

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-02-10 21:14 ABX, revision 31903

Build fix.

2005-02-10 20:29 RR, revision 31902

Corrected button height for multiline buttons.

2005-02-10 19:22 ABX, revision 31901

Warning fixes.

2005-02-10 17:25 ABX, revision 31900

wxEmptyString decorations.

2005-02-10 16:35 JS, revision 31899

Applied patch [ 1096612 ] FL: fix close button on wxGTK

2005-02-10 16:31 JS, revision 31898

Applied patch [ 1117207 ] changed the test for SQL_C_WCHAR

2005-02-10 16:26 MW, revision 31897

Compile console apps with wxUSE_GUI=0

2005-02-10 15:33 JS, revision 31896

Applied patch [ 1113565 ] generic treectl multiselection

2005-02-10 15:29 JS, revision 31895

Applied [ 1110257 ] wxFoldPanelBar does not display correctly

2005-02-10 14:55 JS, revision 31894

Applied patch [ 1119239 ] Adds socket support for Windows CE platforms by 'upcase'

2005-02-10 14:39 RN, revision 31893

remove superflous comments

2005-02-10 14:06 MW, revision 31892

Separate out zip specific parts of the archive test suite

2005-02-10 13:54 MW, revision 31891

Add wxUSE_ARCSTREAM so that other archive classes can be used without wxZip

2005-02-10 12:54 JS, revision 31890

Version update

2005-02-10 11:05 RN, revision 31889

wxSockAddr docs

2005-02-10 10:54 RN, revision 31888

wxMediaCtrl unix port with gstreamer usable version :)

2005-02-10 10:49 ABX, revision 31887

wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin duplicated wxWindowBase method.

2005-02-10 10:43 ABX, revision 31886

wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin duplicated wxWindowBase method.

2005-02-10 10:36 ABX, revision 31885

wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin duplicated wxWindowBase method.

2005-02-10 10:27 ABX, revision 31884

wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin duplicated wxWindowBase method.

2005-02-10 09:22 ABX, revision 31883

wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin duplicated wxWindowBase method. Working wxFrame::GetClientAreaOrigin. Screen size metric.

2005-02-09 22:49 RR, revision 31882

Applied patch for more compliant wxScrolbar event generation order.

2005-02-09 22:31 VZ, revision 31881

redraw the grid when it's enabled/disabled

2005-02-09 21:36 JS, revision 31880

Applied patch [ 1113624 ] MSW DLL requires global new/delete ops inline

2005-02-09 21:34 JS, revision 31879

Applied patch [ 1116706 ] wxRendererGeneric::DrawComboBoxDropButton position fix