

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-07-07 13:46 VS, revision 74434

Use wxConvAuto in wxFile::Write(). For consistency with wxFFile. No real change, as wxConvAuto will default to UTF-8 when writing.

2013-07-07 02:39 VZ, revision 74430

Don't pretend that wxAnyButton::SetBitmap() supports invalid bitmaps. Because it doesn't under MSW. See #13569.

2013-07-07 02:38 VZ, revision 74429

Avoid using buffer of already deallocated string in wxHTMLDataObject. Ensure that the temporary string inside which the pointer returned by utf8_str() may point remains alive for long enough. Closes #15279.

2013-07-07 01:14 VZ, revision 74428

Forbid creation of wxStandardPaths object directly. This happens to work under MSW and Unix where there is only one wxStandardPaths class for both the console and the GUI applications but doesn't return the correct result under OS X where the Core Foundation version, returned by wxStandardPaths::Get(), has to be used for the GUI programs. And historically this confused a lot of people, so just ensure that they can't accidentally create an object of the wrong type any more. Closes #13537.

2013-07-07 00:57 VZ, revision 74427

Reuse wxMessageOutputStderr for wxLogStderr implementation. In addition to avoiding (tiny) code duplication, this ensures that both places use the stream in the same orientation, i.e. either both use the narrow functions or the wide ones. Thus, it fixes a problem with output simply disappearing if wxLogStderr and wxMessageOutputStderr were both used: the one used first disabled any output by the other one. Closes #14782.

2013-07-07 00:48 VZ, revision 74426

Correctly restore the originally used C locale in wxLocale dtor. Save the original locale used before we changed it instead of "restoring" the same locate that this wxLocale object was using. Add a unit test to verify that this does work as expected. Closes #14873.

2013-07-06 21:14 VZ, revision 74425

Only link with libwxscintilla if using Scintilla is enabled. Correct the changes of r74408 to avoid using libwxscintilla if we don't build it at all. See #13837.

2013-07-06 21:14 VZ, revision 74424

Disable test for setting the creation time under Unix. Also document that this doesn't work there.

2013-07-06 20:21 VZ, revision 74423

Fix FILETIME <-> wxDateTime conversions while DST is in effect in wxMSW. The result was (consistently, so the tests still passed) off by an hour when the program was ran while DST was in effect. Fix this by avoiding the use of FileTimeToLocalFileTime() and LocalFileTimeToFileTime() and just directly converting FILETIME values to wxDateTime. Not only this is more correct but it's also simpler and more efficient as well. Also add a unit test for wxFileName::SetTimes() too. Closes #13098.

2013-07-06 20:20 VZ, revision 74422

Explicitly mention that wxDateTime ticks origin is in UTC. Make it clear that the number of ticks is counted since the same moment in all time zones. See #13098.

2013-07-06 19:27 PC, revision 74421

avoid GTK+ prefixes for our tree entry code, it is not part of GTK+, should have been part of r74420

2013-07-06 18:35 PC, revision 74420

avoid GTK+ prefixes for our tree entry code, it is not part of GTK+

2013-07-06 18:04 PC, revision 74419

remove symbol exports, this code is private to the library

2013-07-06 17:58 PC, revision 74418

remove empty GtkTreeEntryClass

2013-07-06 17:50 PC, revision 74417

remove instance init function, memory is already zeroed

2013-07-06 17:44 PC, revision 74416

move treeentry_gtk.h to include/wx/gtk/private/

2013-07-06 17:34 PC, revision 74415

create collate_key on demand

2013-07-06 16:46 VZ, revision 74414

Exclude expat files from pre commit hook checks too. All the other 3rd party libraries were already excluded but not this one, for some reason -- do exclude it now as upcoming Expat 2.1.0 sources contain some files with TABs.

2013-07-06 16:46 VZ, revision 74413

Update announcement and readme files for 2.9.5 release. Fill in the release date and update the changes description in the announcement.

2013-07-06 15:46 VZ, revision 74412

Tagging Expat 2.1.0.

2013-07-06 15:45 VZ, revision 74411

Update Expat sources to 2.1.0.

2013-07-06 15:39 VZ, revision 74410

Tagging Expat 1.95.6.

2013-07-06 15:38 VZ, revision 74409

Importing unmodified Expat 1.95.6 sources.

2013-07-06 14:41 VZ, revision 74408

Always add libwxscintilla in monolithic mode. The library was already present in the makefiles but came before the monolithic library itself, which broke the linking of the samples when using GNU ld as the dependent libraries must come after the libraries using them. Closes #13837.

2013-07-06 14:32 VZ, revision 74407

Rebake the rest of the files after TOOLKIT change in MSW bakefile. This should have been part of r74406 but I only rebaked wxWidgets make/project files themselves and not the samples/utils/demos files in it.