:45 VZ, revision 73837

Add wxSocketBase::GetSocket(). Provide direct access to the underlying socket descriptor. Closes #8829.

2013-04-22 02:32 VZ, revision 73836

Add test for correct short/long file names in wxDir. Verify that enumerating the files using the pattern *.foo doesn't match * files, as it used to do under MSW. See #3432.

2013-04-21 19:39 VZ, revision 73835

Fix hit testing in generic wxDataViewToggleRenderer. Handle clicks on the checkboxes in generic wxDataViewCtrl correctly by taking into account that the checkbox rectangle is centred inside the total cell rectangle. Closes #15144.

2013-04-21 19:18 VZ, revision 73834

Reset sorting column in generic wxDataViewCtrl properly. We could keep using the column previously used for sorting even after UnsetAsSortKey() was called on it. Ensure that this doesn't happen by resetting the owner wxDataViewCtrl sort column index too. Closes #15160.

2013-04-21 00:13 VZ, revision 73832

Add wxTextEntryDialog::SetMaxLength(). Allow restricting the maximal number of characters that can be entered in wxTextEntryDialog. Closes #15158.

2013-04-21 00:13 VZ, revision 73831

Standardize on using "Added" instead of "Add" in the change log. As all the other verbs were used in the infinitive and not past tense, do the same thing for this one too, especially as we already had a mix of both forms.