

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-07-14 20:38 SC, revision 76927

trying xcrun notation for sdk

2014-07-14 19:35 AW, revision 76926

Search through all properties in wxPG::GetPropertyByLabel. Function should search for given label through all properties. This is consistent with searching by name (in GetPropertyByName) which is not limited to the subset of properties. Closes #15251.

2014-07-14 19:18 AW, revision 76925

Resolve ambiguity in multiple inheritance of function GetPropertyByLabel in wxPGPage. In wxPropertyGridPage class derived from wxPropertyGridPageState and wxPropertyGridInterface, function GetPropertyByLabel is inherited from both base classes. To resolve this ambiguity, function defined in wxPGInterface is introduced in wxPGPage through 'using-declaration'. (This is a temporary fix and finally GetPropertyByLabel function should be removed from wxPropertyGridPageState.) See #15251.

2014-07-14 19:15 SC, revision 76924

forgotten commit

2014-07-14 18:36 SC, revision 76923

removing extraneous parentheses

2014-07-14 18:27 SC, revision 76922

adding standard options for OS compatibility

2014-07-14 18:03 SC, revision 76921

using in place swapping macros

2014-07-14 18:03 SC, revision 76920

completing in place swapping macros

2014-07-14 17:50 SC, revision 76919

fixing commit

2014-07-14 17:42 SC, revision 76918

adding in place replacements avoiding self assignment

2014-07-14 17:37 SC, revision 76917

attempt at getting rid of unused-function warning

2014-07-14 15:57 SC, revision 76916

trial build with special warnings ON

2014-07-14 13:54 VZ, revision 76915

Ensure that wxCmdLineParser::FoundSwitch() asserts when used wrongly. This makes CmdLine unit test pass with the assertions backported from trunk, where FoundSwitch() does assert when called for a non-switch.

2014-07-14 13:38 VZ, revision 76914

Shorten wxOSX builds labels. Too long labels made some of the buildbot tables quite unreadable, so shorten them to something more reasonable.

2014-07-14 12:25 SC, revision 76913

adding CoreText to iOS builds

2014-07-14 11:37 SC, revision 76912

adding separate trunk fir c++

2014-07-13 18:38 AW, revision 76911

Use native renderers in wxPG under MSW by default.

2014-07-13 18:34 AW, revision 76910

Use native renderer for drawing check boxes in wxPG only if wxPG_USE_RENDERER_NATIVE flag is set. wxPG_USE_RENDERER_NATIVE flag is used in wxPG code to control whether native renderers can be called and we need to employ it. Legacy custom drawing code is used if this flag is no set.

2014-07-13 16:30 VZ, revision 76909

Fix inserting an element of wxArrayString itself back into it. Do the insertion/addition before deallocating the old memory to allow things like array.Add(array[0]) to work correctly. Closes #2290.

2014-07-13 16:30 VZ, revision 76908

Fix memory leak in ArraysTestCase unit test. Clear the items in PTR array explicitly, this is not done by the array itself.

2014-07-13 16:27 VZ, revision 76907

Fix inserting an element of wxArrayString itself back into it. Do the insertion/addition before deallocating the old memory to allow things like array.Add(array[0]) to work correctly. Closes #2290.

2014-07-13 16:27 VZ, revision 76906

Fix memory leak in ArraysTestCase unit test. Clear the items in PTR array explicitly, this is not done by the array itself.

2014-07-13 15:53 VZ, revision 76905

Fix socket leaks in wxFTP if starting up/downloading fails. Add the missing delete statements. Closes #2250.

2014-07-13 15:53 VZ, revision 76904

Fix socket leaks in wxFTP if starting up/downloading fails. Add the missing delete statements. Closes #2250.

2014-07-13 14:22 VZ, revision 76903

Don't DLL-export the private wxSimpleFontEnumerator class. This class is only used internally, so there is no need to export it from the shared library.

2014-07-13 14:17 VZ, revision 76902

Use dictionary sort for wxListBox strings. This should result in more expected, and more consistent with MSW, order of the items differing in case only. Also do the same for wxChoice in wxGTK1. Closes #16356.

2014-07-13 10:52 JS, revision 76901

Fix for context menu key under wxGTK

2014-07-13 10:52 JS, revision 76900

Fix for context menu key under wxGTK

2014-07-13 10:47 JS, revision 76899

Fix for text parsing when the text object has properties

2014-07-13 10:47 JS, revision 76898

Fix for text parsing when the text object has properties

2014-07-13 10:44 JS, revision 76897

Layout fix for paragraphs after floating objects not centering

2014-07-12 21:34 AW, revision 76896

Credit for patch (r76895).

