

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-10-26 15:53 RD, revision 42456

regen ReST docs

2006-10-26 15:33 VS, revision 42455

added wxDelegateTheme to accompany wxDelegateRenderer

2006-10-26 15:30 VS, revision 42454

added wxDCTextColourChanger ctor that allows using the class in the same way other wxDCFooChangers are used

2006-10-26 15:22 RD, revision 42453

Fixed some (out) typemaps

2006-10-26 14:54 VS, revision 42452

fixed selection when using keyboard after JS' change broke it

2006-10-26 13:20 BIW, revision 42451

wxaui flags reworked a bit; allows any hinting type to be explicity invoked; turning off hinting completely is not possible; sample updated accordingly

2006-10-26 12:05 SC, revision 42450

adding new implementations

2006-10-26 12:04 SC, revision 42449

missing common create functions

2006-10-26 12:03 SC, revision 42448

make this available everywhere

2006-10-26 11:57 VZ, revision 42447

fixed reversed return value of IsEmpty() (closes 1585004)

2006-10-26 10:37 JS, revision 42446

Less drastic compile fix

2006-10-26 10:29 ABX, revision 42445

Blind fix for Tinderbox build error.

2006-10-26 10:07 JS, revision 42444

ShouldOffset is accessed from a different class (in dcgraph.cpp)

2006-10-26 09:58 ABX, revision 42443

Updated setup.

2006-10-26 09:51 JS, revision 42442

Added dcgraph.cpp and rebaked

2006-10-26 09:40 ABX, revision 42441

Correct placement of header listed in wx/wx.h

2006-10-26 09:05 JS, revision 42440

Using MinGW 3, no hbmpItem

2006-10-26 08:51 JS, revision 42439

Added missing include for MinGW non-PCH compile

2006-10-26 08:33 JS, revision 42438

Added a cast

2006-10-26 08:21 SC, revision 42437

fixing param

2006-10-26 08:05 JS, revision 42436

Fixed initialisation order warning

2006-10-26 08:02 JS, revision 42435

Typo fixes

2006-10-26 07:44 SC, revision 42434

adopt new set font API

2006-10-26 06:51 SC, revision 42433

new renderer architecture

2006-10-26 06:35 JS, revision 42432

Added outline style sample and vetoing of style sheet changing when loading; demos URL event

2006-10-26 06:32 JS, revision 42431

Added URL support to attribute objects and to wxRichTextCtrl, generating a wxTextUrlEvent as appropriate. Added outline list support and updated previews. Added alignment support for bullets. Added single right parenthesis support. Added XML stylesheet reading/writing. Changed SetBulletSymbol to SetBulletText so it can support bullet text more generally (e.g. for cached outline list numbering) Added wxRichTextRenderer to isolate e.g. bullet drawing and make it customisable. Added event handler support to wxRichTextBuffer. Updated documentation.

2006-10-26 06:25 SC, revision 42430

adapted to new font setter

2006-10-26 06:24 SC, revision 42429

adapted to new renderer, moved wxGCDC into dcgraph.cpp

2006-10-26 06:21 SC, revision 42428

added the recangle fix

2006-10-26 06:17 SC, revision 42427

renderer added, creating renderer specific pens etc for faster use

2006-10-26 06:08 SC, revision 42426

add the missing defines before the xcode prefix gets read in

2006-10-26 06:07 SC, revision 42425

move the graphics context bridge dc into separate file

2006-10-26 03:34 RD, revision 42424

Add a GraphicsContext sample to the demo

2006-10-26 03:33 RD, revision 42423


2006-10-26 03:32 RD, revision 42422

GetTextExtent --> (width height) GetFullTextExtent --> (width, height, decent, externalLeading)

2006-10-26 03:28 RD, revision 42421

docstring update

2006-10-26 03:26 RD, revision 42420

Fix "PINK" to actually be pink, and not lavender

2006-10-26 03:01 KO, revision 42419

Adding virtual wxListCtrl impl of GetItem.

2006-10-26 01:21 RD, revision 42418

SetTextColor --> SetTextColour Make sure SWIG knows that items returned fro the factories are new Fix the save a ref to the dc

2006-10-26 01:19 RD, revision 42417

SetTextColor --> SetTextColour, to be consistent with the rest of the lib

2006-10-26 00:22 KO, revision 42416

Override GetPixelSize on OS X as the base impl creates a wxScreenDC each time, which causes a significant performance hit.

2006-10-26 00:20 VZ, revision 42415

explain more clearly the possible usage scenarios

2006-10-25 20:47 RD, revision 42414

some GTK1 bulkd fixes from Sander Niemeijer

2006-10-25 20:45 MW, revision 42413

Add class factories for filter streams. Also filters now follow the convention that they own their parent if they are created on a pointer to the parent.

2006-10-25 20:41 MW, revision 42412

Add class factories for filter streams. Also filters now follow the convention that they own their parent if they are created with a pointer to the parent.

2006-10-25 20:25 RD, revision 42411

Mention wx.ListCtrl fixes on Mac

2006-10-25 20:24 RD, revision 42410

Show sample License text on the AboutBox

2006-10-25 20:23 RD, revision 42409

Don't override DoGetSize, just let the default return the real size of the widget like normal. Since the former implementation used GetBestSize, which uses a DC, which on Mac calls window->GetSize, this resulted in an infinite recursion. Also use SetBestFittingSize in the ctor and move CacheBestSize to DoGetBestSize where it belongs.

2006-10-25 20:00 KO, revision 42408

Fix wxBufferedDC so that it adheres to its documented behavior (which is in use in wxPython at least) and make a note about the layout direction assignment.

2006-10-25 19:48 RR, revision 42407

[ 1584680 ] wxComboCtrl Popup Animation

2006-10-25 19:08 RD, revision 42406

HIShapeCreateEmpty doesn't exist prior to OSX 10.4, use HIShapeCreateWithRect with an empty rectangle instead. Also detabified.

2006-10-25 19:04 RD, revision 42405

corrected collpaneg.h name typo

2006-10-25 18:14 VS, revision 42404

use window's font instead of the default one in wxStatusBar

2006-10-25 17:51 RR, revision 42403

Prevent accession of to-be-deleted mdi child window.

2006-10-25 17:09 JS, revision 42402

wxRichTextCtrl not ready for WinCE yet, stop people fiddling with it

2006-10-25 16:46 ABX, revision 42401

Typo fix.

2006-10-25 15:50 ABX, revision 42400

Make wxRichTextCtrl again buildable on WinCE.

2006-10-25 13:26 RR, revision 42399

Add m_fsStyle next to m_windowStyle Add HasFdFlag() Use it for all tests in all variants of wxFileDialogs. That way it will be easier to change again centrally, if required.

2006-10-25 12:24 MW, revision 42398

Fix export.

2006-10-25 12:12 VS, revision 42397

changed wxHAS_NATIVE_OVERLAY and wxHAS_CARET_USING_OVERLAYS to use #ifdef instead of #if ... == 1

2006-10-25 11:27 VZ, revision 42396

declare wxMSLU_xxx functions in the headers which define macros expanding to them

2006-10-25 10:19 JJ, revision 42395

Committing in . Update configuration for OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms

2006-10-25 09:04 JS, revision 42394

Button size adjustment

2006-10-25 09:03 JS, revision 42393

Don't reset the best size to wxDefaultSize unless we have a bitmap, otherwise an explicit size is ignored

2006-10-25 08:49 JS, revision 42392

Better button size on wxX11

2006-10-25 07:34 RR, revision 42391

Fix test for wxFD_MULTIPLE.

2006-10-25 07:31 RD, revision 42390

Fix for missing About menu item

2006-10-25 06:55 RD, revision 42389

Fix the rectangle size when offsetting

2006-10-25 06:55 RD, revision 42388

Refactor the code that decides if the 0.5 offset chousl be applied into its own method

2006-10-25 06:52 RD, revision 42387

Include the html docs in the tarball

2006-10-25 06:52 RD, revision 42386

If there is already a set of HTML docs built in the tarball, there is no need to build them again

2006-10-25 06:51 RD, revision 42385

The deprecated lib doesn't build. Disable it from being automatically built for now.

2006-10-25 06:47 ABX, revision 42384

ADV export fix.

2006-10-25 05:42 KO, revision 42383

Adding support for item font/style/color customization, unfortunately, it does not work with wxLC_EDIT_LABELS due to a limitation in the native control. Also fire activate events, and fix some event object/id mismatches when using the generic list ctrl.

2006-10-25 00:59 VZ, revision 42382

use WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_INT for an array of ints (bug 1536482)

2006-10-25 00:55 VZ, revision 42381

corrected EVT_NOTIFY[_RANGE] docs (bug 1439078)

2006-10-25 00:53 VZ, revision 42380

correct custom event type example and point to the event sample (bug 1338140)

2006-10-25 00:52 VZ, revision 42379

corrected order of parameters in ctor (closes 1304320)

2006-10-25 00:42 VZ, revision 42378

explain why wxSpinCtrl may be available on platforms where wxSpinButton isn't

2006-10-25 00:40 VZ, revision 42377

renamed static functions section to global functions one (bug 1244222)

2006-10-25 00:37 VZ, revision 42376

wxGLCanvas is also available under Mac and other platforms (bug 1241485)

2006-10-25 00:35 VZ, revision 42375

removed confusing 'native make' from mingw32 section (bug 1236795)

2006-10-25 00:31 VZ, revision 42374

document what exactly SetAlignment() expects (bug 1232727) + other minor corrections

2006-10-25 00:26 VZ, revision 42373

corrected wxEntry declarations (closes 1222193); added wxEntryStart/Cleanup

2006-10-25 00:18 VZ, revision 42372

explain that CW might not work, mention that BC5 worked with 2.4.2 (bug 1158383)

2006-10-25 00:13 VZ, revision 42371

correct wxDirExists() parameter type (closes 1220417)

2006-10-25 00:09 VZ, revision 42370

document GetDocManager() (closes 1098861)

2006-10-25 00:06 VZ, revision 42369

clarify GetWheelRotation() (bug 969231)

2006-10-25 00:03 VZ, revision 42368

add a note explaining that sizers should be heap-allocated (bug 965825)

2006-10-25 00:00 VZ, revision 42367

add hyperlink to wxList to GetMenuItems() docs (bug 921322)

2006-10-24 23:56 VZ, revision 42366

use manifest id of 2 if ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED is defined (bug/feature request 1222189)

2006-10-24 23:30 VZ, revision 42365

mention VC6 problem with the dependencies (closes 1216051)

2006-10-24 23:24 VZ, revision 42364

include build/msw/wx_base.dsp in wxBase distribution (closes 1324053)

2006-10-24 23:19 VZ, revision 42363

define WXDEBUG_NEW to use special VC++-specific new version too (closes 1386286)

2006-10-24 22:20 RD, revision 42362

#include overlay.h

2006-10-24 20:30 RD, revision 42361

Added wx.StandardPaths.GetTmpDir

2006-10-24 19:46 RD, revision 42360

use WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV on the base class too

2006-10-24 19:36 ABX, revision 42359

PCH support.

2006-10-24 19:09 RD, revision 42358

Put wxUSE_DETECT where it won't get overritten

2006-10-24 18:07 RR, revision 42357

Add wxCollapsable to classes.tex.

2006-10-24 17:58 VZ, revision 42356

mention that ChangeValue() is for wx 2.7.1+; don't use abbreviations like 'info' instead of 'information' in the manual

2006-10-24 17:44 VZ, revision 42355

wxCollapsiblePaneEvent is in adv library, not core

2006-10-24 17:38 JS, revision 42354

Fix incorrect comparison

2006-10-24 17:04 PC, revision 42353

correct deletes

2006-10-24 16:56 JS, revision 42352

Added missing header

2006-10-24 16:44 PC, revision 42351

correct access for virtuals

2006-10-24 16:43 PC, revision 42350

wx/window.h not needed

2006-10-24 16:32 JS, revision 42349

Compile fixes

2006-10-24 16:17 JS, revision 42348

Must define a symbol to test its value

2006-10-24 16:04 JS, revision 42347

Typo correction

2006-10-24 16:02 JS, revision 42346

Compile fixes

2006-10-24 15:41 JS, revision 42345

Added creation of printer DC to printer factory. Added wxPrintData ctor to wxGnomePrintDC. Added wxGnomePrintPreview.

2006-10-24 14:30 JS, revision 42344

Added GetTempDir change log

2006-10-24 14:26 JS, revision 42343

Added GetTempDir

2006-10-24 13:57 ABX, revision 42342

Blind Tinderbox build fix according to simiar usage in carbon/listbox.cpp

2006-10-24 13:50 ABX, revision 42341

non-PCH build fix (according to Tinderbox).

2006-10-24 12:29 VS, revision 42340

moved wxOverlay into overlay.* files and out of dc.h/dcbase.cpp; implemented wxOverlay for wxDirectFB port

2006-10-24 12:23 VZ, revision 42339

reset the internal flags at the end of DoSetValue(), whatever happened in the callback

2006-10-24 12:08 VZ, revision 42338

test that _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS is defined before comparing with it; changed wxHAS_HUGE_FILES to be either defined or undef'd for consistency with the other wxHAS_XXXs

2006-10-24 11:52 VZ, revision 42337

fix compilation error in last commit

2006-10-24 11:22 ABX, revision 42336

Warning fix.

2006-10-24 11:21 ABX, revision 42335

Verify wx/filefn.h can be placed as first header in !PCH builds. Build fix for Watcom.

2006-10-24 10:35 ABX, revision 42334

ADV export fix.

2006-10-24 08:42 RR, revision 42333

Minor correction.

2006-10-24 08:37 RR, revision 42332

Minor corrections.

2006-10-24 07:47 MW, revision 42331

Add tests for wxBackingFile.

2006-10-24 07:29 MW, revision 42330

Fix check for wxUSE_BACKINGFILE.

2006-10-24 06:25 PC, revision 42329

static class variable needs a definition

2006-10-24 04:01 RD, revision 42328


2006-10-24 03:50 RD, revision 42327
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/animate.bkl
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/build/animate/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/include/wx/animate
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/samples/animate
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/src/animate
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/contrib/src/

Remove animate contrib

2006-10-24 03:25 PC, revision 42326

non-pch build fixes

2006-10-24 01:58 RD, revision 42325

document new updates

2006-10-24 01:55 RD, revision 42324


2006-10-24 01:33 RD, revision 42323

Stop the timer when the sample is destroyed

2006-10-24 01:30 RD, revision 42322

Factor the brush selection out of OnPaint so it can be overridden in derived classes

2006-10-24 01:29 RD, revision 42321

Fixes from Andrea

2006-10-24 01:16 RD, revision 42320

Pass the config object into the wxHtmlHelpFrame so it has the config info in time to set the position and size of the frame.

2006-10-24 01:08 RD, revision 42319

Allow both SetCurrent() and SetCurrent(context)

2006-10-24 01:07 RD, revision 42318

Remove ShowHidden property, it conflicts with the ShowHidden method

2006-10-24 01:05 RD, revision 42317

UpdatePulse --> Pulse

2006-10-24 00:35 RD, revision 42316

fix name errors

2006-10-24 00:34 RD, revision 42315

docstring update

2006-10-24 00:23 KO, revision 42314

Use the same selection highlight and text colors as native list/tree controls (i.e. Finder) do. Also, for wxTreeCtrl, enable wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT when the default style is used, again to match OS LNF.

2006-10-23 22:57 VZ, revision 42313

added a section about the dialog buttons

2006-10-23 22:56 VZ, revision 42312

removed OnOk/Apply/Cancel() documentation, they don't exist any more

2006-10-23 22:12 VZ, revision 42311

don't use static objects containing bitmaps, this almost certainly results in problems during the program shutdown under X11; instead clean it up in a module

2006-10-23 22:11 VZ, revision 42310

moved wxCollapsiblePane files to adv library

2006-10-23 22:06 VZ, revision 42309

use wxBitmap object as m_buffer and not a pointer to it (replaces patch 1582878)

2006-10-23 22:00 VZ, revision 42308

moved wxCollapsiblePane files to adv library

2006-10-23 21:59 VZ, revision 42307

added wxHAS_XXX section

2006-10-23 21:58 MW, revision 42306

Add tests for wxBackingFile.

2006-10-23 21:46 MW, revision 42305


2006-10-23 21:32 MW, revision 42304

Undo most of the previous commit.

2006-10-23 21:27 MW, revision 42303

Remove the part that says "don't remove this!" as discussed on wx-dev, to leave the symbols in the first version on a new stable branch unversioned.

2006-10-23 21:20 MW, revision 42302

On unicode builds detect gcc 3.4 precompiled header bug (bugzilla 13361).

2006-10-23 21:05 VZ, revision 42301

don't update the size of a maximized TLW, whatever happens with the pane

2006-10-23 20:39 VZ, revision 42300

try to simplify the web of ifdefs; add Borland to the list of Windows compilers (partially addresses bug 1173702)

2006-10-23 20:19 VZ, revision 42299

don't show licence pane if there is no licence text

2006-10-23 20:15 RD, revision 42298

Bump subrelease number

2006-10-23 19:35 RR, revision 42297

Document wxAppTraits::GetDesktopEnvironment.

2006-10-23 19:23 RD, revision 42296

Used wxConstCast where needed, fixed other compile errors, and removed TABs

2006-10-23 19:21 RD, revision 42295

added missing default ctor

2006-10-23 19:20 RD, revision 42294

Use wxGTK_CONV to fix compile error when building in Unicode mode

2006-10-23 19:19 RD, revision 42293

Add collpane headers to files.bkl, and also collpaneg.cpp for OSX, and rebake

2006-10-23 19:00 RR, revision 42292

Mention that GTK now supports wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB.

2006-10-23 18:55 RR, revision 42291

[ 1582733 ] Support wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB in wxGTK

2006-10-23 17:47 JS, revision 42290

Added GetTempDir

2006-10-23 17:38 VS, revision 42289

don't disable caret blinking on non-MSW platforms

2006-10-23 15:53 ABX, revision 42288

PCH build fix.

2006-10-23 15:52 , revision 42287
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/debian
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/docs
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/docs/changes.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/lib/dummy
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/resource
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/splitter/mondrian.ico
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/tab
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/samples/treectrl/treetest.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/aclocal.m4
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/dosconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/os2config.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/winconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/xmlrole.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/expat/lib/xmltok.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/html/search.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/png.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/projects/borland
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/projects/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.bd32
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/scripts/pngdef.pas
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/utils/wxprop
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_2/wxPython

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'wxPy_2_7_1_2'.

2006-10-23 15:52 RD, revision 42286

Update GraphcsContext/Path dummy classes

2006-10-23 15:51 RD, revision 42285

Update ReST docs

2006-10-23 15:50 RD, revision 42284 release

2006-10-23 15:48 RD, revision 42283

Split the Python wxaddons package into its own package

2006-10-23 15:45 MW, revision 42282

Added wxBackingFile and wxBackedInputStream.

2006-10-23 15:39 MW, revision 42281

Compile fix.

2006-10-23 14:49 MW, revision 42280

Correct comment.

2006-10-23 14:47 MW, revision 42279

Added wxBackingFile and wxBackedInputStream.

2006-10-23 13:33 MW, revision 42278

Check for fdopen. Probably everywhere has it, but check until we are sure.

2006-10-23 13:10 MW, revision 42277

wxFileName::CreateTempFileName changes. Open the tempfiles read/write. Allow self delting temp files to be created, where the OS supports it. Add support for opening wxFFile temp files.

2006-10-23 12:57 MW, revision 42276

Warning fix for vc8, and move wxGetFileKind out of the wrong section in the source file (was in with the globbing functions).

2006-10-23 12:51 MW, revision 42275

Add WXFILE_LARGEFILE/wxFFILE_LARGEFILE to indicate whether large files are supported by wxFile and wxFFile. Add wxO_BINARY.

2006-10-23 12:30 ABX, revision 42274

Use generic collapsible pane for wxUniv based builds.

2006-10-23 11:58 ABX, revision 42273

Correct 'markup' for GetResourceHandle after recent change in wx/gdiobj.h.

2006-10-23 11:32 ABX, revision 42272

Use generic collapsible pane for wxOS2.

2006-10-23 10:57 ABX, revision 42271

Use generic collapsible pane for wxUniv based builds.

2006-10-23 10:51 ABX, revision 42270

Warning fix.

2006-10-23 10:00 ABX, revision 42269

Warning fix.

2006-10-23 09:58 ABX, revision 42268

Rebaked makefiles after htmllistbox and collapsable panel additions.

2006-10-23 08:53 SC, revision 42267

adding new constructors

2006-10-23 07:06 JS, revision 42266

Fixed return values

2006-10-23 00:50 PC, revision 42265

non-pch build fix

2006-10-22 23:27 VZ, revision 42264

avoid code duplication between the generic and GTK versions, factor the common code out in OnStateChange()

2006-10-22 23:23 VZ, revision 42263

1. We don't need GetTopLevelParent() here, we already have wxGetTopLevelParent() 2. Don't hardcode button id in the generic version 3. Don't include unneeded headers from the header

2006-10-22 23:13 VZ, revision 42262

use gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic() instead of just gtk_expander_new()

2006-10-22 23:10 VZ, revision 42261

cleanup (mainly wrapping lines to be < 80 chars); added IsExpanded()

2006-10-22 22:33 VZ, revision 42260

show the item for which the context menu is shown correctly

2006-10-22 22:28 VZ, revision 42259

initial draft of wxCollapsiblePane (patch 1577412 by Francesco)

2006-10-22 22:12 VZ, revision 42258

there is no need to convert wxArrayString to wxString[] explicitly any more, wx controls accept wxArrayString directly now

2006-10-22 22:09 VZ, revision 42257

added wxSimpleHtmlListBox (patch 1576109 by Francesco)

2006-10-22 21:22 VZ, revision 42256

test indeterminate wxGauge mode (part of patch 1551409)

2006-10-22 21:18 VZ, revision 42255

reverted change which made the progress dialog more realistic but also made the code vastly more complex (rev 1.116), it's not really needed otherwise than to test the patch it was bundled with; simplified the test code for wxPD_SKIP (rev 1.119); increased the progress counter to see the indeterminate mode marker wrap around

2006-10-22 21:17 SN, revision 42254

Extended #1560785 (wxFileName::IsReadable/Writable/Executable) for OS/2.

2006-10-22 21:08 VZ, revision 42253

small refactoring to avoid code duplication; renamed wxProgressDialog::UpdatePulse() to just Pulse(); added test for it in the dialogs sample (part of the patch 1551409 which somehow wasn't applied before)

2006-10-22 21:02 VZ, revision 42252

moved last change under the correct (2.7.2) version

2006-10-22 20:52 VZ, revision 42251

clarify Skip() meaning even more (latest version of patch 1516341)

2006-10-22 20:43 VZ, revision 42250

added autopackage-related files

2006-10-22 20:42 SC, revision 42249

using GetNativePath instead of dynamic_cast

2006-10-22 20:38 SC, revision 42248

on demand creation of native CGContexts , so that pure text measuring contexts don't need a native counterpart

2006-10-22 20:25 VZ, revision 42247

add alt popup window style allowing to use keyboard and comboboxes in the popup window and use it for the generic date picker (patch 1582391 from Jaakko)

2006-10-22 20:24 CE, revision 42246

remove empty dirs

2006-10-22 18:59 SN, revision 42245

Reverted font breakage caused by changes in version 1.30.

2006-10-22 18:28 SC, revision 42244

adding path accessors

2006-10-22 17:52 SC, revision 42243

adding wxobject and RTTI

2006-10-22 14:19 VZ, revision 42242

make install location autodetection work for executables compressed with (latest version of) UPX under Linux (patch 1565357)

2006-10-22 14:15 VZ, revision 42241

use wxComboCtrl instead of custom popup window (patch 1575343)

2006-10-22 13:52 SN, revision 42240

Applied patch #1582212 (completed/fixed toolbar's wxTB_BOTTOM implementation).

2006-10-22 13:08 VZ, revision 42239

Respect wxBU_EXACTFIT in wxToggleButton (backport from HEAD)

2006-10-22 13:04 VZ, revision 42238

call Init() from wxBufferedDC ctors to ensure that layout direction is inherited in any case

2006-10-22 13:00 VZ, revision 42237

inherit the original layout direction (patch 1554810); also refactored a little to reduce code duplication and added a couple of wxCHECKs

2006-10-22 12:50 VZ, revision 42236

why was using std::string and streams disabled by default for mingw32 and cygwin? enabled it back

2006-10-22 12:12 VZ, revision 42235

added wxAnimateCtrl test (rest of the patch 1581391)

2006-10-22 12:07 VZ, revision 42234

rearranged wxUSE_XXX tests in alphabetical order for ease of maintenance

2006-10-22 11:46 VZ, revision 42233

ignore .cached files created by the sample

2006-10-22 11:41 VZ, revision 42232

more printf() tests (slightly modified patch 1581936)

2006-10-22 11:38 VZ, revision 42231

fix compilation with PCH (patch 1581936)

2006-10-22 11:36 VZ, revision 42230

removed ^Ms

2006-10-22 04:27 RD, revision 42229


2006-10-22 04:14 RD, revision 42228

No need to use wxPyMake_wxObject for wxImageList. There are no derived types, and it is not OOR.

2006-10-22 04:13 RD, revision 42227

the Append also does an INCREF, that's one more than we need.

2006-10-22 04:12 RD, revision 42226

Patch #1581767: Another fix for wx.lib.calendar

2006-10-22 03:08 RD, revision 42225


2006-10-22 03:07 RD, revision 42224

Lots of little tweaks, mostly to draw selected items better such that they look right with the new wxMac DC, but also other general improvements as well.

2006-10-22 03:00 RD, revision 42223

Animation support added to XRC

2006-10-22 02:59 RD, revision 42222

Add Get/SetInactiveBitmap

2006-10-22 02:59 RD, revision 42221

#include dcgraph.h

2006-10-22 02:58 RD, revision 42220

Add dcgraph.h to files.bkl and rebake

2006-10-21 19:53 PC, revision 42219

move some definitions out of datacmn.cpp

2006-10-21 18:44 RR, revision 42218

Use wxGCDC in wxGTK to draw "Alpha" test page in drawing sample. Pretty amazing...

2006-10-21 18:43 RR, revision 42217

Remove C++ dynamic cast for now.

2006-10-21 18:00 PC, revision 42216

wxGraphicContext --> wxGraphicsContext

2006-10-21 17:46 PC, revision 42215

wxGraphicContext --> wxGraphicsContext

2006-10-21 17:46 PC, revision 42214

non-pch build fix

2006-10-21 17:22 SN, revision 42213

Fixed port name used in #ifdef.

2006-10-21 17:22 RR, revision 42212

Fix warning.

2006-10-21 17:19 SN, revision 42211

Corrected port name used in headers.

2006-10-21 16:57 RR, revision 42210

Update after annimatectrlxrc addition.

2006-10-21 16:55 VZ, revision 42209

fix for tabs drawing in RTL (patch 1552881)

2006-10-21 16:39 VZ, revision 42208

add some #if wxUSE_XXX (patch 1581470)

2006-10-21 16:29 VZ, revision 42207

filter out duplicate date changed events sent by the native control (part of bug 1482773)

2006-10-21 16:06 VZ, revision 42206

one more correction to wxCondition::WaitTimeout() return code: don't overwrite err with the semaphore wait result (bug 1387179)

2006-10-21 15:56 VZ, revision 42205

restore the old status bar text when DoGiveHelp(false) is called (should fix bug 1340887)

2006-10-21 15:54 VZ, revision 42204

removed OnToolEnter() handler which interfered with the default tool long help handling; add long help for a couple of tools for testing purposes

2006-10-21 15:37 VZ, revision 42203

load _TrackMouseEvent dynamically to make it possible to run wx programs on systems with comctl32.dll 4.70 (closes 1215615)

2006-10-21 15:18 VZ, revision 42202

don't use GetFileAttributesEx() which doesn't exist in Win95 and so prevented any wx program from even starting up there; besides it was unneeded anyhow

2006-10-21 14:45 VZ, revision 42201

also define wxLstat for non-Unix platforms

2006-10-21 14:42 VZ, revision 42200

also define wxLstat in ANSI build

2006-10-21 14:41 VZ, revision 42199

added wxLstat() (one of patches from bug 1052385)

2006-10-21 14:09 RR, revision 42198

additions for animatectrl xrc sample.

