

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-10-15 00:01 VZ, revision 29853

added wxFileSize_t, changed types of wxFile methods/parameters once again

2004-10-14 23:46 VZ, revision 29852

always let GTK process focus_out events itself

2004-10-14 22:31 VZ, revision 29851

call Skip() under Mac

2004-10-14 22:27 VZ, revision 29850

replaced deprecated GetNoHistoryFiles() function with GetCount()

2004-10-14 19:15 ABX, revision 29849

Do not waste time for USE_ODBC=0.

2004-10-14 18:09 ABX, revision 29848

Bug #1001474. Text!=Password.

2004-10-14 17:42 ABX, revision 29847

Warning fix for wxDateTime_t <-> MSW data exchange.

2004-10-14 17:36 ABX, revision 29846

Fix to wrong order of parameters. Used wxStringBase constructor has parameters in reversed order in comparison to wxString (iirc due to stl::string compatibility).

2004-10-14 17:27 ABX, revision 29845

Fix to the crash in all MSW/OpenWatcom apps using toolbars. wxString() in A?B:C is not a good idea.

2004-10-14 17:19 ABX, revision 29844

Fix to bug #1046289. dtor of wxMetaTagParser must be executed earlier than dtor of 'charset'.

2004-10-14 17:09 ABX, revision 29843

Do not waste time with OpenGL turned off.

2004-10-14 17:05 ABX, revision 29842

Free DMC does not distribute OpenGL support.

2004-10-14 14:34 RN, revision 29841

readd files to restore cocoa compilation

2004-10-14 14:07 RN, revision 29840

Reverted and fixed really broken overcommit

2004-10-14 12:49 VS, revision 29839

fixes to building wxBase on Darwin

2004-10-14 10:32 JS, revision 29838

Script updates

2004-10-14 10:29 JS, revision 29837

Doc tweaks

2004-10-14 10:28 JS, revision 29836

Added SetScrollLinesX, SetScrollLinesY so apps can work around scrollbar appearance problems by setting the scroll increment to e.g. 1 (Scrollbar problems caused by rounding errors - see comments in grid.cpp). Also removed obsolete functions from reference, rearranged alphabetically

2004-10-14 10:16 JS, revision 29835

Commented out SetFont(wxNullFont) which causes an assertion on Windows

2004-10-14 09:29 VS, revision 29834


2004-10-14 03:39 DE, revision 29833

Removed empty wxCocoa wxFileDialog implementation

2004-10-14 03:05 DE, revision 29832

Reverted broken test to determine wxHAS_TASK_BAR_ICON

2004-10-14 03:01 DE, revision 29831

Removed empty wxCocoa taskbar files and broken files.bkl commit.

2004-10-13 21:19 VZ, revision 29830

give an #error if wxUSE_GLCANVAS == 0 instead of building empty samples

2004-10-13 20:47 JS, revision 29829

gtk_frame_focus_out_callback can be called with g_activeFrame null; so test for it.