

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-01-20 18:59 VZ, revision 1436

fixes for Sun CC 5.0 (unlike 4.2 it understands bool)

1999-01-20 15:04 VZ, revision 1435

wxUSE_STREAM corrected to wxUSE_STREAMS

1999-01-20 14:47 VZ, revision 1434

wxString::Right() changed to AfterLast() (config works again)

1999-01-20 12:23 JS, revision 1433

Fixed wxConfig (I hope) and disabled wxRegConfig::DeleteAll.

1999-01-19 22:14 JS, revision 1432

FAQ mods

1999-01-19 19:36 VZ, revision 1431

1. wxMotif fixes for compilation in "no compatible" mode 2. Common fixes to be able to link minimal sample without stream classes, tree ctrl, list ctrl &c

1999-01-19 18:42 JS, revision 1430
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/imaglist.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/listctrl.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/statusbr.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/treectrl.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/imaglist.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/listctrl.cpp
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/makefile.unx
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/statusbr.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/treectrl.cpp

Removing redundant files.

1999-01-19 18:28 JS, revision 1429

Include dynarray.h

1999-01-19 18:23 JS, revision 1428

TWIN32 compatibility added; wxMotif uses wxGTK's wxPostScriptDC; wxByte replaces byte (can conflict with windows.h)

1999-01-19 16:33 RR, revision 1427

New DnD and Clipboard code Rearranged wxApp to do the same in the same order upon program start-up on wxGTK and wxMSW ODBC tweaks exchanged wxDataFormat for wxIPCFormat

1999-01-19 13:18 VZ, revision 1426

compilation fixes for "nocompatibility" mode

1999-01-19 11:00 JS, revision 1425

Some changes in a vain attempt to make Salford C++ work; added FAQ files; started wxTime documentation.

1999-01-17 23:55 JS, revision 1424

Some Motif corrections; Dialog Editor compilation under Motif

1999-01-17 22:49 VZ, revision 1423

thread docs updated

1999-01-17 22:44 VZ, revision 1422

OnExit() is called for modules which were initialized even if the init of the subsequent modules fails

1999-01-17 22:42 VZ, revision 1421

more thread fixes

1999-01-17 22:39 VZ, revision 1420

wxThread fixes - compilation under Unix temporarily broken, sorry.

1999-01-17 22:35 VZ, revision 1419

warning suppressed for MSVC++

1999-01-17 19:25 JS, revision 1418

VC++ compilation correction; doc file corrections

1999-01-17 16:10 GL, revision 1417

* First draft on wxStreamBuffer, wxStream* will follow.

1999-01-16 22:17 JS, revision 1416

For wxMSW, split XPM handler into separate file (please add handler explicitly in app); doc changes espec. wxBitmap overview

1999-01-16 12:52 UG, revision 1415

no message

1999-01-16 00:13 JS, revision 1414

Various changes for Salford C++, and commited fileconf.h/fileconf.cpp changes to take out nested classes

1999-01-15 13:24 JS, revision 1413

Added wxPrivateDropTarget class skeleton.

1999-01-15 11:18 VZ, revision 1412

even less spelling errors...

1999-01-15 10:54 JS, revision 1411


1999-01-15 01:12 RR, revision 1410

DnD feedback keyx down and key up. listbox bug added bitmap to wxBitmapDataObject constructor corrected spelling of "Suiss bank account"

1999-01-14 15:18 JS, revision 1409

Added wxMotif data object classes

1999-01-14 15:15 JS, revision 1408

Added some tentative wxMotif clipboard code; did some file formatting

1999-01-14 14:50 VZ, revision 1407

compilation fix

1999-01-14 14:33 VZ, revision 1406

1. NOT_FOUND -> wxNOT_FOUND 2. wxString::Left(), Right(), Before(), After() clean up 3. wxLocale updates

1999-01-14 13:11 KB, revision 1405

Split part of wxExtHelpController into wxHTMLHelpControllerBase to share the filename lookup and URL handling mechanisms with the soon to be created gtk-xmhtml based alternative. Added wxLocale support to allow different translated help files to be used. Tested (no changes to application required) under Solaris.

1999-01-14 11:23 JS, revision 1404

Added OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp.

1999-01-14 08:20 JS, revision 1403

Corrected stupid error.

1999-01-14 00:24 RR, revision 1402

Added wxPrivateDropTarget

1999-01-13 22:31 AN, revision 1401

For MSW, scan line boundary aligned, and >2MB case enabled

1999-01-13 21:26 VZ, revision 1400

compilation problem fixed

1999-01-13 19:01 VZ, revision 1399

updated i18n sample, french translations are now in the "fr" subdirectory. Added some documentation in readme.txt.

1999-01-13 18:21 JS, revision 1398

*** empty log message ***

1999-01-13 18:19 RR, revision 1397

Better disabling of toolbars and menubars

1999-01-13 18:01 JS, revision 1396

wxMSW wxClipboard implementation

1999-01-13 14:23 JS, revision 1395

Added dnd classes, data object classes, changed clipboard class doc, cured filefn.cpp wxFileNameFromPath bug, some tweaks to HelpGen

1999-01-13 12:03 RR, revision 1394

more wxImage on Motif

1999-01-13 11:50 KB, revision 1393

Fixes for compilation problems on Solaris(!). Added detection of glibc2 to fix Linux compilation problems.

1999-01-13 10:51 RR, revision 1392

wxMotif now works with wx-config and make install

1999-01-13 00:44 RR, revision 1391

Forgot one.

1999-01-13 00:42 RR, revision 1390

The usual amount of trash over my telephone fixed Horses everywhere

1999-01-12 23:51 VZ, revision 1389

minor samples fixes

1999-01-12 23:49 VZ, revision 1388

images in the notebook work under MSW too (with or without XPM)

1999-01-12 23:48 VZ, revision 1387

memory leak plugged