2006-10-21 14:04 VZ, revision 42197

don't allow switches (i.e. options without value) to have values (closes 781373)

2006-10-21 13:59 RR, revision 42196

[ 1581391 ] wxAnimationCtrl XRC handler (most of)

2006-10-21 13:51 RR, revision 42195

[ 1580776 ] wxAnimationCtrl::SetInactiveBitmap Additionally call UnShare() in it.

2006-10-21 13:23 VZ, revision 42194

(blind) fix for Tru64 compilation (bug 769360)

2006-10-21 12:37 SC, revision 42193

untangling dc and gc

2006-10-21 12:23 RR, revision 42192


2006-10-21 07:10 JS, revision 42191

Added wxUSE_RICHTEXT guard

2006-10-21 01:25 RD, revision 42190

Simplified EVT_PAINT handler

2006-10-21 01:23 RD, revision 42189

Don't raise NotImplementedError from GetMark, just silently return (0,0) for now

2006-10-21 01:22 RD, revision 42188

Some API updates

2006-10-21 01:22 RD, revision 42187

Avoid assert on wxMac

2006-10-21 01:21 RD, revision 42186

wxMac apparently doesn't send EVT_SHOW, so just use wx.CallAfter instead

2006-10-21 01:20 RD, revision 42185

Change Refresh to Reset to avoid conflict with base class Refresh Don't use wx.ClientDC, just draw to the bitmap when needed, and then use Refresh for painting. This works better on Mac.

2006-10-21 01:17 RD, revision 42184

Avoid nested DC assert

2006-10-21 01:16 RD, revision 42183

more informative FAIL message

2006-10-21 01:15 RD, revision 42182

use consistent names (Graphic vs. Graphics)

2006-10-21 01:12 RD, revision 42181

Forward SetFont, SetBackgroundColour and SetForegroundCOlour to the generic listctrl

2006-10-20 23:59 VZ, revision 42180

fix warnings (double to int conversions and unused variables); removed hard TABs and extra spaces

2006-10-20 20:50 SC, revision 42179

screendc implementation

2006-10-20 20:46 SC, revision 42178

new method needed for screendc

2006-10-20 19:29 SC, revision 42177

setting a non valid font is permitted, implemented now

2006-10-20 19:26 SC, revision 42176

fixing the screen dc, non 64 bit solution however

2006-10-20 17:25 SC, revision 42175

creating graphics context with the correct origin

2006-10-20 17:24 SC, revision 42174

offsetting dcs correctly

2006-10-20 17:22 SC, revision 42173

moving the offsets into dcclient.cpp so that native event handlers can be called through

2006-10-20 16:41 SC, revision 42172

offseting the graphics context correctly

2006-10-20 14:54 VS, revision 42171

fixed computation of status bar fields width if the total width is not divisible by the number of fields

2006-10-20 14:48 VZ, revision 42170

remove extra semicolons (patch 1580831)

2006-10-20 14:33 VZ, revision 42169

put #if wxUSE_STATBOX around wxStaticBox usage (bug 1568939)

2006-10-20 13:14 SC, revision 42168

mac methodname fixed, so all use the same now

2006-10-20 13:12 SC, revision 42167

adding same methodname as gtk and msw

2006-10-20 13:04 JS, revision 42166

Added the ability to use built-in bullet styles, currently standard/circle or standard/square.

2006-10-20 12:58 SC, revision 42165

fixing classname

2006-10-20 12:43 SC, revision 42164

dummy implementations for new methods

2006-10-20 11:59 SC, revision 42163

dummy implementations for new methods

2006-10-20 11:56 SC, revision 42162

new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 11:46 SC, revision 42161

new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 11:35 SC, revision 42160

new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 11:32 VZ, revision 42159

define bookctrl (and -derived) classes flags in their headers instead of defs.h; don't deprecate the control-specific flags

2006-10-20 11:07 SC, revision 42158

new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 11:01 SC, revision 42157

avoiding nesting dcs on the same window concurrently

2006-10-20 10:58 SC, revision 42156

extending implementation

2006-10-20 10:56 SC, revision 42155

replacing old core graphics with new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 10:27 SC, revision 42154

replacing old core graphics with new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 09:34 SC, revision 42153

replacing old core graphics with new graphics context implementation

2006-10-20 09:16 VZ, revision 42152

define bookctrl (and -derived) classes flags in their headers instead of defs.h; don't deprecate the control-specific flags

2006-10-20 08:43 ABX, revision 42151


2006-10-20 08:20 ABX, revision 42150

Updated list of subprojects.

2006-10-20 08:15 CE, revision 42149

missing backticks

2006-10-20 08:01 ABX, revision 42148

Updated list of subprojects.

2006-10-20 07:48 ABX, revision 42147

Whitespaces and headers cleaning.

2006-10-20 06:27 SC, revision 42146

start using wxGraphicsContext for OS X instead of old core graphics implementation

2006-10-20 06:08 SC, revision 42145

backport from CVS HEAD, the RunLoopSource was persisting after Cleanup

2006-10-20 06:04 SC, revision 42144

cleaning up the runloop source properly (was causing crashes in embedded situations, as the runloop source persisted)

2006-10-20 05:47 PC, revision 42143

Remove unnecessary size members from GtkPizzaChild. Move some declarations out of header.

2006-10-20 05:07 PC, revision 42142

buid fix

2006-10-20 05:05 PC, revision 42141

fix memory leak in Freeze

2006-10-19 23:25 , revision 42140
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/build
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
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  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
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  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
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  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/html/search.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/mac
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/png.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/projects/borland
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/projects/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/scripts/makefile.bd32
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/scripts/pngdef.pas
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/unix
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPy_2_7_1_1/utils/wxprop

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'wxPy_2_7_1_1'.

2006-10-19 23:25 RD, revision 42139


2006-10-19 23:24 RD, revision 42138

bump subrelease number

2006-10-19 23:22 RD, revision 42137


2006-10-19 23:11 RD, revision 42136

fixes for non-Mac platforms

2006-10-19 21:40 RD, revision 42135

Add the version number to the name displayed on the top-right of the page

2006-10-19 21:39 RD, revision 42134

overwrite old wx DLLs even if the version numbers match

2006-10-19 21:38 RD, revision 42133

ensure that the MasedEditMixin's version of IsEmpty is the one used.

2006-10-19 21:38 RD, revision 42132

docstring fix

2006-10-19 19:55 JS, revision 42131

Added missing WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT symbol

2006-10-19 16:22 JS, revision 42130

Spin control usage correction

2006-10-19 16:15 VZ, revision 42129

added samples/internat/ar/* files

2006-10-19 16:07 VZ, revision 42128

update from Hakki Dogusan

2006-10-19 15:56 JS, revision 42127

Compilation fixes

2006-10-19 15:55 VZ, revision 42126

removed non-existing richedit.dmc

2006-10-19 15:28 VZ, revision 42125

added include/wx/gtk/private/string.h

2006-10-19 15:25 VZ, revision 42124

fixed X11 Unicode build compilation

2006-10-19 15:12 VZ, revision 42123

must use PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG before PKG_CHECK_MODULES; fixes configure for Unicode wxX11 build

2006-10-19 15:04 SC, revision 42122

using graphics context for core graphics switch

2006-10-19 15:02 VZ, revision 42121

split the incompatible changes section in silent changes and the others

2006-10-19 14:42 VZ, revision 42120

extracted wxGtkString in a separate file, it's also needed by wxX11

2006-10-19 14:39 VZ, revision 42119

Main change is that we now close X11 display on program exit: as this couldn't be done in wxApp dtor (too early), a special module had to be created for it and module dependencies added for the other modules which have to be cleaned up while the display is still open. Also a few minor formatting changes and removed a couple of unused variables from wxApp.

2006-10-19 14:09 JS, revision 42118

Added style organiser dialog and list style editor page

2006-10-19 14:05 JS, revision 42117

Separated out list formatting into new menu. Added use of style organiser dialog. Demonstrated style organiser being used as Bullets & Numbers dialog.

2006-10-19 14:04 JS, revision 42116

Added a list style editor page to the formatting dialog. Added a style organiser dialog, which can be used to browse for and apply styles and can be limited to show one of the three style types, or all three. Added a font name cache since it's an expensive operation that's used frequently by the rich text dialogs. Added ability to switch off tooltips for new dialogs (off by default). Improved the previews. Pressing tab or shift-tab at the start of a list item now demotes or promotes the item.

2006-10-19 13:09 VZ, revision 42115

added newline at end of file

2006-10-19 12:30 RR, revision 42114

Made wxStreamBase::IsOk() virtual; Overrride in file streams to test foe base class and for correctly opened files.

2006-10-19 12:12 VZ, revision 42113

fixed the problem in 2 last commits

2006-10-19 12:08 RR, revision 42112

Fix mem leak.

2006-10-19 12:06 ABX, revision 42111

Rescale images automatically with informations about internal requirements (Jaakko Salli).

2006-10-19 11:58 VZ, revision 42110

fix memory leak in wxGetTempFileName(const wxString&, wxString&) overload; also define wxGetTempFileName(const wxString&, wxChar *) overload in terms of the other one and not vice versa

2006-10-19 07:43 MR, revision 42109

Include defs.h before including wxchar.h to make init.h self-contained (able to include this header in applications as the only one). Before with only include wxchar.h it was missing ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF and other things due to wxchar.h not including defs.h because of defs.h including wxchar.h itself. We probably don't need to include wxchar.h anymore in init.h then, but I don't want to rely on wxchar.h being always included from defs.h (if we can rely on that, please change if appropriate)

2006-10-19 02:53 PC, revision 42108

fix memory leak in Freeze

2006-10-19 00:40 KO, revision 42107

Several wxWebKitCtrl enhancements/fixes. Including: - new methods for increasing/decreasing text size, getting selection, getting/setting scroll position, printing, enabling editing, and running JavaScripts on the page. - added new event (wxWebKitBeforeLoadEvent) for catching, and possibly vetoing, load events before they occur. - wxWebKitCtrl now fires mouse events for certain events that it was eating before. This improves wxSplitterWindow resizing behavior. - refactoring of the sizing logic to move the Cocoa view. I've tested this with splitter windows, panels, notebooks and all position correctly with this.

2006-10-19 00:22 KO, revision 42106

Allow other classes to access the SetupMouseEvent function.

2006-10-18 23:51 RD, revision 42105


2006-10-18 23:50 RD, revision 42104

some changes to make epydoc happy

2006-10-18 23:49 RD, revision 42103


2006-10-18 23:46 RD, revision 42102

regen ReST docs

2006-10-18 23:45 RD, revision 42101

remove "pre"

2006-10-18 22:36 RD, revision 42100

Patch #1579801: wxBufferedDC shared buffer bitmap

2006-10-18 22:09 RD, revision 42099

Patch from Andrea: fixes no page chang* events with mouse right click, plus a couple of other minor issues

2006-10-18 21:55 RR, revision 42098

Test for KDE and GNOME using session manager vendor. Use it in mime types initialization. Add wxUSE_DETECT_SM

2006-10-18 19:17 RR, revision 42097

Support wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR Correct Get/SetClientSize() accordingly.

2006-10-18 19:02 RR, revision 42096


2006-10-18 17:24 RR, revision 42095

Ref counting overview.

2006-10-18 17:23 RR, revision 42094

[ 1578529 ] better docs for reference-counted objects This already includes the change for wxBitmap, which is not COW yet.

2006-10-18 17:19 RR, revision 42093

[ 1579280 ] small src/unix/mimetype.cpp optimizations I'm not sure if this actually changes the assembly in a smart compiler, but who knows.

2006-10-18 17:06 RR, revision 42092

[ 1579793 ] numerous bug fixes when mask is used Corrects PNG handling and wxImage::Paste()

2006-10-18 03:54 RD, revision 42091

If an empty string is passed, remove the tooltip instead of setting it to "".

2006-10-18 03:41 RD, revision 42090

don't clear the tooltip unless there is one.

2006-10-18 03:32 PC, revision 42089

use generic wxAnimationCtrl in wxGTK-universal

2006-10-18 00:06 KH, revision 42088

Do not send a changed event if a button is clicked for down/up when the control is already at min/max and wrap is not specified. Fixes both wxSpinButton and wxSpinCtrl. Bug #1578523.

2006-10-17 22:41 RD, revision 42087

More updates from Andrea

2006-10-17 20:49 RD, revision 42086


2006-10-17 19:51 RD, revision 42085

Need to subtract the m_miniTitle to get client size, not add it.

2006-10-17 19:50 RD, revision 42084

Add impl for IsFrozen

2006-10-17 19:37 RD, revision 42083

GetSpacer returns a copy, not a reference to the size

2006-10-17 19:37 RD, revision 42082

updates from Andrea, plus some fixes

2006-10-17 18:21 JS, revision 42081

SetSelection(wxNOT_FOUND) now works correctly.

2006-10-17 17:18 JS, revision 42080

Fixed assert when moving out of a menu

2006-10-17 17:16 JS, revision 42079


2006-10-17 16:57 JS, revision 42078

Draw tool transparently if we have a mask

2006-10-17 14:44 ABX, revision 42077

Headers cleaning.

2006-10-17 14:12 JS, revision 42076

Added various list commands to demonstrate new list features. Now uses wxRichTextStyleListCtrl giving a choice of style types to display.

2006-10-17 14:09 JS, revision 42075

Added list style to text attributes, independent from paragraph style Added list style definition Added SetListStyle, ClearListStyle, NumberList, PromoteList to buffer and control classes Changed style listbox so double-click applies style instead of single click. This allows for multiple items to be applicable, and also in future to edit styles from this listbox without accidentally applying the style to content. Added wxRichTextStyleListCtrl which also shows a wxChoice for selecting the type of style to display. Style sheets can form a chain to allow inheritance from current style sheet (not yet supported by style list controls). Added PushStyleSheet/PopStyleSheet.

2006-10-17 09:27 SC, revision 42074

fixing coordinate conversions

2006-10-17 05:50 PC, revision 42073

remove assert from PurgeOtherRepresentations,we'll have to trust that callers know what they're doing

2006-10-17 04:20 PC, revision 42072

use common AllocExclusive, rather than custom code

2006-10-17 03:19 PC, revision 42071

implement {Create,Clone}RefData for gtk wxBitmap

2006-10-17 03:18 PC, revision 42070

add public wxObject::UnShare

2006-10-17 00:15 RD, revision 42069

Patch #1576397, fix to properly render months that start on a Sunday

2006-10-16 21:55 RD, revision 42068

Show the AlphaDrawing sample

2006-10-16 21:53 RD, revision 42067


2006-10-16 21:52 RD, revision 42066

docstring fix

2006-10-16 21:44 RR, revision 42065

Correct wxComboBox height in wxToolbar for old GtkCombo-based implementation.

2006-10-16 20:56 RD, revision 42064

Compile fix: forward decalare wxFloatingPane

2006-10-16 20:55 RR, revision 42063

Fix wxMiniFrame caption height.

2006-10-16 20:36 RR, revision 42062

[ 1578466 ] Support for custom floating panes

2006-10-16 20:27 RR, revision 42061

[ 1578468 ] full support for "destroy on close" flag

2006-10-16 20:26 RD, revision 42060


2006-10-16 20:25 RD, revision 42059

use the right number in the tarball filename

2006-10-16 20:24 RD, revision 42058

put the gdiplus.dll with the wx DLLs

2006-10-16 20:22 RD, revision 42057

use wx.GCDC

2006-10-16 19:50 RD, revision 42056

Destroy the FileDialog when finished with it

2006-10-16 19:49 RD, revision 42055

Add a utility function that can calculate word-wrap line breaks, and use it in the AboutBox demo.

2006-10-16 18:27 RD, revision 42054

Don't make a property out of GetEnableEffects, it hides the EnableEffects method

2006-10-16 18:25 RD, revision 42053

Call wxRichTextModuleInit

2006-10-16 18:16 RR, revision 42052

Made wxWindow::Update() a little clearer.

2006-10-16 18:13 RD, revision 42051

Merge new item attributes if any are already existing

2006-10-16 18:12 RD, revision 42050

Add wxRichTextModuleInit

2006-10-16 13:26 ABX, revision 42049

[#1577388] - fix for scaling in wxImage.

2006-10-16 13:22 ABX, revision 42048

Added test for scaling and bluring wxImage.

2006-10-16 12:37 ABX, revision 42047

Allow building without calendar.

2006-10-16 09:30 ABX, revision 42046

CVS tags cleaning (with other minor cleaning).

2006-10-16 09:04 ABX, revision 42045

Fix for assert in 'dynarray.cpp' by Jaakko Salli.

2006-10-15 20:21 RR, revision 42044

Readd gtk_widget_set_size_request() to prevent -1,-1 from being allocated.

2006-10-15 20:12 RR, revision 42043

Implement mnemnic support for wxToggleButton.

2006-10-15 19:59 PC, revision 42042

remove gtk_pizza_expose, its purpose is easily accomplished from existing expose-event handler in window.cpp

2006-10-15 19:44 RR, revision 42041

I don't think anylonger that DrawHeaderButton() should be used for drawing grid row/col buttons. Also, the GTK2 port should not waste space per line of wxMSW doesn' waste it neither.

2006-10-15 19:18 RR, revision 42040

Left unused variable around. Adjust window placement in the correct direction in RTL. This corrects in-place editing in wxGrid.

2006-10-15 19:13 RR, revision 42039

Use widget->allocation instead of querying the window size with a gdk_ call.

2006-10-15 19:11 RR, revision 42038

Do not remove GDK events for native GTK+ controls.

2006-10-15 18:44 RR, revision 42037

[ 1577675 ] Fix for GTK warnings in wxNotebook::DoRemovePage

2006-10-15 18:05 PC, revision 42036

non-pch build fix, cleanup

2006-10-15 18:04 PC, revision 42035

non-pch build fixes

2006-10-15 18:03 PC, revision 42034

probable typo

2006-10-15 15:51 MBN, revision 42033

Fix setting the clipping region for a DC when the region is an actual wxRegion. Fix some positioning/sizing bugs, mosting affecting controls inside scrolled windows.

2006-10-15 15:45 MBN, revision 42032

Added wxRTTI macros to buffered DCs. Fix a signed/unsigned warning.

2006-10-15 15:03 RR, revision 42031

Correct window placement only once. This fixes edit label control placement in wxListCtrl in RTL.

2006-10-15 07:57 SC, revision 42030

adding missing typedefs for 10.4

2006-10-15 07:46 SC, revision 42029

availability does not include any other headers, but it provides the necessary macros everywhere

2006-10-15 07:01 PC, revision 42028

wrong caption for html window, cleanup

2006-10-15 07:01 PC, revision 42027

store GtkPizza border width in GtkContainer.border_width, eliminate GtkPizza.shadow_type

2006-10-15 05:42 PC, revision 42026

put back obviously-not-redundant resize

2006-10-15 05:36 PC, revision 42025

remove redundant resize

2006-10-15 04:36 PC, revision 42024

replace use of deprecated GtkPixmap, gtk_container_border_width

2006-10-15 03:43 PC, revision 42023

logical vs. boolean operators, unused decls and vars, etc

2006-10-15 01:10 PC, revision 42022

deprecation fixes, plus some code size reduction and cleanup

2006-10-14 19:01 PC, revision 42021

replace use of deprecated GtkPixmap

2006-10-14 18:07 RD, revision 42020

Ensure Cairo is installed before setting wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT for wxGTK builds

2006-10-14 18:04 RD, revision 42019

Don't build animate by default

2006-10-14 18:03 RD, revision 42018

Update to InnoSetup 5

2006-10-14 18:02 RD, revision 42017

Don't build the animate contrib

2006-10-14 17:39 PC, revision 42016

remove obsolete checks, minor cleanup

2006-10-14 16:55 SC, revision 42015

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 16:50 PC, revision 42014

correct access for virtual

2006-10-14 16:49 PC, revision 42013

replace use of deprecated GtkPixmap

2006-10-14 16:18 SC, revision 42012

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 16:02 SC, revision 42011

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 15:48 SC, revision 42010

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 15:30 SC, revision 42009

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 15:15 SC, revision 42008

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 14:55 SC, revision 42007

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 14:46 SC, revision 42006

cleanup for 10.5

2006-10-14 14:36 RR, revision 42005

Make status bar grip move to the left in RTL.

2006-10-14 13:24 RR, revision 42004

Remove tree control lines unconditionally under GTK2 (similar to what wxMac does) as it simply looks wrong (as we are using GTK+ tree buttons).

2006-10-14 13:22 RR, revision 42003

Forgot border when reversing coordinates for RTL.

2006-10-14 12:37 SN, revision 42002

Added include for app.h, so wxTheApp is defined, fixing bug #1574784.

2006-10-14 07:10 RR, revision 42001

Left in debug printf.

2006-10-14 07:06 RR, revision 42000

Better place for coordinate mirroring and removal of stupid hack. This makes the positioning correct in the end but leaves window hopping when resizing unsolved in RTL mode.

2006-10-14 04:03 PC, revision 41999

remove unused XIM code, minor cleanup

2006-10-13 19:57 RD, revision 41998


2006-10-13 19:56 RD, revision 41997

text tweak

2006-10-13 19:55 RD, revision 41996

This works ok on Mac now

2006-10-13 19:32 RD, revision 41995

comment out prints

2006-10-13 19:20 RD, revision 41994


2006-10-13 19:19 RD, revision 41993

wxMemoryDC constructor now optionally accepts a wxBitmap parameter, calling SelectObject itself if a valid bitmap is passed. Reverted wxBuffered[Paint]DC to nearly the pre 2.7.1 state, kept wxAutoBufferedPaintDC and added wxAutoBufferedPaintDCFactory.

2006-10-13 19:14 RD, revision 41992

Reverted wxBuffered[Paint]DC to nearly the pre 2.7.1 state, kept wxAutoBufferedPaintDC and added wxAutoBufferedPaintDCFactory.

2006-10-13 19:06 RD, revision 41991

some fixes in the compatibility class

2006-10-13 19:01 RD, revision 41990

bump subrelease number

2006-10-13 18:48 RD, revision 41989

wxMemoryDC constructor now optionally accepts a wxBitmap parameter, calling SelectObject itself if a valid bitmap is passed.

2006-10-13 18:33 RD, revision 41988

Fix for wxToolbook, allow oldSel == wxNOT_FOUND when changing to a new selection.

2006-10-13 14:30 JS, revision 41987

Fixed tab selection bug Slight improvement to kerning-related jumpy text when selecting Default tab efficiency improvement and naming conventions cleanup

2006-10-13 14:15 ABX, revision 41986

Fix for assert in setting image from file by Jaakko Salli.

2006-10-13 11:59 SC, revision 41985

removing double definition

2006-10-13 11:58 SC, revision 41984

setting according to a minimum system of 10.3 and supporting 64 bit

2006-10-13 09:16 RR, revision 41983

Remove method GetWindow() returning a GdkWindow*

2006-10-13 09:00 RR, revision 41982

Applied part of [ 1575767 ] Init/size/check fixes for sockets Left out the time out parameter change. Left out the improper test for arbitrary too large value upon read failure.

2006-10-13 08:39 RR, revision 41981

Prevent bogus event which GTK 2.4 sends after typing text in the text area begins and the text there has no match in the list.

2006-10-13 00:16 RD, revision 41980

update build and install docs

2006-10-13 00:15 RD, revision 41979

can put back the wx.BufferedPaintDC now

2006-10-12 23:24 RD, revision 41978

updates from Andrea

2006-10-12 19:57 VZ, revision 41977

inserted missing back quotes around echo lost by previous change

2006-10-12 19:47 CE, revision 41976

post 2.7.1 fixes

2006-10-12 12:34 VZ, revision 41975

mention that wxBufferedDC doesn't inherit from wxMemoryDC any more

2006-10-12 08:58 , revision 41974
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/lib/dummy
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/animate
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/aui
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/power
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/resource
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/splitter/mondrian.ico
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/tab
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/samples/treectrl/treetest.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/aclocal.m4
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/dosconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/os2config.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/winconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/xmlrole.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/expat/lib/xmltok.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/html/search.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/png.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/projects/borland
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/projects/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/scripts/makefile.bd32
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/scripts/pngdef.pas
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/utils/wxprop
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_1/wxPython/docs/bin/docparser

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'WX_2_7_1'.

2006-10-12 08:58 RD, revision 41973

only need a (1,1) bitmap for measuring

2006-10-12 08:37 RD, revision 41972


2006-10-12 08:35 RD, revision 41971

Give up on trying to fix all the buffered dc problems and just check-in the FlatNotebook update from Andrea using self-buffering instead of wx.BufferedPaintDC.

2006-10-12 08:32 RD, revision 41970


2006-10-12 07:59 SC, revision 41969

fixing rectangle drawing when offsetting 0.5, correcting rounded rectangle drawing

2006-10-12 07:53 SC, revision 41968

setting font when using core graphics on a memory dc

2006-10-12 06:46 SC, revision 41967

support 1 bit deep bitmaps as masks

2006-10-12 06:43 SC, revision 41966

support CGGraphics Masks, switch xbm interpretation to be in line with msw

2006-10-12 06:23 RD, revision 41965

Fixup Blit so it can be used with a source that is a wxBufferedDC, since wxBufferedDC doesn't derive from wxMemoryDC any more.

2006-10-12 05:15 SC, revision 41964

adjust so that mono bitmaps don't get an alpha channel

2006-10-12 04:27 JS, revision 41963

Some additions to the wxRichTextCtrl overview.

2006-10-12 01:51 VZ, revision 41962

only change the bitmap size for the borderless controls

2006-10-11 23:54 RD, revision 41961

Don't use the window position as the x offset when painting the full row highlight, always use zero.

2006-10-11 23:52 RD, revision 41960

a little whitespace cleanup

2006-10-11 23:51 RD, revision 41959

Give some more specific info if PyWin can't be imported when frozen in a py2exe exexcutable

2006-10-11 23:49 RD, revision 41958

a couple new generic methods

2006-10-11 23:48 RD, revision 41957

convert unicode filename to file system encoding

2006-10-11 23:48 RD, revision 41956

Size property conflicts with Size() method

2006-10-11 23:47 RD, revision 41955

use "StrokeLineSegements" for the second overload of StrokeLines

2006-10-11 23:46 RD, revision 41954

docstring update

2006-10-11 23:46 RD, revision 41953

Don't include platform headers from public wx headers

2006-10-11 22:34 VZ, revision 41952

moved GetLayoutDirection() to GUI wxApp, it has nothing to do in wxAppConsole

2006-10-11 22:15 VZ, revision 41951

mention more changes done by Francesco

2006-10-11 20:54 RR, revision 41950

Fix [ 1574240 ] wx.RadioButton doesn't navigate correctly

2006-10-11 20:04 KO, revision 41949

Implementing column click event handler and SortItems function for native list ctrl.

2006-10-11 19:24 RR, revision 41948

Anim doesn't depend on GIF, remove wxUSE_GIF.

