

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-01-05 08:21 RD, revision 36703


2006-01-05 08:13 RD, revision 36702


2006-01-05 08:11 RD, revision 36701

Add rpmbuild options for adding --enable-mediactrl and for specifying the full version for the site-pacakges subdir.

2006-01-05 08:11 RD, revision 36700

Add a command-line option for specifying that the full version number shoudl be used in the site-packages subdir. Currently it defaults to off, but that could change...

2006-01-05 08:02 RD, revision 36699

Added a demo for wx.GetMouseState

2006-01-05 06:46 KO, revision 36698

Comment out code that causes serious drawing issues under OS X 10.4. (Do we even need to show a grow icon when the text ctrl is not at the bottom right of the screen?)

2006-01-05 06:03 RD, revision 36697

wxURLDataObject does not derive from wxDataObjectComposite on all the platforms, so tell SWIG that it derives from wxDataObject instead.

2006-01-05 05:40 RD, revision 36696


2006-01-05 05:36 RD, revision 36695

copy the demo's icon file

2006-01-05 05:32 RD, revision 36694

Fix to allow slider to be initialized properly

2006-01-05 05:26 RD, revision 36693


2006-01-05 04:40 RD, revision 36692

Added wxGetMouseState which returns the current state of the mouse. Returns an instance of a wxMouseState object that contains the current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinants, as well as boolean values indicating the up/down status of the mouse buttons and the modifier keys. Implemented for wxMSW, wxGTK and wxMac.

2006-01-05 04:31 RD, revision 36691

Added wxGetMouseState which returns the current state of the mouse. Returns an instance of a wxMouseState object that contains the current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinants, as well as boolean values indicating the up/down status of the mouse buttons and the modifier keys. Implemented for wxMSW, wxGTK and wxMac.

2006-01-05 01:00 SN, revision 36690

Temporarily disabled OS/2 specific code.

2006-01-05 00:43 vell, revision 36689

cleanup - reformat (part 2)

2006-01-04 23:27 SN, revision 36688

Fixed sizing and positioning.

2006-01-04 23:05 SN, revision 36687

Minor cleanup

2006-01-04 22:54 SN, revision 36686

Better default sizes.

2006-01-04 22:49 SN, revision 36685

Cache slider size in DoSetSize.

2006-01-04 22:46 SN, revision 36684

Fixed label handling (translating for accelerator handling only for relevant classes)

2006-01-04 22:37 SN, revision 36683

Improved size handling.

2006-01-04 22:19 SN, revision 36682

Fixed sizing and positioning, simplifying code (too much?) in the process.

2006-01-04 18:10 vell, revision 36681

cleanup - reformat

2006-01-04 14:17 MW, revision 36680

Fix control and shift key event flags

2006-01-04 14:14 MW, revision 36679

Undefine true and false defined in scitech header