2014-07-12 18:34 AW, revision 76895

Use native renderer to draw check boxes in wxPG. Use wxRendererNative procedure instead of custom check box drawing to get native look and feel of the check boxes in wxPG. Closes #14881.

2014-07-12 18:07 AW, revision 76894

Check if colour database exists before trying to use it in wxColourProperty. Sanity check in wxColourProperty ctor.

2014-07-12 12:47 AW, revision 76893

Allow use of all wxPG colours. wxPG-specific colours are added to the colour database when wxColourProperty is created (already existing colours are not overwritten by wxPG ones). Original list of wxPG colours was restored. Closes #15597.

2014-07-12 10:31 TIK, revision 76892

wxBitmapComboBoxBase uses wxArrayPtrVoid, so we need to #include "wx/dynarray.h". This fixes a compile error in situations where wx/dynarray.h is not implicitly included through other headers, e.g. when building wx with many features disabled.

2014-07-12 10:31 TIK, revision 76891

wxBitmapComboBoxBase uses wxArrayPtrVoid, so we need to #include "wx/dynarray.h". This fixes a compile error in situations where wx/dynarray.h is not implicitly included through other headers, e.g. when building wx with many features disabled.

2014-07-11 19:25 AW, revision 76890

Allow clearing wxPG from within wxPG event handlers. If wxPG::Clear is called from within event handler then it is not possible to delete all property items directly because some vital internal wxPG data are still in use. In this case it is necessary to put all items on the list for deferred deletion in wxPG idle state. Closes #16222.

2014-07-11 19:01 AW, revision 76889

Adjust list of items for deferred deletion/removal if wxPG property item is actually deleted/removed. When property is actually deleted/removed it must be also removed from the respective list of items for deferred deletion/removal in order to avoid crashes when it would be attempted to delete/remove it again at next wxPG idle state. Because lists of items for deferred operations can be updated at every actual deletion/removal it is necessary to rearrange iteration through these lists in wxPG::OnIdle. See #16222.

2014-07-11 18:38 AW, revision 76888

Prevent duplicating wxPG property items on the list of items for deferred deletion/removal. It is necessary to prevent duplicating items on the list of items to be deleted/removed later on (in wxPropertyGrid::OnIdle) to avoid crashes when it would be attempted to delete/remove already deleted/removed item. See #16222.

2014-07-11 15:38 VZ, revision 76887

Fix using wrong variable in wxMotif DoSetSizeIntr(). Use y instead of using x twice.

2014-07-10 18:35 AW, revision 76886

Use XOR operation to toggle the state of check box in wxPG. Minor optimization by using single XOR operation instead of separate AND, OR operations to toggle the state of wxSimpleCheckBox.

2014-07-10 18:22 AW, revision 76885

Defer using of editable check box in wxPG until it is fully initialized. Currently, when wxPGCheckBoxEditor is clicked then associated check box (wxSimpleCheckBox) is created and immediately after that its state is changed. This causes problems when underlaying validation is performed because the check box object is not yet registered as an active editor and thus it is not visible from within e.g. validation function. We need to defer changing the initial state of the check box until this box is registered by queuing the special event which will be processed after initialization. Closes #16361.

2014-07-10 11:55 TIK, revision 76884

Fix a compile error with some compilers introduced in r76812.

2014-07-10 11:51 TIK, revision 76883

Fix a compile error with some compilers introduced in r76813.

2014-07-09 20:56 AW, revision 76882

Use automatically generated ID values for wxPG sub-controls. Currently in wxPG there are used fixed "magic" ID values to identify sub-controls and this can lead to side effects if these values overlap with ID values assigned to another controls in the application (like e.g. menu items). Closes #13634.

2014-07-08 17:56 AW, revision 76876

Fix wxEnumProperty::GetIndexForValue GetIndexForValue should indicate that given property value does not exist by returning special index value(-1). Closes #14450.

2014-07-08 00:32 AW, revision 76875

Refresh property grid when property is switched to read-only state. Property grid is refreshed to reflect the new state of the property. Small refactoring of wxPropertyGridInterface class: SetPropertyReadOnly() function body moved from header file to source file. Closes #16306.

2014-07-07 22:48 RD, revision 76874

revert last commit

2014-07-07 21:39 AW, revision 76873

2014-07-07 20:03 SC, revision 76872

adding libs for ios

2014-07-07 19:11 VZ, revision 76871

Correct the addition of wxLANGUAGE_KABYLE. Repair (too late?) the ABI breakage for all the language constants following wxLANGUAGE_KABYLE in alphabetical order by adding this enum element at the end of the enum instead of in the middle. Also add wxLANGUAGE_KABYLE to langtabl.txt so that it doesn't disappear when the generated fragments are updated by running misc/languages/ the next time. This corrects/supersedes r75753.

