

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-04-02 03:46 RD, revision 33253

Be able to build with Pythons other than the System version.

2005-04-02 03:45 RD, revision 33252

Update year

2005-04-02 03:43 RD, revision 33251

Use Python's buffer interface API for all image data and alpha Set/Get methods and the ImageFromData* constructors.

2005-04-02 02:04 RD, revision 33250

Add static_data flag to SetData and SetAlpha so Python buffer objects can be used in wxPython without double free()'s.

2005-04-02 01:55 RD, revision 33249

Put the Python executable pathname in wxTheApp->argv[0] so the stackwalker won't freak out at trying to find program addresses inside of .py files!

2005-04-02 01:52 RD, revision 33248

Be able to build with Pythons other than the System version.

2005-04-02 01:17 VZ, revision 33247

fixes to static box borders calculations and significant code cleanup (finalizes patch 1166587)

2005-04-02 01:15 VZ, revision 33246

added AutoHRGN class; corrected GetHbrush[Of]() macros

2005-04-02 01:00 VZ, revision 33245

added wxSOLID default value for FindOrCreateBrush()

2005-04-02 00:34 VZ, revision 33244

removed superfluous semicolons

2005-04-01 20:56 VZ, revision 33243

implemented GetProgramHandle() for Win32 and documented it

2005-04-01 16:36 SC, revision 33242

moving wxMac to new printing architecture

2005-04-01 15:57 JS, revision 33241

Now calculates clipping region from actual child HWNDs and not wxWidgets windows, which helps with composite controls

2005-04-01 14:46 ABX, revision 33240

Do not break checking whether dir exists for given path.

2005-04-01 14:27 JS, revision 33239

Added wxPropertySheetDialog demo

2005-04-01 13:43 JS, revision 33238

Updated date

2005-04-01 12:35 DS, revision 33237

fixed default style parameter

2005-04-01 11:55 SC, revision 33236

fix for #1106519

2005-04-01 09:39 DS, revision 33235

fixed Carbon compilo

2005-04-01 07:28 SC, revision 33234

adding correct handling of uncovering or covering controls via tlw-resizes (in which case the txnBounds would not change)

2005-04-01 07:17 SC, revision 33233

adding protected inquiry function whether a child window belongs to the 'client' or the 'non-client' area, examples for the latter are toolbar, scrollbars etc adding another cached clip rect for the real client area

2005-04-01 07:05 SC, revision 33232

adding protected inquiry function whether a child window belongs to the 'client' or the 'non-client' area, examples for the latter are toolbar, scrollbars etc adding another cached clip rect for the real client area

2005-04-01 00:00 MW, revision 33231

Use wxMBConvUTF8 when G_FILENAME_ENCODING is UTF-8, and set G_FILENAME_ENCODING to match the locale encoding when necessary

2005-03-31 23:56 RD, revision 33230

Added MultiChoiceDialog

2005-03-31 23:55 RD, revision 33229

docstring fix