

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-05-03 09:43 VZ, revision 60496

check for wxHAS_EVENT_BIND instead of its converse; updated/coorected some comments

2009-05-03 09:43 VZ, revision 60495

remove mentions of wxEVENTS_COMPATIBILITY_2_8

2009-05-03 09:10 VS, revision 60494

optimized <object_ref> handling for the common case of simple reference with no overwrites

2009-05-03 09:00 VS, revision 60493

fixed XRC errors location reporting when using <object_ref>

2009-05-03 01:07 KO, revision 60491

Separate the parts of out into common parts, and SWIG and SIP specific parts.

2009-05-03 00:26 KO, revision 60490

Move the scripts into a separate directory and commit initial start on automatic bindings generator.

2009-05-03 00:20 KO, revision 60489

Add the ability to query if a class is derived from another class.

2009-05-02 23:59 VZ, revision 60488

fix typo (see #10637)

2009-05-02 20:59 KO, revision 60486

(Forward port from 2.8) Allow m_current to be used for the focused item, and reset the scroll position when removing all items from the data browser control.

2009-05-02 20:55 KO, revision 60485

Allow m_current to be used for the focused item, and reset the scroll position when removing all items from the data browser control.

2009-05-02 20:29 VZ, revision 60483

added wxStd{In,Out}putStream classes (closes #10637)

2009-05-02 19:54 VZ, revision 60482

update for bakefile 0.2.6

2009-05-02 19:06 VZ, revision 60481

don't use dialog size gripper under CE (should close #10765)

2009-05-02 18:17 VZ, revision 60480

use correct Windows CE version number in strnlen() check (really closes #10763)

2009-05-02 17:44 VZ, revision 60479

don't use invalid image list index (closes #10472)

2009-05-02 17:31 VZ, revision 60478

don't use access declarations with Watcom which doesn't support them correctly (closes #10749)

2009-05-02 17:28 VZ, revision 60477

allow passing temporary functors to Bind() too (closes #10653)

2009-05-02 17:25 VZ, revision 60476

WinCE doesn't provide strnlen/wcsnlen() until version 6.0 (closes #10763)

2009-05-02 17:09 BIW, revision 60475

fix for crash when undocking AUI toolbars (same as r59107 in 2.8 branch)

2009-05-02 15:44 SC, revision 60474

reverting r43119, fixes #10752

2009-05-02 15:42 SC, revision 60473

reverting r43119, fixes #10752

2009-05-02 15:10 VZ, revision 60472

keep {Left,Middle,Right}Down() methods of wxMouseState which were present in 2.9; just deprecate them in favour of the new XXXIsDown() ones (see #10756)

2009-05-02 15:09 FM, revision 60471

on wxWinCE don't use some message constants since they're not defined there (closes #10759)

2009-05-02 14:52 VZ, revision 60470

improvements to wxEventFunctor classes; use wxHAS_EVENT_BIND instead of wxEVENTS_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 (see #10653)

2009-05-02 14:48 CE, revision 60469

up to Bakefile 0.2.6 for second time

2009-05-02 13:06 VZ, revision 60468

added missing headers for PCH-less compilation

2009-05-02 12:06 FM, revision 60467

backport of r60458 from trunk: don't put NULL pointers in the GdkWindowArray

2009-05-02 09:41 JMS, revision 60466

Fixed bug: wxPropertyGridInterface::SetPropertyReadOnly() with wxPG_DONT_RECURSE flag didn't do anything

2009-05-02 00:59 VZ, revision 60464

rename wxGrid::SendSizeEvent() to SendGridSizeEvent() to avoid warnings about conflicts with base wxWindow class method with the same name

2009-05-02 00:52 VZ, revision 60463

added wxMouseEventsManager

2009-05-02 00:37 VZ, revision 60462

put wx{Keyboard,Mouse}State in events category instead of misc one

2009-05-01 23:49 VZ, revision 60461

implement changing wxChoice and wxComboBox height

2009-05-01 23:48 VZ, revision 60460

added MSWEndDeferWindowPos(); renamed USE_DEFERRED_SIZING to wxUSE_DEFERRED_SIZING and moved it to the header

