

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-11-12 16:10 VS, revision 78144

Fix disabling wxStaticText repeatedly in wxOSX. Changes in r78107 would reset control's color to gray if it was disabled more than once in a row. Guard against this and only remember the color of an enabled control.

2014-11-12 13:37 VZ, revision 78143

Use wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_CHAR_LIST in the sample. It makes more sense than wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_LIST with SetCharExcludes().

2014-11-12 13:37 VZ, revision 78142

Use wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_CHAR_LIST in the sample. It makes more sense than wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_LIST with SetCharExcludes().

2014-11-12 08:43 PC, revision 78141

fix creating wxFont with non-ascii name, closes #16671

2014-11-11 19:31 PC, revision 78140

fix build with old pango versions which don't define PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(), closes #16660

2014-11-11 08:59 JJ, revision 78139

Correction on commit #78110 as suggested by VZ

2014-11-11 08:50 PC, revision 78138

non-pch build fix after r78134

2014-11-11 08:46 JJ, revision 78137

Correction on commit #78099

2014-11-11 02:03 VZ, revision 78136

Add support for reading multi string values to wxRegKey. Add a wxRegKey::QueryValue() overload working with REG_MULTI_SZ values. Closes #16653.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78135

Free converted command lines arguments automatically in wxMSW. This makes the code slightly simpler (no more need for the scope guard) and avoids memory leaks when not using wxEntry() (but calling wxEntryStart() instead). Closes #16664.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78134

Add wxCursor::GetHotSpot() and implement it for wxMSW and wxGTK. Allow retrieving the coordinates of the cursor hot spot, at least for the ports for which we know how to do it. Closes #16539.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78133

Introduce wxCursorBase class defining common wxCursor API. This is done in preparation for adding a new wxCursor method and will allow us to define it in a single place by default instead of having to provide stubs for all ports. See #16539.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78132

Add RAII AutoIconInfo class wrapping ICONINFO Windows struct. This ensures that we never forget to delete the handles returned by GetIconInfo() and also centralizes the error message given if it fails in a single place.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78131

Do use wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS_COMPATIBLY around code using std::vector. This was supposed to be done in r78066, but after introducing this new wxUSE_XXX symbol I forgot to actually use it in the place it was intended to be used. Fixes compilation with wxUSE_STD_DEFAULT==0 and closes #16673.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78130

Return correct menu pointer for wxEVT_MENU_{OPEN,CLOSE} in MDI frames. These events are supposed to carry a pointer to the menu which was opened or closed, but wxMenuEvent::GetMenu() always returned NULL for the menus opened when a child MDI frame was active, as its menu bar, containing the menu, was not searched for it. Fix this by overriding MSWFindMenuFromHMENU() at wxMDIParentFrame level, just as we already do for FindItemInMenuBar().

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78129

Log wxMenuEvent::GetMenu() in the menu sample for wxEVT_MENU_{OPEN,CLOSE}. Show the menu associated with the event, if any, directly in the sample to make comparing the behaviour of the different ports easier.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78128

Update the out of date link to DebugView in logging overview. The readable link that existed before is unfortunately not available any more.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78127

Fix best size calculation for buttons with bitmaps in wxMSW. Add the bitmap margins to the bitmap size, not the total button size. This fixes the buttons becoming unnecessarily tall as soon as they were assigned even a tiny bitmap. Closes #16536.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78126

Remove outdated comment from ShowAssertDialog(). The comment didn't correspond to the code since the changes of r62842, the asserts don't result in an immediate trap now even if they happen in non-main thread.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78125

Make results of wxDC::DrawEllipticArc() consistent across all platforms. And also consistent with wxGraphicsContext method with the same name. Document the rules determining what is drawn. Closes #4437.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78124

Set the initial text value of wxSpinCtrlGeneric correctly. The text control was left empty if the string value was not specified, but it should use the numeric initial value instead in this case. This notably affected wxSpinCtrlDouble under non-GTK platforms. Closes #16621.

2014-11-11 02:02 VZ, revision 78123

Improve drawing of monochrome bitmaps with masks in wxMSW. This is a compromise solution between r78040, which handled monochrome bitmaps correctly, but broke drawing bitmaps without using their mask, and r78054 which simply reverted it: this version preserves the old behaviour when not using the mask, but draws at least the shape (if not the colour) correctly for the monochrome bitmaps. Notice that this also reverts r78039 which is not needed any more without r78040. Closes #16512.

2014-11-11 01:59 VZ, revision 78122

Fix size of the icon returned from wxFSVolume::GetIcon(). Calling SetHICON() is not enough, the icon size already needs to be set or, even better, CreateFromHICON(), which does both atomically, should be used. Closes #16672.

2014-11-11 01:59 VZ, revision 78121

Re-add wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT and wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST to wxGenericFileDialog. Support for these styles was accidentally removed in r48733, re-add them back. Closes #16652.

2014-11-11 01:59 VZ, revision 78120

German translation fixes from Sebastian Walderich.