2006-10-11 19:06 RR, revision 41947

[ 1574592 ] Documentation for wxBufferedDC improvements

2006-10-11 17:59 RR, revision 41946

Use native version of wxAnimateCtrl only for GTK >= 2

2006-10-11 17:02 PC, revision 41945

add sections to advanced library for each unix-based platform

2006-10-11 17:00 PC, revision 41944

animatectrl typo

2006-10-11 16:36 SC, revision 41943

bringing up to date with new files

2006-10-11 16:28 JS, revision 41942

Added back necessary defines 'cleaned' away. If folks could resist the urge to delete them again, I'd be much obliged. We can change the symbol name if necessary.

2006-10-11 16:10 SC, revision 41941

while gcc 4 works under xcode, 3.3. builds don't, therefore this workaround for source relative includes

2006-10-11 16:09 RR, revision 41940

Fix part of [ 1570325 ] wxAnimationCtrl for wxAdv library

2006-10-11 13:54 SC, revision 41939

fixing changing text colors

2006-10-11 13:45 MR, revision 41938

Implement left indentation and tab stops support in wxTextCtrl, patch #1518114 - Tim Kosse

2006-10-11 12:29 SC, revision 41937

adding the 0.5 offset for odd pen widths

2006-10-11 09:20 SC, revision 41936

adding events on kill-focus (Robert's Patch)

2006-07-24 23:16 VZ, revision 41935

allow customization of individual grid lines appearance (patch 1496015)

2006-07-24 18:30 VZ, revision 41934

fixed typos in last check in

2006-07-24 18:26 VZ, revision 41933

protect gs_allThreads with a mutex (modified patch 1518719)

2006-07-24 18:20 VZ, revision 41932

documentation for wxAppTraits (patch 1518295 from Francesco)

2006-10-11 06:44 RD, revision 41931

distrib changes to enable graphics context and add gdiplus.dll

2006-10-11 04:44 RD, revision 41930


2006-10-11 04:42 RD, revision 41929

helpers and typemaps for new GraphicsContext methods

2006-10-11 04:18 RD, revision 41928

better comments

2006-10-11 04:16 RD, revision 41927

reentrance methods

2006-10-11 04:10 RD, revision 41926


2006-10-11 04:09 RD, revision 41925

Get/Set LayoutDirection

2006-10-11 04:07 RD, revision 41924

Add wxOverlay

2006-10-11 04:01 RD, revision 41923

Don't call BeginDrawing/EndDrawing, they're deprecated.

2006-10-11 03:56 RD, revision 41922

don't build the animate contrib

2006-10-11 03:53 RD, revision 41921

use wx.SAVE style for the save dialog

2006-10-11 03:51 RD, revision 41920

move animate from contrib to core, and migrate to new API

2006-10-11 03:45 RD, revision 41919

Restore a use case that was lost with the last set of updates, using a wxBufferedDC without a real DC, just a buffer.

2006-10-11 03:00 PC, revision 41918

build fix

2006-10-11 02:41 PC, revision 41917

and more inlines called before defined

2006-10-10 22:42 KH, revision 41916

Fix typo in previous commit (sorry!). Also note that previous commit was a backport.

2006-10-10 22:39 KH, revision 41915

translate tips which appear inside _() in wxFileTipProvider (backport from HEAD)

2006-10-10 22:37 KH, revision 41914

Set the system/theme color when the control is created so that GetTextColour does not always return black

2006-10-10 19:17 RD, revision 41913

remove targets before cp, mv and ln, otherwise ambiguous links and make errors can result.

2006-10-10 19:09 SC, revision 41912

adding overlay implementation for core graphics

2006-10-10 19:06 SC, revision 41911

simpler implementation

2006-10-10 19:04 SC, revision 41910

resetting when necessary

2006-10-10 19:02 SC, revision 41909

switching to newer API

2006-10-10 18:59 CE, revision 41908

temporary fix for motif, univ, gtk

2006-10-10 18:51 SC, revision 41907

using separate window groups per window helps keeping overlays with the window

2006-10-10 18:19 RD, revision 41906

Read/write image files in binary mode

2006-10-10 17:46 JS, revision 41905

Added newlines to end of files to avoid RTF-for-PDF index getting messed up

2006-10-10 17:45 RR, revision 41904

Move reentrance guard down.

2006-10-10 17:37 PC, revision 41903

don't include missing.h before windows headers

2006-10-10 17:35 PC, revision 41902

correct DLL attributes

2006-10-10 17:33 PC, revision 41901

more inlines called before defined

2006-10-10 17:02 JS, revision 41900

Minor correction

2006-10-10 17:01 JS, revision 41899

Return type change Added support for help button to formatting dialog

2006-10-10 16:48 JS, revision 41898

Added some missing newlines to ends of files (necessary for linear RTF) Added rich text control formatting and symbol dialogs API changes for wxRichTextCtrl

2006-10-10 13:57 SC, revision 41897

setting clipping correctly

2006-10-10 13:53 VZ, revision 41896

real LaTeX fix to last commit

2006-10-10 13:49 VZ, revision 41895

attempt to correct bogus tex2rtf warning about unmatched brackets in

2006-10-10 13:46 ABX, revision 41894

WinCE build fix.

2006-10-10 13:46 VZ, revision 41893

LaTeX fix to last commit

2006-10-10 13:45 VZ, revision 41892

escape more underscores (we need a pre-commit check for those...)

2006-10-10 13:42 VZ, revision 41891

added discussion of user-generated vs programmatic events

2006-10-10 13:36 SC, revision 41890

making sure the overlay moves with its parent on OSX

2006-10-10 13:00 SC, revision 41889

!__WX_DC_BLIT_FIXED__ case

2006-10-10 12:43 SC, revision 41888

getting the wxWindow* on GTK

2006-10-10 12:37 SC, revision 41887

adding includes for non-precomp

2006-10-10 12:21 SC, revision 41886

turning around defines, using a graphics context enables testing

2006-10-10 12:08 ABX, revision 41885

Warning fixes and minor source cleaning.

2006-10-10 12:07 ABX, revision 41884

Follow changes in wxRenderer interface.

2006-10-10 12:06 ABX, revision 41883

Follow CreateButtonSizer interface change.

2006-10-10 11:11 JS, revision 41882

Added help provider

2006-10-10 11:09 CE, revision 41881

fix for Borland - which never likes ?

2006-10-10 11:05 CE, revision 41880

remove stray ; which broke compilation

2006-10-10 10:47 SC, revision 41879

moving to correct position

2006-10-10 10:39 ABX, revision 41878

#incldue fix.

2006-10-10 10:39 SC, revision 41877

overlay implementation

2006-10-10 10:29 VZ, revision 41876

removed spaces; added WXDLLEXPORTs; make overlay classes non copiable

2006-10-10 10:28 SC, revision 41875

overlay implementation

2006-10-10 10:28 RR, revision 41874

Added part of patch [ 1573619 ] Fix for Reentrance problems in events in slightly modified form.

2006-10-10 10:06 ABX, revision 41873

Updated makefile.

2006-10-10 10:04 VS, revision 41872

generate makefile.unx files using bakefile

2006-10-10 09:54 VS, revision 41871

added support for the 'richtext' library

2006-10-10 09:50 VS, revision 41870

added support for AUI library

2006-10-10 09:11 ABX, revision 41869

Warning fix.

2006-10-10 08:57 RR, revision 41868

Add test for SetItemMinSize()

2006-10-10 08:31 VZ, revision 41867

added wxDC::Set/GetLayoutDirection() and implemented it for wxMSW (patch from Tim Kosse)

2006-10-10 08:16 ABX, revision 41866

Use wxUSE_* flags for new animation code.

2006-10-10 08:05 ABX, revision 41865

wxUnivMSW build fix.

2006-10-10 08:03 RR, revision 41864

[ 1574264 ] Fix height of wxComboCtrl's wxTextCtrl

2006-10-10 07:22 ABX, revision 41863

Updated Univ setup.

2006-10-10 07:19 ABX, revision 41862

Back to previous call with -1 replacement.

2006-10-10 07:11 PC, revision 41861

correct DLL attribute

2006-10-10 07:10 PC, revision 41860

fix warnings about calling an inline function before it is defined inline

2006-10-10 06:53 SC, revision 41859

getting rid of warnings

2006-10-10 06:53 ABX, revision 41858

Minor cleaning.

2006-10-10 06:48 ABX, revision 41857

New animate sample described.

2006-10-10 06:47 ABX, revision 41856

More .rsp files needs updating after new sample addition.

2006-10-10 06:40 ABX, revision 41855

Add new animate sample to the distribution (probably more steps from technote #1 needed).

2006-10-10 06:29 ABX, revision 41854

Add new animate sample to the distribution (probably more steps from technote #1 needed).

2006-10-10 04:49 PC, revision 41853

remove extraneous semicolons

2006-10-10 04:27 PC, revision 41852

wxAnimationCtrl cleanup

2006-10-10 03:45 RD, revision 41851

Add missing header files so they'll get installed

2006-10-10 03:30 RD, revision 41850

Disown using .this.own(False) instead of .thisown = False

2006-10-10 03:27 RD, revision 41849

CreateButtonSizer changes

2006-10-09 23:44 VZ, revision 41848

fixed crash in wxColour ctor after RGBA-ization

2006-10-09 23:13 RD, revision 41847

DLL build fixes

2006-10-09 22:56 VZ, revision 41846

use native toolbar, font dialog and CG by default

2006-10-09 22:26 VZ, revision 41845

swap wxANIHeader bytes on big endian architectures

2006-10-09 21:59 VZ, revision 41844

replaced Ok() with IsOk(), no real changes

2006-10-09 21:29 VZ, revision 41843

avoid conflict between wxBookCtrlBase::DoSetSelection() and the derived classes; refactor more common code into the base class

2006-10-09 21:15 VZ, revision 41842

added CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(), changed signature and semantics of CreateButtonSizer()

2006-10-09 21:15 VZ, revision 41841

call Refresh() to make animation work under Mac

2006-10-09 21:11 VZ, revision 41840

added more helper functions for setting borders in wxSizerFlags

2006-10-09 21:10 VZ, revision 41839

added CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(), changed signature and semantics of CreateButtonSizer()

2006-10-09 21:08 VZ, revision 41838

use wxSizerFlags and updated CreateButtonSizer() in all generic dialogs

2006-10-09 20:49 VZ, revision 41837

forgot to commit during last regeneration

2006-10-09 20:32 RR, revision 41836

IsExposed() needs to reverse the direction in RTL. I actually wonder if not the calling code is wrong, but this fixes wxListCtrl and wxTreeCtrl for the time being.

2006-10-09 20:12 RR, revision 41835

[ 1573855 ] Improved appearance of wxComboCtrl's wxTextCtrl More work needs to be done for the version with images.

2006-10-09 20:10 RR, revision 41834


2006-10-09 19:54 VZ, revision 41833
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/animate/anitest.rc

RC file is not needed and not used

2006-10-09 19:33 RR, revision 41832

Compile fix.

2006-10-09 19:32 VZ, revision 41831

added wxSizerFlags::GetDefaultBorder()

2006-10-09 19:29 VZ, revision 41830

extended wxSizerFlags docs

2006-10-09 19:28 VS, revision 41829

don't crash on weird line endings like \r\r\n

2006-10-09 18:58 VZ, revision 41828

check that the bitmap is valid before getting its size to avoid asserts

2006-10-09 18:57 VZ, revision 41827

menu id 0 doesn't work under Mac

2006-10-09 18:56 RD, revision 41826

double buffer changes

2006-10-09 18:55 RD, revision 41825

Added wx.AboutBox()

2006-10-09 18:47 VS, revision 41824

fixed the check in previous commit

2006-10-09 18:37 VS, revision 41823

assert if wxString(void* pStart,void *pEnd) ctor is used incorrectly

2006-10-09 18:10 VZ, revision 41822

use sample icon, not mondrian one

2006-10-09 17:56 VZ, revision 41821

regenaretd after samples/animate addition

2006-10-09 17:55 VZ, revision 41820

baked the standard makefiles

2006-10-09 17:51 VZ, revision 41819

added wxAnimationCtrl (patch 1570325)

2006-10-09 17:14 VZ, revision 41818

compilation fix after last change (GTK1 doesn't have g_signal_stop_emission_by_name(), only gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name())

2006-10-09 17:11 VZ, revision 41817

no changes, just replaced C comment with a C++ one

2006-10-09 17:10 JS, revision 41816

Don't use precompiled header directives in included files

2006-10-09 17:09 VZ, revision 41815

added references to XML classes

2006-10-09 16:57 VZ, revision 41814

return false from IsDoubleBuffered() if the first top level parent is not double buffered

2006-10-09 16:56 RD, revision 41813

DLL build fixes

2006-10-09 16:52 VZ, revision 41812

regenerated after adding dcbufcmn.cpp

2006-10-09 16:50 VZ, revision 41811

fix the sample icon (patch 1570974)

2006-10-09 16:39 VZ, revision 41810

added wxWindow::IsDoubleBuffered() and improve wxBufferedDC (patch 1565330)

2006-10-09 16:06 SC, revision 41809

copying as much values from the dc as possible

2006-10-09 16:05 SC, revision 41808

adding angle conversion

2006-10-09 15:58 VZ, revision 41807

added static wxPlatformInfo::Get() and use it (patch 1549176)

2006-10-09 15:53 SC, revision 41806

making pens behave as on other platforms when scaling

2006-10-09 15:51 SC, revision 41805

set anti-aliasing ON by default

2006-10-09 15:50 VZ, revision 41804

fix DoSetSelection(): it did nothing when there was no old selection

2006-10-09 15:15 JS, revision 41803

Removed dependence on wxClientDC and blitting from a window, for compatibility with Mac OS X in Core Graphics mode.

2006-10-09 14:37 ABX, revision 41802

Use wxBookCtrl wrapper rather than wxNotebook in common code for native book (Smartphone fix).

2006-10-09 14:28 ABX, revision 41801

Use CreateButtonSizer in wxAboutBox() to make OK button look native.

2006-10-09 13:23 ABX, revision 41800

WinCE build fix.

2006-10-09 12:56 ABX, revision 41799

WinCE build fix.

2006-10-09 12:10 VZ, revision 41798

use native toolbar, font dialog and CG by default

2006-10-09 12:10 VZ, revision 41797

change UpdateSelection() parameter type to int from size_t; also replaced remaining -1s with wxNOT_FOUND

2006-10-09 12:08 VZ, revision 41796

document IsEmpty()

2006-10-09 10:26 ABX, revision 41795

Warnings, build errors, headers, licence, prefered api and non-PCH support cleaning of fresh richtext code.

2006-10-09 10:21 CE, revision 41794

case sensitive bug

2006-10-09 09:32 ABX, revision 41793

Build fix.

2006-10-09 09:01 ABX, revision 41792

Ok()->IsOk() replacement.

2006-10-09 08:23 ABX, revision 41791

Updated makefiles.

2006-10-09 08:11 ABX, revision 41790

Warning fixes.

2006-10-09 07:52 ABX, revision 41789

Updated makefiles.

2006-10-09 07:41 JS, revision 41788

Don't use toolbook for formatting dialog until we have icons Select first page

2006-10-09 07:37 PC, revision 41787

warning fixes/minor cleanup

2006-10-09 07:36 PC, revision 41786

non-pch build fixes

2006-10-09 07:35 PC, revision 41785

build fixes for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_6=0

2006-10-09 07:15 ABX, revision 41784

Warning fixes in 'todo' part just to make build log more readable.

2006-10-09 07:09 MR, revision 41783

Fix wxOS2 compilation, as reported by Lauri Nurmi. Hopefully no other ports are similarly affected from the constification changes to wxBitmap..

2006-10-09 06:30 ABX, revision 41782

Updated setup for univ build.

2006-10-09 05:14 PC, revision 41781

remove unused stuff

2006-10-09 05:12 PC, revision 41780

test wxLC_SINGLE_SEL flag properly

2006-10-09 05:12 PC, revision 41779

non-pch build fix

2006-10-09 05:12 PC, revision 41778

fix width/height typo in DoSetClientSize, remove unused stuff

2006-10-09 02:38 RD, revision 41777

new changes

2006-10-09 02:38 RD, revision 41776

Varous changes and tweaks to match some of Julian's new code

2006-10-09 02:37 RD, revision 41775

IsEmpty, ChangeValue, etc.

2006-10-09 02:36 RD, revision 41774

Add IsOk's

2006-10-09 02:35 RD, revision 41773

make sure the cleanup happens

2006-10-09 02:34 RD, revision 41772

install bitmaps/*.ico files too

2006-10-09 02:34 RD, revision 41771

update to latest from Andrea

2006-10-09 02:32 RD, revision 41770

default ID value

2006-10-09 02:24 RD, revision 41769

Version number bump

2006-10-09 02:23 RD, revision 41768

Add CustomTreeCtrl from Andrea Gavana

2006-10-09 01:20 RD, revision 41767

Bumping the version number also requires that version.h be modified, and also rebaking the makeifles.

2006-10-08 23:53 VZ, revision 41766

define ChangeSelection() (fixes wxMotif build)

2006-10-08 23:45 VZ, revision 41765

another Ok() changed to IsOk()

2006-10-08 23:41 VZ, revision 41764

added SendPageChanging/ChangedEvent() functions; fixed wxCocoa build broken by wxNotebook::ChangePage() change

2006-10-08 23:36 SN, revision 41763

Backported compilation fix from 1.396.

2006-10-08 23:16 VZ, revision 41762

restored sending events from Replace/Remove/Write/AppendText() methods

2006-10-08 23:15 VZ, revision 41761

fix format mismatch warnings

2006-10-08 23:14 VZ, revision 41760

need to include wx/imaglist.h even when using PCH

2006-10-08 23:14 VZ, revision 41759

don't define g_UnicodeSubsetTable in non-Unicode build (fixes gcc warning)

2006-10-08 23:07 VZ, revision 41758

removed default argument in the function definition

2006-10-08 22:47 VZ, revision 41757

set focus to the Ok button initially

2006-10-08 22:46 VZ, revision 41756

SetOverflow() should be called with a bool argument, not m_overflow

2006-10-08 22:42 VZ, revision 41755

fix compilation after recent wxTextCtrl changes notice that it has become unfortunately impossible (or at least much more difficult) to maintain compilation when wxRICHTEXT_DERIVES_FROM_TEXTCTRLBASE is unset so I simply removed it as the code wouldn't compile anyhow

2006-10-08 22:40 VZ, revision 41754

moved DoSetValue() to wxTextCtrlBase instead of having it in almost, but not quite all, derived classes; linking fixes for wxCocoa/wxX11/wxMotif

2006-10-08 22:33 VZ, revision 41753

VC compilation fix after last commit

2006-10-08 22:22 SN, revision 41752

Initialize m_overflow in wxGridCellAttr::Clone.

2006-10-08 21:56 VZ, revision 41751

add IsOk() to all classes having Ok() method (patch 1570985)

2006-10-08 21:42 SN, revision 41750

Use "cdecl" linkage mode for all ports with OpenWatcom (particularly WXPM).

2006-10-08 21:30 SN, revision 41749

Use system colours for ownerdrawn highlighting (patch #1555426).

2006-10-08 21:01 VZ, revision 41748

small code simplification in DoSetValue() after the last change

2006-10-08 21:00 RR, revision 41747

Compile fix.

2006-10-08 20:52 VZ, revision 41746

compilation fix after last commit (apparently patch was misapplied)

2006-10-08 20:48 VZ, revision 41745

moved wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP back into setup_inc.h (undoing change of rev 1.41) as it's needed for configure builds too

2006-10-08 20:38 VZ, revision 41744

add test for ChangeValue()

2006-10-08 20:28 VZ, revision 41743

testing whether signed char is greater than 127 is always false, cast it to unsigned first

2006-10-08 19:49 RR, revision 41742

Bump version.

2006-10-08 19:39 RR, revision 41741

Compile fix.

2006-10-08 17:52 VZ, revision 41740

added wxTextCtrl::IsEmpty()

2006-10-08 17:46 VZ, revision 41739

added wxTextCtrl::ChangeValue() which is the same as SetValue() but doesn't send the text changed event (first part of patch 1553551)

2006-10-08 17:37 VZ, revision 41738

added wxBookCtrl::ChangeSelection() which is the same as SetSelection() but doesn't send the page change events (second part of patch 1553551)

2006-10-08 17:19 VS, revision 41737

re-added wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP to once again, it *IS* needed for mingw and cross-compilation

2006-10-08 17:18 VZ, revision 41736

avoid bitmap distortion when a non standard bitmap size is used (replaces patch 1477883)

2006-10-08 16:31 RR, revision 41735

New magic number for positioning the tree triangle.

2006-10-08 16:30 VZ, revision 41734

corrected last commit: Inflate() should be Deflate()

2006-10-08 16:00 JS, revision 41733

Strip menu codes out from notebook page labels

2006-10-08 15:59 PC, revision 41732

small cleanup

2006-10-08 15:59 RR, revision 41731

[ 1572220 ] Show popup when wxComboCtrl image area clicked

2006-10-08 15:59 PC, revision 41730

revert last change, plus small cleanup

2006-10-08 15:54 JS, revision 41729

It's valid to pass wxNOT_FOUND to SetSelection in order to clear selections. Avoid assert and erroneous setting of -1.

2006-10-08 15:54 PC, revision 41728

restore needed functions, wxMSW doesn't use wxBitmapHandlerBase

2006-10-08 15:50 VZ, revision 41727

compilation fix for PCH-less builds

2006-10-08 15:49 VZ, revision 41726

add support for wxCONTROL_ISDEFAULT to wxRendererMSW::DrawPushButton() (modified patch 1572887)

2006-10-08 15:49 RR, revision 41725

[ 1573138 ] small docs corrections

2006-10-08 15:44 VZ, revision 41724

(probably wrong) fix for wxMSW linking errors introduced by last commit

2006-10-08 15:18 VZ, revision 41723

added wxAboutDialogInfo

2006-10-08 15:17 VZ, revision 41722

add an newline between headers in wxGenericAboutBox

2006-10-08 15:15 VZ, revision 41721

close the dialog when close button is pressed, this is apparently needed by older GTK+ versions

2006-10-08 15:12 VZ, revision 41720

document wxAboutBox &c

2006-10-08 14:35 JS, revision 41719

Added missing include and missing underscores

2006-10-08 14:34 VZ, revision 41718

added empty virtual dtors to silence gcc warnings

2006-10-08 14:31 VZ, revision 41717

we need to set URL hook for the link to appear as a link in GtkAboutDialog

2006-10-08 14:23 VZ, revision 41716

use translators if explicitely specified, fall back to the standard translator-credits from message catalog otherwise

2006-10-08 14:16 JS, revision 41715

Added formatting and symbols dialogs.

2006-10-08 14:13 JS, revision 41714

Demonstrate new formatting and symbol dialogs.

2006-10-08 14:12 VZ, revision 41713

added example of customizing the generic about dialog and renamed wxAboutDialog to wxGenericAboutDialog

2006-10-08 14:12 JS, revision 41712

Added rich text formatting and symbol dialog files.

2006-10-08 14:10 VZ, revision 41711

fixed double free crash introduced by last commit

2006-10-08 14:05 JS, revision 41710

Added a customisable formatting dialog for wxRichTextCtrl. Control the visible tabs with flags passed to the constructor.

2006-10-08 14:04 JS, revision 41709

Added a symbol selection dialog, with optional font selection and full Unicode range with subranges.

2006-10-08 14:02 JS, revision 41708

Added option to set style from style listbox when single clicking or not. Changed DoSelection name to ApplyStyle.

2006-10-08 14:01 JS, revision 41707

Support for characters below 32 (not supported as text or entities by XML) Support for symbol font

2006-10-08 14:00 JS, revision 41706

Use paragraph's attributes for paragraph-related styles, and also use combined attributes

2006-10-08 14:00 JS, revision 41705

Don't use double buffering on platforms that do it automatically. Filters out unrecognised keycodes in OnChar, and added numeric keypad navigation keycodes. Added SetStyleEx which takes flags for specifying option such as optimization (only apply necessary styles), char/para style only, and use undo. Used SetStyleEx when applying styles to avoid applying character styles to paragraph objects, and vice versa.

2006-10-08 13:59 JS, revision 41704

Added paragraph symbol font (Get/SetSymbolFont in attribute) and use this font instead of paragraph font if specified. wxRichTextBuffer::SetStyle extended to respond to flags for specifying undo, optimization (only apply the style necessary for display when content/base/paragraph attributes are combined), and para/character styles only. wxRichTextBuffer::GetStyleForRange gets the common attributes for a range, e.g. for showing common attributes in a formatting dialog. Implemented Roman numeral bullet points. Fixed wxRichTextImage copy bug.

2006-10-08 13:49 VZ, revision 41703

don't use 8 bit copyright symbol

2006-10-08 13:44 VZ, revision 41702

Unicode compilation fix

2006-10-08 13:10 VZ, revision 41701

rebaked with aboutdlg.* files

2006-10-08 13:08 VZ, revision 41700

added GTK+ 2.6 implementation of wxAboutBox

2006-10-08 13:01 JS, revision 41699

Added missing image.h header

2006-10-08 12:53 VZ, revision 41698

test credits in about dialog

2006-10-08 12:21 VZ, revision 41697

added --enable-aboutdlg

2006-10-08 12:11 VZ, revision 41696

reformat and add files

2006-10-08 12:07 VZ, revision 41695

added native Mac implementation of wxAboutBox(); also moved aboutdlg.* files from core to adv library as they depend on wxHyperlinkCtrl which is in adv

2006-10-08 11:11 VZ, revision 41694

use wxSTRINGIZE_T instead of _T(wxSTRINGIZE())

2006-10-08 11:10 VZ, revision 41693

use wxVERSION_NUM_DOT_STRING_T instead of wxVERSION_NUM_DOT_STRING to fix the Unicode build

2006-10-08 11:09 VZ, revision 41692

added Unicode-friendly variants of version string macros

2006-10-08 11:07 VZ, revision 41691

added Unicode-friendly wxSTRINGIZE_T()

2006-10-08 10:59 VZ, revision 41690

use wxSTRINGIZE instead of redefining a special STRINGIZE in this file

2006-10-08 08:04 PC, revision 41689

Move some things to wxBitmapBase to avoid much duplication. Use proper const for XPM data, and const void* for arbitary bitmap data.

2006-10-08 06:42 RD, revision 41688

return values of overloaded virtuals should match the base class version

2006-10-08 06:37 RD, revision 41687

Override CreateItem so wxListBox can turn its notifications into events.

2006-10-08 01:21 VZ, revision 41686

added wxAboutBox-related files

2006-10-08 01:20 VZ, revision 41685


2006-10-08 01:19 VZ, revision 41684

use the main frame icon if no icon is explicitely specified

2006-10-08 01:02 VZ, revision 41683

initial implementation of wxAboutBox()

2006-10-08 00:59 VZ, revision 41682


2006-10-08 00:35 VZ, revision 41681

fixed VC warning about unreachable code

2006-10-08 00:03 VZ, revision 41680

ignore the other WXDLLIMPEXP_XXX and not only BASE one too

2006-10-07 21:38 RR, revision 41679

Some more explanations.

2006-10-07 20:58 RR, revision 41678

More docs.

2006-10-07 20:36 RR, revision 41677

Two more typos.

2006-10-07 18:32 PC, revision 41676

small cleanup

2006-10-07 18:32 PC, revision 41675

some cleanup, and plug a few small holes

2006-10-07 17:44 RR, revision 41674


2006-10-07 17:38 RR, revision 41673

Include wxDataViewCtrl in list of controls.

2006-10-07 17:36 RR, revision 41672

Include dataview docs.

2006-10-07 17:34 RR, revision 41671

Add docs to wxDataViewCtrl

2006-10-07 14:15 RR, revision 41670

Not everything has to be virtual. Made short cuts for adding columns more useful.

