

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-08-09 19:27 SC, revision 77036

removing code for pre 10.6 systems

2014-08-09 19:20 SC, revision 77035

removing code for pre 10.6 systems

2014-08-09 19:07 SC, revision 77034

removing code for pre 10.6 systems

2014-08-09 19:02 SC, revision 77033

removing code for pre 10.6 systems

2014-08-09 18:18 SC, revision 77032

fixing background style

2014-08-09 18:14 SC, revision 77031

using common implementation avoiding out-of-order redraws

2014-08-09 17:50 VZ, revision 77030

Fix markup on the preprocessor symbols documentation page. Due to an apparent bug in Doxygen 1.8.2 (the version currently used for the online documentation generation), using "@c __FOO__" not only renders __FOO__ in fixed width font, but also makes it bold (due to bad interaction with Markdown support?), so use <tt>__FOO__</tt> instead to work around this. And in one case, escape underscores explicitly (in __VISUALC7__) as they were still interpreted, even inside <tt>.

2014-08-09 16:21 VZ, revision 77029

Remove dynamic loading of GDI functions from wxMSW wxDC code. All of these functions (AlphaBlend(), SetLayout(), SetWorldTransform(), ...) are available in XP which is the minimally required version.

2014-08-09 16:21 VZ, revision 77028

Fix wxDC::DrawRectangle() when using RTL in wxMSW. Extend the correct edge of the rectangle (always the physical right, not the logical right) to fix off by one errors in RTL mode, affecting notably wxGrid. See #16250.

2014-08-09 16:07 VZ, revision 77027

Fix wxDC::DrawRectangle() when using RTL in wxMSW. Extend the correct edge of the rectangle (always the physical right, not the logical right) to fix off by one errors in RTL mode, affecting notably wxGrid. See #16250.

2014-08-08 22:37 PC, revision 77026

fix running on GTK < 2.10 when built with later, broken in r72935

2014-08-08 09:13 AW, revision 77025

Remove temporary fix for drawing check box in the wxPG edit mode with RTL layout Since the issue is fixed (r77020) this hack is no longer necessary (see #16254).

2014-08-08 03:46 VZ, revision 77024

wxOSX compilation fix after the last commit. Add the missing wx/time.h header required for using wxGetLocalTimeMillis(). Also add WXUNUSED() around the unused parameters of DrawGauge(). See #16406.

2014-08-08 03:03 VZ, revision 77023

Add wxRendererNative::DrawGauge() method. Add the method with the native implementations for MSW and OS X and a generic version fallback. Closes #16406.

2014-08-07 23:07 VZ, revision 77022

Fix drawing on wxDC when using right-to-left layout in wxMSW. Avoid integer overflow when setting wxDC scale. This affected (i.e. broke) drawing in RTL but probably not only that. Closes #16254.

2014-08-07 23:06 VZ, revision 77021
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/wx_vc10_wx_setup.props
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/wx_vc11_wx_setup.props
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/wx_vc12_wx_setup.props

Remove the files remaining from project-specific MSVS solutions. These files are not used any more since r77008, there is only wx_setup.props now.

2014-08-07 23:03 VZ, revision 77020

Fix drawing on wxDC when using right-to-left layout in wxMSW. Avoid integer overflow when setting wxDC scale. This affected (i.e. broke) drawing in RTL but probably not only that. Closes #16254.

2014-08-07 23:03 VZ, revision 77019

Add wxGCD() helper function. It is needed in wxMSW code and it looks like it could be useful to the library users, so make it public. See #16254.

2014-08-07 01:31 VZ, revision 77018

Allow requesting core OpenGL profile and explicit OpenGL version. Add WX_GL_CORE_PROFILE and WX_GL_{MAJOR,MINOR}_VERSION attributes which can be used to use modern OpenGL with wxGLCanvas. Closes #16402.

2014-08-07 01:28 AW, revision 77017

Remove unnecessary assertion in wxPGProperty::GetChoiceSelection

2014-08-07 01:01 VZ, revision 77016

Don't document wxFileType::GetIcon() as unimplemented under OS X. It is implemented and supposed to work. See #4562.

2014-08-07 00:59 VZ, revision 77015

Don't document wxFileType::GetIcon() as unimplemented under OS X. It is implemented and supposed to work. See #4562.

