

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-08-18 15:28 VZ, revision 74678

Return NULL from wxWindow::GetCapture() when the capture is being lost. Make GetCapture() return NULL during wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_{LOST,CHANGED} events processing in wxMSW to help their handlers to avoid calling ReleaseCapture(): this shouldn't be done as the mouse capture is being lost anyhow and results in reentrancy problems between NotifyCaptureLost() and ReleaseCapture() if it's called.

2013-08-18 15:28 VZ, revision 74677

Make mouse capture checking asserts stronger and more detailed. Verify not only that we don't destroy the window having the capture now but also that this window is not in the mouse capture stack at all, not necessarily on top. This is important as keeping a dangling pointer in the capture stack would result in difficult to diagnose bugs later. Also check that we don't recapture the mouse in the same window as this should never be necessary. Finally, give more details in the assert checking that the window does have capture in ReleaseMouse().

2013-08-18 15:28 VZ, revision 74676

Don't set even try to set focus to wxPopupWindow itself in wxMSW. This doesn't work anyhow with our popup window implementation (it's a child of the desktop and we can't set focus to it) and provokes error messages due to ::SetFocus() failures, so simply don't do this at all.

2013-08-18 15:28 VZ, revision 74675

No changes, just change data structures used by mouse capture code. Use a simple stack of windows instead of a separate singly linked list and a separate current capture pointer.

2013-08-18 15:28 VZ, revision 74674

No changes, just use wxRecursionGuard instead of manual boolean flag. Use wxRecursionGuard with the flag indicating whether the mouse capture is changing to ensure that we always reset it correctly and make the code slightly shorter.

2013-08-18 15:28 VZ, revision 74673

No changes, just move mouse capturing bookkeeping data out of wxWindow. All mouse capture-related data doesn't have to be declared in wxWindow itself and can just be global in wincmn.cpp, so move it there, this will facilitate further changes as they won't require recompiling everything any more.

2013-08-18 06:28 PC, revision 74672

should have been part of r74664: Avoid calling gtk_window_get_position() from "configure-event" handler

2013-08-17 18:38 PC, revision 74665

avoid duplicate move events

2013-08-17 18:25 PC, revision 74664

Avoid calling gtk_window_get_position() from "configure-event" handler, if possible. This avoids a round trip to the X server, which is expensive over a remote connection. Closes #15116

2013-08-16 20:17 BP, revision 74663

Fix typo in wxSingleInstanceChecker docs, props Lauri Nurmi.

2013-08-16 20:12 BP, revision 74662

Duplicate argument name fix, props Lauri Nurmi.

2013-08-16 17:43 PC, revision 74661

use names for gs_requestFrameExtentsStatus values

2013-08-16 13:04 VZ, revision 74660

Replace wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT with wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS when comparing fonts. Otherwise comparison always failed as no existing fonts had wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT as their family in all ports except wxOSX, which does keep wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT. Closes #15410.

2013-08-14 22:34 SC, revision 74659

forgotten commit :-( remove #if 0 if things work again

2013-08-14 17:47 VS, revision 74658

Fix wxComboCtrlBase::DoGetSizeFromTextSize() performance regression. r72935 introduced code that created a temporary wxComboBox control to take measurements. This is very expensive in MSW and adds noticeable delay when creating more than a few controls. Replace with equivalent wxMSW code that computes the height in the same way other wxMSW controls do. The wxGTK version cannot be eliminated in the same way, so at least add some basic caching there. It's much less of a problem, because GTK+ controls creation is much cheaper than MSW one.

2013-08-14 11:43 SC, revision 74657

using terminate: terminates prematurely, OnExit is not called anymore

2013-08-14 11:15 SC, revision 74656

using #ifdef wxABORT_ON_CONFIG_ERROR not just #if as elsewhere

2013-08-13 19:36 VZ, revision 74655

Don't hide the window in its dtor in wxGTK. This results in sending an unexpected wxShowEvent to an already half-destroyed (because the derived class dtor had been already executed) by now object which could provoke crashes. And it also seems to be completely unnecessary as the window is going to be destroyed anyhow -- and the other ports don't hide it before this happens (unless it's a TLW in which case it is already hidden in wxTopLevelWindowBase::Destroy()).

2013-08-12 18:24 PC, revision 74654

avoid setting pango matrix when not needed

2013-08-11 08:39 SC, revision 74653

using #ifdef wxABORT_ON_CONFIG_ERROR not just #if as elsewhere

2013-08-09 22:55 VZ, revision 74649

Tamil translations update from Dinakar T.D.

2013-08-09 22:55 VZ, revision 74648

Remove never implemented wxDateTime::IsGregorianDate(). This method was declared and even documented but never actually implemented, and GregorianAdoption enum used by it had many incorrectly defined elements. Just remove both the method and the enum instead of fixing/implementing them as they are not that important (as witnessed by the fact that nobody has complained about the method being missing since almost 15 years). Closes #15400.

2013-08-09 13:56 JS, revision 74647

Applied #15393 (dghart) fixing wxRichTextTable for percentage widths

2013-08-08 07:59 PC, revision 74646

add other known types for gdk_pixbuf_save()

2013-08-08 07:43 PC, revision 74645

Try native method first in LoadFile() and SaveFile() closes #15394