2009-05-01 17:28 FM, revision 60459

fix for placement of wxStaticBox childrens (which doesn't affect the placement of the siblings) when using wxStaticBoxSizer

2009-05-01 16:15 FM, revision 60458

don't place NULL pointers in the GDK window array in GTKGetWindow()

2009-05-01 14:50 VZ, revision 60457

no changes, just remove #if'd out code

2009-05-01 12:14 VZ, revision 60456

don't generate CE projects for tests/benchmarks

2009-04-30 14:23 VZ, revision 60437

compilation fix after wxMouseState changes (closes #10756)

2009-04-30 00:00 VZ, revision 60436

show the new size of the grid row/col which was resized (test for r60435 changes)

2009-04-29 23:59 VZ, revision 60435

generate wxEVT_GRID_{COL,ROW}_SIZE events when the user double clicks the separating line too; do not generate these events if the size didn't really change (further improvements to grid events are possible and remain needed, see #10754)

2009-04-29 23:43 VZ, revision 60434

no changes, just use an accessor method instead of using wxMouseEvent member variables directly

2009-04-29 23:42 VZ, revision 60433

don't duplicate wxMouseState in wxMouseEvent but reuse its methods and variables (somehow this was never done when wxMouseState was introduced)

2009-04-28 14:23 VZ, revision 60427

fix conversion of wxString to data in AddFileWithMimeType(wxString, wxString) overload in Unicode build

2009-04-28 13:13 JJ, revision 60426

Do not use Tooltips if they are disabled

2009-04-28 11:39 RR, revision 60424


2009-04-28 09:37 CE, revision 60423

require BCC 5.82 for templates

2009-04-28 09:36 CE, revision 60422

fix Borland as per trac 10736

2009-04-28 09:35 CE, revision 60421

require BCC 5.82 for templates

2009-04-27 23:44 VZ, revision 60414

added missing @ref after last change

2009-04-27 22:05 MW, revision 60413

Fix typo.

2009-04-27 20:44 FM, revision 60412

correct SetFont() documentation: at least wxMSW and wxGTK do allow the user to pass wxNullFont (or another invalid font instance) (see #10475)

2009-04-27 15:59 CE, revision 60411

same as 60347, Borland bug

2009-04-27 15:26 VZ, revision 60410

make it possible to forward declare the class defined by WX_DECLARE_HASH_SET (fixes the build on systems where unordered_set is available after r60408)

2009-04-26 19:02 VZ, revision 60408

add a possibility to disable individual grid rows/columns resizing

2009-04-26 18:50 VZ, revision 60407

wxHashSet::count() method should be const

2009-04-26 17:50 VZ, revision 60406

added short col/row resizing overview

2009-04-26 17:47 CE, revision 60405

tracker 10737 fix

2009-04-26 17:28 VZ, revision 60404

pass parent argument of wxAboutBox to wxGenericAboutDialog ctor under GTK/Mac too

2009-04-26 16:59 VZ, revision 60403

added missing parent parameter to Cocoa version of wxAboutBox(); also pass it to the generic version in both Cocoa and Carbon versions

2009-04-26 21:41 VZ, revision 60399

set eol style correctly (see #10745)

2009-04-26 21:36 VZ, revision 60398

use svn:eol-style instead of eol:style (see #10745)

2009-04-26 21:12 VZ, revision 60396

add missing wx/module.h header to fix PCH-less build (closes #10743)

2009-04-26 20:43 VZ, revision 60395

set more svn properties for the files which didn't have them set correctly

2009-04-26 20:41 VZ, revision 60394

fix a problem with loading inked.dll (see #10633)

2009-04-26 18:24 FM, revision 60393

fix yet another typo

2009-04-26 17:01 FM, revision 60392

mention that calling SetFaceName() with an invalid facename will invalidate the font object (see #10475)

2009-04-26 16:55 FM, revision 60391

make clear that wxFont::SetFamily() does change the font face name, too (not only on wxGTK, also in wxMSW); reorganize docs for wxFont using doxygen groups; mention that GetFamily() is not very useful and returns a lot of times wxFONTFAMILY_UNKNOWN