2014-08-06 16:57 TIK, revision 77014

Call wxWindow::Navigate when handling the tab key in wxAuiTabCtrl. This fixes tabbing on wxGTK where it was not possible to tab out of the wxAuiNotebook anymore.

2014-08-06 16:53 TIK, revision 77013

Call wxWindow::Navigate when handling the tab key in wxAuiTabCtrl. This fixes tabbing on wxGTK where it was not possible to tab out of the wxAuiNotebook anymore.

2014-08-06 15:34 AW, revision 77012

Fix wxPGProperty::InsertChoice Take into account that wxPGProperty::GetChoiceSelection can return either 0 (for wxEnumProperty) or -1 (for other properties) if choice value list is empty and initialize new selection index properly. See #16401.

2014-08-06 15:26 AW, revision 77011

Fix wxPGProperty::GetChoiceSelection Return the index of the integer choice item on the list instead of item value itself. See #16401.

2014-08-06 00:01 VZ, revision 77010

Add XRC handler for wxSimplebook. Similar to wxNotebook but even simpler as wxSimplebook doesn't use images. Also add wxSimplebook::Create() as the version inherited from wxBookCtrlBase didn't _quite_ work: we need to add wxBK_TOP style to prevent asserts due to unknown alignment in the base class when creating wxSimplebook.

2014-08-06 00:01 VZ, revision 77009

Remove wx/unix/execute.h from the master list of files too. This should have been part of r76683.

2014-08-06 00:01 VZ, revision 77008

Use the same project files for all MSBuild-based MSVS versions. Get rid of version-specific MSVS project files, we can reuse the same projects for all MSBuild-based versions, i.e. 2010, 2011 and 2013.

2014-08-06 00:00 VZ, revision 77007

Add XRC handler for wxSimplebook. Similar to wxNotebook but even simpler as wxSimplebook doesn't use images. Also add wxSimplebook::Create() as the version inherited from wxBookCtrlBase didn't _quite_ work: we need to add wxBK_TOP style to prevent asserts due to unknown alignment in the base class when creating wxSimplebook.

2014-08-06 00:00 VZ, revision 77006

No changes, just order sections in correctly. Put them in reverse chronological order, with the older (.0) at the bottom and the newest on the top.

2014-08-04 20:58 VZ, revision 77005

Take into account wxAnimationCtrl "animation" property in wxrc. The files used as the values of this property need to be included in the generated file too.

2014-08-04 20:56 VZ, revision 77004

Take into account wxAnimationCtrl "animation" property in wxrc. The files used as the values of this property need to be included in the generated file too.

2014-08-04 18:35 SC, revision 77003

forwarding printing calls to graphics context as well

2014-08-03 19:56 VZ, revision 77002

Add a more complete example of different controls variants in XRC. Add a dialog showing all the existing variants of a few common controls to allow seeing at a glance how do they look. See #16247.

2014-08-03 19:56 VZ, revision 77001

Show "hint" wxTextCtrl attribute in the xrc sample. Rearrange the contents of the wxTextCtrl page in two columns to make space for the new control. This should have been part of r76629 but was forgotten.

2014-08-03 19:55 VZ, revision 77000

Add a more complete example of different controls variants in XRC. Add a dialog showing all the existing variants of a few common controls to allow seeing at a glance how do they look. See #16247.

2014-08-03 19:55 VZ, revision 76999

Show "hint" wxTextCtrl attribute in the xrc sample. Rearrange the contents of the wxTextCtrl page in two columns to make space for the new control. This should have been part of r76628 but was forgotten.

2014-08-03 19:55 VZ, revision 76998

Really add "hint" property to wxTextCtrl XRC handler schema description. This was supposed to be done in r76628 but the property was mistakenly added to wxRichTextCtrl instead.

2014-08-03 19:10 VS, revision 76997

Add window variant support to XRC. Fixes #16247.

2014-08-03 19:10 VS, revision 76996

Add window variant support to XRC. Fixes #16247.

2014-08-03 17:50 VZ, revision 76995

Fix wxListCtrl sort callback signature in the test under Win64. Use wxIntPtr instead of long which is not big enough to hold a pointer in Win64 builds. Closes #4309.

2014-08-03 17:50 VZ, revision 76994

Fix wxListCtrl sort callback signature in the test under Win64. Use wxIntPtr instead of long which is not big enough to hold a pointer in Win64 builds. Closes #4309.