2014-07-07 16:21 SC, revision 76870

making choice of libcppunit explicit, no system installed version anymore

2014-07-07 11:33 TIK, revision 76869

Tools can be specified without name in the XRC, so GetID() of the node returns wxID_ANY. Use the auto-assigned ID of the tool to refer to it instead.

2014-07-07 11:33 TIK, revision 76868

Tools can be specified without name in the XRC, so GetID() of the node returns wxID_ANY. Use the auto-assigned ID of the tool to refer to it instead.

2014-07-07 07:16 SC, revision 76867

reverting incorrect change

2014-07-07 07:15 SC, revision 76866

reverting incorrect fixes

2014-07-06 21:39 SC, revision 76865

adding padding nuls

2014-07-06 21:32 SC, revision 76864

adding padding nuls

2014-07-06 16:59 SC, revision 76863

removing wxMacLaunch dependancy for ios

2014-07-06 16:58 SC, revision 76862

fixing warning

2014-07-06 16:58 SC, revision 76861

adding ios build

2014-07-06 16:56 SC, revision 76860

added missing impl

2014-07-06 16:55 SC, revision 76859

note for further action

2014-07-06 13:31 TIK, revision 76858

Implement wxGenericListCtrl::EndEditLabel.

2014-07-06 12:33 SC, revision 76857

support for 64 bit ios

2014-07-06 12:32 TIK, revision 76856

Implement wxGenericListCtrl::EndEditLabel.

2014-07-06 12:05 TIK, revision 76855

Fix typo in documentation.

2014-07-06 12:05 TIK, revision 76854

Fix typo in documentation.

2014-07-06 12:01 TIK, revision 76853

Do not assert if not editing a label when calling wxGenericTreeCtrl::EndEditLabel

2014-07-06 12:01 TIK, revision 76852

Do not assert if not editing a label when calling wxGenericTreeCtrl::EndEditLabel

2014-07-06 10:10 SC, revision 76851

reverting name changes, doesn't seem to get reflected w/o restart

2014-07-06 10:02 SC, revision 76850

building trunk with libc++ adjusting cppunit

2014-07-06 09:00 SC, revision 76849

add zero termination for utf16

2014-07-05 21:30 SC, revision 76848

adding carbon option and sdk

2014-07-05 21:14 SC, revision 76847


2014-07-05 21:08 SC, revision 76846

add sdk again

2014-07-05 21:04 SC, revision 76845

change quoting

2014-07-05 21:03 SC, revision 76844

change quoting

2014-07-05 21:00 SC, revision 76843

adding flags, LDFLAGS need architecture as well

2014-07-05 20:22 SC, revision 76842

next try

2014-07-05 20:21 SC, revision 76841

next try

2014-07-05 20:20 SC, revision 76840

next try

2014-07-05 20:19 SC, revision 76839

xml error

2014-07-05 20:17 SC, revision 76838

switching attributes, spaces got eliminated to aggressively

2014-07-05 18:44 SC, revision 76837

adding builds for stable branch

2014-07-05 18:13 SC, revision 76836

attempt at using variables

2014-07-05 17:15 SC, revision 76835

clang and ccache warnings suppression also for .mm files, turn off other builds temporarily

2014-07-05 16:37 SC, revision 76834

clang warnings

2014-07-05 16:13 SC, revision 76833

trying to tune ccache and clang cooperation

2014-07-05 15:29 SC, revision 76832

raising trunk SDK, removing Carbon build

2014-07-05 12:16 SC, revision 76831

revert in case the buildbot problem was caused by this change

2014-07-05 12:14 SC, revision 76830

remove carbon build temporarily

2014-07-04 22:10 SC, revision 76829

adding base virtuals

2014-07-04 18:58 SC, revision 76828

supporting NSString also in Carbon

2014-07-04 18:52 SC, revision 76827

resolving ambiguity

2014-07-04 14:43 TIK, revision 76826

Fix compilation if configured with --disable-printarch

2014-07-04 14:43 TIK, revision 76825

Fix compilation if configured with --disable-printarch

2014-07-04 14:23 VZ, revision 76824

Skip mouse button release events in wxGenericListCtrl. This is similar to r76094 for wxGenericTreeCtrl and fixes a similar problem: clicking in a wxListCtrl inside wxNotebook confused GtkNotebook mouse tracking logic because it didn't get some events. Closes #16365.

2014-07-04 14:22 VZ, revision 76823

Fix typo in wxTreeCtrl::AppendItem() documentation. The greater sign got lost in Doxygen translation, restore it. Closes #16366.