2006-10-06 23:21 RD, revision 41669

rename the ID parameter

2006-10-06 22:37 VZ, revision 41668

fix for handling from Francesco

2006-10-06 21:49 RR, revision 41667

Return toolbars "own" GdkWindow, required among others for mouse event reporting.

2006-10-06 20:08 RD, revision 41666


2006-10-06 19:56 RD, revision 41665

Renamed wx.FutureCall to wx.CallLater so it is named more like wx.CallAfter. wx.FutureCall is now an empty subclass of wx.CallLater for compatibility of older code.

2006-10-06 19:55 RD, revision 41664

be able to switch between the frame managing the toolbar, anbd putting it in a sizer instead.

2006-10-06 19:54 RD, revision 41663

some tweaks

2006-10-06 17:14 RD, revision 41662

more informative assert message

2006-10-06 16:34 PC, revision 41661

make pixbuf/alpha handling more coherent in gtk wxBitmap, allow pixbuf without alpha

2006-10-06 15:49 PC, revision 41660

don't invert mono bitmaps in Rescale

2006-10-06 09:50 RR, revision 41659

Implemended column header mouse clicks. Ascending/descending sorting. Setting the little arrow indicator for ascending and desceding sorting. Generic stubs.

2006-10-06 07:25 JJ, revision 41658

Committing in . Synchronizing setup.h_vms with Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms

2006-10-06 04:47 RD, revision 41657

Allow the native toolbar to have more han one button toggled at a time.

2006-10-06 00:53 RD, revision 41656


2006-10-06 00:52 RD, revision 41655

don't inject constructors

2006-10-06 00:52 RD, revision 41654

always use wxPyPanel

2006-10-06 00:51 RD, revision 41653

reduce the number of objects for a quicker startup time

2006-10-06 00:51 RD, revision 41652

Set overview to docstring

2006-10-06 00:50 RD, revision 41651

Fixes for using the staticmethods

2006-10-06 00:31 RD, revision 41650

Applied second part of patch #1570448, use the device origin for where to clear

2006-10-05 23:56 RD, revision 41649

some fixes

2006-10-05 23:53 RD, revision 41648

Updates from Paul

2006-10-05 23:51 RD, revision 41647

Part of patch# 1570448, use dwRop for StretchBIBits too

2006-10-05 22:53 RD, revision 41646

ensure that wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS is turned on if wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT is

2006-10-05 22:45 RD, revision 41645

Add USE_GDIPLUS option that will control (for the makefile builds) if the gdiplus.lib library is added to the link, and whether wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT should be defined.

2006-10-05 22:42 RD, revision 41644

Make the message about wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT a bit more informative

2006-10-05 22:24 RD, revision 41643

Add FlatNotebook

2006-10-05 21:34 JG, revision 41642

Need to update the bg brush when the first page is added.

2006-10-05 19:35 RR, revision 41641

Added sort order and alignement for column headers.

2006-10-05 19:34 MBN, revision 41640

Fix buffer overrun in Linux/x86_64 (Pixel is a 64 bit long, passing a 32 bit int pointer to XtVaGetValues will cause trouble). Using a long should suffice. A configure test would be better.

2006-10-05 19:06 RR, revision 41639

Add support for bitmaps in headers.

2006-10-05 17:28 RR, revision 41638

[ 1560785 ] wxFileName::IsReadable/Writable/Executable

2006-10-05 15:25 VZ, revision 41637

fix problems with using incorrect vswprintf() for mingw32/VC6 when wxUSE_PRINTF_POS_PARAMS==1, try to simplify/better organize all wxVsnprintf_()-related code

2006-10-05 12:11 ABX, revision 41636

PCH build fix.

2006-10-05 11:54 VZ, revision 41635

restored Ove Kåven name in the header comment which was broken a couple revisions ago; switched copyright to wxWidgets dev team as the whole as there are simply too many people who have modified this file to list them all; no changes in the code

2006-10-05 10:20 ABX, revision 41634

wxGenericDirCtrl page for widgets sample.

2006-10-05 07:18 ABX, revision 41633

Warning fixes and TODO markup for easier finding by brave volounteers.

2006-10-04 23:02 VZ, revision 41632

honour wxBU_EXACTFIT in wxToggleButton (patch 1567892)

2006-10-04 22:58 VZ, revision 41631

fixed off by 2 error in HasPage() (patch 1562871)

2006-10-04 19:43 VZ, revision 41630

fix the length passed to wxMB2WC (replaces patch 1554431); don't use (and especially don't overflow) fixed size buffer in the same function (just how many bugs can there be in 5 lines of code?)

2006-10-04 18:13 VZ, revision 41629

corrected date in header; removed extra wx/wxprec.h inclusion

2006-10-04 18:05 VZ, revision 41628

updated copyright year, s/wxWindows/wxWidgets/

2006-10-04 17:45 VZ, revision 41627

fixed unused var warning

2006-10-04 13:23 RR, revision 41626

Add row activated event.

2006-10-04 13:21 RR, revision 41625

Fix warning for unknown menu stock id.

2006-10-04 10:51 ABX, revision 41624

New icon for combobox with bitmaps. Improved readability of icons on dark backgrounds. Rgenerated makefiles.

2006-10-04 09:38 ABX, revision 41623

Connect changed page event after subpages are created so book->SetSelection does not cause any lazy creation and non-treebook-based build does not crash.

2006-10-04 09:33 ABX, revision 41622

BookCtrl event handler added to default book layer.

2006-10-04 03:28 RD, revision 41621

Save a reference to the DC

2006-10-04 03:19 RD, revision 41620

Avoid warnings when wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES is not defined

2006-10-04 03:13 RD, revision 41619

Bakefile changes for building the graphics context modules, and setup/configure changes for setting wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT.

2006-10-03 21:56 RD, revision 41618

Wrap module in #if wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT

2006-10-03 21:54 RD, revision 41617

fix parameter type

2006-10-03 21:53 RD, revision 41616

Avoid ambigous overload errors

2006-10-03 21:52 RD, revision 41615

Give the grid events a Clone method

2006-10-03 21:51 RD, revision 41614

DLL build fix

2006-10-03 21:36 RD, revision 41613

Add wrappers for wxGraphicsPath and wxGraphicsContext. This is still a work in progress.

2006-10-03 21:35 RD, revision 41612

fix HitTest

2006-10-03 21:32 RD, revision 41611

KeyCode --> GetKeyCode

2006-10-03 21:31 RD, revision 41610

Don't use the old wxPython namespace

2006-10-03 21:30 RD, revision 41609

Change wx.DC inheritance hierarchy to match reality

2006-10-03 21:30 RD, revision 41608

Don't deprecate Inside() yet

2006-10-03 21:29 RD, revision 41607

Use Set(name) instead of InitFromName(name)

2006-10-03 21:28 RD, revision 41606

Don't forget the samples\ide\activegrid\model dir

2006-10-03 21:23 RD, revision 41605

Added the wx.lib.buttonpanel module, which is a tweaked version of Andrea Gavana's FancyButtonPanel module.

2006-10-03 19:28 PC, revision 41604

build fix

2006-10-03 19:06 PC, revision 41603

univ build fix

2006-10-03 19:00 SC, revision 41602

line endings

2006-10-03 17:28 RR, revision 41601

More selection work in GTK+ version.

2006-10-03 16:49 SC, revision 41600

fixes for non precompiled headers

2006-10-03 16:47 SC, revision 41599

cairo implementation

2006-10-03 16:45 SC, revision 41598

adding alpha to gtk colour

2006-10-03 16:01 PC, revision 41597

Don't free a string that is managed by wxGtkString, that's the whole _point_ of wxGtkString. While we're at it, lets use it some more.

2006-10-03 15:24 RR, revision 41596

Renamed wxDataViewCell to wxDataViewRenderer since the class just renders the cell, it doesn't represent one. Maybe wxDataViewCellRenderer would be best...

2006-10-03 15:18 VZ, revision 41595

include wxmsw27_gl (#if wxUSE_GLCANVAS) too

2006-10-03 15:16 VZ, revision 41594

added if wxUSE_XRC/AUI/RICHTEXT around appropriate libraries

2006-10-03 15:05 VZ, revision 41593

make wxSemaphore::Post() return wxSEMA_OVERFLOW as documented (patch 1557642)

2006-10-03 14:59 RR, revision 41592

Implemented GetSelection() and GetSelections().

2006-10-03 14:55 VZ, revision 41591

avoid flicker in methods which don't change listbox size by not calling XtUnmanage/ManageChild() unnecessarily (patch 1566670)

2006-10-03 14:53 VZ, revision 41590

fixes for compilation with wxUSE_XXX==0 and some other minor fixes (patch 1569904)

2006-10-03 14:38 VZ, revision 41589

fix wxFilesystem compilation if wxUSE_FFILE is 0 but wxUSE_FILE is 1; disable wxFileSystem if both wxUSE_(F)FILE are 0 (modified patch 1569960)

2006-10-03 14:29 PC, revision 41588

don't set negative window size

2006-10-03 14:28 PC, revision 41587

header cleanup

2006-10-03 13:23 RR, revision 41586

Added event skeletons, defines, event ids.. Implemented wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ROW_SELECTED.

2006-10-03 11:39 RR, revision 41585

Added selection API.

2006-10-03 11:09 RR, revision 41584

Replaces size_t with unsigned int in wxDataViewCtrl API.

2006-10-02 22:48 KO, revision 41583

Remove the ability to sort by column in virtual wxListCtrl, and remove movable columns as we don't currently support it.

2006-10-02 22:41 VZ, revision 41582

define wxUSE_ACTIVEX and wxUSE_OLE_AUTOMATION with wxUSE_OLE (no separate switches for now...)

2006-10-02 22:37 VZ, revision 41581

added wxUSE_ACTIVEX which depends on wxUSE_VARIANT and which wxUSE_MEDIACTRL depends on (closes 1569606)

2006-10-02 20:14 RD, revision 41580


2006-10-02 20:13 RD, revision 41579

Don't autosize if the height is too small. Interaction with the horizontal scrollbar can sometimes cause problems in this case.

2006-10-02 20:04 RD, revision 41578

Match some API tweaks made in CVS

2006-10-02 20:04 RD, revision 41577

Don't override the Label property in the base class.

2006-10-02 20:03 RD, revision 41576

Change the name of the dir where the message catalogs are installed on MSW back to 'locale' and also change back to the full directory structure including the LC_MESSAGES dir. The reasons these changes were orginally made no longer apply

2006-10-02 19:59 RD, revision 41575

fix layout

2006-10-02 19:59 RD, revision 41574

Show the color component values too

2006-10-02 19:58 RD, revision 41573

Deal with wxVariant changed

2006-10-02 19:50 RR, revision 41572

Always set colormap for PangoContext. This silences myriads of warning in the wxRichTextCtrl.

2006-10-02 19:31 SC, revision 41571

making virtual lists faster by not sorting items

2006-10-02 18:50 SC, revision 41570

first stab at the selection iterator

2006-10-02 18:04 PC, revision 41569

non-pch build fix

2006-10-02 17:38 PC, revision 41568

listctrl header cleanup

2006-10-02 17:35 PC, revision 41567

build fix

2006-10-02 16:18 RD, revision 41566

Don't cache the best size until we get a non-zero value back from the activeX control.

2006-10-02 16:01 RR, revision 41565

Forgot to commit latest sample changes.

2006-10-02 13:52 SC, revision 41564

workaround for GDIPlus conversion errors, adding wxMask support

2006-10-02 12:47 JS, revision 41563

Use wxIsalnum to test for word delimiters

2006-10-02 12:38 JS, revision 41562

Compilo fix

2006-10-02 12:11 ABX, revision 41561

Fixed crash caused by A=B?C:D used for returning wxObject derived type.

2006-10-02 11:18 ABX, revision 41560

GCC warning fix. Minor cleanup.

2006-10-02 09:10 VZ, revision 41559

fix VC warning about incorrect dll linkage of wxDataViewSelection

2006-10-02 09:00 VZ, revision 41558

put expdecl in the correct place in DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_VARIANT_OBJECT_EXPORTED

2006-10-02 08:52 ABX, revision 41557

Updated Watcom/OS2 makefiles.

2006-10-02 08:49 ABX, revision 41556

Don't test size_t for positive only values (warning fix).

2006-10-02 08:15 ABX, revision 41555

wxVariant support needs wx/icon.h earlier.

2006-10-02 08:12 PC, revision 41554

put grid string in generic/grid.cpp, not common/datacmn.cpp

2006-10-02 08:04 VZ, revision 41553

added missing \label for IsUsingNativeDecorations()

2006-10-02 08:03 VZ, revision 41552

fixed bad DetachRoot link

2006-10-02 07:58 ABX, revision 41551

wxVariant support for icon and bitmap should work regardless wxBitmapBase.

2006-10-02 07:19 ABX, revision 41550

Tinderbox build fix.

2006-10-02 07:09 ABX, revision 41549

Warning fixes after char->wxChar in wxVariant.

2006-10-02 05:38 PC, revision 41548

use unsigned for display count

2006-10-02 05:36 PC, revision 41547

64-bit warning fixes

2006-10-02 05:33 PC, revision 41546

warning fix

2006-10-02 05:31 PC, revision 41545

build fix

2006-10-01 21:09 RR, revision 41544

Removed some irritating flags. Implmented the remaining ones under GTK.

2006-10-01 20:46 VZ, revision 41543

regenerated after wx/cpp.h addition

2006-10-01 14:46 JS, revision 41542

Added rich text buffer clipboard support. Added double-left-click word selection support. Now saves only the active attributes to XML. Eliminated wxRichTextFragment class to allow wxRichTextBuffer to be used where wxRichTextFragment was used. Fixed AddParagraph virtual function hiding warning. Miscellaneous small wxRichTextCtrl bug fixes and cleanup.

2006-10-01 09:10 RR, revision 41541


2006-09-30 21:21 RR, revision 41540

Several wxBitmapDataCell changes.

2006-09-30 21:01 RR, revision 41539

Missed these in the char -> wxChar change.

2006-09-30 20:45 RR, revision 41538

Move wxVariant support for GDI classes to their files (and thus away from wxBase). Add export declaration field for variant macros.

2006-09-30 19:22 VS, revision 41537

clean DFB event buffer on shutdown

2006-09-30 18:32 VZ, revision 41536

offset the text correctly inside the item rect in DrawItem(), it was off by 1

2006-09-30 18:30 VZ, revision 41535

draw solid focus rectangle in mono theme and don't do it at all for selected items (this required adding flags parameter to DrawFocusRect())

2006-09-30 16:34 SC, revision 41534

invert clockwise flag correctly

2006-09-30 15:39 RR, revision 41533

Mention ref counting in wxVariant.

2006-09-30 15:37 RR, revision 41532

Added DECLARE_VARIANT_OBJECT macros for easy conversion from and to wxVariant using the shift left operator. Use the for GDI classes and wxImage. Document it.

2006-09-30 14:55 VZ, revision 41531

move wxSTRINGIZE and other preprocessor helpers to wx/cpp.h to fix version.rc compilation

2006-09-30 14:49 VZ, revision 41530

document wxSTRINGISZE

2006-09-30 14:44 VS, revision 41529

fixed another typo in pen/brush style validation

2006-09-30 14:35 VS, revision 41528

fixed typos in pen/brush style validation

2006-09-30 13:30 SC, revision 41527

missing Normalize implementation

2006-09-30 13:29 SC, revision 41526

enabling alpha on msw colour

2006-09-30 13:06 SC, revision 41525

gdiplus implementation

2006-09-30 13:04 SC, revision 41524

adding missing implementations

2006-09-30 11:38 VZ, revision 41523

don't redefine HAVE_BROKEN_SWPRINTF_DECL/HAVE_SWPRINTF if they're already defined as it happens when using configure under MSW

2006-09-30 11:34 VZ, revision 41522

include wx/defs.h to get wxSTRINGIZE

2006-09-30 11:33 RR, revision 41521


2006-09-30 11:29 RR, revision 41520

Changed char to wxChar.

2006-09-30 11:20 RR, revision 41519

Applied ref-couting patch. Completely reorganized code (more readable to me). Minor other changes.

2006-09-30 10:00 VS, revision 41518

don't assert in wxDC::Blit() calls if the source rect is outside of source DC (wxCaret is prone to this)

2006-09-30 09:50 VS, revision 41517

fixed incorrect computation of window's visible area: window's position was added once too much

2006-09-30 04:25 KO, revision 41516

Fix editing support.

2006-09-30 03:58 KO, revision 41515

Fixed sorting and commiting support for native virtual wxListCtrl, although leaving it off for now since initial creation of the list items takes a fair amount of time when the item amount is significantly large (as in the listctrl demo).

2006-09-29 18:36 VS, revision 41514

undef wxUSE_THEME_XXX before redefining them to 1 if wxUSE_ALL_THEMES

2006-09-29 17:31 ABX, revision 41513

Tinderbox build fix.

2006-09-29 16:36 JG, revision 41512

Re-enable WM_PRINTCLIENT handling code as it is needed to correctly paint nested notebooks (closes bug #1544282).

2006-09-29 15:53 SC, revision 41511

graphics context implementation test case

2006-09-29 15:49 SC, revision 41510

graphics context implementation

2006-09-29 12:51 VS, revision 41509

simplified #ifs around the code

2006-09-29 12:49 VS, revision 41508

fixed IMPLEMENT_APP to work even if compiled with --with-themes and win32 or gtk themes are not compiled in

2006-09-29 12:43 VS, revision 41507

fixed IMPLEMENT_APP to work even if compiled with --with-themes and win32 or gtk themes are not compiled in

2006-09-29 12:37 VS, revision 41506

moved wxSTRINGIZE to defs.h and made it work with macro argument, so that it can be used elsewhere

2006-09-29 12:26 ABX, revision 41505

Build fix for !PCH builds.

2006-09-29 11:47 VS, revision 41504

use smaller statusbar margins in mono theme

2006-09-29 11:45 VS, revision 41503

fixed wxStatusBar size calculations so that the text is not clipped

2006-09-29 09:58 ABX, revision 41502

Build fix for !PCH builds.

2006-09-29 08:53 JS, revision 41501

Fixed bugs in, and added operators and copy constructors to, style sheet classes. Now merges base, paragraph and content styles dynamically on display or layout so that we can distinguish between them. This means appling a paragraph style that has character formatting doesn't wipe out the original content formatting. The old-style static method can be enabled by setting wxRICHTEXT_USE_DYNAMIC_STYLES to 0 in richtextbuffer.h. The default style is initially empty, so that adding text reflects the base and paragraph styles. Setting the default style doesn't merge with the previous setting, but BeginStyle does. Adding new paragraphs is now sensitive to the previous paragraph's style and also whether its style has a next-paragraph style indication. Added wxRichTextCtrl::ApplyStyleSheet which reapplies styles to paragraphs with named styles. Added style application command to sample to demonstrate how styles can be changed and reapplied without affecting content character formatting. Fixed some range bugs in UI feedback and clipboard copying and pasting.

2006-09-29 00:03 VZ, revision 41500

fixed confusing double messages about getservbyname_r() test result, made the checking message consistent with gethostbyname_r() one

2006-09-28 23:48 VZ, revision 41499

removed non existent wx/dfb/popupwin.h

2006-09-28 23:09 VZ, revision 41498

suppress gcc warning about DWET_XXX enumeration values not handled in switch

2006-09-28 23:09 VZ, revision 41497

fix unused variable warning when wxUSE_PALETTE==0

2006-09-28 23:06 VZ, revision 41496

add compilation options to allow compiling in just the selected wxUniv themes and not all of them (which is still the default)

2006-09-28 23:02 VZ, revision 41495

The Lesser wxMask Refactoring: merged wxMGL and wxDFB version, added wxMaskBase which could/should be used by other ports later

2006-09-28 22:55 VZ, revision 41494

add compilation options to allow compiling in just the selected wxUniv themes and not all of them (which is still the default)

2006-09-28 17:11 VZ, revision 41493

no real changes, just replaced a long preprocessor expression occuring in 2 places with a simple wxUSE_BITMAP_BASE

2006-09-28 15:26 VS, revision 41492

don't hardcode the theme, it prevents WXTHEME env.var. from working

2006-09-28 14:02 VZ, revision 41491

DIKI_ALTGR was removed in DFB 0.9.25

2006-09-28 13:48 VZ, revision 41490

define wxUSE_BOOKCTRL when wxUSE_NOTE/LIST/CHOICEBOOK are 0; also define it as as 1 if wxUSE_TREEBOOK==1

2006-09-28 13:43 VZ, revision 41489

handle DIKI_ALT_GR in the switch even if we don't have any matching key code, just to avoid gcc warning

2006-09-28 11:47 VZ, revision 41488

only use PS printing in wxUniv (the test was accidentally broken by last commit)

2006-09-28 11:38 VZ, revision 41487

fixed Contains() to pass the unit test (didn't work for empty strings)

2006-09-28 11:37 VZ, revision 41486

added wxString::Contains() unit test

2006-09-28 11:31 VZ, revision 41485

VC7.1 warning fix about passing temporary as (non-const for this compiler) parameter of auto_ptr::operator=()

2006-09-28 09:09 JJ, revision 41484

Committing in . setup.h_vms : synching with gtk1/gauge.h : gtk1 has no native wxGauge::Pulse so it has to inherit it from wxGaugeBase (just like i.e. wxMOTIF) Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/include/wx/gtk1/gauge.h

2006-09-28 08:00 SC, revision 41483

adding wxArrayDouble for later use in graphics context APIs

2006-09-28 07:53 SC, revision 41482

adopting correct implementation virtualization for Do/GradientFillConcentric

2006-09-28 00:37 VZ, revision 41481

added Malay translations (Mahrazi Mohd Kamal)

2006-09-28 00:30 VZ, revision 41480

update from Priyank Bolia

2006-09-27 13:51 ABX, revision 41479

Warning fix.

2006-09-27 11:57 ABX, revision 41478

Warning fix.

2006-09-27 11:53 ABX, revision 41477

WinCE build fix: access to protected member.

2006-09-27 01:41 RD, revision 41476

Add missing "public" so wxGridCellRenderer methods will have wrappers generated for them.

2006-09-26 23:51 VZ, revision 41475

allow specifying the size of wxDCTemp and do specify it for the one used with wxEraseEvents

2006-09-26 22:18 RR, revision 41474

Added test bitmap.

2006-09-26 22:17 RR, revision 41473

Added wxDataViewBitmapCell

2006-09-26 21:08 RR, revision 41472

Added wxVariant's =, == and != operators for wxObject*

2006-09-26 20:17 RR, revision 41471

GetWxObjectPtr() returns wxObject*, not void*.

2006-09-26 20:16 RR, revision 41470

Make GetWxObjectPtr() const.

2006-09-26 19:52 RD, revision 41469

If a TLW's default item is not an immediate child then it can be left with a dangling pointer when the child is deleted, so check for it in the child's dtor.

2006-09-26 19:50 RD, revision 41468

Add missing "public" so wxGridCellRenderer methods will have wrappers generated for them.

2006-09-26 19:18 JS, revision 41467

Converts DOS line endings to Unix if necessary

2006-09-26 17:26 RD, revision 41466

Workaround some platform differences

2006-09-26 14:51 SC, revision 41465

removing the old style code cases

2006-09-26 13:58 VS, revision 41464

fix client area computations and borders rendering if the scrollbars are not inside the border rect

2006-09-26 13:03 VS, revision 41463

fixed crash when using GTK theme

2006-09-26 12:33 VZ, revision 41462

add wxUSE_OLE_AUTOMATION here too

2006-09-26 12:21 ABX, revision 41461

Warning fix.

2006-09-26 12:20 ABX, revision 41460

Corrections after The Great wxRegion Refactoring.

2006-09-26 09:20 RR, revision 41459

[ 1541434 ] wxListView::IsSelected should be const

2006-09-26 09:16 RR, revision 41458

[ 1557102 ] wxCombobox + keyboard selection + TEXT_ENTER Event

2006-09-26 08:51 RR, revision 41457

[ 1545669 ] EVT_ACTIVATE_APP wrongly documented as windows only

2006-09-26 08:35 RR, revision 41456

[ 1553595 ] Doc error: wxView::OnDraw

2006-09-26 08:19 RR, revision 41455

[ 1565385 ] wxImage scaling fix - apply mask when scaling

2006-09-26 08:03 CE, revision 41454

remove wx.pdf correctly

2006-09-26 00:58 VZ, revision 41453

let the control process WM_RBUTTONDOWN finally, trying to do it ourselves doesn't look right and results in some weird events (see bug 1541148), it's easier to generate WM_CONTEXTMENU manually instead

2006-09-26 00:27 RD, revision 41452

Add WXDLLEXPORT to wxRegionWithCombine declaration

2006-09-26 00:26 RD, revision 41451

Add properties

2006-09-25 21:11 RR, revision 41450

Implement most of AppendRow(), PrependRow(), InsertRow(), DeleteRow() for GTK+ version and sorted model. Added tests for these.

2006-09-25 20:26 RD, revision 41449

add tests for EVT_TEXT_ENTER

2006-09-25 20:24 RD, revision 41448

build tweaks, also drop most Python 2.3 builds

2006-09-25 20:22 RD, revision 41447

various changes to get up to date with CVS

2006-09-25 19:08 VS, revision 41446

added assert to check for not-yet-implemented behavior of SetClippingRegion

2006-09-25 18:59 RD, revision 41445

Forward declare wxMacListControl

2006-09-25 18:18 VZ, revision 41444

compilation fixes after recent changes

2006-09-25 18:15 VZ, revision 41443

fix undefined behaviour due to using shift variable twice in the same expression

2006-09-25 17:35 VZ, revision 41442

make wxMacItem::m_colId of type DataBrowserPropertyID instead of short to avoid warnings whenever comparing it with values of type DataBrowserPropertyID

2006-09-25 17:34 VZ, revision 41441

fixed warnings, reformatted braces

2006-09-25 17:30 VZ, revision 41440

compilation fix after last change

2006-09-25 17:22 RD, revision 41439

fix attribute errors when importing wxPython.wx

2006-09-25 16:17 ABX, revision 41438

Corrections after The Great wxRegion Refactoring.

2006-09-25 14:35 VS, revision 41437

compilation fix (missing void)

2006-09-25 13:15 RR, revision 41436

Mention wxODCombo stuff.

2006-09-25 13:09 ABX, revision 41435

Build fix for wxMSWUniv makefile driven builds. univ/setup0.h should be autoregenerated in the future too.

2006-09-25 13:01 RR, revision 41434

Forgot to commit wxBitmapComboBox docs

2006-09-25 12:55 VZ, revision 41433

added wxUSE_VARIANT guards

2006-09-25 12:42 ABX, revision 41432

Warning fixes.

2006-09-25 12:40 VZ, revision 41431

rename OnResize() to OnSize() to avoid conflict with base class OnResize(void) virtual

2006-09-25 12:27 VZ, revision 41430

use _snprintf() in system_sprintf() for the compilers which have it; really fix warning about unused maxlen in wxPrintfConvSpec::ReplaceAsteriskWith()

2006-09-25 11:47 VZ, revision 41429

The Great wxRegion Refactoring: 1. added wxRegionBase class and derive all wxRegions from it 2. also added wxRegionWithCombine for the ports providing Combine() method (MSW, OS2 and Mac) to reduce code duplication further 3. made sure region comparison works the same way in all ports (except those not implementing it) and added IsEqual() method

2006-09-25 11:46 VZ, revision 41428

add wxTLW::UseNativeDecorations[ByDefault]() to allow the programmer to control whether windows use native or custom decorations

2006-09-25 11:24 VZ, revision 41427

fix TLW borders width in mono theme

2006-09-25 08:01 VS, revision 41426

don't allocate backbuffer for dummy surfaces

2006-09-25 07:55 VS, revision 41425

reduce the number of repaintings by repaiting (rect) union of all invalidated areas instead of iterating over every Refresh() request including duplicate ones

2006-09-25 07:11 JS, revision 41424

Fixed LoadFile typo

2006-09-25 04:58 RD, revision 41423

handle starting out with multiple lines of text.

