

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-09-06 19:09 VS, revision 74770

Fix outdated comment for wxCondition::Wait().

2013-09-06 14:27 VZ, revision 74769

Fix bug with not selecting wxAuiNotebook page when its child was focused. The code in OnChildFocusNotebook() handler only worked correctly if the page itself was focused but not if the focus was given to one of its children -- which should still make the page itself current. Closes #15471.

2013-09-06 11:50 SJL, revision 74768

Fix history storing in wxWebViewWebKit with custom schemes. When the history has just been cleared there is no existing item so we should add the new history item even in this case. Fixes #15446.

2013-09-06 02:20 VZ, revision 74764

Fix horizontal mouse wheel scrolling in wxGTK. Change the value of the appropriate adjustment instead of always using the vertical one. Closes #15469.

2013-09-05 16:10 VZ, revision 74763

Export recently added wxRichTextXMLHelper to fix link errors. This class is referenced from outside the library, see e.g. this build log: x86 wxGTK trunk/builds/2961/steps/compile utils/logs/stdio and so must be exported, otherwise the build fails under Linux (and under Windows when using DLL). Perhaps it would be better to make it completely private to the library if it is not meant to be public, but this would require more changes.

2013-09-05 16:10 VZ, revision 74762

Revert wxDO_LOG_IF_ENABLED() change for MSVC6 in r74735. The old solution worked fine for that compiler and the new one fails when wxLogXXX() is used inside a switch statement to the wrong rules used by VC6 for the scope of the variables defined inside the for loop. Simply revert back to using the old version for it, this will be easy to re-revert after 3.0 by simply removing the check for it. See #11829.

2013-09-04 15:07 VZ, revision 74759

Just remove redundant wxDocument::SetDocumentTemplate() call. This is already done from InitDocument() called from wxDocTemplate::CreateDocument(). Closes #15467.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74758

Restore correct wx-config creation and work around MinGW lack of symlinks. This undoes the changes of r72205 and r72249 (see #14517) as using relative paths for wx-config symlink didn't work correctly if non-default values for $bindir and/or $libdir were used (i.e. if they were not siblings). Instead, fix the original problem of lack of symlinks when using MinGW directly: just use "cp -p" if "ln -s" fails. This should work everywhere and do the right thing. Closes #15463.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74757

Correct erasing of background behind controls in a toolbar in wxMSW. We need to handle WM_PRINTCLIENT in wxToolBar itself as the default handler for this message forwards to WM_ERASEBKGND of the parent window and our handler for that message only erases the client part of the window, in wx sense, i.e. including a relatively big vertical offset accounting for the toolbar. This means that when we get WM_PRINTCLIENT from the embedded control drawing code, we don't erase anything at all as the control rectangle height is smaller than the offset. This fix is not perfect as ideally the existing MSWGetBgBrushForChild() should be taken into account automatically by the default MSWPrintChild() implementation but at least it fixes the ugly visual artefacts. Closes #12307.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74756

Remove unnecessary wxHTML dependency from the notebook sample. r70321 added html library to the notebook sample, apparently accidentally as the commit message only mentioned aui one. Remove html and rebake.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74755

Add a test for a tooltip for a control inside a static box. Also create the controls as children of the static box, not its siblings, to make the tooltip work under wxGTK and because this is how we recommend doing things now. See #9859.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74754

Add wxDEPRECATED_MSG() and use it in a couple of places. This macro should be used instead of wxDEPRECATED() for the new deprecations as it allows to give a helpful explanatory message (if supported by the compiler) and also is simpler to use as it doesn't require wrapping the entire declaration in it but can be simply used before it. Also add wxDEPRECATED() support for clang as a side effect.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74753

Don't take hidden wxGrid row/columns into account when auto-sizing. The contents not shown to the user shouldn't affect the fitting width/height of the columns/rows that are shown. See #15464.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74752

Remove superfluous mouse capturing in wxGrid row/column labels windows. This code recaptured the mouse in the window which had already had it, thus triggering the (recently added, see r74677) asserts in CaptureMouse(). It also didn't preserve the invariant of m_winCapture always having the capture. And it was apparently completely unnecessary too. So simply remove it to fix the asserts while drag-resizing wxGrid rows/columns.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74751

Simplify wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer::GetBestSize(). The code there was pretty wild, making clearly wrong assumptions (column size doesn't, and AFAICS never did, include 20 pixel margin) and also was clearly uncertain about what it was doing by trying to limit the number of iterations to some arbitrary cutoff when it is pretty clear that the loop increasing the width and decreasing the height on each iteration will reach the condition of "width >= height*1.68" sooner or later.

2013-09-04 02:14 VZ, revision 74750

Don't crash in wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer when the column is hidden. Our methods should arguably not be called at all in this case, but if this does happen, at least don't crash. Closes #15464.

2013-09-03 18:47 JS, revision 74749

wxRTC: extracted XML utilities into a separate class for potential reuse.

2013-09-03 16:45 VS, revision 74748

Add missing XRC format docs for wxComboCtrl and wxEditableListBox.

2013-09-03 16:45 VS, revision 74747

Remove reduntant content from XRC format docs. Window styles are documented globally, no need for control-specific content for wxStatusBar. Also, it was outdated and incorrect.

2013-09-03 07:37 PC, revision 74746

Fix referencing of cairo_t returned from wxDCImpl::GetCairoContext(). It was assumed that all callers were going to unref the cairo_t, but that is not true, so callers that are going to unref it should ref it themselves. See #15455

2013-09-02 14:17 VS, revision 74742

Replace @since 2.9.6 with 3.0 in the docs.

2013-08-31 19:41 VZ, revision 74735

Rewrite wxLogXXX() macros to avoid "ambiguous else" warnings. Use a dummy for loop instead of an if statement to avoid all problems with the dangling else clauses: both the need for an artificially inversed "if" to make the code like if ( something ) wxLogError("..."); else something-else; to work as expected and to avoid warnings given by some versions of g++ and clang for the code above advising to add explicit braces. Closes #11829.

2013-08-31 19:41 VZ, revision 74734

Removed a method using wxColour from non-GUI benchmark code. No idea how could this work before but the presence of this code in the non-GUI benchmark project prevented it from building. As it's not used anyhow, just remove it.

2013-08-31 05:25 PC, revision 74733

Don't update position of widgets in a wxPizza from size_allocate handler. The values in m_{x,y} are not the same as client coordinates if the wxPizza is scrolled. Closes #15444

2013-08-31 01:32 VZ, revision 74732

Fix infinite loop in wxMSW with wxStaticBox inside non-wxTAB_TRAVERSAL parent. We didn't ensure that the parent of a (native) control with WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT had this style as well, unlike for our own windows. Fix this now to make certain that we never call ::IsDialogMessage() on a window whose parent doesn't have WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT as it simply hangs in this case, entering an infinite loop searching for the default button. Also try to reduce the possibility of such bugs in the future by checking for WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT and not wxTAB_TRAVERSAL before calling ::IsDialogMessage() even if this doesn't totally prevent them (it wasn't sufficient to fix even this particular bug). Closes #15458.