

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-03-31 21:20 JS, revision 33228

Applied patch 1173802: Reimplementation of GtkFileChooser wxFileDialog by Mart Raudsepp

2005-03-31 21:18 RD, revision 33227

Change multipleChoiceDialog to use wx.MultiChoiceDialog instead of wx.lib.dialogs.MultipleChoiceDialog

2005-03-31 21:00 RR, revision 33226

Fix the fix for not sending two end label edit events because that fix prevented anyone from finishing the edit by keys.

2005-03-31 19:18 ABX, revision 33225

OGL samples again buildable after deprecated/setup.h turned off by default. Minor cleaning where applicable.

2005-03-31 19:10 ABX, revision 33224

Wrong #pragma interface/implementation warning fixes.

2005-03-31 19:04 JS, revision 33223

Applied patch [ 1174270 ] small fixes to wxGenericDirCtrl Stas Sergeev: 1. CollapseDir() was forgetting to... hrmm, to collapse the dir... It was only removing the child elements, leaving the dir expanded. Missing code added. 2. ReCreateTree(), which, according to the comments, must collapse and re-open the tree, was not re-opening it. Fixed. 3. For those who used the bogus ReCreateTree() behaviour to collapse the tree, I added CollapseTree(). This does visually what the ReCreateTree() wrongly did before the patch. 4. Documentation is updated accordingly.

2005-03-31 18:52 JS, revision 33222

Applied patch [ 1117196 ] dbbrowse crashes on CFM Mac builds

2005-03-31 17:27 SC, revision 33221

setting the view rectangle explicitely to allow for partial visibility of a control (scrollsub)

2005-03-31 17:25 SC, revision 33220

calculating vis regions as rects (faster for Quartz) and caching the results for all implementations fixing the background erase event always to have a wxWindowDC (had a wxClientDC in non-toplevel cases before, leading to a off-by-border error when erasing)

2005-03-31 17:21 SC, revision 33219

calculating vis regions as rects (faster for Quartz) and caching the results for all implementations

2005-03-31 16:37 ABX, revision 33218

if(){} and while(){} sometimes is not allowed for inlining (borland warning fix).

2005-03-31 16:26 JS, revision 33217

Frames to skip now honoured for Unix stackwalking Limited depth to 10 for assert dialog

2005-03-31 15:19 JS, revision 33216

Fixed MSWClipBoxRegion

2005-03-31 14:55 JS, revision 33215

Removed obsolete WXR file

2005-03-31 10:37 CE, revision 33214

missing include for memoryDC

2005-03-31 08:33 JS, revision 33213

Use InvalidateRect for Smartphone.

2005-03-31 08:09 ABX, revision 33212

Smartphone fix.

2005-03-31 05:14 SC, revision 33211


2005-03-31 05:12 SC, revision 33210

content clipping becomes a runtime attribute

2005-03-30 23:04 RD, revision 33209


2005-03-30 23:03 MW, revision 33208

Tests for UTF-8 and PUA characters and octal escapes

2005-03-30 22:58 RD, revision 33207

Added wx.lib.foldpanelbar, Andrea Gavana's port of Jorgen Bodde's C++ wxFoldPanelBar classes to Python.

2005-03-30 22:56 RD, revision 33206

default parameters

2005-03-30 22:00 MW, revision 33205

Fix for decoding of utf-16 surrogates. Also remove #include that's not needed after all.

2005-03-30 21:52 RD, revision 33204