2014-08-03 17:22 AW, revision 76993

Add missing index initialization in one of wxEnumProperty ctor. In every wxEnumProperty ctor, initial index value of selected choice must be set to zero. See #16401.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76992

Fix window position calculation in wxMSW when using RTL. Just use the native ::MapWindowPoints() to do the coordinate transformation instead of doing it ourselves: we did it wrongly by inheriting the layout direction from wxTheApp instead of from the parent window, so fix this in the best possible way by not doing it at all and just relying on Windows to do it for us. In particular, this corrects the display of wxStatusBar in RTL frames. Closes #15031.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76991

Refresh the window when its layout direction changes in wxMSW. Rearrange the window children and/or redraw its contents when its layout direction changes. See #15031.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76990

Don't activate hidden buttons when Enter is pressed in wxMSW. The keyboard handling code could decide to activate a button which wasn't currently visible at all, e.g. because it was on a non-current, and hence hidden, page of a wxBookCtrl. This didn't make any sense, so check for the button visibility before activating it.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76989

Add wxDateTime::GetWeekBasedYear(). It was just added as a private function to implement %V format specifier support, just extract and document it as it could possibly be useful in its own right. See #11857.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76988

Add support for "%V" and "%G" to wxDateTime::Format(). This is useful for creating ISO 8601 week number based stamps. Closes #11857.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76987

Disable a harmless deprecation MSVC warning for wxNORMAL in a test. Explicitly disable the warning just for the code using wxNORMAL as the use of this deprecated constant can't be avoided in the code which tests for its support.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76986

Fix static initialization order problem in wxStopWatch under MSW. Don't rely on the static global gs_perfCounter being already initialized when wxStopWatch::DoStart() is called, this may not be the case if wxStopWatch variable is global. Work around this by wrapping the variable inside a function to ensure that it is initialized before being used.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76985

Update wxSlider background when its parent background changes in wxMSW. The native control doesn't redraw itself, so force it to do it from the overridden DoMSWControlColor() which is called every time the background colour might have changed. See #12271.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76984

Fix background of wxRadioBox buttons and wxSlider labels in wxMSW. Handle WM_CTLCOLOR correctly for them, this wasn't done before because the code assumed that sub-windows (i.e. HWNDs which belong to the same logical wx control) were always children of the main window, but they could also be its siblings (like in at least the two above mentioned cases). Account for this case in wxControl::DoMSWControlColor() too now. Closes #12271.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76983

Add wxRESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN flag to the XRC schema. It seems that this one was forgotten somehow and so is not recognized.

2014-08-03 14:47 VZ, revision 76982

Really add "hint" property to wxTextCtrl XRC handler schema description. This was supposed to be done in r76629 but the property was mistakenly added to wxRichTextCtrl instead.

2014-08-03 14:44 VZ, revision 76981

Auto-link expat and zlib even in non-GUI programs when using MSVC. These libraries are not GUI-specific and should be included even in console applications.

2014-08-03 14:44 VZ, revision 76980

Fix window position calculation in wxMSW when using RTL. Just use the native ::MapWindowPoints() to do the coordinate transformation instead of doing it ourselves: we did it wrongly by inheriting the layout direction from wxTheApp instead of from the parent window, so fix this in the best possible way by not doing it at all and just relying on Windows to do it for us. In particular, this corrects the display of wxStatusBar in RTL frames. Closes #15031.

2014-08-03 14:44 VZ, revision 76979

Refresh the window when its layout direction changes in wxMSW. Rearrange the window children and/or redraw its contents when its layout direction changes. See #15031.

2014-08-03 14:44 VZ, revision 76978

Don't activate hidden buttons when Enter is pressed in wxMSW. The keyboard handling code could decide to activate a button which wasn't currently visible at all, e.g. because it was on a non-current, and hence hidden, page of a wxBookCtrl. This didn't make any sense, so check for the button visibility before activating it.

2014-08-02 23:19 AW, revision 76977

Fix regression caused by r76974 (inserting first choice item to wxEnumProperty). This is a modified way of handling insertion of the first choice item to wxEnumProperty. Previous method based on special value (wxNOT_FOUND) used to indicate empty collection caused regression in wxPGProperty::DeleteChoice(). Currently, the size of the collection is checked directly in wxPGProperty::InsertChoice().

