

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2024-04-26 23:10:02

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for FileZilla 3 (8010 changes):

2014-07-15 10:49 codesquid, revision 5847

Fix another compile error on OS X.

2014-07-15 10:39 codesquid, revision 5846

Apply small cleanup patch by XhmikosR.

2014-07-15 10:36 codesquid, revision 5845

Pedantic warnings are tedious...

2014-07-15 10:11 codesquid, revision 5844

Fix compile error on OS X.

2014-07-15 10:10 codesquid, revision 5843

Fix a bunch of warnings.

2014-07-15 10:01 codesquid, revision 5842

Fix removal of temporary files from stale sessions.

2014-07-15 09:15 codesquid, revision 5841

Update Visual Studio workspace for fzsftp.

2014-07-15 09:07 codesquid, revision 5840

wxProcess::Kill prints an error on an already closed process. Disable logging, as there's no atomic "if process alive then kill". Fixes #9645

2014-07-15 08:38 codesquid, revision 5839

Fix another compile error.

2014-07-15 08:09 codesquid, revision 5838

Fix compile error.

2014-07-14 18:45 codesquid, revision 5837

Large cleanup of XML functions.

2014-07-14 12:34 codesquid, revision 5836

Refactor COptions a bit.

2014-07-14 10:59 codesquid, revision 5835

Ensure to only convert strings of even length.

2014-07-14 10:26 codesquid, revision 5834

Fix copy&paste errors in EBCDIC detection.

2014-07-14 10:02 codesquid, revision 5833

In debug build we want to use /editandcontinue, so diable /safeseh to make it possible.

2014-07-14 10:00 codesquid, revision 5832

Cleanup of linker flags.

2014-07-14 09:50 codesquid, revision 5831

Remove references to non-existing files from VS workspace.

2014-07-14 09:07 codesquid, revision 5830

Get rid of c_str where we don't actually need it. We can do this with wx3 as wxString::Format/Printf is now typesafe. Includes some other small code modernization.

2014-07-13 09:44 codesquid, revision 5829

On OS X, increase distance between quickconnect button and message log. This works around a bizarre crash in wxWidgets. wx bug report:

2014-07-11 16:08 codesquid, revision 5828

In OnData, treat wxDragLink as wxDragCopy.

2014-07-11 15:29 codesquid, revision 5827

Little bit of refactoring to avoid unnecessary copies and heap allocations.

2014-07-11 13:26 codesquid, revision 5826

Fix compile error.

2014-07-11 07:48 codesquid, revision 5825

Use emplace/emplace_back in a few places instead of insert/push_back.

2014-07-11 07:43 codesquid, revision 5824

Make CSparseOptional a movable type.

2014-07-10 11:23 codesquid, revision 5823

Fix compile error with some compilers.