2006-09-24 15:39 VZ, revision 41422

oops, restored accidentally deleted functions in last commit

2006-09-24 15:31 VZ, revision 41421

get rid of wxUSE_CHECKBOXES_IN_MULTI_SEL_TREE code, it's never used and just makes the code which is used more difficult to read

2006-09-24 15:24 VZ, revision 41420

make log messages more readable

2006-09-24 13:59 MW, revision 41419

Improve the error messages slightly.

2006-09-24 13:58 VZ, revision 41418

1. fixed many warnings about implicit double to int conversions in newly checked in "advanced" image manipulation stuff (could we please avoid checking in the code with warnings?) 2. tried to simplify the new code a little, but much remains to be done, in particular it seems obvious that BlurVertical/Horizontal() must be refactored to avoid duplicating each other 3. reformatted (avoid jumbo lines, removed unnecessary double casts, declare the variables at the point of use, ...) Hope this didn't break anything but as there are no tests it's really hard to find out how was this supposed to behave.

2006-09-24 13:18 VZ, revision 41417

move wxBitmapComboBox dependency check to wx/chkconf.h where it belongs

2006-09-24 13:12 VZ, revision 41416

Added wxUSE_VARIANT and the related checks, also added wxUSE_OLE_AUTOMATION to guard wxAutomationObject code which depends on wxVariant

2006-09-24 13:09 VZ, revision 41415

use wxRect::Contains(), not Inside() (fixes compilation for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_6==0

2006-09-24 12:52 RR, revision 41414

Same problem for blurring functions.

2006-09-24 12:50 RR, revision 41413

Mention the problem with mask colour and blurring.

2006-09-24 12:47 RR, revision 41412

[ 1537065 ] wxImage: Higher quality scaling/sampling

2006-09-24 11:52 MW, revision 41411

Forward port test case that corrupts archives to see if they can crash an input stream.

2006-09-24 11:40 JS, revision 41410

Added DoLoadFile, DoSaveFile to wxTextCtrlBase

2006-09-24 11:34 MW, revision 41409

Unicode compile fix.

2006-09-24 11:13 RR, revision 41408

Added test to reproduce [ 1541148 ] wxTreeCtrol: crash if right mouse click The MSW tree control sends a series of invalid events.

2006-09-24 11:08 VZ, revision 41407

added wxSize::IncBy() and DecBy() methods

2006-09-24 10:54 RR, revision 41406

Fixed [ 1561693 ] wxGIFDecoder creates incorrect wxPalette

2006-09-24 10:27 RR, revision 41405

Updated wxPallete information. Added GetColourCount() implementation to Carbon (I wonder why it doesnt just use the generic implementation).

2006-09-24 10:06 RR, revision 41404

[ 1563875 ] wxTreeCtrl::FindItem asserts when item not found

2006-09-24 07:52 MR, revision 41403

Regenerate with "bakefile_gen -fautoconf wx.bkl" for the old wxrc build fix (fail whole make on failure). Changes to helpview and autoconf_inc.m4 not committed. What insanity are the dnl 4600+ character long line comments in autoconf_inc.m4 that seem to change slightly on regen (and diff being 108 lines of 4600+ characters)? That nonsense wasn't committed as it seemed to be related to helpview.

2006-09-24 04:18 KO, revision 41402

kDataBrowserListViewNoGapForIconInHeaderButton not defined on Panther.

2006-09-24 00:39 RD, revision 41401

remove superfluous assert

2006-09-23 23:26 RD, revision 41400

New names for some ArtProvider methods

2006-09-23 22:54 RD, revision 41399

More bakfile changes needed for bmpcbox. Rebaked.

2006-09-23 20:16 VZ, revision 41398

1. deprecate redundantly sounding wxArtProvider::FooProvider() to just Foo() 2. wxArtProvider::Remove() now really only removes the provider without deleting it, Delete() does delete it 3. moreover, ~wxArtProvider removes the provider as well so there is almost no need to call Delete() explicitly any more

2006-09-23 18:44 VS, revision 41397

changed the catalogs lookup back to the old behaviour of searching LC_MESSAGES subdirectory on all platforms: the change that made this Unix-only (rev.180) silently broke old applications

2006-09-23 18:39 VS, revision 41396

renamed GetMsgCatalogSubdir to *Subdirs to make it clear it may return more than one path and documented this in its comment

2006-09-23 17:25 VS, revision 41395

added comment clarifying the meaning of DoMoveWindow's x and y arguments

2006-09-23 17:23 VS, revision 41394

fixed client<->window coords translations in DoMoveWindow and DoSetSize

2006-09-23 17:06 VZ, revision 41393

regenrated after removing imaglist.cpp from GTK and Motif sources

2006-09-23 16:57 VZ, revision 41392

added src/xrc/xh_bmpbt.cpp (how comes it was in Makefile but not here?)

2006-09-23 16:44 VZ, revision 41391

remove generic/imaglist.cpp from GTK|MOTIF_SRC now that it is in XWIN_LOWLEVEL_SRC already included in them

2006-09-23 16:17 RR, revision 41390

[ 1564062 ] wxComboCtrl popup height fix

2006-09-23 16:16 RR, revision 41389

[ 1564113 ] wxComboCtrl and wxODComboBox documentation update

2006-09-23 10:01 RR, revision 41388


2006-09-23 09:54 RR, revision 41387

Implememt GetColoursCount() in the generic wxPalette.

2006-09-23 09:47 RR, revision 41386


2006-09-23 09:35 RR, revision 41385

[ 1557935 ] wxPalette::GetColoursCount implementation I commited the version which MSDN claims to be available since Windows 95. No idea why MFC doesn't use it.

2006-09-23 09:19 RR, revision 41384

Updated after wxBitmapComboBox addition.

2006-09-23 09:14 RR, revision 41383

[ 1559479 ] wxImageComboBox Actually wxBitmapComboBox. Also commited configure. Not yet updated Makefiles.

2006-09-23 09:04 RR, revision 41382

[ 1560860 ] wxComboCtrl EVT_TEXT filtering.

2006-09-23 09:00 RR, revision 41381

Reset m_oldValue of after ::SetValue().

2006-09-23 04:15 RD, revision 41380

Added wx.lib.expando, a multi-line textctrl that exands as more lines are needed.

2006-09-22 22:55 RD, revision 41379

Fix my last fix. The method is pure virtual in the base class so it can't be fully removed.

2006-09-22 21:55 RD, revision 41378

Remove the wxVariantDataString::Read method since the >> operator it depends on has been removed.

2006-09-22 21:47 RD, revision 41377

Patch from Tim Kosse to allow virtual list ctrl to work when using the generic control

2006-09-22 21:46 RD, revision 41376

add some properties

2006-09-22 21:45 RD, revision 41375

docstring fix

2006-09-22 21:19 RD, revision 41374


2006-09-22 17:37 KO, revision 41373

Fixing SetColumnWidth and selection handling, attempt at fixing ClearAll(), and initial impl. for EditLabel / EndEditLabel.

2006-09-22 17:20 KH, revision 41372

When autosizing a row or column (AutoSize____), use GetMultiLineTextExtent to determine header size. Otherwise, the column header widths are artificially inflated, and row header heights are not high enough.

2006-09-22 14:46 SC, revision 41371


2006-09-22 14:28 SC, revision 41370

further encapsulation of graphics context, wxdc becoming 'generic'

2006-09-22 14:25 SC, revision 41369

allow access to wxWindow*

2006-09-22 14:19 SC, revision 41368

extending graphics context encapsulation

2006-09-22 14:10 SC, revision 41367

extending graphics context encapsulation

2006-09-22 13:04 JJ, revision 41366

Update OpenVMS make files Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/gtk1/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/univ/descrip.mms

2006-09-22 06:55 VS, revision 41365

implemented SetFocus

2006-09-22 00:53 VZ, revision 41364

don't release the DC which we don't own in wxUSE_UXTHEME case (backport from HEAD)

2006-09-22 00:50 VZ, revision 41363

don't release the DC which we don't own in wxUSE_UXTHEME case

2006-09-21 22:51 RD, revision 41362


2006-09-21 22:45 RD, revision 41361

disown wxPyXmlResourceHandler

2006-09-21 22:44 RD, revision 41360

Use the generic listctrl on Mac by default until it gets up to par

2006-09-21 22:42 RD, revision 41359

s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts no longer exists

2006-09-21 21:00 VZ, revision 41358

fix unescaped underscores

2006-09-21 20:57 VZ, revision 41357

fix incorrect \param usage

2006-09-21 20:52 VZ, revision 41356

fixed unmatched braces

2006-09-21 20:46 VZ, revision 41355

don't release DC we don't own in MSWOnDraw() (backport of a fix in HEAD)

2006-09-21 19:14 RD, revision 41354

Add support for aborting the worker thread

2006-09-21 17:30 VS, revision 41353

put remaining toolbars-related methods into #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR

2006-09-21 17:01 RD, revision 41352

use the MSVC 7.1 DLLs for python versions >= 2.4, not ==

2006-09-21 17:00 RD, revision 41351


2006-09-21 16:59 RD, revision 41350

Several methods dropped the const from their signature

2006-09-21 16:59 RD, revision 41349

Use GridNameStr

2006-09-21 16:58 RD, revision 41348

new wxCONTROL constants

2006-09-21 16:57 RD, revision 41347

Add comment about additional forms of Inflate(). Decide what to do about them later.

2006-09-21 16:56 RD, revision 41346

Import numpy.oldnumeric

2006-09-21 16:09 VS, revision 41345

send wxChildFocusEvent

2006-09-21 12:56 VS, revision 41344

fixed DrawText to use text colours instead of pen+brush colours

2006-09-21 10:22 ABX, revision 41343

PCH build fixes.

2006-09-21 10:13 VS, revision 41342

hide the caret before setting m_updateRegion: produces small flicker, but works

2006-09-21 06:27 SC, revision 41341


2006-09-21 05:49 ABX, revision 41340

PCH build fix.

2006-09-21 05:38 SC, revision 41339

getting out for 'addded' events early enough

2006-09-20 23:59 VZ, revision 41338

removed operator>>(istream&, wxString&) -- it's better to not have it at all than have an empty function which compiles but doesn't work

2006-09-20 23:33 KO, revision 41337

Remove instances where wxGenericImageList is included directly.

2006-09-20 23:10 VZ, revision 41336

make colours of the selected text inversed

2006-09-20 23:09 VZ, revision 41335

add more virtual border drawing functions used by frame decorations code

2006-09-20 22:55 VZ, revision 41334

centre frame decoration bitmaps in their buttons

2006-09-20 22:52 VZ, revision 41333

removed stubs for frame decorations drawing

2006-09-20 22:49 VZ, revision 41332

move frame decorations drawing to the base class

2006-09-20 22:41 VZ, revision 41331

fix infinite recursion in DrawStatusField() after latest changes

2006-09-20 21:20 VZ, revision 41330

only include generic imaglist.{cpp|h} in the ports which don't have the native version

2006-09-20 17:25 VZ, revision 41329

added stubs for the missing functions, this theme links now

2006-09-20 17:24 VZ, revision 41328

move generic part of AdjustSize() and status bar methods to the base class

2006-09-20 17:20 VZ, revision 41327

add Inflate(wxSize) overload

2006-09-20 17:15 VZ, revision 41326

define wxCONTROL_SIZEGRIP as another possible interpretation of wxCONTROL_SPECIAL bit

2006-09-20 15:57 VZ, revision 41325

first compilable version of the mono theme, replacing the accidentally checked in previous revision

2006-09-20 15:48 SC, revision 41324

preliminary editing support

2006-09-20 15:38 VZ, revision 41323

moved Arrow_ constants to the base class

2006-09-20 15:37 SC, revision 41322

undoing my duplicate efforts to solve the same problem ...

2006-09-20 15:33 SC, revision 41321

adding support for listctrl editable columns

2006-09-20 15:29 SC, revision 41320

adding support for listctrl editable columns

2006-09-20 15:27 SC, revision 41319

type corrections, adding support for listctrl editable columns

2006-09-20 14:51 VZ, revision 41318

refactored common parts of DrawItem() in the base class; implemented GetTextTotal/ClientArea() there as well

2006-09-20 14:18 RR, revision 41317

[ 1505048 ] wxHtml rendering of underlined text by using a Pango hack to make it underline leading space and trailing space. recognized as a Pango bug fixed in recent Pango.

2006-09-20 14:15 RR, revision 41316

Made MSW wxSpinCtrl emit UPDATE event when validating the value in the text field upon kill focus. Documented this behaviour. This is in line with the GTK+ control.

2006-09-20 13:15 VZ, revision 41315

corrected ifdef condition

2006-09-20 12:05 JG, revision 41314

Fix label positioning when text is LTR.

2006-09-20 08:17 JS, revision 41313

Reverted last change

2006-09-20 08:09 VS, revision 41312

last change broke seting the surface in the common case, fixed (and reorganized the code a bit)

2006-09-20 08:08 RR, revision 41311

Fixed [ 1556843 ] wxGTK FindFocus returns NULL when a wxListBox is focused

2006-09-19 22:09 KO, revision 41310

Improved handling of column widths, removed need for hidden column for sorting, and put in a stub for editing support.

2006-09-19 18:18 RR, revision 41309

Fixed [ 1558015 ] No deselection event from wxGenericTreeCtrl::SelectItem()

2006-09-19 17:58 RR, revision 41308

More tests for circles and arcs.

2006-09-19 17:56 RR, revision 41307

Fixed [ wxwindows-Bugs-1556877 ] Draw arcs are showed like a pie

2006-09-19 17:29 RR, revision 41306

[ 1557284 ] wxGenericComboControl -> wxGenericComboCtrl

2006-09-19 17:16 RR, revision 41305

1552971 ] Add flag for wxODComboBox::OnDrawItem to indicate selection

2006-09-19 17:08 KO, revision 41304

Handle cases where an index larger than GetItemCount() is passed into InsertItem.

2006-09-19 17:06 JS, revision 41303

Better compatibility between wxRichTextCtrl and wxTextCtrlBase

2006-09-19 16:30 ABX, revision 41302

Build fix.

2006-09-19 15:37 ABX, revision 41301

'configtool' removal.

2006-09-19 15:22 VS, revision 41300

fixed shutdown crashes after recent handlers creation changes

2006-09-19 14:14 VS, revision 41299

fixes to wxWindowDC flipping+clipping when painting on hidden windows or windows not being painted at the moment

2006-09-19 13:47 JS, revision 41298

Corrections to take into account that range in the API has an end position that is 1 more than the last affected position

2006-09-19 13:07 VS, revision 41297

fixed TLWs resizing to invalidate the DFB surface used for painting

2006-09-19 11:59 JJ, revision 41296

Include "xrc" support properly for OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWidgets/descrip.mms wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/lib/VMS_GTK2.OPT wxWidgets/lib/VMS_X11_UNIV.OPT wxWidgets/lib/vms_gtk.opt wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/generic/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/gtk1/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/xrc/descrip.mms Added Files: wxWidgets/samples/xrc/descrip.mms

2006-09-19 11:40 VZ, revision 41295

add if wxUSE_NOTEBOOK around notebook-only renderer methods

2006-09-19 11:35 MR, revision 41294

Fix a few warnings that appear with -Wextra (unused parameters where WXUNUSED is already used for other parameters for the same function, and some GTypeInfo initializations)

2006-09-19 10:42 RR, revision 41293

Another RTL fix.

2006-09-19 10:28 RR, revision 41292

Give wxGrid its own string name for easier debugging.

2006-09-19 10:22 RR, revision 41291

Fix scrolling bug where client size was reported wrong when the scrollbar size was not subtracted when using a targetwindow != this.

2006-09-18 23:26 VZ, revision 41290

rebaked after listctrl/imagelist and wxUniv changes

2006-09-18 23:09 VZ, revision 41289

refactor some existing themes methods in a new base wxStdRenderer class (before adding a new theme)

2006-09-18 23:06 VZ, revision 41288

use native wxImageList for wxUniv, it's a low level class and so it doesn't make sense to always usegeneric version (also fixes wxUniv build broken by recent changes)

2006-09-18 21:02 RR, revision 41287

More wxGrid RTL things.

2006-09-18 21:00 RR, revision 41286

Fix compilo under MINGW32

2006-09-18 20:41 RD, revision 41285

Kevin's prefered way to do the last fix

2006-09-18 20:39 RD, revision 41284

Use wxListCtrlNameStr for the generic control too.

2006-09-18 19:44 RD, revision 41283

docstrings and other minor tweaks

2006-09-18 19:15 RD, revision 41282

revert last change

2006-09-18 19:14 RD, revision 41281

Add a couple missing methods

2006-09-18 19:13 RD, revision 41280

Don't unconditionally include the generic headers, fixes build problems on Windows.

2006-09-18 15:26 RD, revision 41279

minor demo tweak

2006-09-18 15:25 RD, revision 41278

Don't turn off the HAS_BUTTONS stle on wxMac

2006-09-18 14:29 RR, revision 41277

More RTL work. Now transform m_updateRegion and do nothing special in IsExposed() since some code may use m_updateRegion directly. Keep untransformed version around for use with GTK clipping in the DC.

2006-09-18 13:20 RR, revision 41276

Draw 2-pixel width rectangle ourselves, the X11 code leaves one pixel white (?) and looks differently positioned in RTL.

2006-09-18 12:17 SC, revision 41275

fixing notifications

2006-09-18 11:20 VS, revision 41274

basic blitting implementation

2006-09-18 10:59 JS, revision 41273

Removed rogue continue statement (bug 1560636)

2006-09-18 07:52 SC, revision 41272

fixed crash when no status bar is present, conditionals around optional parts

2006-09-18 04:41 KO, revision 41271

Remove duplication in wxImageList defines and always default to using the native wxImageList when available, even for wxGenericListCtrl.

2006-09-18 02:39 KO, revision 41270

Fixing compilation on Mac, and attempting to better calculate the bottom position for the toolbar. However, this is not completely fixed and needs more work.

2006-09-17 11:58 RR, revision 41269

[ 1521481 ] wxPathList modernization Applied part II.

2006-09-17 11:51 RR, revision 41268

[ 1550698 ] Bottom aligned toolbar

2006-09-17 11:43 RR, revision 41267

[ 1558691 ] wxPNGHandler: Preserve palette

2006-09-17 11:21 RR, revision 41266

[ 1559550 ] Fix wxVariant wxDateTime conversion from time string

2006-09-17 11:09 RR, revision 41265

Mention that GTK+ and OS X already are double buffered.

2006-09-17 11:03 RR, revision 41264

[ 1557326 ] Remove redundant code from wxComboCtrl

2006-09-17 10:59 RR, revision 41263

Applied [ 1555974 ] small wxURL improvements

2006-09-17 10:49 RR, revision 41262

Commit patch [ 1559950 ] fix mem leaks in wx{Dir|File}Dialog

2006-09-17 10:30 RR, revision 41261

Remove debug code.

2006-09-17 09:07 MW, revision 41260

Fix missing 3rd party builtin libs for static monolithic builds.

2006-09-17 08:06 KO, revision 41259

Commiting re-baked files after wxListCtrl OS X additions.

2006-09-17 01:30 KO, revision 41258

Accidently checked for invalid image index rather than using the mask.

2006-09-17 01:20 KO, revision 41257

Initial commit of native OS X list ctrl support. Compile tested on Win, Mac, FC4/GTK2. Tested samples on Win and OS X. Also, support for co-existance of native and generic list ctrl on OS X.

2006-09-16 23:04 KO, revision 41256

Adding OS X list ctrl implementation file, and listctrlcmn file for shared wxListCtrl code (only events right now).

2006-09-16 21:44 RR, revision 41255

Next round of RTL fixes. This change greatly simplifes the code and makes most #ifdefs redundant.

2006-09-16 19:55 RD, revision 41254


2006-09-16 19:50 RD, revision 41253

Tweaks and cleanup

2006-09-16 19:05 RD, revision 41252

new wxRect and wxPlatformInformation methods

2006-09-16 18:12 RD, revision 41251

added more properties

2006-09-16 13:51 VZ, revision 41250

remove unused any more wxArrayHandlers

2006-09-16 13:36 VZ, revision 41249

added wxRect::GetTopRight/BottomLeft() for consistency with the existing GetTopLeft/BottomRight()

2006-09-16 13:15 VZ, revision 41248

build extra wxUniv tags file

2006-09-16 08:09 MW, revision 41247

Minor cleanup: use AC_CHECK_DECLS for the gtk_icon_size_lookup check instead of AC_TRY_COMPILE.

2006-09-16 08:01 MW, revision 41246

Missing header.

2006-09-16 01:37 RD, revision 41245

wx.EvtHandler is OOR capable docstring fixes

2006-09-16 00:43 VZ, revision 41244

fix wxGetFreeMemory() for Linux 2.6 (part of patch 1549176)

2006-09-16 00:38 VZ, revision 41243

added CheckOS/ToolkitVersion()

2006-09-15 21:31 RD, revision 41242

added more properties

2006-09-15 19:46 JS, revision 41241

If we use a background brush, we _must_ set a colour (fixes a bug with static labels not showing on a panel with a black background when system colours are high-contrast)

2006-09-15 16:45 PC, revision 41240

wrap print headers at top level

2006-09-15 10:22 SC, revision 41239

added Bryan's new icons

2006-09-14 21:27 RD, revision 41238


2006-09-14 21:06 RD, revision 41237

Added wx.lib.delayedresult from Oliver Schoenborn.

2006-09-14 20:39 RD, revision 41236

release the GIL before calling base version

2006-09-14 20:38 RD, revision 41235


2006-09-14 20:28 RD, revision 41234

Inside --> Contains

2006-09-14 20:27 RD, revision 41233

IsVisible --> IsShownOnScreen

2006-09-14 20:27 RD, revision 41232

docstring update

2006-09-14 19:45 RD, revision 41231

Oops, file wasn't saved before last commit

2006-09-14 19:42 RD, revision 41230

As per wx-dev, split the sort arrow options out to a separate parameter.

2006-09-14 19:38 SC, revision 41229

mdi fix

2006-09-14 19:37 SC, revision 41228


2006-09-14 19:36 VZ, revision 41227

Many changes for wxInputHandler creation mainly related to: 1. Allow the theme to create only the input handlers it customizes instead of forcing it to always create a handler even if the standard one is used: wxTheme::GetInputHandler() now takes wxInputConsumer to make this possible 2. Prefer delegation to inheritance when creating customized input handlers, almost all (except for wxStdScrollbarInputHandler) standard handler classes are now private, use wxClassName::GetStdInputHandler() to retrieve the standard handler for any class or polymorphic DoGetStdInputHandler()

2006-09-14 19:24 RR, revision 41226

More RTL fixes.

2006-09-14 17:53 PC, revision 41225

add Create to wxDocParentFrame

2006-09-14 17:42 SC, revision 41224

switching colors

2006-09-14 17:36 PC, revision 41223

remove redundant declarations of wxFrameNameStr

2006-09-14 16:53 ABX, revision 41222

Follow native renderer for DrawHeaderButton.

2006-09-14 16:51 ABX, revision 41221

m_displayMode needs complete wxVideoMode.

2006-09-14 16:48 VS, revision 41220

fixed incorrect passing of bitmap dimensions in DoBlit

2006-09-14 16:20 VS, revision 41219

added wxFAIL_MSG to unimplemented SetDepth/Width/Height

2006-09-14 16:16 VS, revision 41218

implemented convertion between wxImage and wxBitmap

2006-09-14 16:06 ABX, revision 41217

Warning fix.

2006-09-14 16:04 ABX, revision 41216

Minor cleanup.

2006-09-14 16:02 ABX, revision 41215

wxHeaderButtonParams needs complete classes.

2006-09-14 14:52 VZ, revision 41214

don't append trailing tab to items which don't have stock accels

2006-09-14 14:39 VS, revision 41213

added check for supported depth and 'not implemented' wxFAIL_MSG

2006-09-14 14:36 VS, revision 41212

implemented wxBitmap::GetSubBitmap()

2006-09-14 13:17 JS, revision 41211

Fixes bug whereby directory control foreground colour is always black on Windows

2006-09-14 12:22 VS, revision 41210

renamed wxWindow::IsVisible() to IsShownOnScreen() to fix name conflicts with other classes

2006-09-14 10:53 VZ, revision 41209

fix warnings about unused parameters and functions in wxUniv build; also clean up wxGetPrinterDC() somewhat (a lot is left to do...)

2006-09-14 00:30 VZ, revision 41208

define HAVE_BROKEN_SWPRINTF_DECL for VC7.1 as while it does have the standard declaration its implementation is broken

2006-09-13 23:45 VZ, revision 41207

added wxWindow::IsFrozen() (only existed in wxMSW and wxDFB before)

2006-09-13 22:20 RR, revision 41206

More RTL work.

2006-09-13 22:18 RR, revision 41205

Add GetScrollHelper() to wxWindow. Let wxScrollHelper set the underlying field itself.

2006-09-13 20:47 RD, revision 41204

Changes for TreeListCtrl to take advantage of the new native HeaderButton abilities

2006-09-13 20:44 RD, revision 41203

Dashes and Stipple accessors are not available on all platforms

2006-09-13 20:34 RD, revision 41202

More support for drawing native column headers, adds more states (selected, mouse-over) and also optionally drawing the contents of the header (label and/or bitmap, sort arrow) in a consistent way. Also added a method to determine the default height of the column header. This is based on work done for OSAF.

2006-09-13 20:28 RD, revision 41201

More support for drawing native column headers, adds more states (selected, mouse-over) and also optionally drawing the contents of the header (label and/or bitmap, sort arrow) in a consistent way. Also added a method to determine the default height of the column header. This is based on work done for OSAF.

2006-09-13 19:10 ABX, revision 41200

it needs wxUSE_* guard to not break smartphone build.

2006-09-13 19:01 RD, revision 41199

wxStatusBarGeneric is used directly so the header needs to be included too

2006-09-13 17:12 VS, revision 41198

renamed wxRect::Inside() to wxRect::Contains(), wxRect::Inside(wxRect) is too confusing

2006-09-13 17:06 VS, revision 41197

renamed wxRect::Inside() to wxRect::Contains(), wxRect::Inside(wxRect) is too confusing

2006-09-13 16:31 PC, revision 41196

minimize code duplication

2006-09-13 16:27 JS, revision 41195

Added public keyword

2006-09-13 16:16 ABX, revision 41194

Build fix.

2006-09-13 16:14 ABX, revision 41193

[ 1556353 ] [wxOS2] Change derivation to add wxGauge::Pulse

2006-09-13 16:06 ABX, revision 41192

Build fix.

2006-09-13 15:50 PC, revision 41191

don't include generic/statusbr.h directly

2006-09-13 14:23 BIW, revision 41190

got rid of some extra borders

2006-09-13 11:59 VZ, revision 41189

fix wxVsnprintf_ declaration for VC8

2006-09-13 11:44 VZ, revision 41188

document wxChildFocusEvent

2006-09-13 11:01 VS, revision 41187

wxTLW::DoRefreshRect must check the rect, too

2006-09-13 10:01 RR, revision 41186

Make wxGTK's wxScrolledWindow set m_x/xScrollLines to 0 if scrollbars disappear (instead of 1) as per wxMSW. Expose m_x/yScrollLines in public getters. Correct window origin for scrolled window in RTL.

