

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-12-13 02:46 MR, revision 36378

Remove my binary compatibility stuff from HEAD. Patch #1367014 used for reference.

2005-12-13 02:30 MR, revision 36377

Typo fixes in comments

2005-12-13 01:20 MR, revision 36376

Fix HitTest to return the proper tab index in case there are more tabs than fit (and therefore there are scrolling arrows), and the first visible tab isn't the first real tab. Before counting started from the visible tab, not real tab. While doing this, I noticed lots of "interesting" bugs wrt tab indexes and the whole wxGtkNotebookPage hack in the code. In my opinion, to fix some of the bugs I noticed during testing, wxGtkNotebookPage has to be nuked and the necessary parts rewritten. Meanwhile, the HitTest fix works with wxNB_TOP styled notebooks that haven't modified tabs in a way that would have mess up the wxGtkNotebookPage index sync. For other cases it might depend on the phase of the moon, and other factors.

2005-12-13 00:59 vell, revision 36375

reformat for readability

2005-12-12 14:47 GT, revision 36374

The DBMS() function was returning dBase for DB2 databases

2005-12-12 14:32 GT, revision 36373

The DBMS() function was returning dBase for DB2 databases

2005-12-12 11:16 VZ, revision 36372

fixed handling of dst offset in wxAlphaBlend() (backport from HEAD)

2005-12-12 11:15 VZ, revision 36371

fixed handling of dst offset in wxAlphaBlend()

2005-12-12 07:58 ABX, revision 36370

Regenerated makefile after wxOS2 display support and new splash sample file.

2005-12-11 17:34 ABX, revision 36369

Improved small screen splash sample.

2005-12-11 16:16 ABX, revision 36368

Improved small screen splash sample.

2005-12-11 16:11 ABX, revision 36367

wxUSE_DISPLAY impossible with eVC3 (SDKs 2002).

2005-12-11 15:25 SN, revision 36366

Fixed wxDirExists implementation for OS/2.

2005-12-10 16:59 SC, revision 36365

activate SetFocus patch

2005-12-10 15:50 SC, revision 36364

support for standard menu ids

2005-12-10 15:47 SC, revision 36363

support for default key handling (escape,enter,command-period) even if there is no control on the frame/dialog, that has the focus

2005-12-10 15:36 SC, revision 36362

support for standard command IDs

2005-12-10 15:24 SC, revision 36361

support for standard command IDs

2005-12-10 14:40 ABX, revision 36360

wxDisplay support for wxWinCE port.

2005-12-10 13:18 SC, revision 36359

add reasonable default TEMP for __WXMAC__ when running under __DARWIN__

2005-12-10 13:08 SC, revision 36358

default to simple show/hide tlw on OSX instead of transitions

2005-12-10 11:05 SN, revision 36357

Added OS/2's wxDisplay implementation to list of files to be compiled.

2005-12-10 00:37 GT, revision 36356

DB2 databases were mistakenly reporting that they were dBase databases

2005-12-10 00:28 GT, revision 36355

Updated to state INNER join rather than OUTER join

2005-12-09 20:43 vell, revision 36354

reformat for readability; more prep. for patch 1376506