2014-08-02 14:19 VZ, revision 76976

Correct wxGrid column labels when using SetTable() with native header. Ensure that the table pointer inside wxGrid is updated before initializing the native column header as it uses wxGrid::GetColLabelValue() which doesn't work correctly without a valid table pointer. Closes #16399.

2014-08-02 14:19 VZ, revision 76975

Correct wxGrid column labels when using SetTable() with native header. Ensure that the table pointer inside wxGrid is updated before initializing the native column header as it uses wxGrid::GetColLabelValue() which doesn't work correctly without a valid table pointer. Closes #16399.

2014-08-02 00:12 AW, revision 76974

Fix inserting first choice item to wxEnumProperty Situation when when first choice item is inserted (in wxPGProperty::InsertChoice) to the empty collection must be handled in a special way. In order to do so: 1. The state when there are no choice items in wxEnumProperty object and hence no item is selected must be explicitly indicated (by special index value wxNOT_FOUND). 2. This initial state must be handled in a special way when there is determined new selection index after insertion. See #16401.

2014-08-01 20:04 VS, revision 76973

Only filter requested events in wxEventBlocker. Contrary to the documentation, wxEventBlocker always behaved as if the event type to block was wxEVT_ANY: while it returned false for events not on the blacklist, it never actually called the existing event handler as it was meant to. Fix by calling wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent() in this case.

2014-08-01 20:03 VS, revision 76972

Only filter requested events in wxEventBlocker. Contrary to the documentation, wxEventBlocker always behaved as if the event type to block was wxEVT_ANY: while it returned false for events not on the blacklist, it never actually called the existing event handler as it was meant to. Fix by calling wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent() in this case.

2014-08-01 17:39 AW, revision 76971

Fix wxPGProperty::SetChoiceSelection When selected choice is changed then set as selected value the value corresponding to the new index, not the index itself. Closes #16401.

2014-08-01 17:19 AW, revision 76970

Additional assertions in several wxPGProperty methods. Check if property is attached to the property grid before wxPG methods are invoked. See #16401.

2014-08-01 17:09 AW, revision 76969

Check if PG exists before adding or deleting a choice to wxPGProperty. Because choice value can be added/deleted also to/from detached property object there is necessary to skip in wxPGProperty::InsertChoice and wxPGProperty::DeleteChoice the operations which are valid exclusively for property attached to the property grid.

2014-07-28 01:04 VZ, revision 76959

Fix static initialization order problem in wxStopWatch under MSW. Don't rely on the static global gs_perfCounter being already initialized when wxStopWatch::DoStart() is called, this may not be the case if wxStopWatch variable is global. Work around this by wrapping the variable inside a function to ensure that it is initialized before being used.

2014-07-28 01:04 VZ, revision 76958

Add support for "%V" and "%G" to wxDateTime::Format(). This is useful for creating ISO 8601 week number based stamps. Closes #11857.

2014-07-27 02:36 VZ, revision 76957

No real changes, just a micro optimization in wxOSX DoGetAsBitmap(). Don't call wxWindow::GetSize() unnecessarily when we use the given fixed rectangle anyhow.

2014-07-26 12:50 VZ, revision 76956

No changes, just update the file name in the header. Update the name in the header to match the actual file name. See #12904.

2014-07-26 12:50 VZ, revision 76955

No changes, just update the file name in the header. Update the name in the header to match the actual file name. See #12904.

2014-07-26 03:41 VZ, revision 76954

Implement bounding box computations for wxGDDC. Update the bounding box in all the methods drawing something. This wasn't done before in many of them, resulting in the bounding box remaining empty, but it is updated now and a new test checking that it is was added. Closes #12904.

2014-07-26 03:34 VZ, revision 76953

Implement bounding box computations for wxGDDC. Update the bounding box in all the methods drawing something. This wasn't done before in many of them, resulting in the bounding box remaining empty, but it is updated now and a new test checking that it is was added. Closes #12904.

2014-07-25 19:34 VZ, revision 76952

Write delay between frames correctly when saving GIF files. Deal with delays greater than ~2.5s correctly, their most significant byte was previously lost resulting in 0 delay being written to the file. Closes #16392.

2014-07-25 19:34 VZ, revision 76951

Write delay between frames correctly when saving GIF files. Deal with delays greater than ~2.5s correctly, their most significant byte was previously lost resulting in 0 delay being written to the file. Closes #16392.

