

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-06-10 17:52 VZ, revision 74154

Fix crash when undoing the deletion of a nested table column in wxRTC. Fix the object parent when applying the actions. Closes #15186.

2013-06-10 17:52 VZ, revision 74153

Link with libjbig when using built-in libtiff under Unix. If libjbig is available, the built-in libtiff build process picks it up and uses it, requiring all the code linking with libtiff to link with it too, so add it to the list of the libraries in this case. This is the same change as was already done for liblzma dependency in r74033, see #14963. Closes #15244.

2013-06-10 17:51 VZ, revision 74152

Updated all the message catalogs with the latest translations. No real changes, just the result of running "make -C locale allpo".

2013-06-10 17:51 VZ, revision 74151

Don't mark the strings "1", "2", ... "10" as translatable. They are the same in all the languages, don't create extra work for the translators.

2013-06-09 01:24 RD, revision 74130

More docs cleanup and fixes for richtextbuffer

2013-06-09 01:23 RD, revision 74129

Remove some wxT()'s in the docs

2013-06-09 01:23 RD, revision 74128

More richtext fixes for Phoenix

2013-06-08 15:31 TIK, revision 74127

C++11 requires a space between adjacent string literals. This change prevents recent GCC to emit a warning every time wx/defs.h is included.

2013-06-08 04:29 VZ, revision 74126

Exclude src/msw/version.rc from svn pre-commit hook checks. This file must be remain in CP1252 encoding and not UTF-8 because this is what Windows uses for showing the strings in it, so exclude it from this check.

2013-06-08 04:27 VZ, revision 74125

Undo MIME type change of r74120. Undo the temporary hack which was required to commit the non-UTF-8 file. In the future the commit hook will be updated to relax the check for this file so it won't be necessary any longer.

2013-06-08 04:23 VZ, revision 74124

Use library-specific description in their version resources for MSW DLLs. Reusing the same description for all files wasn't especially useful, make it more informative.

2013-06-08 04:23 VZ, revision 74123

Remove duplicate WXMAKINGDLL_RIBBON-related code. For some reason both the definition of and test for WXMAKINGDLL_RIBBON was duplicated.

2013-06-08 04:23 VZ, revision 74122

Simplify the version information resource definition a little. Put the correct data into FileVersion and InternalName fields and remove LegalTrademarks, PrivateBuild and SpecialBuild completely as they are optional and shouldn't be present if the corresponding flags are not set, see

2013-06-08 04:23 VZ, revision 74121

Add back the copyright symbol to the version information resource. It has somehow disappeared in r62054 (see #10659).

2013-06-08 04:22 VZ, revision 74120

Set MIME type of Windows resource file to non-text. This is just a hack to allow this file to be in non-UTF-8 as the commit hook currently checks that UTF-8 is used for all text files.

2013-06-08 04:08 VZ, revision 74119

Update copyright year in the version information resource.

2013-06-04 18:18 SC, revision 74109

associate the outline view with the impl, fixes #13748

2013-06-04 09:22 SC, revision 74107

refactoring focus handling

2013-06-04 09:06 SC, revision 74106

exposing wxOSXGetViewFromResponder

2013-06-04 08:54 SC, revision 74105

adding a more extensive version to arrive at the impl when given a native control, taking into account eg the composited controls of a scrollview

2013-06-04 08:27 SC, revision 74102

adding comment

2013-06-03 19:54 SC, revision 74101

avoiding reentrancy problems and congestion

2013-06-03 19:49 SC, revision 74100

avoiding focus lost events when a different subview gets focused, see #14042

2013-06-03 16:57 SC, revision 74099

make sure we don't execute pending deletes either when in runModel, otherwise reentrancy problems occur

2013-06-03 15:21 SC, revision 74098

using ordinary Show for popup windows as on MSW which activates it as well, I'll rewire ShowWithoutActivating for the other use case, fixes #15008