2006-09-13 09:50 VS, revision 41185

corrected painting implementation for wxDFB

2006-09-13 01:31 RD, revision 41184

compile fix for Mac

2006-09-12 22:20 VZ, revision 41183

remove unneeded m_inputHandler initialization (already done in the base class ctor)

2006-09-12 21:06 RD, revision 41182


2006-09-12 21:05 RD, revision 41181

Updated the C++ code for wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl from the wxCode project.

2006-09-12 18:45 RD, revision 41180

DisplayAvailable renamed

2006-09-12 17:18 PC, revision 41179

gtk_pizza_set_external is redundant

2006-09-12 17:09 PC, revision 41178

calling GtkPizza base class method on non-GtkPizza widget doesn't seem like such a good idea

2006-09-12 12:02 JS, revision 41177

Increased size slightly

2006-09-12 11:57 JS, revision 41176

Sometimes, m_x and m_y don't reflect the true position of the window, for example after using wxToolBar::AddControl. This change gets the actual position if necessary; it fixes a popup window positioning problem for combo controls on a toolbar.

2006-09-12 11:38 JS, revision 41175

Added pango_context_get_language to speed up pango_context_get_metrics

2006-09-12 10:19 JS, revision 41174

Style listbox now shows current style Added combo control for selecting styles Updated the sample to show the combo control

2006-09-12 09:57 RR, revision 41173

Reverse Left and Right meaning of keys.

2006-09-12 09:48 RR, revision 41172

More RTL fixes.

2006-09-12 09:26 VS, revision 41171

limit clipping to surface area

2006-09-12 09:12 RR, revision 41170

Add const to GetTargetSize()

2006-09-12 08:42 JS, revision 41169

Setting the current style from the UI is a mode that is cancelled when moving away from the current caret position. This must be done to avoid confusing default attributes and attributes at the current caret position, in normal use. Style feedback now correct when caret is at the start of a paragraph (don't use previous paragraph's style), and out-by-one style feedback bug fixed (start/end of styled content). Added ApplyStyle for applying a character or paragraph style. Some coding style cleanup.

2006-09-12 07:39 RR, revision 41168

RD forgot to add "Do"

2006-09-12 07:18 JS, revision 41167

Fixed flag setting omission that showed up as list problems in sample

2006-09-12 03:20 RD, revision 41166

more properties

2006-09-11 21:00 VS, revision 41165

fixed two typos: XLOG2DEV was used instead of YLOG2DEV

2006-09-11 17:50 RD, revision 41164

Use DoIsExposed for the virtual version of the method, so the wxPoint and wxRect versions don't get hidden in derived classes.

2006-09-11 16:54 RD, revision 41163

sync with CVS updates

2006-09-11 14:20 RR, revision 41162

Further RTL fixes.

2006-09-11 14:11 VZ, revision 41161

removed GTK header include

2006-09-11 14:07 VZ, revision 41160

compilation fix

2006-09-11 11:26 VS, revision 41159

implemented DrawPoint in terms of DrawLine (for now)

2006-09-11 11:13 VS, revision 41158

removed tabs and trailing whitespace

2006-09-11 11:08 VS, revision 41157

wxXML load/save improvements: added ability to not ignore whitespace and specify indentation level (patch #1541888)

2006-09-11 10:32 RR, revision 41156

Implement dc mirroring for RTL.

2006-09-11 09:54 RR, revision 41155

Make IsExposed virtual.

2006-09-11 09:08 VS, revision 41154

move misc surface helpers to wxIDirectFBSurface class

2006-09-10 23:57 VZ, revision 41153

added hyperlink alignment flags (patch 1537043)

2006-09-10 23:50 VZ, revision 41152

compilation fixes for wxUSE_STL==1 (patch 1555754)

2006-09-10 23:49 VZ, revision 41151

minor corrections and note about Unicode (patch 1555691)

2006-09-10 23:47 VZ, revision 41150

use RTL paragraphs in rich edit control in RTL mode (patch 1553298)

2006-09-10 23:42 VZ, revision 41149

return correct coordinates for child windows from DoGetPosition() in RTL mode (patch 1552664)

2006-09-10 23:39 VZ, revision 41148

fix static box label drawing in RTL locale (patch 1552545)

2006-09-10 23:28 VZ, revision 41147

added wxLocale::IsAvailable() (extended patch 1547191)

2006-09-10 23:19 VZ, revision 41146

use wxID_OPEN instead of INTERNAT_OPEN

2006-09-10 23:09 VZ, revision 41145

compilation fix for Unicode build (patch 1546975)

2006-09-10 23:08 VZ, revision 41144

allow wxRB_GROUP to be changed after creation (patch 1544686)

2006-09-10 23:07 VZ, revision 41143

fix constructing wxRegKey from string names (replaces patch 1542052, backport from HEAD)

2006-09-10 23:04 VZ, revision 41142

fix constructing wxRegKey from string names (replaces patch 1542052)

2006-09-10 22:45 VZ, revision 41141

clear values of type SQL_C_DATE/TIME too (patch 1541829)

2006-09-10 22:43 VZ, revision 41140

don't call ::GetSystemMetrics() unnecessarily in wxGetHiconSize()

2006-09-10 20:50 PC, revision 41139

avoid null pointer dereference in DoGetClientSize

2006-09-10 19:40 RR, revision 41138

The usual missing commit.

2006-09-10 19:39 RR, revision 41137

Implemented window coord mirroring for RTL. This is only implemented for *setting* the coordinates which is enough for wxSizers and 99% or other dialogs to work. Also reversed the meaning of wxStaticText alignment in RTL mode. It is possible that later versions of GTK actually do that themselves. (?)

2006-09-10 18:18 VZ, revision 41136

ensure that -2 font size is readable, it could be too small after last change

2006-09-10 17:07 VZ, revision 41135

small sample cleanup (formatting, use stock menu items)

2006-09-10 16:52 VZ, revision 41134

ensure that IsDialogMessage() is not called in the situations when it may hang not only from the immediate parent of the control which has focus but also from its grandparents

2006-09-10 16:11 VS, revision 41133

compilation fix

2006-09-10 16:02 VS, revision 41132

fixed subcontrols refreshing in wxWindow::Refresh

2006-09-10 15:51 VS, revision 41131

make it possible to create wxWindowDC for a hidden window

2006-09-10 15:38 VS, revision 41130

added wxWindow::IsVisible() method

2006-09-10 14:59 RR, revision 41129

Also set GTK text direction to m_wxwindow.

2006-09-10 14:52 RR, revision 41128

Remove direct access to GtlPizza's offset variable. That way, we can change the underlying meaning for RTL windowing mirroring without wxWindow knowing it.

2006-09-10 12:25 VZ, revision 41127

blind compilation fix for daily builds error

2006-09-10 12:23 VZ, revision 41126

compilation fix for !WX_PRECOMP (missing wx/app.h)

2006-09-10 12:20 VZ, revision 41125

compilation fix after last commit (forgot to remove WXUNUSED)

2006-09-10 04:23 MR, revision 41124

Restore ability to have a much lower runtime GTK version than build time - down to 2.4 (2.0 is still broken from gtk_combo_box_entry_new)

2006-09-10 02:00 VZ, revision 41123

removed overloaded virtual InitWith() methods, keep just a single InitRGBA()

2006-09-10 01:58 VZ, revision 41122

compilation fix after wxGUIAppTraits::GetToolkitVersion() introduction

2006-09-10 01:20 VZ, revision 41121

removed unused variable

2006-09-09 23:20 VZ, revision 41120

compilation fixes after recent stock menu items changes

2006-09-09 23:10 RD, revision 41119


2006-09-09 22:57 RD, revision 41118

more properties

2006-09-09 19:58 RD, revision 41117

mention Pulse mode on Guage, and native toolbar on Mac

2006-09-09 19:57 RD, revision 41116

Path fix

2006-09-09 19:57 RD, revision 41115


2006-09-09 19:55 RD, revision 41114


2006-09-09 19:42 RD, revision 41113

It's not in use yet, but add Kevin's docparser code so it doesn't get lost...

2006-09-09 19:41 RD, revision 41112

Build the contents and index files for HtmlHelp

2006-09-09 19:38 RD, revision 41111


2006-09-09 19:37 RD, revision 41110

Add AddStretchSpacer and friends

2006-09-09 19:36 RD, revision 41109

Pulse mode in gauge

2006-09-09 19:18 RD, revision 41108

Show Pulse mode

2006-09-09 19:07 RD, revision 41107

Compilo fix

2006-09-09 18:37 PC, revision 41106

remove unused GtkPizza members scroll_[xy]

2006-09-09 18:14 RD, revision 41105

Don't show AlphaDrawing for now...

2006-09-09 18:12 RD, revision 41104

Simplify use of MacIsWindowScrollbar

2006-09-09 18:11 KO, revision 41103

Mac(Carbon) impl of wxGauge::Pulse, also added sample code for Pulse to the widgets sample.

2006-09-09 18:00 PC, revision 41102

include fix

2006-09-09 17:41 VZ, revision 41101

check encoding in EnumerateFacenames(); implemented EnumerateEncodings() for wxUSE_PANGO case

2006-09-09 17:34 VZ, revision 41100

only return matching modes from GetModes()

2006-09-09 17:29 PC, revision 41099

some app.h cleanup: minimize includes, use static cast

2006-09-09 16:25 VZ, revision 41098

implement wxComboBox::SetEditable() (backport from HEAD)

2006-09-09 16:24 VZ, revision 41097

implement wxComboBox::SetEditable()

2006-09-09 15:52 VS, revision 41096

added unary wxPoint::operator-

2006-09-09 14:41 RR, revision 41095

The patch was missing a header.

2006-09-09 14:13 RR, revision 41094

incomplete commit

2006-09-09 14:11 RR, revision 41093

Apply patch [ 1548750 ] wxVsnprintf() various fixes Part II. c

2006-09-09 14:02 RR, revision 41092


2006-09-09 13:46 RR, revision 41091

Applied doc patch.

2006-09-09 13:45 VZ, revision 41090

define debugging log functions as (empty inline) wxLogNop() instead of nothing in the release builds, this ensures that we have the same code structure in debug/release builds and so there are no bugs when these functions are used inside if/else while also ensuring that even dumbest compilers do remove them completely in release builds

2006-09-09 13:36 RR, revision 41089

Applied wxGauge:Pulse() patch. [ 1551409 ] Support for indeterminate mode gauges

2006-09-09 13:25 VZ, revision 41088

undid last 2 commits, there are many more cases like this so it's better to fix this problem in a different way in wx/log.h

2006-09-09 13:10 VZ, revision 41087

more warning fixes about empty if statement in helper classes in release build

2006-09-09 12:55 VZ, revision 41086

fix warning about empty if statement in HDCClipper ctor in release build

2006-09-09 11:35 RR, revision 41085

Apply patch [ 1554736 ] wxXmlDocument::DetachRoot

2006-09-09 11:32 RR, revision 41084

Apply patch [ 1554746 ] wxXmlNode::InsertChild fix

2006-09-09 06:34 RD, revision 41083

Don't let the built-in scrollbars confuse things when setting focus to a wxScrolledWindow

2006-09-09 04:53 PC, revision 41082

add emission hook from RemoveIdleSource (was RemoveIdleTag); minor cleanup

2006-09-09 02:43 PC, revision 41081

remove unneeded DoGetClientSize

2006-09-09 02:42 PC, revision 41080

don't set negative window size

2006-09-09 02:41 PC, revision 41079

keep AdjustScrollbars from causing an infinite series of size events

2006-09-09 00:38 RD, revision 41078

Remove some testing code

2006-09-08 20:09 RD, revision 41077

Use GetKeyCode() instead of KeyCode()

2006-09-08 20:08 RD, revision 41076

Show status of wxMac CoreGraphics build option

2006-09-08 20:05 RD, revision 41075

Add items to wx.PlatformInfo for mac core graphics and native toolbar build status

2006-09-08 20:04 RD, revision 41074

It is not "Invalid" to have a menu item without an accelerator, so don't be noisy about it.

2006-09-08 18:16 RD, revision 41073

Added sample showing Alpha drawing for Mac with CoreGraphics

2006-09-08 17:39 VS, revision 41072

don't try to paint hidden windows

2006-09-08 15:29 VS, revision 41071

fixed wxDC to correctly handle SetFoo(wxNullFoo) calls

2006-09-08 15:15 RD, revision 41070


2006-09-08 14:38 VS, revision 41069

added newline to the end of the file to prevent gcc warning

2006-09-08 11:52 VS, revision 41068

don't try to paint hidden windows

2006-09-08 10:32 VZ, revision 41067

define WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL for older compilers/SDK

2006-09-08 09:45 RR, revision 41066

Sadly, direct access to SetUpDC is required for the native custom rendering of wxDataViewCells

2006-09-08 08:46 SC, revision 41065

fixing ownership and positioning of embedded controls in native toolbars

2006-09-08 08:27 SC, revision 41064

make sure we catch invalid control refs better

2006-09-08 07:49 CE, revision 41063

fix for SF bug 1543862 - add missing

2006-09-08 03:38 RD, revision 41062


2006-09-08 03:31 RD, revision 41061


2006-09-08 02:56 RD, revision 41060

another parameter type fix

2006-09-08 02:47 RD, revision 41059

wxMac's glcanvas doesn't have the new API changes yet...

2006-09-08 01:50 KO, revision 41058

2.6 backport of revision 1.40 fix for rounded rectangle drawing.

2006-09-08 01:08 RD, revision 41057

More properties

2006-09-08 01:05 RD, revision 41056

adapt to wxGLCanvas changes

2006-09-07 22:03 VZ, revision 41055

define wx_cv_func_snprintf_pos_params when cross-compiling too

2006-09-07 19:01 ABX, revision 41054

Include wx/msw/wrap*.h according to pch support (with other minor cleaning).

2006-09-07 17:19 RD, revision 41053

Comment why we don't call PyErr_Print after calling OnInit

2006-09-07 17:14 RD, revision 41052

Update from Frank with fixes for running on wxMSW 2.7

2006-09-07 17:06 PC, revision 41051

don't use negative windows sizes

2006-09-07 16:53 VZ, revision 41050

fix wxSTOCK_WITH_MNEMONIC handling (was reversed after recent changes)

2006-09-07 16:40 PC, revision 41049

remove a few unnecessary queue_resize/queue_draw calls

2006-09-07 16:11 VS, revision 41048

use GetCharHeight in GetHeight() instead of creating temporary wxClientDC

2006-09-07 16:09 VS, revision 41047

make sure wxWindow has valid (albeit bogus) size from the beginning

2006-09-07 16:08 VS, revision 41046

don't create a subsurface in wxClientDC unless necessary

2006-09-07 16:06 PC, revision 41045

GtkOnSize parameters aren't useful

2006-09-07 14:49 CE, revision 41044

fix path of pdf zip file

2006-09-07 13:24 RR, revision 41043

Applied FRM's patch [ 1553958 ] Fix for invalid cast from GtkFileChooserButton to GtkButton

2006-09-07 12:46 CE, revision 41042

fix directory creation

2006-09-07 12:44 CE, revision 41041

fix broken bz2

2006-09-07 11:14 VS, revision 41040

verify that we're not painting on hidden window (which is not implemented)

2006-09-07 10:43 VS, revision 41039

don't treat DFB_TIMEOUT as error in WaitForEventWithTimeout

2006-09-06 23:22 RD, revision 41038

Fixed compile error

2006-09-06 21:43 MW, revision 41037

Fixed ReadLine missing last character from text files with no final newline.

2006-09-06 17:37 PC, revision 41036

include fixes

2006-09-06 17:36 PC, revision 41035

Always use wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE for generic status bar. Remove undocumented generic status bar ctor/Create. Bring status bar ctor/Create into sync with docs.

2006-09-06 13:57 RR, revision 41034

Applied patch which allows you to detach a stream from a wxFSFile. Patch 1190378

2006-09-06 13:49 RR, revision 41033

Applied 1215477, fixing a crash by properly removing a file system handler in a module.

2006-09-06 13:32 RR, revision 41032

Mention wxGLCanvas change.

2006-09-06 13:31 RR, revision 41031

Commit Carsten Fuchs' patch for separating wxGLCanvas and wxGLContext on GTK and MSW.

2006-09-06 09:51 VZ, revision 41030

enable support for printf positional parameters by default

2006-09-06 09:40 VS, revision 41029

use C++ wrappers around DirectFB API for easier use

2006-09-06 04:20 RD, revision 41028

add more properties

2006-09-06 04:18 RD, revision 41027

Added wx.lib.dragscroller from Riaan Booysen.

2006-09-06 03:01 PC, revision 41026

don't return negative size from GetPageRect

2006-09-06 03:01 PC, revision 41025

don't set negative size in wxSizerItem::SetDimension

2006-09-05 21:30 VZ, revision 41024

document GetStrings() (patch 1552225)

2006-09-05 21:14 VZ, revision 41023

wx printf() implementation bug fixes ('%' handling, thread safety, ...) and optimisations (patch 1548750)

2006-09-05 21:02 VZ, revision 41022

pickers code cleanup (patch 1552220)

2006-09-05 21:00 VZ, revision 41021

fixes to menu stock items support (patch 1547639)

2006-09-05 20:47 VZ, revision 41020

mark all dtors which are virtual because base class dtor is virtual explicitly virtual themselves

2006-09-05 20:41 VZ, revision 41019

added a couple of base classes

2006-09-05 19:23 ABX, revision 41018

WinCE build fixes.

2006-09-05 18:07 ABX, revision 41017

Tinderbox/PCH build fix.

2006-09-05 17:48 VZ, revision 41016

work around drag and drop freeze (bug 1080588)

2006-09-05 14:21 VS, revision 41015

use macros to completely remove wxLogTrace, wxLogDebug etc. in release build

2006-09-05 01:05 RD, revision 41014

Some properties for things with lists of items.

2006-09-04 23:56 VZ, revision 41013

use (new) wxAcceleratorEntry::Create() instead of recently deprecated wxGetAccelFromString()

2006-09-04 23:52 RD, revision 41012

Changes needed for new RTL methods, and also various other updates to wx CVS.

2006-09-04 20:34 MW, revision 41011


2006-09-04 20:13 MW, revision 41010


2006-09-04 19:57 JS, revision 41009

Prevents crashes caused by negative line count being passed to wrapping functions, e.g. in intermediate sizing states.

2006-09-04 19:22 ABX, revision 41008

Build fix.

2006-09-04 19:07 MW, revision 41007

Document __WINE__.

2006-09-04 18:48 ABX, revision 41006

Warning fix.

2006-09-04 18:33 MW, revision 41005

A better compile fix for Wine (which lacks pbt.h).

2006-09-04 17:57 MW, revision 41004

Define HAVE_BOOLEAN when the Windows headers declare 'boolean' to avoid a conflict with the jpeg headers which will otherwise also declare it.

2006-09-04 16:57 MW, revision 41003

Revert the last commit since it doesn't work.

2006-09-04 16:49 MW, revision 41002

Compile fix for Wine.

2006-09-04 16:40 MW, revision 41001

Missing headers.

2006-09-04 16:36 MW, revision 41000

Hacks for wine.

2006-09-04 15:23 VS, revision 40999

removed unneeded header

2006-09-04 15:22 VS, revision 40998

better comment in wxSystemSettingsNative::GetColour

2006-09-04 15:17 VS, revision 40997

fixed wxRegion::operator==

2006-09-04 15:16 VS, revision 40996

cosmetic fixes

2006-09-04 14:37 JS, revision 40995

Fixed ISO-8859-11 mapping to code page under Windows

2006-09-04 13:35 VZ, revision 40994

merge of RTL changes (with many modifications) from SOC2006_RTL branch

2006-09-04 12:12 VZ, revision 40993

small cleanup, removed unused headers

2006-09-04 12:05 VZ, revision 40992

added wxSizer::Get/SetContainingWindow()

2006-09-04 11:14 VS, revision 40991

added alpha support to generic wxColour

2006-09-04 11:12 VS, revision 40990

reformatted DEFINE_STD_WXCOLOUR_CONSTRUCTORS to fit standard terminal; use wxALPHA_OPAQUE instead of 255

2006-09-04 10:56 VS, revision 40989

removed obsolete and incorrect comment

2006-09-04 08:52 RR, revision 40988

I forgot to commit this one.

2006-09-04 06:59 JJ, revision 40987

OpenVMS compile support update Modified Files: wxWidgets/src/aui/descrip.mms

2006-09-03 20:12 RR, revision 40986


2006-09-03 17:18 SN, revision 40985

Backported fixes from 1.25 (patch #1523304) and 1.26.

2006-09-03 17:12 SN, revision 40984

Backported fixes according to patch #1523304.

2006-09-03 16:57 SN, revision 40983

Backported drawing fixed according to patch #1523304.

2006-09-03 16:43 SN, revision 40982

Disable CLIP_SIBLINGS style (backported patch #1523304).

2006-09-03 16:40 SN, revision 40981

Backported changes from v. 1.40 (patch #1523304).

2006-09-03 13:21 RR, revision 40980

Commit wxComboCtrl clipping patch from J. Salli

2006-09-03 13:16 RR, revision 40979

Added tests for run-time switch of venetian blind effect (Patch from Bryan P).

2006-09-03 12:23 RR, revision 40978

Commited FRM's stockitem patch (empty stock items).

2006-09-03 11:48 RR, revision 40977

Commited patch for wxSizer::Replace()

2006-09-03 09:56 VZ, revision 40976

call TIFF callbacks wxTIFFFooProc instead of _tiffFooProc to avoid potential conflicts; also there is no need to use reserved identifiers here

2006-09-03 09:51 VZ, revision 40975

close output stream when TIFFClose() is called

2006-09-03 01:05 KO, revision 40974

Backporting fix for SetPageSource.

2006-09-02 23:36 VZ, revision 40973

don't convert title to current encoding if input encoding is wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT (this shouldn't be necessary and provokes an assert from wxCSConv ctor)

2006-09-02 22:29 RD, revision 40972


2006-09-02 22:21 RD, revision 40971


2006-09-02 22:21 RR, revision 40970

Don't use wxWindows::DoGetClientSize() from wxTopLevelWindow as border with should not be taken into account here.

2006-09-02 22:11 RD, revision 40969

properties fixes for Mac

2006-09-02 22:00 KO, revision 40968

Adding TaskRunnerThread class, for threaded operations, along with errorOccurred and elapsedTime methods for getting information about a process.

2006-09-02 21:53 RD, revision 40967

compile fixes for Python 2.5

2006-09-02 20:04 RD, revision 40966


2006-09-02 19:55 RD, revision 40965


2006-09-02 19:46 RD, revision 40964

Start adding some properties for getter/setter methods

2006-09-02 19:45 RD, revision 40963

bump subrel number

2006-09-02 17:43 RD, revision 40962

Move the language catalogs install directory on MSW from 'locale' to 'i18n' to avoid conflict (and an import warning) with the standard module.

2006-09-02 17:38 KO, revision 40961

Make archive top level dirs match that of the archive name.

2006-09-02 12:54 RR, revision 40960

Map iso8859-11 to codepage 874.

2006-09-02 12:39 VZ, revision 40959

don't report UTF-8 encoding as ISO-8859-1 in GTK2 builds (backport of 1.190 from HEAD)

2006-09-02 12:37 RR, revision 40958

Forgot to commit.

2006-09-02 11:50 RR, revision 40957

Added native GTK+ sash drawing to wxAUI.

2006-09-01 23:57 RD, revision 40956

fixed typo

2006-09-01 23:37 RD, revision 40955

Add InsertProvider

2006-09-01 22:23 VZ, revision 40954

always let GtkTextView have mouse release events to avoid assertion failures in gtk_text_view_start_selection_drag()

2006-09-01 22:20 VZ, revision 40953

added GTKProcessEvent() to allow controlling whether we leave or not events for the native widgets

2006-09-01 21:46 VZ, revision 40952

no changes, just remove comments which don't make sense any more

2006-09-01 21:44 VZ, revision 40951

call GTKUpdateCursor() from SetCursor()

2006-09-01 21:37 RR, revision 40950

Began to move wxAUI docs to latex.

2006-09-01 16:06 RR, revision 40949

Correct sizing cursor.

2006-09-01 15:38 RR, revision 40948

Commit ODCombo delete selection fix.

2006-09-01 15:32 RR, revision 40947

Implement wxSetCusorEvent better than before. This also makes wxAUI work nicely.

2006-09-01 12:46 VZ, revision 40946

compilation fix for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_6==0

2006-09-01 11:14 RR, revision 40945

Commit Haakan Wiman's cdata XML patch.

2006-08-31 22:59 VZ, revision 40944

do send text changed event from SetValue(), it wasn't done when setting the value of empty single line control

2006-08-31 19:31 ABX, revision 40943

Include wx/module.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-08-31 17:21 VS, revision 40942

fixed typo in previous commit

2006-08-31 17:00 VS, revision 40941

added wxArtProvider::InsertProvider to accompany PushProvider

2006-08-31 16:34 RD, revision 40940

supress some unused parameter warnings

2006-08-31 16:02 RD, revision 40939

Aliases for [G|S]etCaretLineBack

2006-08-31 16:01 RD, revision 40938

Only use raw bitmap if it is available

2006-08-31 13:46 ABX, revision 40937

wx/image.h is listed in wx/wx.h and part of PCH support

2006-08-31 13:40 JS, revision 40936

Fixed compilo

2006-08-31 11:31 VZ, revision 40935

don't use static buffer needing a critical section to protect it for logging; this results in deadlocks if the log sink decides to log itself (and this can be very difficult to prevent) and is unnecessary anyhow as the initial goal of allowing wxLog to work even for out of memory errors has never been tested and presumably never worked

2006-08-31 05:35 RD, revision 40934

Provide an implementation for SurfaceImpl::AlphaRectangle, and rename [G|S]etCaretLineBack

2006-08-30 22:38 SN, revision 40933

Only support detection of "near the edge" coordinates, if dragging grid lines is actually enabled (Fixes #548106 - Border of grid lines of wx.grid).

2006-08-30 19:29 RD, revision 40932


2006-08-30 17:14 SN, revision 40931

Fixed getting OS version information.

2006-08-30 16:15 PC, revision 40930

build fix

2006-08-30 12:47 JS, revision 40929

Don't skip event if default processing has inserted a tab

2006-08-30 12:46 JS, revision 40928

Don't skip event default processing has inserted a tab

2006-08-30 11:17 MW, revision 40927

Build notes for Cygwin.

2006-08-30 10:03 CE, revision 40926

fixes SF bug [ 1064351 ] Window Menu no longer lists open child frames

2006-08-30 08:39 MW, revision 40925

Use CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL where possible to improve messages.

2006-08-30 08:37 MW, revision 40924

Stream inserter to wxString

2006-08-30 05:55 PC, revision 40923

header includes cleanup

2006-08-30 00:28 RD, revision 40922

Add ability to time the creation of the bitmaps using raw access, and also compare with doing the same thign via numpy and wx.BitmapFrombuffer. Flesh out the docstring.

2006-08-30 00:19 RD, revision 40921

some efficiency tweaks

2006-08-30 00:18 RD, revision 40920

Fixed premultiplying constant Replaced my kludgy first attempt at a pixel iterator with a much more efficient generator in PixelData.__init__.

2006-08-29 21:08 VS, revision 40919

fixed crash in <sub/sup> handling (bug #1545152)

2006-08-29 19:59 RD, revision 40918

Give PlotCanvas the full compliment of constructor parameters again.

