

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-01-22 13:53 RR, revision 58298

Use wxCONTROL_SPECIAL to denote first header button

2009-01-22 13:51 RR, revision 58297

The last button also looks different in the header control

2009-01-22 13:41 RR, revision 58296

First and other header buttons look different

2009-01-22 13:40 RR, revision 58295

First and other header buttons look different

2009-01-22 13:34 RR, revision 58294

Respect that GTK+ wants to have space between scrollbar and client area

2009-01-22 13:33 RR, revision 58293

Try to be smarter about querying the border witdh

2009-01-22 13:33 RR, revision 58292

Override GetDefaultBorder, currently changes nothing

2009-01-22 11:53 FM, revision 58291

fix wxWindow::PushEventHandler and related wxWindow functions for the stack management; currently they don't work well when passing event handlers which are part of an event handler chain (see wx-dev thread 'wxWindow event handler stack'); implement wxEvtHandler Unlink() and IsUnlinked() functions and document them; revise docs of all involved functions of both wxEvtHandler and wxWindow, adding images for better explanations

2009-01-22 02:07 FM, revision 58290

a few more member groups, in line with the real header's groups

2009-01-22 01:45 FM, revision 58289

no real change: just grouped the tons of wxWindows function in meaningful groups

2009-01-21 23:47 BP, revision 58288

Quick 2.8 latex docs fix (properly escape &).

2009-01-21 23:42 VZ, revision 58287

tweak GetAppDir() to recognize more debug build directory suffixes

2009-01-21 23:34 FM, revision 58286

fix wxHtmlCell::Layout docs

2009-01-21 22:58 RR, revision 58285

Add visual drag hint

2009-01-21 22:56 FM, revision 58284

rename also motif logo

2009-01-21 22:54 FM, revision 58283

rename image files in a coherent way; remove old unused images

2009-01-21 22:32 VZ, revision 58282

fix problem with using wxEVT_SPIN in event tables after new events patch

2009-01-21 22:16 BP, revision 58281

Fixed unicode build after r58272.

2009-01-21 18:51 VZ, revision 58279

use standard [Shift-]Ctrl-Z accelerators for wxID_REDO/UNDO

2009-01-21 18:20 RR, revision 58278

Add drop hint

2009-01-21 18:04 BP, revision 58277

Applied minor documentation corrections to wxRegKey from charles (fixes #10407).

2009-01-21 17:44 RR, revision 58276

Call SetDataSource() from OnEnter() so that querying/accessing the data is possible from then on, rename to MSWxxx

2009-01-21 17:26 VZ, revision 58275

disable wxUSE_MEDIACTRL when wxUSE_ALL_FEATURES==no (closes #10415)

2009-01-21 17:08 VZ, revision 58274

fix compilation (but not working) of the code in wxUSE_FILESYSTEM==0 case (see #10414)

2009-01-21 17:05 VZ, revision 58273

fix compilation with wxUSE_SPIN{BTN,CTRL}==0 (closes #10413)

2009-01-21 17:02 VZ, revision 58272

fix wxURI::GetUser() for URIs without password; added unit test case for it (closes #10412)

2009-01-21 16:58 PC, revision 58271

don't use m_backing_window, it can't be drawn on

2009-01-21 15:32 VZ, revision 58270

allocate size for the extra controls in the file dialog (#9679)

2009-01-21 15:26 VZ, revision 58269

really fix compilation in !wxUSE_LOG_DIALOG case (still #10411)

2009-01-21 15:14 RR, revision 58268

Use wxDF_UNICODETEXT to make wxMSW crash

2009-01-21 15:04 RR, revision 58267

Reinitialise wxDataViewCustomRenderer's DC every time

2009-01-21 14:53 RR, revision 58266

iter = NULL in iter_n_children() means root

2009-01-21 14:49 VZ, revision 58265

fix compilation in !wxUSE_LOG_DIALOG case (closes #10411)

2009-01-21 14:47 VZ, revision 58264

add more wxUSE_XXX checks to allow compilation with some wx features disabled (closes #10410)

2009-01-21 14:39 RR, revision 58263

Copy and paste error

2009-01-21 14:02 RR, revision 58261

Implement simple Drop, doesn't work under wxMSW (?)

2009-01-21 14:01 RR, revision 58260

Add wxDataFormat GetMatchingPair() which wxGTK and wxMSW already had under different names

2009-01-21 14:01 VZ, revision 58259

added wxStandardPaths::GetAppDocumentsDir() and use it by default for loading/saving documents in wxDocManager

2009-01-21 13:59 RR, revision 58258

Compilation fix

2009-01-21 12:06 JS, revision 58257

wxRTC now properly honours margin size Added wxRE_CENTRE_CARET style to centre the caret line vertically

2009-01-21 12:05 JS, revision 58256

wxRTC now properly honours margin size Added wxRE_CENTRE_CARET style to centre the caret line vertically

2009-01-21 11:48 JS, revision 58255

Restore control focus after adaptation

2009-01-21 11:36 RR, revision 58254

Give GTK specific (but public) methods a Gtk prefix

2009-01-21 00:14 VZ, revision 58252

send destroy events for children before they're fully destroyed; document SendDestroyEvent() and explain when to call it

2009-01-20 23:53 VZ, revision 58250

make sure events are enabled in DoWait() before starting to wait for them (closes #10396)

2009-01-20 19:57 RR, revision 58249

Implement simple drag

2009-01-20 19:43 RR, revision 58248

FindNode() must return m_root for wxDataViewItem(0)

2009-01-20 19:04 RR, revision 58247

Skeleton for generic Drag code

2009-01-20 18:33 VZ, revision 58246

set m_isBeingDeleted to true (only) in SendDestroyEvent(); call it as early as possible during the window destruction to ensure that destroy event handlers can still access the full window object

2009-01-20 17:50 PC, revision 58245

build fixes and cleanup

2009-01-20 17:37 KO, revision 58244

Restore fixes needed for wxRenderer functions to work with wxGCDC.

