

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-08-04 17:49 GL, revision 436

* Fixes and new features in wxObject*Stream * Fixes: wxChoice (GTK), wxCheckBox (GTK) * Fixes: wxStream * wxObject calls wx*Serialize::LoadObject/StoreObject in StoreObject/LoadObject * Added support for dynamic library (Linux only, Windows will follow) * Added serbase.h (Serialization base defines and base object)

1998-08-04 17:45 GL, revision 435

* Added serialization code to the repository

1998-08-04 16:42 VZ, revision 434

added wxLogWindow::GetFrame()

1998-08-04 16:05 VZ, revision 433

size_t -> int conversion and the warnings about it corrected

1998-08-04 10:26 KB, revision 432

re-fixed wxFileConfig(wxString, wxString) constructor

1998-08-04 07:24 JS, revision 431

Small fixes

1998-08-03 23:23 VZ, revision 430

1) wxFileConfig now longer tries to delete system-wide config file in DeleteAll (only the user's one) 2) wxLogStream "un#indef'ed" under wxGTK

1998-08-03 23:05 VZ, revision 429

check that wxTheApp != NULL in wxLog::GetActiveTarget

1998-08-03 23:03 VZ, revision 428

crash in wxLog::GetActiveTarget() fixed

1998-08-03 22:59 VZ, revision 427

added framecmn.cpp and wincmn.cpp (hmm... how could it compile without them?)

1998-08-03 22:57 VZ, revision 426

SelectItem() always sends the notification messages

1998-08-03 22:55 VZ, revision 425

wxApp::Get/SetVendorName functions added

1998-08-03 22:54 VZ, revision 424

added wxLocale::Init() and ctor without arguments for convenience

1998-08-03 22:49 VZ, revision 423

minor changes and bug corrections (interface unchanged)

1998-08-03 22:37 VZ, revision 422

wxConfig sample + wxGTK makefiles

1998-08-03 15:11 KB, revision 421

grmbl, typo

1998-08-03 13:59 KB, revision 420

fixed GetGlobalFilename()

1998-08-03 13:59 KB, revision 419

*** empty log message ***

1998-08-03 11:08 KB, revision 418

added another link

1998-08-03 10:10 KB, revision 417

fixed wxFileConfig constructor bug

1998-08-02 23:12 VZ, revision 416

wxIniConfig added (pre-alpha quality, many functions not implemented), some bug fixes in wxRegConfig/wxRegKey

1998-08-02 23:11 VZ, revision 415

wxConfig -> wxConfigBase renaming plus some minor changes

1998-08-02 23:09 VZ, revision 414

trace mask made static variable

1998-08-02 23:07 VZ, revision 413

trace mask made static variable (and corresponding accessors static functions)

1998-08-02 23:06 VZ, revision 412

the base class is now called wxConfigBase, wxConfig is #define'd as wx{Reg|Ini|File}Config depending on the platform

1998-08-02 23:04 VZ, revision 411

minor changes to registry classes and wxIniConfig added

1998-08-02 20:38 RR, revision 410

Fixed Fontdialog Fixed frame positions/centering Fixed inserting mdi windows Changed control callbacks

1998-08-02 16:59 KB, revision 409

added slash to path

1998-07-31 20:04 RR, revision 408

Added bitmaps and icons to samples Fixed event handling in all controls Add some missing functions to wxRadioBox Fixed clientData stuff to Choice (Combo?) No more gtk warning in Combo Fixed toolbar sample and mdi sample Fixed bug in AddChild resulting from mdi changes Fixed wxFrame::GetPosition() Changed order of notification calls in wxListCtrl to prevent what I think is a reentry bug The usual compile fixes here and there

1998-07-31 13:22 JS, revision 407

Added wxAccelerationTable class

1998-07-31 13:01 JS, revision 406

Added wxAcceleratorTable, wxFrame::SetAcceleratorTable and additions to process it under wxMSW.

1998-07-31 09:33 JS, revision 405

Some manual updates; in MDI sample, child frames now have default size/position (hope it's OK in wxGTK!)

1998-07-31 08:41 KB, revision 404

added a comment and hopefully improved extent detectionn

1998-07-31 08:38 KB, revision 403

fixed stupid typo

1998-07-30 09:37 JS, revision 402

MSWOnMouseMove arg bug in toolbar; compile bug in regconf; fixed warning in odbc.cpp

1998-07-30 09:16 RR, revision 401

Pretty redical change concerning the underlying X's windows' position. Even without having scrolled anywhere, the device origin of the top left corner is no longer certain to be zero,zero.

1998-07-29 13:57 KB, revision 400

Setting of background colours is now correct. Made virtual declarations depend on BROKEN_COMPILER define.

1998-07-29 13:21 RR, revision 399

wxMDIChildFrame inherits from wxFrame toolbar work mini menubar change compile fixes

1998-07-29 12:03 VZ, revision 398

1) APPCONF_ constants renamed to wxCONFIG_ 2) wxConfig::Create() now chooses the best (native) implemenntation of wxConfig instead of calling wxApp::CreateConfig which was suppressed 3) wxFileConfig(const char *appname) ctor added which looks for the config file(s) in standard location(s)

1998-07-29 12:00 VZ, revision 397

wxApp::(S|G)etVendorName added

1998-07-29 10:43 JS, revision 396

Added missing OGL files; added defaults to wxDocMDIParentFrame; corrected toolbar usage in Dialog Editor

1998-07-29 10:43 KB, revision 395

fixed compiler warning

1998-07-29 10:34 KB, revision 394

implemented correct setting of background colour for text

1998-07-29 08:07 RR, revision 393

wxListCtrl selection improved

1998-07-29 06:51 JS, revision 392

Update to docs incl. wxString first stab; added a couple of palette-related events (wxMSW) needed for wxGLCanvas

1998-07-28 22:08 RR, revision 391

Fixed bug in wxListCtrl Made wxMDIDocView work

1998-07-28 17:11 GL, revision 390

* Added Peek() to wxMemoryInputStream.

1998-07-28 15:15 JS, revision 389

Added ODBC classes manual (Word 97).

1998-07-28 15:01 MO, revision 388

Fixed wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT bug in gtk file selector

1998-07-28 13:33 JS, revision 387

Added MDI support for Document/view, plus an example.