

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-08-07 19:33 VS, revision 74644

Make wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::DoGetBestSize() twice as fast. Don't call the very expensive wxComboCtrlBase::DoGetBestSize() method when not needed - it calls wxComboCtrlBase::DoGetSizeFromTextSize(), which is very expensive. Also fix the code so that it doesn't apply GetSizeFromTextSize() twice (once in the base class' DoGetBestSize(), once here).

2013-08-07 17:44 VZ, revision 74643

Compilation fix for wxMSW with wxUSE_MSGBOX_HOOK==0. Include wx/fontutil.h unconditionally, it's needed outside message box hook code. Closes #15395.

2013-08-07 14:08 VZ, revision 74642

Compilation fix to propgrid sample after r74628. Use wxMax() and wxMin() instead of std::max() and min(). Also work around wrong for loop scoping for VC6. See #15368.

2013-08-07 13:08 VZ, revision 74641

Document light grey colour handling in wxMSW wxBitmap::LoadFile(). For historical/compatibility reasons we handle this colour as transparent in wxMSW when loading the bitmaps from resources, but this is rather not obvious for the new users, so document it and provide a way of compensating for this in the documentation as well. Closes #15371.

2013-08-07 13:08 VZ, revision 74640

Define __VISUALC__ for ICC under Windows again. During the refactoring of r74496, the logic of the check for Intel compiler was slightly altered resulting in not defining __VISUALC__ for it any longer which broke compilation with it. Restore this definition now to fix it, even though it could admittedly be better to explicitly check for __INTELC__ in the places where we currently only check for __VISUALC__ and reserve the latter only for the case when we are really using MSVC. Closes #15359.

2013-08-07 13:08 VZ, revision 74639

Add wxFileName::SetPermissions(). This is a simple wrapper for the POSIX chmod(). Closes #12951.

2013-08-07 13:08 VZ, revision 74638

Update Travis configuration to run tests and build more configurations. Install libcppunit-dev in order to be able to run the unit tests (at least the non-GUI ones for now). Also build in several configurations: shared/static, multilib/monolithic and also STL. This should help to find problems appearing only in some specific build variants. Closes #15369.

2013-08-07 13:08 VZ, revision 74637

Don't document wxSortedArrayString as deriving from wxArrayString. This is no longer the case since quite some time. Closes #15374.

2013-08-07 13:08 VZ, revision 74636

Don't use DDEExec registry key in wxMSW wxExecute() if it's empty. Some file types have DDEExec subkey in the registry but no value for it, don't use DDE for launching the files of these types in this case as this only results in errors. Closes #15388.

2013-08-06 19:36 VZ, revision 74635

Fix column sorting UI in wxDataViewCtrl under wxOSX. Use -outlineView:didClickTableColumn: delegate method instead of mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn: one to ensure that: (a) We don't sort the column if it's being dragged/resized (closes #15340). (b) We sort the column on mouse up, not down (closes #15386).

2013-08-06 19:36 VZ, revision 74634

Fix a couple of spelling mistakes in the documentation. Closes #15382.

2013-08-06 19:00 VZ, revision 74633

Use RIAA wrapper for wxSpinCtrl event disabling in wxGTK. The use of wxSpinCtrlEventDisabler class ensures that we never forget to reenable the events after disabling them.

2013-08-06 19:00 VZ, revision 74632

Reflect changes in stc.cpp in from which it's generated. This should have been part of r74596, see #15353.

2013-08-06 19:00 VZ, revision 74631

Don't generate any events from wxSpinCtrl and wxSpinCtrlDouble methods. After the changes of r53758 wxMSW didn't generate any wxEVT_TEXT events but this was still the case for the generic version (and hence for wxSpinCtrlDouble under MSW too) and wasn't documented. Fix all versions to avoid sending events for programmatic actions, add unit tests checking this behaviour and document it.

2013-08-06 18:59 VZ, revision 74630

Add test for absence of events from wxSpinCtrlDouble ctor. Run the same NoEventsInCtor() test as we already had for wxSpinCtrl for wxSpinCtrlDouble as well. Unfortunately currently there is no way to reuse the tests between these two classes, we should refactor these test cases to use a common SpinCtrlTestCaseBase<T> base class. See #15375 which fixed the underlying bug.

2013-08-06 18:59 VZ, revision 74629

Document wxTreeCtrl::GetItemFont() behaviour for items without font. Explain that this method returns wxNullFont if no font was set for the item. Closes #15390.

2013-08-06 15:05 VZ, revision 74628

Add wxPropertyGridPageState::GetColumnFullWidth(). This method allows to get the full width needed by wxPropertyGrid and is useful for determining the space to allocate for it, e.g. when creating a popup showing the property grid, as shown by the changes to the sample. Closes #15368.

2013-08-06 15:05 VZ, revision 74627

Fix wxPropertyGrid::GetPropertyRect when the last item is collapsed. Return the real height instead of -1. Closes #15367.

2013-08-06 14:31 VZ, revision 74626

Dutch translations update from Gideon van Melle.

2013-08-06 08:05 PC, revision 74625

Rewrite ConvertToGreyscale() and ConvertToDisabled() They do almost the same thing, so use almost the same code. Fixes ConvertToDisabled() modifying its own data. Closes #15389

2013-08-05 19:10 PC, revision 74624

prevent infinite loop if gtk_menu_popup() fails, fixes #15387

2013-08-05 10:59 SC, revision 74623

follow up parent chain to properly support modal dialog parents, see #15383

2013-08-04 09:58 JS, revision 74622

Comment-only update

2013-08-03 06:48 PC, revision 74621

remove ancient defines left over from GTK1 and some minor cleanup

2013-08-03 06:39 PC, revision 74620

remove obsolete check for GTK 2.6