

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-10-17 00:05 VZ, revision 29928

fixed bug with adding new entries to a root group with subgroups but without any existing entries

2004-10-16 22:11 RR, revision 29927

Began work on print dialogs. Now wxPrintDialog is a pimpl implementation of the native dialog classes, which are created in wxPrintFactory.

2004-10-16 21:52 VS, revision 29926

don't use m_instanceAsWindow to convert dialog units, it's not fully constructed yet and can't provide the information

2004-10-16 20:54 VZ, revision 29925

don't leave two conscutive separators after "moving" a standard menu item to the application menu

2004-10-16 20:28 VZ, revision 29924

don't reset tool/status bar pointers manually, it is now done automatically by the dtors of the bars themselves

2004-10-16 20:25 VZ, revision 29923

reset parent frame tool/status bar pointer automatically when the bar is destroyed; this ensures that we're never left with dangling pointers and fixes a crash under Mac when MDI child frame with a toolbar is closed

2004-10-16 19:59 VZ, revision 29922

added wxSetCursorEvent documentation (patch 1048181)

2004-10-16 19:55 VZ, revision 29921

compilation fixes for newer GTK versions (patch 1042407)

2004-10-16 19:43 VS, revision 29920

wxProcess::OnTerminate is not const

2004-10-16 19:41 VZ, revision 29919

unused params warnings (patch 1048431)

2004-10-16 17:46 RD, revision 29918

Fix to use old AutoWidthMixin API

2004-10-16 15:00 VZ, revision 29917

call AddChild() when the control is already reallly created

2004-10-16 13:39 VZ, revision 29916

suppress VC++ warning about long -> void * conversion too

2004-10-16 13:31 VZ, revision 29915

fixed enhanced metafiles loading from files

2004-10-16 11:45 VZ, revision 29914

replace post-linking commands with true, not #, for the platforms for which they don't make sense: this allows to use things like wx-config --rezflags directly in makefiles and not only with autoconf

2004-10-16 11:31 VZ, revision 29913

use size_t for the total size of data instead of wxFileSize_t (msg catalogs can't be that big...)

2004-10-16 02:15 DE, revision 29912

Add a second wxTaskBarIcon that uses the Dock (wxCocoa only)

2004-10-16 01:49 DS, revision 29911

fixed CFM build linking error

2004-10-16 01:47 VZ, revision 29910

fixed fatal bug when moving the control after itself in tab order

2004-10-16 01:30 DE, revision 29909

Whoops, forgot to commit this.

2004-10-16 00:45 VZ, revision 29908

added missing WXDLLEXPORT

2004-10-16 00:38 VZ, revision 29907

fixed inconsistent dllspec warning in DLL build

2004-10-16 00:27 VZ, revision 29906

fixed the just added wxStringTokenizer::GetPosition() test overwritten by the previous commit

2004-10-16 00:16 VZ, revision 29905

use unsigned chars for UTF8 data (avoids warnings)

2004-10-16 00:14 VZ, revision 29904

added wxStringTokenizer::GetPosition() test