

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-02-16 22:08 JS, revision 32103

Fixed windows not displaying on SmartPhone

2005-02-16 20:59 DS, revision 32102

fixed wxlib Mach-O debug and release compilation

2005-02-16 20:34 ABX, revision 32101

wxPoint/Size/Rect() causes the same code with (0,0) initialization and is incomparably more readable and clear.

2005-02-16 20:13 SC, revision 32100

added non-bordered toolbar tools

2005-02-16 20:09 DS, revision 32099

fixed Mach-O compilation

2005-02-16 19:25 DS, revision 32098

minor typo fixes

2005-02-16 18:02 ABX, revision 32097

'Compatibility' fix for connecting events.

2005-02-16 16:38 VZ, revision 32096

tiny script to generate tags for wxMSW

2005-02-16 15:37 JS, revision 32095

Standard dialogs becoming useable on WinCE. Make standard button sizer horizontal on WinCE since vertically it looks atrocious (app will need to reduce number of buttons if they don't fit)

2005-02-16 14:44 JS, revision 32094

Added assert (WinCE doesn't report checked status correctly)

2005-02-16 10:14 VZ, revision 32093

use WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_PTR instead of WX_DEFINE_ARRAY to suppress warnings about operator->()

2005-02-16 09:35 ABX, revision 32092

Native PalmOS wxLongLong. Introduction of wxULongLong_t due to 'unsigned' not working on internally typedefed wxLongLong_t (both unsigned wxLongLong_t and wxULongLong_t should work for other platforms). Improvements in wxDatePicker control on PalmOS.

2005-02-16 00:08 JS, revision 32091

WinCE doesn't have _set_se_translator

2005-02-15 23:19 RR, revision 32090

Better resizing code fro wxComboBox.

2005-02-15 22:54 JS, revision 32089

Absolutely no idea what DisableAutomaticSETranslator is but WinCE doesn't like it

2005-02-15 22:52 JS, revision 32088

Ignorant WinCE fixes for compile breakage

2005-02-15 21:56 RR, revision 32087


2005-02-15 20:27 RR, revision 32086

Implemented wxBitmap::HasAlpha() and ::UseAlpha().

2005-02-15 20:00 SC, revision 32085

guard against errors like in wxStringBase::AllocBeforeWrite code (1123226)

2005-02-15 19:55 RR, revision 32084


2005-02-15 19:50 RR, revision 32083

Committed currently disabled code that implements the wxStopWatch based on QueryPerformanceCounter() I'll do more testing if I can, but here is the code for other to look at.

2005-02-15 19:19 RN, revision 32082

fixup for missing variable

2005-02-15 19:12 RN, revision 32081

[ 1123256 ] wxString operator+ pre-allocates buffer then throws it away ---- and ---- [ 1123195 ] Avoid double-copy in two wxStringBase functions

2005-02-15 18:43 RR, revision 32080

Fixed mem leak in wxColour::Set()

2005-02-15 18:31 RR, revision 32079

Applied pango font patch for X11.