2009-01-20 14:27 SC, revision 58243

streamlining slider, scroller, spinbutton for osx carbon and cocoa

2009-01-20 13:54 RR, revision 58242


2009-01-20 13:54 RR, revision 58241

Minor error

2009-01-20 13:46 RR, revision 58240

Add event based Drop API

2009-01-20 12:49 RR, revision 58239

Forgot this

2009-01-20 11:58 RR, revision 58238

Simplified event based Drag API for wxDataViewCtrl

2009-01-20 11:42 RR, revision 58237

Docuement wxDataObject::IsSupported()

2009-01-19 22:27 RR, revision 58236

New eventb based Drag interface for wxDataViewCtrl

2009-01-19 20:29 JJ, revision 58234

Update compile support for OpenVMS

2009-01-19 16:28 VZ, revision 58233

no changes, just added a clarifying comment

2009-01-19 14:49 RR, revision 58232

remove comment recommending (wxWindow*) NULL

2009-01-19 14:44 RR, revision 58231

Rename XxxxCol() -> XxxxColumn() and resolve inheritance problems from it

2009-01-19 14:43 VZ, revision 58230

use basetsd.h for non-MSVC compilers (including mingw32 too), replaces the previous fix

2009-01-19 14:40 VZ, revision 58229

compilation fix after NULL cast removal; also used it to get rid of an ugly OnTimerEvent(*(wxTimerEvent *)NULL) call

2009-01-19 13:55 VZ, revision 58228

return true from HasPending() if we have at least 1 event, not exactly 1 (closes #10397)

2009-01-19 13:55 VZ, revision 58227

don't use annoying and unneeded in C++ casts of NULL to "T *" in all other files neither

2009-01-19 13:39 VZ, revision 58226

don't use annoying and unneeded in C++ casts of NULL to "T *"

2009-01-19 13:30 VZ, revision 58225

correct Id tags

2009-01-19 13:23 VZ, revision 58224

add wx/generic/private/*.h files

2009-01-19 11:53 RR, revision 58223

Forgot DeleteChildren()

2009-01-19 11:42 RR, revision 58222

Move model notification code of tree store from the store to the control, implement Insert() methods

2009-01-19 11:42 VZ, revision 58221

fix OS/2 compilation of wxDoGetCwd()

2009-01-19 11:40 VZ, revision 58220

fix OS/2 compilation of wxDoGetCwd()

2009-01-19 11:05 RR, revision 58219

Added missing public: statement to docs

2009-01-19 06:20 JJ, revision 58218

Update compile support for OpenVMS

2009-01-19 00:21 FM, revision 58217

fix some wording and a typo

2009-01-18 23:28 FM, revision 58216

no real change: divide in groups the wxEvtHandler methods

2009-01-18 23:27 FM, revision 58215

document some wxID_* constants

2009-01-18 23:00 VZ, revision 58214

use correct value for MTU - sizeof(TCP header)

2009-01-18 21:46 FM, revision 58212

remove usage of wxT() macro; it makes example code a bit harder to read

2009-01-18 21:35 VZ, revision 58211

added include/wx/generic/private files to distribution

2009-01-18 21:33 RD, revision 58210

destroy the abort dialog when done with it

2009-01-18 21:31 RD, revision 58209

destroy the abort dialog when done with it

2009-01-18 21:16 RD, revision 58208

Remove the wx-addons package

2009-01-18 20:46 RD, revision 58207

Use "test" for borne shell compatibility

2009-01-18 20:37 RR, revision 58204

Really set standard cursor when over title bar and decos

2009-01-18 20:05 JMS, revision 58203

Translate keycode(s) into character more consistenly in wxVListBoxComboPopup::HandleKey() (fixes #10395)

2009-01-18 19:57 JMS, revision 58202

Translate keycode(s) into character more consistenly in wxVListBoxComboPopup::HandleKey() (fixes #10395)

2009-01-18 19:43 FM, revision 58201

patch by Utensil Candel: implementation of the new interface and some bug fix

2009-01-18 19:30 JS, revision 58200

Applied Peter Most's EVT_SPIN crash fix

2009-01-18 18:49 VZ, revision 58199

move ClassRegInfo out from anonymous namespace to work around mingw32 4.3 bug

2009-01-18 16:10 SC, revision 58198

mouse and cursor additions for cocoa, see #10361

2009-01-18 15:09 VZ, revision 58197

compilation fix for old SDKs (VC6...) which don't define HDM_SETBITMAPMARGIN/Header_SetBitmapMargin

2009-01-18 14:23 VZ, revision 58196

reduce the margins around bitmaps to avoid truncating the label unnecessarily

2009-01-18 12:59 RR, revision 58195

Trying to make wxDataViewListCtrl docs appear

2009-01-18 12:34 JS, revision 58194

Workaround for GTK+ sensitivity bug

2009-01-18 12:30 VZ, revision 58193

added forward declaration of FrameSite apparently needed by mingw32 4.3

2009-01-18 12:29 JS, revision 58192

Enable/disable both widgets

2009-01-18 12:21 JS, revision 58191

Further tweaks to GTK+ sensitivity fix