2009-04-26 16:38 FM, revision 60390

typo fix (strangely VC9 doesn't consider it an error)

2009-04-26 15:41 VZ, revision 60389

add parent parameter to wxAboutBox() (closes #9952)

2009-04-26 15:37 FM, revision 60388

Add support for wxSTB_ELLIPSIZE_* and for wxSTB_SHOW_TIPS flags under wxMSW

2009-04-26 14:45 VZ, revision 60387

WinCE compilation fix: ifdef out HandlePaint() (see #10731)

2009-04-26 13:13 VZ, revision 60386

correct the release branch name

2009-04-26 13:12 VZ, revision 60385

set correct EOL style for files added in r58024 [backport of r60383 from trunk]

2009-04-26 13:00 VZ, revision 60384

add release branch (currently WX_2_9_BRANCH) definitions and reenable VC build slaves for it

2009-04-26 12:52 VZ, revision 60383

set correct EOL style for files added in r58024

2009-04-26 07:24 MW, revision 60380

New devs.

2009-04-26 04:57 KO, revision 60373

Rebake after last change.

2009-04-26 04:47 KO, revision 60372

Don't move the actual executable, just link to it. (backport from trunk)

2009-04-26 04:04 KO, revision 60371

Rebake after latest changes.

2009-04-26 04:01 KO, revision 60370

Don't move the actual executable, just link to it.

2009-04-26 01:49 KO, revision 60366

Separate out constructors / destructors, add support for enums and include files, and add a verbose option.

2009-04-26 01:38 VZ, revision 60364

include port number in HTTP Host header (closes #10632)

2009-04-26 01:19 VZ, revision 60363

add support for table border width attribute (closes #10610)

2009-04-26 00:31 VZ, revision 60362

optimize FindItem(data) performance (closes #9870)

2009-04-25 19:18 VZ, revision 60359

another typo correction after last change, correct the return types too

2009-04-25 18:26 VZ, revision 60358

no changes, just fix a typo in a menu item label

2009-04-25 18:23 VZ, revision 60357

added find performance test (see #9870) and the possibility to set the number of items (for list and report views only)

2009-04-25 17:58 VZ, revision 60356

compilation fix after the latest change (typo: used char instead of wchar_t)

2009-04-25 17:53 VZ, revision 60355

more order in wxCRT_filefunctions: define A and W versions, just as for everything else and simply map suffix-less versions to the appropriate ones

2009-04-25 17:37 VZ, revision 60354

only use Mac-specific menu item under Mac

2009-04-25 16:48 VZ, revision 60352

Cygwin doesn't have _wcsdup() (closes #10738)

2009-04-25 16:42 VZ, revision 60351

minor corrections: document typeDefault, remove text copied from the header (closes #10740)

2009-04-25 16:12 VZ, revision 60350

define wxStrchr(non-const char-or-wchar_t*) as a template to ensure that second parameter of any type that can be used with const version can be used with this one too; this is shorter than listing them all explicitly and without this Borland refuses to compile wxStrchr(char *, wxUniChar) (see #10736)

2009-04-25 16:08 VZ, revision 60349

disable wxGC for Borland as it can't compiler the macros used in msw/gdiplus.cpp

2009-04-25 16:07 VZ, revision 60348

(harmless) Borland release build warning fixes

2009-04-25 16:07 VZ, revision 60347

workaround for Borland compilation: don't use unspecified_bool_type for it

2009-04-25 15:54 VZ, revision 60346

remove HasNativeFontInfo() which always returns true now but was left for some reason

2009-04-25 15:52 VZ, revision 60345

build fixes for Borland in wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU and wxHAS_HUGE_FILES cases; only define one of wxMSLU__wstat and wxMSLU__wstati64; also define wxStructStat as 64 bit version of struct stat if needed

2009-04-25 15:19 VZ, revision 60344

attempt to hyperlink wxCHECK_VISUALC_VERSION

2009-04-25 15:19 VZ, revision 60343

make wxSTRING_BASE_HASNT_CLEAR check more readable