2006-08-29 19:45 PC, revision 40917

non-pch build fix

2006-08-29 19:26 RD, revision 40916


2006-08-29 19:11 RD, revision 40915

Turn off TB_TEXT by default

2006-08-29 19:00 RD, revision 40914

Mention the PixelData classes

2006-08-29 18:59 RD, revision 40913

some docstring changes

2006-08-29 18:57 RD, revision 40912

Now that the typemap is handling buffer-compatible objects correctly we can drop wrapping the parameters in a buffer()

2006-08-29 18:56 RD, revision 40911

Use PyObject_AsReadBuffer in the typemap for getting buffer or buffer compatible objects

2006-08-29 18:53 RD, revision 40910

Add wxACCEL_CMD, move constants to _accel.i

2006-08-29 12:16 SC, revision 40909

make sure we are feeding coordinates of HIView instances, not wx-dimensions back into toolbar layout

2006-08-29 09:57 MW, revision 40908

Warning fixes for VC5.

2006-08-29 09:29 SC, revision 40907

adding command key accelerator

2006-08-29 06:23 SC, revision 40906

adding command key accelerator

2006-08-29 01:03 RD, revision 40905


2006-08-28 20:05 MW, revision 40904

Make Bourne shell compatible.

2006-08-28 18:52 RD, revision 40903

new port constants

2006-08-28 18:51 RD, revision 40902

Tweaked the colours a bit

2006-08-28 15:35 MW, revision 40901

glibc's vswprintf doesn't nul terminate on truncation.

2006-08-28 12:30 MW, revision 40900

Compile fixes.

2006-08-28 12:28 MW, revision 40899

Compile fix.

2006-08-28 12:27 MW, revision 40898

We can't define things in someone else's namespace.

2006-08-28 10:29 VZ, revision 40897

return false from OnInit() in console build if we failed

2006-08-28 10:05 VZ, revision 40896

document maxLenght and rectBounds ctor parameters; minor cleanup (use \arg, \NULL)

2006-08-28 09:53 VZ, revision 40895

added alpha support to wxCocoa, also fixed compilation after alpha changes hopefully

2006-08-28 09:38 RR, revision 40894

Corrected close button bitmap in wxAUIMultiNotebook. Added test for wxAUIMultiNotebook to aui sample.

2006-08-28 08:41 RR, revision 40893

Don't use wxTHICK_FRAME in the docs anymore.

2006-08-28 08:37 RR, revision 40892

Update info on wxMiniFrame.

2006-08-28 08:33 RR, revision 40891

Leave a comment about drag threshold setting.

2006-08-28 08:29 RR, revision 40890

More comments about non-native GTH widgets.

2006-08-28 07:53 MW, revision 40889

Use WX_CHECK_FUNCS for strtok_r.

2006-08-28 07:48 MW, revision 40888

Add WX_CHECK_FUNCS (instead of WX_CHECK_DECLS). It checks for functions in both headers and libs.

2006-08-27 20:07 RR, revision 40887

Corrected off-by-1 error in dock test.

2006-08-27 19:58 RR, revision 40886

The docking logic in the top and right docking areas was reversed. There is still an off-by-1 error that makes the toolbar jump in the bottom dock, not in the top dock.

2006-08-27 19:47 SN, revision 40885

Make wxCalendarCtrl work on OS/2's PM port as well (backport of patch #1523304).

2006-08-27 19:38 SN, revision 40884

Avoid trouble during initialisation & typo fix (backport of patch #1523304).

2006-08-27 19:26 SN, revision 40883

Use xpm for PM port on OS/2 as well.

2006-08-27 19:07 SN, revision 40882

Backported fixes to region handling from 2.7 branch.

2006-08-27 18:20 AVV, revision 40881

Changed X11 implementation to be generic for every port that has no native events. This will soon include wxBase.

2006-08-27 18:16 SN, revision 40880

Removed more references to removed source file.

2006-08-27 16:40 SN, revision 40879

Fixed OS/2 specific defines (there's no such thing as WXOS2). Added the more commonly used wxPORT_PM as alias for wxPORT_OS2.

2006-08-27 16:36 SN, revision 40878

Removed no longer needed/existing file os2/gdiobj.cpp from filelist.

2006-08-27 16:27 SN, revision 40877

Changed font generation to follow new pattern of other ports more closely.

2006-08-27 15:45 RR, revision 40876

Correct calculation of sticky toolbar.

2006-08-27 15:42 RR, revision 40875

Change drag threshhold (why was it multiplied by 2 before?).

2006-08-27 15:19 VZ, revision 40874

started making the list of widgets not implemented natively in wxGTK

2006-08-27 15:19 RR, revision 40873

Made toolbars sticky, i.e. you need to drag them several (and not just one) pixels away from the docking area to make them undock/float. This removes some more toolbar jumping.

2006-08-27 15:13 VZ, revision 40872

call Update() from SetStatusText() to ensure that the message is shown to the user immediately

2006-08-27 13:45 VZ, revision 40871

relax DFB version requirements to work with 0.9.22 and not only the latest 0.9.25

2006-08-27 13:15 VZ, revision 40870

DFEC_UNIVERSAL is not available in DirectFB < 0.9.23, use wxCHECK_DFB_VERSION() around it

2006-08-27 13:13 VZ, revision 40869

added wxCHECK_DFB_VERSION() macro

2006-08-27 10:12 VZ, revision 40868

removed g_eraseGC and wxWinModule used for initializing it as it was unused

2006-08-27 10:10 RR, revision 40867

Removed one of the jumping toolbar artefacts.

2006-08-27 10:04 VZ, revision 40866

assert that GTKGetWindow() returns non-NULL GdkWindows

2006-08-27 09:42 VS, revision 40865

initial (not yet working) code for DirectFB port

2006-08-27 09:29 VS, revision 40864

made wxCSConv fall back to iso-8859-1 if wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM is specified and wxLocale cannot be used to determine the default charset because wxUSE_INTL=0

2006-08-27 09:23 SC, revision 40863

hint to alpha colours added

2006-08-27 09:16 RD, revision 40862

Rename the C++ Iterator class to Accessor, and add a Python Iterator class that implements the Python itrerator interface.

2006-08-27 09:13 SC, revision 40861

adding alpha channel doc

2006-08-27 09:11 RD, revision 40860

Add raw bitmap access sample to the demo

2006-08-27 00:57 PC, revision 40859

GTK+ paints during idle time, it doesn't need help with that

2006-08-27 00:46 RD, revision 40858

Do premultiplication in wx*PixelData_Iterator::Get and Set

2006-08-27 00:31 PC, revision 40857

returning true is sufficient to stop signal emission

2006-08-26 22:26 VZ, revision 40856

don't crash when EnsureVisible() is called for the hidden root item

2006-08-26 22:21 VZ, revision 40855

don't call EnsureVisible(tree->GetRootItem()) for a tree with hidden root, this crashes under MSW

2006-08-26 22:07 PC, revision 40854

use "event" signal emission hook to install idle handler for many events

2006-08-26 22:04 PC, revision 40853

don't tie up cpu in idle loop when showing assert dialog

2006-08-26 21:15 RD, revision 40852

Patch #1547057: Disable grid lines in wx.lib.printout.PrintTable

2006-08-26 21:13 RD, revision 40851

Patch from Will Sadkin: - Fixed masked.numctrl to properly limit integer controls, and also handle '-.00' properly.

2006-08-26 20:40 RD, revision 40850

wxURLDataObject has a parameter

2006-08-26 20:37 RD, revision 40849

Add alpha component to wxColour

2006-08-26 18:37 PC, revision 40848

add needed includes, remove unneeded ones

2006-08-26 18:36 PC, revision 40847

correct idle tag type; remove unneeded includes

2006-08-26 18:35 PC, revision 40846

remove special pending idle callback, pending events are handled by common code; remove unneeded includes

2006-08-26 17:50 AVV, revision 40845

That TODO is already done

2006-08-26 17:33 AVV, revision 40844

SocketTable separated from x11 build to make it an independant class to be used for wxBase or any non-event-driven port later.

2006-08-26 17:07 , revision 40843
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/build/msw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/build/palmos
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/build/script
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/build/wince
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/contrib
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/debian
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/demos
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/distrib
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/base
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/cocoa
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/html
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/latex
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/mac
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/mgl
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/microwin
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/motif
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/msw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/os2
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/publicity
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/tech
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/univ
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/wine
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/word
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/docs/x11
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/app.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/cocoa
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/dcsvg.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/gtk/menu.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/gtk/window.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/gtk1
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/intl.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/mac
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/mgl
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/motif
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/msdos
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/msw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/os2
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/palmos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/sizer.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/stc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/univ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/window.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/include/wx/x11
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/lib
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/locale
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/misc/languages
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/misc/theme_test
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/misc/unictabl
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/samples
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/cocoa
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/common/appbase.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/common/dcsvg.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/common/intl.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/common/sizer.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/common/wincmn.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/aclocal.m4
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/dosconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/os2config.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/winconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/xmlrole.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/expat/lib/xmltok.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/menu.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk/window.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/gtk1
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/html/search.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/mac
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/mgl
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/motif
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/msdos
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/msw
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/os2
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/palmos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/makefile.dos
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/png.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/projects/borland
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/projects/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/scripts/makefile.bd32
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/scripts/pngdef.pas
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/stc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/univ
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/unix/net.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/wxWindows.xcode
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/wxWindows.xcodeproj
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/x11
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/tests
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/utils
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/SOC2006_RTL_END/wxPython

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'SOC2006_RTL_END'.

2006-08-26 17:07 DMS, revision 40842

Added RTL support to sizers, which is required in wxGTK only.

2006-08-26 16:17 DMS, revision 40841

- Improved RTL implementation and functionality for wxGTK::wxMenuBar and wxGTK::wxMenu, now both of them has GetLayoutDirection/SetLayoutDirection methods, and wxMenuBar::SetLayoutDirection changes the layout of the menus attached to it. - Also changed wxWindowGTK::GetLayoutDirection() to make it virtual(so that it can be overriden in wxGTK::wxMenuBar)

2006-08-26 16:16 SC, revision 40840

adding constants

2006-08-26 16:07 DMS, revision 40839

Added arabic translation to internat sample

2006-08-26 13:43 SC, revision 40838

getting rid of unused param warning

2006-08-26 13:35 SC, revision 40837

adding alpha to core graphics dc

2006-08-26 13:33 SC, revision 40836

adding alpha to wxColour

2006-08-26 00:53 RD, revision 40835

Removed wxHTML_FONT_SIZE_x

2006-08-26 00:52 RD, revision 40834

ComputeScaleAndOrigin not protected anymore

2006-08-26 00:28 RD, revision 40833

Avoid deprecation warnings for BeginDrawing and EndDrawing

2006-08-25 22:50 VZ, revision 40832

don't set cursor for not realized (and not only hidden) windows

2006-08-25 22:48 VZ, revision 40831

override OnAssertFailure(), not OnAssert() which is not called by wxOnAssert() any longer

2006-08-25 22:30 RD, revision 40830

Use the width of the widest line (not the first line) for the max width of the tooltip. Also, don't set a narrower width if the tooltip control already has a wider one. It will automatically adjust smaller if needed based on the \n's in the text.

2006-08-25 22:12 RD, revision 40829

Use the width of the widest line (not the first line) for the max width of the tooltip. Also, don't set a narrower width if the tooltip control already has a wider one. It will automatically adjust smaller if needed based on the \n's in the text.

2006-08-25 21:53 RD, revision 40828

Add wx.App.DisplayAvailable() which can be used to determine if a GUI can be created in the current environment. (Still need an implementation for wxMSW...)

2006-08-25 19:49 RD, revision 40827

workaround sizing bug on Mac

2006-08-25 19:45 RD, revision 40826

workaround sizing bug on Mac

2006-08-25 17:26 VZ, revision 40825

quote an underscore

2006-08-25 17:23 VZ, revision 40824

removed extra '}'

2006-08-25 16:52 VZ, revision 40823

don't hardcode HTML font sizes, this makes wxHtmlWindow look really ugly when default font size is not 12, base the default font sizes on wxNORMAL_FONT instead

2006-08-25 16:05 VZ, revision 40822

shouldn't update cursor for hidden windows

2006-08-25 15:49 VZ, revision 40821

remove the object from wxPendingDelete list before deleting it to avoid infinite loop if DeletePendingObject() is reentered from object dtor

2006-08-25 14:09 ABX, revision 40820

Warning fix.

2006-08-25 13:23 VZ, revision 40819

reset busy cursor checkbox when switching to another control

2006-08-25 13:22 VZ, revision 40818

changed GTKCallbackCommonPrologue() to return -1 in addition to true and false to allow returning immediately with true return code

2006-08-25 13:07 VZ, revision 40817

forgot GTKSetDelayedFocusIfNeeded() call in the last commit

2006-08-25 13:06 VZ, revision 40816

Many changes: - Introduced GTKGetWindow() which returns all GdkWindows associated with the given wxWindow - Renamed IsOwnGtkWindow() to GTKIsOwnWindow() to avoid confusion with the old virtual function (the new one is non-virtual and is implemented in terms of GTKGetWindow()) - Refactored/simplified event handlers code in gtk/window.cpp - Fixed some header guards names (__GTKFOO__ -> _WX_GTK_FOO_H_) - Added GTKUpdateCursor() which sets the current cursor for all windows returned by GTKGetWindow() - Factored out code from many different classes in wxControl::OnInternalIdle() which now updates the cursor, checks for internal focus and sends update UI events

2006-08-25 12:59 VZ, revision 40815

Many changes: - Introduced GTKGetWindow() which returns all GdkWindows associated with the given wxWindow - Renamed IsOwnGtkWindow() to GTKIsOwnWindow() to avoid confusion with the old virtual function (the new one is non-virtual and is implemented in terms of GTKGetWindow()) - Refactored/simplified event handlers code in gtk/window.cpp - Fixed some header guards names (__GTKFOO__ -> _WX_GTK_FOO_H_) - Added GTKUpdateCursor() which sets the current cursor for all windows returned by GTKGetWindow() - Factored out code from many different classes in wxControl::OnInternalIdle() which now updates the cursor, checks for internal focus and sends update UI events

2006-08-25 11:21 ABX, revision 40814

Missing API.

2006-08-25 06:56 JJ, revision 40813

Patches for OpenVMS port Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/generic/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/gtk/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/gtk1/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/x11/descrip.mms

2006-08-25 06:27 PC, revision 40812

set depth to 32 when creating pixbuf from wxImage with alpha; correct a few comments

2006-08-25 03:30 RD, revision 40811

Add wrappers for wxNativePixelData and wxAlphaPixelData

2006-08-25 03:21 RD, revision 40810

Still check for a Python error in %threadWrapperOff

2006-08-25 03:19 RD, revision 40809

Default construcctor for Iterator

2006-08-24 21:21 DMS, revision 40808

improved RTL implementation for wxGTK::wxMenuBar, now it has a SetLayoutDirection like any normal wxWindow

2006-08-24 21:18 MW, revision 40807

Add apptrait.h for msdos

2006-08-24 21:05 VZ, revision 40806

prevent selecting the treebook items without corresponding pages to ensure that CurrentPage() always returns something non NULL and removed the checks for it

2006-08-24 21:00 VZ, revision 40805

don't reset the selection after event was vetoed if there is no old selection

2006-08-24 20:26 VZ, revision 40804

added tests for setting the cursor

2006-08-24 20:24 MW, revision 40803

Implement wxIsPlatform64Bit().

2006-08-24 19:35 MW, revision 40802

Missing exports.

2006-08-24 18:07 VZ, revision 40801

fix compilation both for Robert's cross-compiler and for all normal compilers by just removing the offending m_item initialization line which is unnecessary anyhow

2006-08-24 17:50 VZ, revision 40800

try to deal more gracefully (than simply not showing anything at all) with invalid UTF-8 strings (e.g. ISO-8859-1 strings inserted in controls with default (UTF-8) font

2006-08-24 17:43 ABX, revision 40799

WinCE build fixes.

2006-08-24 16:33 ABX, revision 40798

Follow OnOK changes in wxDialog.

2006-08-24 16:08 ABX, revision 40797

After adding check to wx/mgl/chkconf.h for UNIV flag, our regex needs this flag delivered by makefiles (with rebaking).

2006-08-24 15:40 ABX, revision 40796

Warning fix.

2006-08-24 15:37 ABX, revision 40795

Avoid conflict between new transparency API and old background support.

2006-08-24 14:52 ABX, revision 40794

Blind wxTinderbox fix.

2006-08-24 14:47 ABX, revision 40793

wx\settings.h is part of PCH support.

2006-08-24 14:43 ABX, revision 40792

Keep wxPalmOS buildable - wxIcon and wxCursor moved to generic implementations.

2006-08-24 14:35 ABX, revision 40791

Keep wxPalmOS buildable - event table moved to base class.

2006-08-24 14:33 ABX, revision 40790

Warning fix.

2006-08-24 14:27 ABX, revision 40789

Keep wxPalmOS buildable - missing functions.

2006-08-24 11:08 RR, revision 40788

Added resize support to wxMiniFrame.

2006-08-24 10:01 RR, revision 40787

Suppress warning from wxMiniFrame.

2006-08-24 09:54 RR, revision 40786

revert bits for XBM bitmaps under MSW adapt XBM usage in wxAUI to this logic

2006-08-24 09:35 RR, revision 40785

Reenable inversion code again.

2006-08-24 07:36 SN, revision 40784

Removed no longer needed "DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE()" completing the previous change.

2006-08-24 04:41 PC, revision 40783

allow white as mask color when creating mask from mono bitmap

2006-08-24 04:41 PC, revision 40782

correct access for virtual

2006-08-23 21:36 RR, revision 40781

Use the same colour for miniframe title bar and wxAUI title bars.

2006-08-23 21:08 RR, revision 40780

Use close button used in wxMiniFrame.

2006-08-23 21:07 RR, revision 40779

Readded close button to wxMiniFrame and use the close XBM similar to the one used in Anjuta's docking library.

2006-08-23 20:01 RR, revision 40778

Comment out suspicious 1-bit bitmap conversion which happens to break wxAUI (its close button).

2006-08-23 19:07 VS, revision 40777

fixed HTML colours parsing after patch #1473731 ('wxColourBase and wxString <-> wxColour implementation') broke it

2006-08-23 18:22 RR, revision 40776

Comment out direction aware code for now.

2006-08-23 15:11 VZ, revision 40775

clarified LeftIsDown() behaviour for left click events

2006-08-23 14:02 RR, revision 40774

Add opaque move support to wxGTK's wxMiniFrame. Use it in wxAUI (much less flicker and frame activation problems). wxMiniFrame and the Docked panes in wxAUI should use the same code to draw titlebar etc.

2006-08-23 13:47 VZ, revision 40773

documented wxURLDataObject

2006-08-23 13:38 VZ, revision 40772

allow passing URL to wxURLDataObject ctor

2006-08-23 13:33 VZ, revision 40771

respect the encoding of the text style and not only the global control font encoding when inserting the text in the control

2006-08-23 13:04 VZ, revision 40770

no real changes, just use IsSingle/MultiLine() insteadof testing m_windowStyle directly

2006-08-23 11:17 RR, revision 40769

Added direction sensitive docking.

2006-08-23 10:45 VS, revision 40768

compilation fix for !wxUSE_BUTTON

2006-08-23 10:15 VS, revision 40767

set wxUSE_TOOLBAR_NATIVE to 0 when --enable-universal is used

2006-08-23 09:54 VS, revision 40766

removed wxUSE_TOOLBAR_SIMPLE leftovers from the main sources, it's not used anywhere anymore

2006-08-23 02:35 RD, revision 40765

pass useMask=true for the toucan images

2006-08-23 01:52 RD, revision 40764

Premultiply the alpha on wxMSW in the BitmapFromBuffer* functions so the programmers don't have to worry about it.

2006-08-23 01:49 RD, revision 40763

Add BitmapFromBuffer demo

2006-08-23 01:18 RD, revision 40762

Always create the pixmap with an alpha channel

2006-08-23 01:17 RD, revision 40761

Show use use of both wxNativePixelData and wxAlphaPixelData

2006-08-22 22:47 RR, revision 40760

Skip double size events. Skip movements of floating pane when moving fast.

2006-08-22 22:37 RR, revision 40759

Set size of hint window before showing it.

2006-08-22 22:14 RR, revision 40758

Forgot this one.

2006-08-22 21:55 MW, revision 40757

Switch to AC_CHECK_DECLS instead of WX_CHECK_DECLS.

2006-08-22 21:50 RR, revision 40756

Add the new showOnIdle code to various other widget which override OnInternalIdle().

2006-08-22 21:47 MW, revision 40755

Revert last commit.

2006-08-22 21:15 MW, revision 40754

Add WX_CHECK_DECLS macro and try it out on strtok_r. Otherwise the test for strtok_r succeeds on Minix though the function is not available.

2006-08-22 20:17 MW, revision 40753

For an unknown generic unix system make --with-x11 --disable-shared the default.

2006-08-22 19:36 PC, revision 40752

prevent linker from discarding wxStockGDIMac

2006-08-22 19:07 MW, revision 40751

Compile fix for Minix.

2006-08-22 19:04 MW, revision 40750

Use string.h instead of memory.h, since some system don't have memory.h and string.h is the standard header.

2006-08-22 19:03 PC, revision 40749

build fix

2006-08-22 17:27 RD, revision 40748

Added wx.BitmapFromBuffer and wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA factory functions.

2006-08-22 17:23 RD, revision 40747

Refactored wx.ImageFromBuffer

2006-08-22 12:30 RR, revision 40746

Commited Bryan Petty's blind fix patch. Added event.Skip() to size event handler in frame manager and removed the wrong work around for this.

2006-08-22 12:26 RR, revision 40745

Added intermediate state (m_showOnIdle) indicating that time must be given to a window to get placed correctly before it is shown. The avoids jumping windows.

2006-08-22 12:21 VZ, revision 40744

fixed a crash and a leak in GetShortcutTarget() (closes bug 1541321)

2006-08-22 11:42 VZ, revision 40743

mention wxPathList change

2006-08-22 11:19 VZ, revision 40742

add round trip wxTextCtrl::Get/SetValue() test

2006-08-22 11:05 VZ, revision 40741

don't force UTF-8 encoding to ISO-8859-1 for GTK+ 2, it may have been necessary for GTK+ 1 but definitely not 2

2006-08-22 10:32 VZ, revision 40740

use size of wxNORMAL_FONT instead of hard coded 12 points

2006-08-22 10:29 VZ, revision 40739

added "set encoding" menu item

2006-08-22 10:07 VZ, revision 40738

allow entering font description string interactively

2006-08-22 08:01 AVV, revision 40737

Reversed wrong file commited

2006-08-22 08:00 AVV, revision 40736

Cleaned and improved the X11 implementation, to be used as base for wxSocketBaseLoop

2006-08-22 03:08 PC, revision 40735

use wxModule to ensure proper initialization order for wxStockGDIMac

2006-08-21 23:13 RR, revision 40734

Don't emit bogus size events if a child window is inserted into a frame or dialog. I don't know why I wrote that non-sense back then, but wxMSW doesn't do it either.

2006-08-21 18:44 RD, revision 40733

Added wx.lib.combotreebox from Frank Niessink

2006-08-21 18:44 , revision 40732

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'WX_2_6_BRANCH'.

2006-08-21 18:32 RD, revision 40731

Added wx.lib.combotreebox from Frank Niessink

2006-08-21 18:30 RD, revision 40730

Move CanSetTransparent and SetTransparent up to wxWindowBase since wxMac can handle transparency at that level.

2006-08-21 18:28 RD, revision 40729

Adapt to some wxDC methods becoming protected

2006-08-21 18:27 RD, revision 40728

Make it possible to tell wxXmlResource which domain to pull translatable strings from. Make the wxLocale::GetString methods virtual so they can be overridden in derived classes.

2006-08-21 17:32 RD, revision 40727

fix label

2006-08-21 17:32 RD, revision 40726

Added test of using CalendarDateAttr

2006-08-21 17:12 RD, revision 40725

Add ImageFromBuffer

2006-08-21 17:12 RD, revision 40724

fix label

2006-08-21 17:11 RD, revision 40723

Change Miki's email address

2006-08-21 17:07 RD, revision 40722

Recognize the numpad cursor keys too

2006-08-21 16:48 RD, revision 40721

Recognize the numpad cursor keys too

2006-08-21 15:57 SC, revision 40720

still overriding the escape key

2006-08-21 15:17 AVV, revision 40719

Unified GSocketGUIFunctionsTable duplicated code, keeping the platform-specific code to a bare minimum on the callback files.

2006-08-21 14:41 SC, revision 40718

removing unneeded event table

2006-08-21 14:15 RR, revision 40717

Fix same compilation again, I guess 0 was meant to initialize the wxTreeItemId to nothing.

2006-08-21 14:12 RR, revision 40716

Fix compilation under MSW with GCC cross.

2006-08-21 14:10 AVV, revision 40715

Fix mac compilation

2006-08-21 14:05 AVV, revision 40714

Fix windows compilation

2006-08-21 13:49 AVV, revision 40713

Changes to start unification of callback code, probably breaking mac/windows till I test compilation

2006-08-21 12:33 DMS, revision 40712

Added basic RTL support to wxGTK menus and widgets are working, sizers not yet

2006-08-21 12:15 AVV, revision 40711

wxX11 sockets updated to the new callback interface. This also fixes a serious but on wxX11 sockets: the iteration of the socket event loop could crash if the socket callback happens to remove both events, hence removing the socket from the hash list while the list is being processed. Fixed now by lookup of the next item before the callback of the corrent one is processed.

2006-08-20 22:24 VZ, revision 40710

added stock menu items support

2006-08-20 16:32 SN, revision 40709

Added stub for wxIsPlatform64Bit.

2006-08-20 14:02 VZ, revision 40708

don't use dynamic handlers for standard buttons as this prevents static event handlers in derived classes from working; just catch all button events in a static handler instead

2006-08-20 13:29 SN, revision 40707

Removed event table as these things are now handled by wxDialogBase.

2006-08-20 12:14 VZ, revision 40706

create status bar to see wxLogStatus messages

2006-08-20 11:04 VZ, revision 40705

removed unneeded cast to wxWindowDC in DrawItemSelectionRect()

2006-08-20 10:54 VZ, revision 40704

connect the affirmative/cancel button handlers to new ids, not old ones

2006-08-20 10:52 VZ, revision 40703

set wxID_CLOSE as affirmative id, not cancel id, this makes more sense for this dialog even if the effect is the same

2006-08-20 10:39 VZ, revision 40702

map Esc to GetAffirmativeId() instead of hardcoded wxID_OK when escape id is wxID_ANY

2006-08-20 10:38 VZ, revision 40701

updates for wxDialog affirmative/escape id buttons handling changes

2006-08-20 10:30 VZ, revision 40700

handle the buttons with ids specified in SetAffirmative/CancelId() as Ok/Cancel

2006-08-20 09:44 MBN, revision 40699

Allow building when WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is defined.