2014-07-25 19:34 VZ, revision 76950

Fix background of wxRadioBox buttons and wxSlider labels in wxMSW. Handle WM_CTLCOLOR correctly for them, this wasn't done before because the code assumed that sub-windows (i.e. HWNDs which belong to the same logical wx control) were always children of the main window, but they could also be its siblings (like in at least the two above mentioned cases). Account for this case in wxControl::DoMSWControlColor() too now. Closes #12271.

2014-07-25 15:45 SC, revision 76949

fixing Life demo for OSX

2014-07-24 13:34 VZ, revision 76948

Add --disable-sys-libs configure option. This allows to disable the use of all system libraries with a single option instead of having to use --with-{lib{png,jpeg,tiff},regex,zlib,expat}=builtin or similar. This is especially useful under OS X where we want to avoid the dependencies on any locally installed homebrew or similar libraries.

2014-07-24 12:58 VZ, revision 76947

Include the required headers from wx/custombgwin.h. Make this header self-contained, i.e. safe to include as the first wxWidgets header being included from the user code. Closes #16391.

2014-07-23 10:16 JS, revision 76946

Capitalize style names if specified in the style

2014-07-21 15:45 TIK, revision 76945

Fix compilation if configured with --disable-coldlg

2014-07-21 15:44 TIK, revision 76944

Fix compilation if configured with --disable-coldlg

2014-07-20 17:28 SC, revision 76943

supporting menu dimension retrieval for menubars, fixes #2570

2014-07-17 00:55 VZ, revision 76942

Don't consider hidden root item to be visible in wxGenericTreeCtrl. This fixes wrong results returned by GetFirstVisibleItem() in the tree control with wxTR_HIDE_ROOT style. Closes #4482.

2014-07-17 00:55 VZ, revision 76941

Fix test for __WXOSX__ in common code. Check whether it's defined, not whether it's true.

2014-07-17 00:54 VZ, revision 76940

Don't consider hidden root item to be visible in wxGenericTreeCtrl. This fixes wrong results returned by GetFirstVisibleItem() in the tree control with wxTR_HIDE_ROOT style. Closes #4482.

2014-07-16 22:10 AW, revision 76939

Use the same macro to implement all wxPG property classes. Currently, WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_PROPERTY_CLASS macro is used to implement most of the property classes (and also property classes in the propgrid sample) but few property classes are implemented in alternative way, using separate IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS and WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_PROPERTY_CLASS_PLAIN macros. These two macros can be replaced with WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_PROPERTY_CLASS macro (which is a concatenation of both) so property class implementation can be unified.

2014-07-15 21:56 SC, revision 76938

mediactrl for ios

2014-07-15 21:52 SC, revision 76937

mediactrl for ios

2014-07-15 21:28 SC, revision 76936

fixing and expanding switches

2014-07-15 19:15 VZ, revision 76935

Update the checksum of the reuploaded wxMSW-3.0.1_vc120_Dev.7z file. The original version was somehow corrupted.

2014-07-15 19:14 SC, revision 76934

common type for native rectangle

2014-07-15 19:12 SC, revision 76933

updating header info, adding AVKit support, iOS support

2014-07-15 18:30 AW, revision 76932

Fix for drawing check box in the wxPG edit mode when RTL layout direction is set under wxMSW. Check box isn't drawn correctly in the edit mode under wxMSW due to the problems with RTL handling in wxAutoBufferedPaintDC and wxPaintDC (see #16254). We need to only draw the image, no text, so we can work around the problem by overriding layout direction to LTR.

2014-07-15 18:02 AW, revision 76931

When drawing wxPG items (with double buffering) use the same layout direction as the window uses. Memory DC used for double buffering purposes should inherit layout direction from the window DC to ensure that texts are rendered correctly. Closes #15797.

2014-07-15 15:27 VZ, revision 76930

Remove unnecessary ConvertWXArrayToC() helper choice dialog code. Just use the appropriate wxSingleChoiceDialog ctor directly. Also some renamings/reformattings, but no other real changes. Closes #16383.

2014-07-15 15:26 VZ, revision 76929

Compilation fix for wxMSW build with most features disabled. Include wx/msw/ownerdrawnbutton.h outside of WX_PRECOMP check to ensure it's always included. Closes #16380.

2014-07-14 21:17 VZ, revision 76928

Replace anonymous namespace with a named one in the test helpers. This should avoid clang warnings about the function in anonymous namespace being unused.