

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-06-25 17:11 SC, revision 74291

support retina display

2013-06-25 16:57 SC, revision 74290

using dc Create for bitmap, for retina support

2013-06-25 16:55 JS, revision 74289

Allow for older GTK+ versions

2013-06-25 16:19 SC, revision 74288

support for scaled bitmaps in wxMemoryDC

2013-06-25 16:02 SC, revision 74287

native scaling support for bitmap

2013-06-25 15:54 SC, revision 74286

fixing naming to GetScaleFactor, adding default Create with a dc parameter

2013-06-25 15:21 SC, revision 74285

default implementation for scaled bitmaps properties

2013-06-25 14:43 SC, revision 74284

supporting native content scaling on OSX

2013-06-25 14:26 SC, revision 74283


2013-06-25 14:24 SC, revision 74282

adding ContentScaleFactor support to dc - defaulting to 1.0

2013-06-25 09:23 JS, revision 74281

Removed 3D style for splitter on Mac since it looks bad

2013-06-25 09:23 JS, revision 74280

Removed 3D style for splitter on Mac since it looks bad

2013-06-23 18:39 VZ, revision 74279

Add wxBookCtrlBase::DoSetSelectionAfterRemoval() and use it in wxSimplebook. This fixes the wrong handling of the selection in wxSimplebook when the currently selected page was deleted. Also extend the unit tests to check for this bug. Closes #15188.

2013-06-23 18:39 VZ, revision 74278

No real changes, just simplify wxBookCtrlBase unit test a little. Add Realize() virtual function that can be overridden in ToolbookTestCase instead of using explicit wxDynamicCasts.

2013-06-23 18:38 VZ, revision 74277

Add a minimal unit test for wxSimplebook. This is just a test running the common wxBookCtrlBase tests for wxSimplebook. See #15188.

2013-06-23 15:08 VZ, revision 74276

Also propagate wxEVT_UPDATE_UI to the child MDI frame. It seems to make sense to handle wxEVT_UPDATE_UI in the same way as wxEVT_MENU as they are often used together. This allows to handle e.g. toolbar buttons entirely in the child MDI frame, without any involvement from the parent. See #14314.

2013-06-23 15:08 VZ, revision 74275

Use child MDI frame menu items in preference to the parent frame ones. Look for the item with the given ID in the child frame menu bar first, before looking in the parent frame menu bar. This ensures that if an item is disabled by the parent frame but then reenabled by the child one, it still generates commands as expected instead of being completely ignored. See #14314.

2013-06-23 15:07 VZ, revision 74274

Undo "Forward events to active child at MSW, not wx, level in wxMDIParentFrame." Unfortunately, forwarding MSW messages only takes care of the menu events but not the toolbar ones -- which should be handled in the same way but were not. So restore the old behaviour, the problem with menu items disabled in the parent frame but enabled in the child one will be fixed differently. This reverts r73927. See #14314.

2013-06-23 13:10 VZ, revision 74273

Add --without-libjbig and --without-liblzma configure switches. They can be used to disable the use of the corresponding libraries by the built-in libtiff.

2013-06-23 02:53 VZ, revision 74272

Add WX_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED and use it for typedefs to avoid g++ 4.8 warnings. g++ 4.8 warns about unused typedef's in local scope resulting in hundreds of warnings when building wx, suppress them by using WX_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED for these typedefs. Closes #15137.

2013-06-21 11:21 VZ, revision 74271

Fix Unix build with libSDL 2 in debug mode. SDL_AudioDriverName() was replaced with SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver() in SDL v2. Closes #15271.

2013-06-20 16:40 SJL, revision 74270

Not not pass debug messages on from wxLogWindow.

2013-06-20 09:22 SC, revision 74269

partial revert, as we still need Xcode 3.1 for 10.5, Xcode 3.2 is 10.6+ only

2013-06-20 09:13 SC, revision 74268

update Xcode format

2013-06-20 09:09 SC, revision 74267

common schemes, Xcode 4/5 updates