

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-09-17 19:35 VZ, revision 74828

More German translations updates from Sebastian Walderich.

2013-09-17 17:25 VZ, revision 74827

Fix assorted typos in comments and other non-code. Closes #15509.

2013-09-17 17:25 VZ, revision 74826

Use mask when drawing bitmaps in generic wxDataViewCtrl. This allows to have bitmaps with transparent areas in them. Closes #15510.

2013-09-17 17:25 VZ, revision 74825

Add wxDataViewRendererBase::GetEffectiveAlignment() and use it. This helper method falls back on the alignment of the column if the renderer alignment is not specified. This is almost always what should be used instead of GetAlignment() to determine the alignment that really should be used in the drawing code. In particular, using GetEffectiveAlignment() in wxDataViewCustomRenderer fixes the problem with bitmap columns ignoring column alignment for their bitmaps. Closes #15498.

2013-09-16 17:47 PC, revision 74824

remove executable property from non-executable files, closes #15504

2013-09-16 17:15 VS, revision 74823

Fix wrong type information for {v,h}gap in XRC format docs.

2013-09-15 13:57 VZ, revision 74820

Revert "Make wxMSW stack walking methods work with Unicode identifiers." This reverts r74817 because it broke compilation with VC8 and it doesn't seem obvious to fix this. See #15138, closes #15500.

2013-09-15 02:16 VZ, revision 74819

Add code showing stereo support to the OpenGL cube sample. Show how WX_GL_STEREO attribute can be used, if available. See #15434.

2013-09-15 02:16 VZ, revision 74818

Show full screen windows with WS_POPUP style in wxMSW. This doesn't make any difference for most windows but fixes a problem with wxGLCanvas windows using stereo support of Nvidia cards and generally it does make sense to use WS_POPUP with full screen windows as they are definitely not overlapped, so just use this style unconditionally. Closes #15434.

2013-09-15 02:16 VZ, revision 74817

Make wxMSW stack walking methods work with Unicode identifiers. This allows to show the stack properly for e.g. Japanese programs. Closes #15138.

2013-09-15 02:15 VZ, revision 74816

Disable handling of wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL in wxVarScrollHelperEvtHandler in wxGTK. Just for consistency with wxScrollHelperBase, not really sure what problem exactly does this solve. See #15357.

2013-09-15 02:15 VZ, revision 74815

Make default keyboard handling available in wxVarScrollHelperEvtHandler too. Factor out the keyboard handling code in wxAnyScrollHelperBase allowing its reuse in wxVarScrollHelperEvtHandler. Now wxVarScrollHelperBase handles cursor keys in a sane way by default too and also allows disabling their handling, just as wxScrolledWindow. See #15357.

2013-09-15 02:15 VZ, revision 74814

Propagate the event handling fixes to wxVarScrollHelperBase. Merge the fixes to wxScrollHelperBase::ProcessEvent() of r64358, r64370, r64464, r72939 and possibly a few more in wxVarScrollHelperBase to fix its behaviour too, as it wasn't generating the correct events any longer. Unfortunately the fix right now is to physically copy the code from one class to the other. This should be avoided, of course, and a more in depth refactoring should be done to move the code common to both classes into wxAnyScrollHelperBase after 3.0 release. But for now continuing to duplicate code is better than not having a working wxVarScrollHelperBase. See #15357.

2013-09-15 02:15 VZ, revision 74813

Add wxAnyScrollHelperBase to reduce code duplication in wxVarScrollHelperBase. This is just a small refactoring to move some trivially common parts of wxScrollHelperBase and wxVarScrollHelperBase in a new common base class. This will make it possible to apply other corrections to wxVarScrollHelperBase without having to physically duplicate the code from wxScrollHelperBase in it. See #15357.

2013-09-15 02:15 VZ, revision 74812

Use wxGetTranslation() instead of _() in the public headers. This allows the code in them to compile even when WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is defined. Closes #15443.

2013-09-15 02:14 VZ, revision 74811

Fix flickering of wxStaticBox background in wxMSW. First of all, don't erase background in WM_ERASEBKGND at all if we erase it anyhow in WM_PAINT, this is totally useless and is what wxBG_STYLE_PAINT is for. Second, clip out not only the siblings of the static box but also its children when erasing the background to avoid painting over the controls created as the box children, which is the preferred way to create them now. Closes #15150.

2013-09-15 02:14 VZ, revision 74810

Don't crash when laying out wxGridBagSizer with only hidden elements. wxGridBagSizer lay out algorithm needs at least a single row and a single column to work, so simply don't run it at all if there is nothing to lay out. Closes #15475.

2013-09-15 02:14 VZ, revision 74809

Mention that wxSizer::Clear() always deletes child sizers. The existence of "delete_windows" argument could mislead people into thinking that sizers were not deleted neither when it had false value, see #15475.

2013-09-15 02:14 VZ, revision 74808

Improve composite flags handling in the property grid wxFlagsProperty. Don't consider that a flag is on just because one of its bits is enabled in the current flags, for the composite flags (e.g. something like "BOTH = ONE | TWO") all the bits composing the flag must be on for it to be enabled. Closes #15499.

2013-09-14 22:46 JS, revision 74807

Workaround for #15404: wxRichTextCtrl: caret does not disappear when focus is lost (Mac) (briceandre)

2013-09-14 20:15 PC, revision 74806

add support for GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH mouse wheel event, introduced in GTK+ 3.4

2013-09-14 20:06 PC, revision 74805

use native lines/columns per action for mouse wheel event

2013-09-13 14:55 SJL, revision 74804

Handle WebKitWebView create-web-view. In some cases a new window is signalled using create-web-view rather than new-window-policy-decision-requested and so we need to handle it to emit the correct new window events. Fixes #15447.

2013-09-13 13:35 VZ, revision 74803

German translations update from Sebastian Walderich.

2013-09-12 22:49 VZ, revision 74802

Another Tamil translations update from Dinakar T.D.