

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-07-14 19:12 VZ, revision 74517

Disable wxUSE_ENH_METAFILE for wxGTK builds. This can happen to be defined in wxGTK builds under Windows. Closes #15332.

2013-07-14 17:45 VZ, revision 74516

Make wxMSW wxSpinCtrl "not enough space" messages more helpful. And also less annoying: remove the messages from DoMoveWindow() which could be given during resizing but not necessarily corresponded to the final control size. And give more details about which control is not being given enough space when a too small size is given in the ctor.

2013-07-14 17:26 VZ, revision 74515

Fix crash in docview code if view initialization failed. The change of r71371 resulted in using the already destroyed (implicitly, done as part of destroying the wxView that failed to initialize) wxDocument in wxScopeGuard destructor. Avoid this and make the old (i.e. pre-r71371) code exception safe while keeping its semantics exactly, i.e. only delete all views if the document still exists. Also add a comment explaining what's going on here because the ownership rules in docview code are frankly crazy.

2013-07-14 16:22 VZ, revision 74514

Swedish translations update from Jonas Rydberg.

2013-07-14 13:34 VZ, revision 74513

Don't use wxCriticalSection in wxWakeUpPipeMT if wxUSE_THREADS==0. In fact, don't define wxWakeUpPipeMT class at all when not using threads.

2013-07-14 13:32 VZ, revision 74512

Don't build tex2rtf and HelpGen utils in non-GUI buildbot builds. Both of those are obsolete and don't exist in 2.9 any longer.

2013-07-14 13:16 SC, revision 74511

support for @2x notation for wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG (non-resource) on retina displays

2013-07-14 01:35 VZ, revision 74510

Better fix for wxX11 linking problems than r74499. Fix wxX11 without breaking wxGTK/Windows makefiles generation. Closes #15327.

2013-07-14 01:23 VZ, revision 74509

Restore embedding manifest when using MinGW. The changes of r73483 broke inclusion of the manifest in the programs built using MinGW because wxUSE_RC_MANIFEST was never defined. Somehow nobody complained about it but this resulted in using comctl32.dll 5.80 instead of 6.0 and e.g. problems with toolbar appearance (see #13512). Do use the manifest by default with MinGW and, in fact, all the other compilers if any other ones still work, as only MSVC is known to embed the manifest automatically and we take care of it separately.

2013-07-14 01:23 VZ, revision 74508

Remove some completely unused variables from configure. RESFLAGS, RESPROGRAMOBJ, WIN32INSTALL and AFMINSTALL were not used anywhere so don't bother defining them.

2013-07-14 01:23 VZ, revision 74507

Remove the long obsolete and unused since 2.7.0 __WIN95__ define. Don't confuse things by defining it unnecessarily.

2013-07-14 01:23 VZ, revision 74506

Move wx/msw/gccpriv.h inclusion back to wx/platform.h from wx/compiler.h. Do keep compiler-specific wxCHECK_MINGW32_VERSION() in wx/compiler.h as it's needed by wx/cpp.h which includes wx/compiler.h only. But put the rest of the stuff in gccpriv.h in its old place as including it before wx/setup.h didn't work correctly and was unnecessary anyhow.

2013-07-14 01:23 VZ, revision 74505

Use wxNotebook background colour for the tab row background in wxMSW. The free space near the tabs was always filled with the default light grey colour, use wxNotebook background colour itself to fill it now. Do it by changing the code in wxNotebook::OnPaint() to use the background colour brush and ExtFloodFill() to paint over the default grey, instead of the patterned background brush which is supposed to be used for the pages area only and not for the tabs and which was not even taken into account anyhow as the default window proc erases the entire contents of the DC we pass to it anyhow (at least in the default top-aligned tabs case). Also inherit the background colour from parent by default now, this ensures that wxNotebook blends with its parent when its background colour has been explicitly set by default, without the need to call its SetBackgroundColour() explicitly. See #13745.

2013-07-14 01:23 VZ, revision 74504

Add a possibility to change the layout direction in the widgets sample. This allows to test whether a widget is drawn correctly in RTL variant as well as the default LTR one easily.

2013-07-13 23:59 DS, revision 74503

Regenerated Xcode projects. Updated the Xcode projects to include wakeuppipe.cpp. Also fixes the wxiphone project which appeared to have 2 source file references concatenated ( and since the last commit. This unfortunately happens sometimes when running makeprojects.applescript.

2013-07-13 22:07 VZ, revision 74502

Use "MSW" and "Windows" more accurately to avoid confusion. "MSW" is used as the name of toolkit using the standard Windows UI while "Windows" is the name of the OS under which wxGTK can be now used too (in addition to wxMSW). This terminology is not perfect but at least let's keep it unambiguous. Closes #15328.

2013-07-13 18:28 DS, revision 74501

deleted svn:executable property from src/expat/ files that don't need it

2013-07-13 16:58 VZ, revision 74500

Use Cocoa by default under OS X in configure. Carbon is deprecated.

2013-07-13 15:03 VZ, revision 74499

Do include src/generic/animateg.cpp in wxUniv/X11 sources. This fixes linking of the widgets sample when using wxUniv/X11. It partially reverts the changes of r73290 which only included this file in some selected ports instead of all of them for some reason. Closes #15327.

2013-07-13 13:41 DS, revision 74498

Set svn properties on new files. In the majority of cases set the svn:eol-style property (mostly to native for sources and LF for m4 files) and svn:keywords to Id. Applied for files that were added since r72503.

2013-07-13 04:33 VZ, revision 74497

Rebake all the samples and others makefiles too. The samples makefiles were not regenerated after the recent Scintilla changes (see r74425), do it now. There are no real changes for most of them (except stc sample), but it ensures that rerunning bakefile doesn't change anything.

2013-07-13 04:30 VZ, revision 74496

Extract compiler-specific macro definitions in a new wx/compiler.h. This solves the problem with wx/defs.h -> wx/platform.h -> wx/setup.h which resolves to msvc/wx/setup.h -> wx/version.h -> wx/cpp.h include path which resulted in __VISUALC__ not being defined in wx/cpp.h. This problem was not new but went unnoticed for a long time and was only discovered when wxCHECK_VISUALC_VERSION() started being used in wx/cpp.h too as now the compiler started warning about wrong #if syntax due to it being undefined. Putting the compiler-specific definitions in a separate file allows this file to be included from wx/cpp.h to ensure that these symbols are always defined in it and also makes things a little better organized.

2013-07-12 16:12 VZ, revision 74495

Fix harmless MinGW warning in wxMSW wxListCtrl code. Add an explicit cast to WPARAM because MinGW headers don't do it for us (even though they should).

2013-07-12 16:12 VZ, revision 74494

Fix harmless unused parameter warning in !wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT build. Rich tooltip tip kind is unused as no tip is drawn in this case.

2013-07-12 16:12 VZ, revision 74493

Fix wrong return value from wxWebViewIE::Find() in 64 bit build. Using wxNOT_FOUND and an unsigned size() return value in the same operator ?: resulted in wxNOT_FOUND being converted to an unsigned size_t type and while converting it back to (signed) long worked in 32 bit builds where long and size_t have the same size, it was broken in 64 bit builds where their sizes are different. Thanks g++ for catching this one.