2006-08-20 05:09 RD, revision 40698

Updates from Eli

2006-08-20 04:55 AVV, revision 40697

Fair enough warning on proxy negociation timeout

2006-08-20 04:49 RD, revision 40696

Change Miki's email address

2006-08-20 04:46 RD, revision 40695

Add dtor for wxCalendarDateAttr

2006-08-20 04:24 AVV, revision 40694

Document wxSocketClient::SetProxy and wxSocketClient::GetProxyError

2006-08-20 04:20 RD, revision 40693

Various updates

2006-08-20 04:19 RD, revision 40692

Add ImageFromBuffer

2006-08-19 23:21 VZ, revision 40691

don't use deprecated wxStripMenuCodes overload

2006-08-19 23:19 VZ, revision 40690

don't use the hack with handling wxID_CLOSE button events in wxDialog::OnCancel(); simply map Esc to wxID_CLOSE instead

2006-08-19 23:17 VZ, revision 40689

tidy up configure output, don't show gnomeprint/vfs/hildon for non-GTK ports

2006-08-19 23:04 VZ, revision 40688

don't call base class OnOk() directly, use EndDialog() instead

2006-08-19 22:56 VZ, revision 40687

moved all wxDialog event handlers to wxDialogBase to avoid code duplication (sixplication?) among ports; as a side effect added public wxDialog methods to wxDialogBase as well and moved EndDialog() (previously implemented by wxMSW, wxMotif, wxMac and wxCocoa but not the other ports) to wxDialogBase too

2006-08-19 22:36 VZ, revision 40686

centralized Esc key handling for closing the dialogs in wxDialogBase: 1. added wxDialogBase::OnCharHook() and removed this event handler from all the other ports 2. also removed ad hoc code doing the same thing in wxMSW (MSWProcessMessage() override in wxDialog) and wxGTK (in gtk_window_key_press_callback()) 3. reimplemented EmulateButtonClickIfPresent() portably and also moved it to wxDialogBase from wxMSW wxDialog

2006-08-19 22:21 PC, revision 40685

use wxChar* instead of wxString for string constants, cuts object size by ~1200 bytes

2006-08-19 22:17 VZ, revision 40684

compilation fix after wxPlatformInfo patch: use wxOS_WINDOWS_CE instead of wxWinPocketPC

2006-08-19 21:48 VZ, revision 40683

removed #ifdef wxTopLevelWindowNative -- it's now defined for all ports

2006-08-19 21:30 PC, revision 40682

simplify coordinate transformation code

2006-08-19 21:28 PC, revision 40681

configure test for round

2006-08-19 21:16 RD, revision 40680

Patch #1540143 Add optional labelwidths to filebrowsebutton

2006-08-19 19:22 RD, revision 40679

Use global font and pen to reduce GDI objects created. Patch #1540457

2006-08-19 16:29 AVV, revision 40678

Set proxy error to -1 if there was any non-proxy-related network error

2006-08-19 16:23 AVV, revision 40677

Add proxy error retrieval

2006-08-19 16:14 AVV, revision 40676

Add proxy error retrieval

2006-08-19 15:54 AVV, revision 40675

HTTP proxy implementation

2006-08-19 14:43 AVV, revision 40674

Small fix to auth types info

2006-08-19 14:28 AVV, revision 40673

commiting SOCKS5 code to test endianness

2006-08-19 14:17 VZ, revision 40672

update the item width when making it bold, otherwise the selection highlight was too small after an item was made bold (and too big after it was reset to normal)

2006-08-19 12:27 AVV, revision 40671

Better endiannes handling

2006-08-19 12:10 AVV, revision 40670

SOCKS4a endianness fix

2006-08-19 12:02 AVV, revision 40669

Commiting the SOCKS4/4a proxy code to be tested on big endian arch

2006-08-19 11:00 AVV, revision 40668

Fix for duplicated lost events (ooops)

2006-08-19 10:53 VZ, revision 40667

refactoring/simplification of code dealing with scrollbars and their events

2006-08-19 10:05 VZ, revision 40666

ScrollLines() didn't use correct step_increment, so e.g. wxTextCtrl scrolled in tiny steps instead of by lines

2006-08-19 08:45 JS, revision 40665

Shouldn't need to repeat the extern

2006-08-19 08:44 JS, revision 40664

Compile fixes

2006-08-19 08:40 JS, revision 40663

Added missing include

2006-08-18 20:56 JS, revision 40662

wxFileName size patch

2006-08-18 17:50 MW, revision 40661

Missing exports.

2006-08-18 17:06 PC, revision 40660

code simplification and cleanup

2006-08-18 15:30 JS, revision 40659

Applied patch [ 1531615 ] size support for wxFileName

2006-08-18 15:27 JS, revision 40658

Corrected VC++ compilo (not yet tested)

2006-08-18 08:05 CE, revision 40657

add #if wxUSE_AUI to get VC6 with no wxUSE_AUI to compile

2006-08-17 22:57 MW, revision 40656

Crash fix from Tim Kosse.

2006-08-17 18:48 PC, revision 40655

remove Win32S-specific code

2006-08-17 16:08 VS, revision 40654

avoid calling wxSystemSettings::GetMetric() from wxIconBundle::GetIcon() unless the returned value is really needed to choose from >1 icons

2006-08-17 03:02 PC, revision 40653

build fixes

2006-08-16 20:35 MW, revision 40652

Regereate after updating the m4 macros.

2006-08-16 19:58 , revision 40651

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'GST_0_8_9'.

2006-08-16 19:56 MW, revision 40649

Bring through upstream version tagged SDL_1_2_11.

2006-08-16 19:54 , revision 40648

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'SDL_1_2_11'.

2006-08-16 19:54 MW, revision 40647

Import sdl.m4 from SDL v1.2.11

2006-08-16 19:51 MW, revision 40646

Bring through upstream version tagged PKGCONF_0_20.

2006-08-16 19:42 , revision 40645

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'PKGCONF_0_20'.

2006-08-16 19:42 MW, revision 40644

Import pkg.m4 from pkg-config 0.20

2006-08-16 19:39 , revision 40643

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'GTK_2_6_4'.

2006-08-16 19:34 , revision 40641

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'GTK_1_2_10'.

2006-08-16 19:34 MW, revision 40640

Import gtk.m4 from gtk+ 1.2.10.

2006-08-16 19:31 MW, revision 40639

Allow unknown generic unix systems.

2006-08-16 19:25 , revision 40638

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'BKFILE_2006_08_10'.

2006-08-16 19:25 MW, revision 40637

Import bakefile-lang.m4 and bakefile.m4 from bakefile SVN 2006-08-10.

2006-08-16 19:21 MW, revision 40636

Display 'no' when the test fails and correct quoting.

2006-08-16 19:15 , revision 40635

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'CPPUNIT_1_10_2'.

2006-08-16 19:15 MW, revision 40634

Import cppunit.m4 from cppunit 1.10.2.

2006-08-16 19:06 MW, revision 40633

Bring upstream version tagged ACARC_2006_07_16 through from vendor branch.

2006-08-16 18:55 , revision 40632

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'ACARC_2006_07_16'.

2006-08-16 17:18 VS, revision 40630

wxPlatformInfo::IsUsingUniversalWidgets() was broken by design, it couldn't work in wxBase shared by 2+ wxCores; fixed by making it non-static and moving its implementation back to wxAppTraits (where its equivalent used to be) and making small API changes implied by that

2006-08-16 16:27 PC, revision 40629

revert last change

2006-08-16 16:17 VS, revision 40628

fixed syntax errors (incorrect use of _)

2006-08-16 15:42 VS, revision 40627

documented wxAppTraits::GetPlatformInfo doesn't exist, removed

2006-08-16 14:53 VS, revision 40626

moved IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxGDIObject,wxObject) line to gdicmn.cpp so that we don't have to have several identical gdiobj.cpp files containing only it

2006-08-16 12:21 MW, revision 40625

Declarations missing from VC++ 5

2006-08-16 12:17 MW, revision 40624

Avoid warnings from VC++ 5.0

2006-08-16 10:31 VS, revision 40623

warning fix for !wxUSE_FONTMAP

2006-08-16 09:01 SN, revision 40622

Build fix.

2006-08-16 06:50 PC, revision 40621

(blind) build fix

2006-08-15 18:02 VZ, revision 40620

Intel compilation fix (patch 1540790)

2006-08-15 18:00 CE, revision 40619

Borland compiler does not like a variable called except

2006-08-15 16:35 PC, revision 40618

build fix: don't use compatibility names in wx code

2006-08-15 13:10 VZ, revision 40617
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/gtk/makewxgtk
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/mac/makewxmac
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/motif/makewxmotif
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/x11/makewxx11

removed obsolete build files which are likely to confuse more than help people now

2006-08-15 13:02 VZ, revision 40616

clarify LeftIsDown() description

2006-08-15 12:59 VZ, revision 40615

resolve IsWow64Process() dynamically; don't rely on its declaration being present in the headers

2006-08-15 08:32 AVV, revision 40614

Fixes GSOCK_INPUT being incorrectly posted instead of GSOCK_LOST when the remote peer has done a graceful shutdown. MSW does NOT have this problem, as they have FD_CLOSE instead of firing an input event.

2006-08-15 06:26 SC, revision 40613

making sure the hint window does not have a (white) titlebar

2006-08-15 03:16 PC, revision 40612

non-pch build fix

2006-08-15 03:16 PC, revision 40611

needs wx/string.h to compile independently

2006-08-14 23:34 AVV, revision 40610

This (old) (internal) function is not used anymore, so remove

2006-08-14 22:34 VZ, revision 40609

don't execute code unnecessarily/twice (patch 1539690)

2006-08-14 21:58 AMB, revision 40608

Fix unicode build on UNIX operating systems

2006-08-14 06:26 PC, revision 40607

Combine two wxImage-to-pixmap creation functions into one. Use consistent method for creating mono bitmap in wxBitmap and wxMask.

2006-08-14 00:38 VZ, revision 40606

disable positional printf params for now as there are problems with our vsnprintf() version

2006-08-13 22:43 VZ, revision 40605

wxGetOsVersion() compilation andl inking fixes for wxMac

2006-08-13 22:39 VZ, revision 40604

removed code for non-compositing case to fix the compilation after recent commits

2006-08-13 22:36 VZ, revision 40603

compilation fixes after recent wxFontEnumerator changes in USE_NATIVE_FONT_DIALOG_FOR_MACOSX == 0 case

2006-08-13 21:12 VZ, revision 40602

corrected signed/unsigned comparison warnings

2006-08-13 21:10 VZ, revision 40601

regenerated after adding platinfo.{h|cpp}

2006-08-13 21:04 VZ, revision 40600

remove extraneous commas and semicolons (patch 1537792)

2006-08-13 21:00 VZ, revision 40599

wxPlatformInfo (patch 1532064)

2006-08-13 20:30 VZ, revision 40598

fix printf() argument type in GetOsInfo()

2006-08-13 12:12 CE, revision 40597

fix borland error about string refernce

2006-08-13 05:56 PC, revision 40596

wxBitmap does not need to use gdk_wx_draw_bitmap

2006-08-13 05:12 PC, revision 40595

more accurate mask creation for low color displays

2006-08-13 04:03 AVV, revision 40594

Fixed PORT command on wxFTP. Closes 1219870

2006-08-13 03:56 AVV, revision 40593

Fixes HTTP download of zero-size files. Closes 1502144

2006-08-13 03:55 AVV, revision 40592

Fixes wrong HTTP POST data sent due to unicode issues. Closes 1428232

2006-08-13 01:25 VZ, revision 40591

fixed crash if the control is moved while the popup is open (backport of patch 1539194)

2006-08-13 01:24 VZ, revision 40590

fixed crash if the control is moved while the popup is open (patch 1539194)

2006-08-13 01:22 VZ, revision 40589

fixes for several fatal problems when using wxComboCtrl as popup (patch 1539124)

2006-08-13 01:20 VZ, revision 40588

corrected example of GetUserConfigDir() return value under Windows (patch 1538788)

2006-08-13 01:17 VZ, revision 40587

remove extraneous commas and semicolons (patch 1537792)

2006-08-13 01:15 VZ, revision 40586

fixed SetSelection(-1) for controls with multiple selection (backport of patch 1537282)

2006-08-13 01:13 VZ, revision 40585

fixed SetSelection(-1) for controls with multiple selection (patch 1537282)

2006-08-13 01:08 VZ, revision 40584

don't rely on system snprintf() for the tests (patch 1532503)

2006-08-13 01:07 VZ, revision 40583


2006-08-13 01:05 VZ, revision 40582

fixed wrong test (patch 1532411)

2006-08-13 00:44 VZ, revision 40581

added wxULongLong::ToDouble() (patch 1531597)

2006-08-13 00:41 VZ, revision 40580

F4 key also toggles combobox popup under MSW

2006-08-13 00:35 VZ, revision 40579

better key handling for MSW and GTK (patch 1526666)

2006-08-13 00:23 VZ, revision 40578

added wxDir::FindFirst() (modified patch 1525502)

2006-08-13 00:08 VZ, revision 40577

don't use wxYield (fixes some crashes due to reentrancies, patch 1518119)

2006-08-12 23:54 AVV, revision 40576

Fixes crash when using LastError on an uninit or destroyed socket, return wxSOCKET_INVSOCK, closes 694436

2006-08-12 21:39 PC, revision 40575

use GDK to convert pixmap to RGB for wxImage

2006-08-12 12:11 MW, revision 40574

Test feeding corrupt archives to the input streams.

2006-08-12 12:08 MW, revision 40573

Fix handling of corrupt archives

2006-08-11 19:57 SC, revision 40572

adding support for embedded controls in native toolbar

2006-08-11 17:34 PC, revision 40571

change deprecated gdk_image_get to gdk_drawable_get_image

2006-08-11 12:17 VS, revision 40570

compilation fix for compilation w/o precompiled headers

2006-08-11 05:14 PC, revision 40569

code simplification and minor cleanup

2006-08-11 04:41 SC, revision 40568

compilo introduced fixed

2006-08-11 04:39 SC, revision 40567

removing non-compositing code, adding individual transparency

2006-08-11 04:32 SC, revision 40566

fix for 64 bit

2006-08-11 04:31 SC, revision 40565

removing code for pre 10.3 systems

2006-08-11 04:29 SC, revision 40564

we're always compositing

2006-08-11 04:28 SC, revision 40563

fixing compilo for 10.5

2006-08-11 04:26 SC, revision 40562

committing the code for resolution independence (turned off)

2006-08-11 04:23 SC, revision 40561

we are always compositing on the supported OS versions

2006-08-11 04:17 SC, revision 40560

we are always compositing on the supported OS versions

2006-08-11 04:04 SC, revision 40559

we are always compositing on the supported OS versions, add transparency for individual controls

2006-08-11 04:01 SC, revision 40558

we are always compositing on the supported OS versions

2006-08-10 20:16 VS, revision 40557

moved duplicated wxRegionContain definitions to wx/region.h

2006-08-10 19:56 VZ, revision 40556

compilation fix: remove wxRegionContain enum which is now defined in wx/region.h itself

2006-08-10 18:41 PC, revision 40555

revert unintended checkin of experimental change to Rescale()

2006-08-10 16:04 PC, revision 40554

avoid using deprecated gdk_image_new_bitmap()

2006-08-10 15:46 VZ, revision 40553

removed wxHtmlWindow::m_Style which duplicated wxWindow::m_windowStyle and prevented changeing wxHW_XXX window style after Create() from working

2006-08-10 15:42 VZ, revision 40552

move the logic for changing notebook pages using the standard Ctrl-Tab/PageUp/Dn keys even when focus is outside of the notebook to wxControlContainer from wxTopLevelWindowMSW to allow it work for notebooks whose parent is not a TLW (as a side effect, this now also works in all ports although I don't really know how desirable this is)

2006-08-10 14:26 VS, revision 40551

moved duplicated wxRegionContain definitions to wx/region.h

2006-08-10 13:53 VS, revision 40550

compilation fix for compilation w/o precompiled headers

2006-08-10 13:38 MW, revision 40549

Add parameter to the --enable-universal_binary option for the path to the SDK.

2006-08-10 12:51 JS, revision 40548

Need include so user code can access book control

2006-08-10 12:43 JS, revision 40547

Need include so user code can access book control

2006-08-10 11:16 VS, revision 40546

moved mgl/colour.{cpp,h} to generic so that it can be reused by other ports without native colour representation

2006-08-10 10:09 VS, revision 40545

check that wxUniv is enabled when compiling for wxMGL

2006-08-10 05:31 SC, revision 40544

using newer API

2006-08-10 04:05 KO, revision 40543

Adding technotes about the release system and about adding apps/screenshots to the front page

2006-08-10 00:45 VZ, revision 40542

empty spin range is valid and even useful (at least for testing purposes)

2006-08-10 00:44 VZ, revision 40541

fixes for SetRange(): ensure that the value is valid for the new range; update the visible state of the spin arrows when range becomes [in]valid

2006-08-10 00:43 VZ, revision 40540

added NormalizeValue() which can be used to ensure that the control value is in range

2006-08-10 00:14 VZ, revision 40539

Added wxID_PAGE_SETUP standard id

2006-08-10 00:13 VZ, revision 40538

do mention AUI in change log

2006-08-09 21:38 RD, revision 40537

Remove wxColour* typemap, it causes more problems than it solves.

2006-08-09 21:23 VZ, revision 40536

invalid size is (size_t)-1, not 0xffffffff; stream returned by GetInputstream() must be destroyed while wxHTTP object is still alive; some English corrections

2006-08-09 18:54 RD, revision 40535

Change def of WX_LINGUAS so it works on OS X.

2006-08-09 18:50 RD, revision 40534

Add typemaps for wxColour*

2006-08-09 18:50 RD, revision 40533

Add wx.Rect.InsideRect

2006-08-09 18:49 RD, revision 40532


2006-08-09 17:59 VS, revision 40531

moved wxIcon implementation for ports where it's identical to wxBitmap to generic/icon.{cpp,h} so that the same code is not duplicated several times

2006-08-09 11:18 MW, revision 40530

Detect and use sys/select.h required by POSIX for select

2006-08-09 08:43 CE, revision 40529

update to 2.7.1-rc

2006-08-09 05:21 SC, revision 40528

fixing dynamic build

2006-08-09 05:19 SC, revision 40527

adding new files

2006-08-09 05:09 SC, revision 40526

fixing code for shared mach-o builds (removing no-ops)

2006-08-09 05:07 SC, revision 40525

simplifying alpha, adding commented part for high-res screens

2006-08-09 00:14 SC, revision 40524

fixing y-transformations

2006-08-08 16:37 VS, revision 40523

fixed SetBackground's argument check

2006-08-08 15:11 VS, revision 40522

fixed gcc warnings about wrong format string

2006-08-08 14:21 VS, revision 40521

added wxRect::Inside(wxRect) for testing if a rectangle is completely within another rectangle

2006-08-08 13:48 VS, revision 40520

1. made wxImage compile with wxUSE_STREAMS but without wxUSE_FILE 2. changed to work with wxFFile*Streams if wxUSE_FILE=0 and wxUSE_FFILE=1

2006-08-08 13:11 VS, revision 40519

wxPipeInputStream depends on wxFile, use wxUSE_FILE

2006-08-08 13:06 VS, revision 40518

wxPipeInputStream depends on wxFile, use wxUSE_FILE

2006-08-08 12:28 , revision 40517
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatedll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/animate/animate_animatelib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/fl/fl_fldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/fl/fl_fllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/net/netutils.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogldll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/ogl/ogl_ogllib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/stc/stc_stcdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/stc/stc_stclib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/svg/svg_svgdll.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/contrib/build/svg/svg_svglib.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/demos/dbbrowse/makefile.gtk
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/distrib
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/include/wx/timer.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/lib/dummy
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/grid/bitmap1.bmp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/internat/internat.rc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/internat/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/internat/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/layout/expt.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/layout/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/mdi/chart.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/mdi/makefile.vms
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/mdi/mondrian.ico
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/png/pngdemo.rc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/resource
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/splitter/mondrian.ico
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/tab
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/samples/treectrl/treetest.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/aclocal.m4
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/expat.dsp
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/dosconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/expat.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/internal.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/macconfig.h
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/os2config.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/winconfig.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/xmlparse.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/xmlrole.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/expat/lib/xmltok.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk/verti.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk1/bdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk1/cdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk1/cross.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk1/fdiag.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk1/horiz.xbm
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/gtk1/verti.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/html/htmlhelp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/html/search.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/.cvsignore
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/ANNOUNCE
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/ansi2knr.1
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/ansi2knr.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/CHANGES
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/configure
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/example.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/INSTALL
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/KNOWNBUG
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/LICENSE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/libpng.3
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/libpng.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/libpngpf.3
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/MAKEFILE.VA
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/makefile.unx
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/png.5
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/png.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/png.dsp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/png.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngasmrd.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngconf.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngerror.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pnggccrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngget.c
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngM8.xml
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngmem.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngpread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngread.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngrio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngrtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngrutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngset.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngtest.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngtrans.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngvcrd.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngwio.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngwrite.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngwtran.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/pngwutil.c
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/projects/beos
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/projects/beos/x86-shared.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/projects/beos/x86-static.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/projects/borland
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/projects/msvc
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/README
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/scripts/makefile.bd32
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/scripts/makefile.sgi
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/scripts/pngdef.pas
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/TODO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/png/Y2KINFO
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/regex/regfronts.c
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/unix/net.cpp
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/algorithm.txt
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/crc32.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/FAQ
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/INDEX
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/inflate.h
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/README
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/src/zlib/trees.h
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/utils/HelpGen/helpgen.dsp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/utils/HelpGen/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/utils/HelpGen/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/utils/HelpGen/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/utils/HelpGen/makefile.wat
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_7_0/utils/wxprop

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'WX_2_7_0'.

2006-08-08 12:28 VZ, revision 40516

removed odbc sample

2006-08-08 12:09 VZ, revision 40515

removed mentions of richedit sample

2006-08-08 10:59 CE, revision 40514

bakefile needs the spec file...

2006-08-08 10:15 VS, revision 40513

safer GetFeature implementation: assert on unknown feature

2006-08-08 01:20 AVV, revision 40512

Fixes compilation on systems where time.h is not included from types.h, MacOS 10.3 being an example

2006-08-08 01:02 AVV, revision 40511

Making sure the next person cleaning this code deosn't remove the (char*) added in the previous commit.

2006-08-07 23:50 AVV, revision 40510

Turns out some gethostbyaddr versions expect a char* instead of void*. Cast doens't hurt here as the void* will take a char* anyway. Annoying tho.

2006-08-07 23:19 AVV, revision 40509

Fix Mac compilation

2006-08-07 22:37 VZ, revision 40508

removed mentions of the (non-existing any more) resource and tab samples

2006-08-07 21:13 VZ, revision 40507

updated docs after moving SetDefaultItem() from wxPanel to wxTLW

2006-08-07 19:28 VZ, revision 40506

corrected auidemo.dsp name

2006-08-07 18:20 RD, revision 40505

Change Fit() back to using SetSize, not SetClientSize.

2006-08-07 16:34 VZ, revision 40504

added samples/combo/*.png and samples/internat/ja_JP.EUC-JP/*

2006-08-07 13:57 VZ, revision 40503

mention wxAUI

2006-08-07 13:49 VZ, revision 40502

include wxGTK1 files in wxAll too

2006-08-07 13:41 VZ, revision 40501

include docs sources files in wxAll distrib

2006-08-06 23:38 VZ, revision 40500

clarify GNOME files policy

2006-08-06 23:07 VZ, revision 40499

added GNOME Files link

2006-08-06 22:46 VZ, revision 40498

GNOME software map doesn't exist any more, removed; corrected Freshmeat link

2006-08-06 22:00 SN, revision 40497

Fixed (?) problem in region handling which caused major redraw problems.

2006-08-06 21:57 VZ, revision 40496

changes since 2.6, not 2.4

2006-08-06 21:45 RD, revision 40495

Add some text about potential incompatibilites with 2.7.x releases

2006-08-06 15:07 VZ, revision 40494

2.7.0 release version

2006-08-06 14:30 VZ, revision 40493

add paths to wxBase libs to dh_shlibdeps invocation

2006-08-06 14:12 VZ, revision 40492

python-wxtools doesn't have any shared libraries dependencies (fixes dh_gencontrol warning)

2006-08-06 13:50 VZ, revision 40491

added missing unicode_suffix's to more packages

2006-08-06 12:56 VZ, revision 40490

unified wxFRAME_EX_CONTEXTHELP and wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP in a single wxWS_EX_CONTEXTHELP and changed its value to avoid conflict with wxWS_EX_TRANSIENT (this resulted in all progress dialogs having useless context help button in their title bar)

2006-08-06 04:46 AVV, revision 40489

Backporting from my SoC branch, fix for remotely closed sockets firing input events till destroyed or closed locally.

2006-08-06 02:23 RD, revision 40488

Avoid assert that was hidden by IsStandard bug. Backport from HEAD.

2006-08-06 01:18 RD, revision 40487

Give timers a generated ID if wxID_ANY is passed

2006-08-05 23:15 VZ, revision 40486

include bakefile presets in wx-common

2006-08-05 16:14 VZ, revision 40485

removed mentions of wxWINE.spec

2006-08-05 16:10 VZ, revision 40484

2.7.0 update

2006-08-05 16:09 VZ, revision 40483

put wx-dev as (temporary?) maintainer

2006-08-05 15:25 VZ, revision 40482

filled in the announcement text TODO

2006-08-05 15:24 VZ, revision 40481

updated version to 2.70.; corrected URLs and updated change log in the announcement text

2006-08-05 14:58 VZ, revision 40480

minor updates to configure and rpm build steps; link to deb docs

2006-08-05 14:57 VZ, revision 40479

uncommented Build-Requires (accidentally checked in)

2006-08-05 14:48 VZ, revision 40478

remove wx-config link created as part of make install, it shouldn't be included in the package as the link is created by postinst script

2006-08-05 14:46 VZ, revision 40477

added new headers missing from wxGTK headers list

2006-08-05 14:44 VZ, revision 40476

added aui and richtext libs

2006-08-05 14:34 VZ, revision 40475

install static contrib libraries too

2006-08-05 14:29 VZ, revision 40474

added static libs for all contrib libraries

2006-08-05 14:25 VZ, revision 40473

there is no static mmedia lib

2006-08-05 14:17 VZ, revision 40472

contrib lib is called mmedia, not media

2006-08-05 13:34 VZ, revision 40471

added back .mo files (we do have a separate package for them after all); added bakefile presets

2006-08-05 13:31 VZ, revision 40470

don't build wxBase separately here, this is probably an artefact of monolithic build system

2006-08-05 13:24 VZ, revision 40469

test for sys/soundcard.h was failing because of missing sys/ioctl.h

2006-08-05 13:09 VZ, revision 40468

i18n files are installed as part of wxBase (and should be ideally part of separate package), they don't belong here

2006-08-05 13:05 VZ, revision 40467

make prefix /usr by default, not /opt/gnome

2006-08-05 13:04 VZ, revision 40466

use .tar.bz2, not .tar.gz

2006-08-05 12:57 VS, revision 40465

reformatted DEFINE_STD_WXCOLOUR_CONSTRUCTORS definition to fit on standard terminal

2006-08-05 00:50 MR, revision 40464

Warning fix.

2006-08-05 00:50 MR, revision 40463

Mark event parameter as unused, as it is unused.

2006-08-04 23:30 VZ, revision 40462

convert wx-config link created by make install to use relative path, otherwise rpm creation fails

2006-08-04 23:14 VZ, revision 40461

make message catalogs before installing them

2006-08-04 23:09 VZ, revision 40460

install locale files as part of wxBase; name directory created by BASE_DIST wxBase-x.y and not wxGTK-x.y

2006-08-04 22:47 VZ, revision 40459

add some more files to fix rpmbuild errors (parts of patch 1533296)

2006-08-04 22:42 VZ, revision 40458
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxGTK_RR.spec

we really, really, really don't need 2 spec files for wxGTK, we need just one of them that works

2006-08-04 22:40 VZ, revision 40457

update spec files version

2006-08-04 22:38 VZ, revision 40456
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/wxWINE.spec

removing spec file which last worked 7 years ago, if ever

2006-08-04 22:32 VZ, revision 40455

ListLoaded() fixes for 64 bit archs

2006-08-04 22:17 VZ, revision 40454

device numbers in /proc/pid/maps are in hexadecimal, not decimal