

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-08-14 21:47 VZ, revision 536

a small GUI glitch corrected (if a frame with child frames was resized, it was lowered below it's children)

1998-08-14 21:41 VZ, revision 535

WM_MOVE processing added (wxMoveEvent generated)

1998-08-14 20:12 AN, revision 534

-somewhat more elegant method, supporting the src subdir (-Markus)

1998-08-14 11:20 KB, revision 533

added option to hide page controls

1998-08-14 11:15 JS, revision 532

wxToolBarBase -> wxToolBar

1998-08-14 11:02 KB, revision 531

printing works, page number controls are hidden portrait/landscape doesn't work, pages are printed wrong

1998-08-14 10:07 RR, revision 530

Added wxRadioButton (not tested) Added wxValidator to constructros Added resource.cpp Added parser stuff Added the coolest Added callbacks to Menu Changed parser.y to include lexer.c for wxGTK (Is that right?) Can't remeber havning changed the printing stuff.

1998-08-14 08:33 KB, revision 529

added printing

1998-08-14 03:34 RD, revision 528

made pre-compiling the python files optional

1998-08-14 03:16 RD, revision 527

removed some definitions that got removed from defs.h

1998-08-13 11:45 AN, revision 526

-Debian glibc2 system is 'linux-gnu', not 'Linux';updated .cvsignore's -Markus

1998-08-13 10:19 JS, revision 525

Attempting to check in this wretched cursor again. Also added SetAcceleratorTable to wxWindow, GnuWin32 fix in registry.h.

1998-08-13 10:16 JS, revision 524

Fixed compile bug in dropsrc.cpp (constr. arg); GnuWin32 fix in registry.cpp; combobox event fix; moved SetAcceleratorTable down to window.h/cpp

1998-08-13 10:03 KB, revision 523

integrated my latest changes and Vadim's fixes on top of that Compiles, but works?

1998-08-13 09:11 RR, revision 522

Added ToogleTool from Markus

1998-08-12 22:44 VZ, revision 521

wxWindow::MSWOnHScroll changed to call the default handler if the message isn't processed (earlier it wasn't called in some cases)

1998-08-12 22:42 VZ, revision 520

stack overflow when clicking on the arrow in a notebook fixed

1998-08-12 22:41 VZ, revision 519

suppressed VC++ 5.0 bool to int conversion warning (when compiling with USE_RESSOURCE_LOADING_IN_MSW only)

1998-08-12 22:38 VZ, revision 518

one more minor wxLogWindow fix (I try to get it really right...)

1998-08-12 22:37 VZ, revision 517

added a "wxWindow *" (unused) argument for wxGTK compatibility

1998-08-12 22:36 VZ, revision 516

explicit SetSelection/SetOldSelection methods added to wxNotebookEvent

1998-08-12 21:39 RR, revision 515

Forgot this one.

1998-08-12 21:24 RR, revision 514

Added PushEventHandler, Pop... Corrected spelling of SetEventhandler Fixed two bugs in wxGenericPrintDlg Tried in vain to make printing of icons work. It now prints black on black, mostly.

1998-08-12 20:57 VZ, revision 513

had to modify it (added one pixel...) to be able to commit: the file in the repository was indeed corrupted (as noticed by Robin a couple of days ago)

1998-08-12 20:30 VZ, revision 512

file d&d (re)enabled under Windows

1998-08-12 16:14 KB, revision 511

Looks like I've fixed the editing bugs. Delete/Insert/Home/End/Ctrl-Delete all work as expected. Cursor gets redrawn properly. Scroll-to-cursor still missing.

1998-08-12 11:44 RR, revision 510

Added wxFrame::OnCreateStatusBar and ToolBar Added wxWindow::Raise and Lower There isn't going to be wxFrame::SetToolBar.

1998-08-12 09:16 KB, revision 509

replaced by stubs files

1998-08-12 08:50 KB, revision 508

fixed mysterious mistakes

1998-08-12 08:33 KB, revision 507

Cursor and insert/delete work much better now, code streamlined, still a minor problem left.

1998-08-11 21:14 VZ, revision 506

more minor changes to wxLogWindow

1998-08-11 21:12 VZ, revision 505

'\\' can be used to suppress special meaning in '%' and '$' in wxExpandEnvVars

1998-08-11 21:04 VZ, revision 504

static wxFile::Access() added

1998-08-11 21:03 VZ, revision 503

static wxFile::Access() added (access() isn't ANSI neither...)

1998-08-11 12:44 VZ, revision 502

controls.cpp didn't compile - missing MyTextCtrl declaration added (and what OnRightButton is supposed to do?)

1998-08-11 11:53 KB, revision 501
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/install/gtk


1998-08-11 09:51 KB, revision 500

Added empty Raise() and Lower() methods for compatibilty.

1998-08-10 23:23 RD, revision 499

Typo fixes

1998-08-10 22:22 RD, revision 498

Since wxREADONLY has disappeared, I had to change to wxTE_READONLY in order to compile.

1998-08-10 19:57 DP, revision 497

Small modifications

1998-08-10 18:09 DP, revision 496

DP: GetBitmap() added to wxImageList

1998-08-10 17:53 DP, revision 495

DP: native wxTreeCtrl for GTK. It *should* be buggy... Cause I do not know GTK... But it works... I do not know why... Robert, please look at it... I am not sure that it is ok...

1998-08-10 13:48 JS, revision 494

Various Dialog Editor-related mods; Dlg Ed. getting usable now under MSW.

1998-08-10 13:41 JS, revision 493

Mod to allow hit-test on static to succeed.

1998-08-10 09:21 KB, revision 492

added correct coordinate handling

1998-08-09 19:42 DP, revision 491

DP: Robert's mistake with incorrect var name corrected. It even does not compile.

1998-08-09 17:26 RD, revision 490
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/tests/setup.bat

I didn't mean for this to be in the repository...

1998-08-09 16:46 JS, revision 489

Miscellaneous, mostly cosmetic changes. wxPen/wxFont/wxBrush altered so Set... functions don't change shared objects.

1998-08-09 16:31 JS, revision 488

Stub header changes.

1998-08-09 16:27 JS, revision 487

Added stubs .cpp files.