

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-06-15 21:36 RR, revision 61066

Correct wxDataViewListModel::RowPrepended

2009-06-15 21:35 VZ, revision 61065

add support for bitmap and bitmapposition tags to the wxButton XRC handler

2009-06-15 21:30 RR, revision 61064

Correct wxDataViewCtrl::IsExpanded

2009-06-15 21:21 VZ, revision 61063

implement button support for pre-XP systems (or with themes disabled); using only the normal bitmap so far

2009-06-15 20:35 RR, revision 61062

Fix sending wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_HEADER_CLICK, fixes #10894: Missing OSX-Carbon DataView control header click events

2009-06-15 19:53 VZ, revision 61061

no real changes, just use AutoHXXX classes instead of manually creating/deleting objects in owner drawing code

2009-06-15 19:49 VZ, revision 61060

no real changes, just extract private classes from msw/dc.cpp into a private header so that they could be reused from button owner drawing code too

2009-06-15 19:28 VZ, revision 61059

fix Doxygen syntax error which prevented output for this page from being generated at all

2009-06-15 19:14 VZ, revision 61058

use WPARAM (which is 64 bit under Win64) for timer ids instead of long (which is still 32 bit) (see #10896)

2009-06-15 06:23 VZ, revision 61054

implement images support for wxButton under XP and later

2009-06-15 05:36 VZ, revision 61053

include wx/bitmap.h which is required by wxButton now

2009-06-15 05:35 VZ, revision 61052

added missing parentheses in a couple of GetHxxxOf() macros

2009-06-15 00:55 VZ, revision 61051

preparation work for implementing images support in wxButton: move wxBitmapButton methods to the base class (enhancing/completing them in the process); there are no functionality changes yet (hopefully)

2009-06-14 16:45 RR, revision 61049

Updated info on wxRefCounter and related classes

2009-06-14 16:11 RR, revision 61048

Make wxDataViewModel derive from wxRefCounter

2009-06-13 21:42 VZ, revision 61046

don't leave the document in modified state after loading it (closes #10081)

2009-06-13 16:55 JMS, revision 61043

Converted wxVariant to use wxObject's reference counting facilities. Should make sense as wxVariant already derived from wxObject and now wxVariantData inherits wxRefCounter/wxObjectRefData.

2009-06-13 04:48 VZ, revision 61038

added own{fg,bg,font} allowing to set non-inheritable fore/background colours and font from XRC

2009-06-13 02:33 VZ, revision 61037

fix compilation after wxRefCounter changes

2009-06-12 22:29 RR, revision 61036

Update docs to mention wxRefCounter class

2009-06-12 22:18 RR, revision 61035

Use wxRefCounter instead of wxObjecrDataRef

2009-06-12 22:16 RR, revision 61034

Rename wxObjectDataRef wxRefCounter, use it in wxVariant

2009-06-12 22:11 VZ, revision 61033

added convenient wxFont::Make{Bold,Italic,Smaller,Larger} and Scale() methods

2009-06-12 21:37 VZ, revision 61032

compilation fix after wxLoadFileSelector() changes

2009-06-12 21:36 VZ, revision 61031

remove unnecessary refCount=1 parameter from wxObjectRefData ctor

2009-06-12 21:03 JMS, revision 61030

wxPGCellRenderer ctor doesn't really need refCount argument

2009-06-12 20:24 VZ, revision 61029

fix memory leak in SetColFormat() if the column already had an attribute (closes #1807)

2009-06-12 20:02 VZ, revision 61028

only allow selecting existing files in wxLoadFileSelector; use this function instead of wxFileSelector in the samples (closes #10693)

2009-06-12 19:40 VZ, revision 61027

added XRC handler for wxFileCtrl (closes #10785)

2009-06-12 19:26 VZ, revision 61026

added new wx-config --query-xxx options and use them in (Unix) bakefile presets instead of parsing --selected-config output to fix the use of presets when cross-compiling

2009-06-12 19:14 VZ, revision 61025

reuse wxObjectRefData for various ref-counted classes (closes #10886)

2009-06-12 18:15 RR, revision 61024

Remove remaining bits of marker drawing during resizing

2009-06-12 17:35 VZ, revision 61023

clatify alpha discussion (closes #10888)

2009-06-12 17:28 VZ, revision 61022

make more wxFileName methods const (closes #10887)

2009-06-12 16:01 JMS, revision 61018

Added missing virtual dtor for wxPGMultiButton

2009-06-12 16:01 JMS, revision 61017

Added missing virtual dtor for wxPGMultiButton

2009-06-12 15:49 JMS, revision 61016

For needs of wxPython bindings, (re)added a version of RegisterEditorClass() that accepts a custom name for editor.

2009-06-12 15:39 JMS, revision 61014

For needs of wxPython bindings, (re)added a version of RegisterEditorClass() that accepts a custom name for editor.

2009-06-12 05:37 VZ, revision 61010

disable MSVC warning 4275 correctly (closes #10885)

2009-06-12 05:35 VZ, revision 61009

avoid name clashes with GSocket from glib 2.21+ (closes #10883)

2009-06-12 02:42 BBE, revision 61008

Fixed previous merge: configure was accidentaly overwritten

2009-06-12 02:17 MW, revision 61007

Forward port r56500.

2009-06-12 01:08 SC, revision 61006

backport, closes #10852

2009-06-12 01:07 SC, revision 61005

respecting more of the toolbar positions (tb_right not yet working), and fixing SetSize in Realize, closes #10852

2009-06-11 22:56 BBE, revision 61004

Merge r60292-r61003 from trunk. Just to be up to date:-).

2009-06-11 18:46 VZ, revision 61003

allow customizing wxStandardPaths logic for the program directory determination

2009-06-11 18:11 VZ, revision 61002

make wxFileName::{Mk,Rm}dir() const (closes #10868)

2009-06-11 18:02 VZ, revision 61001

Mac appearance fixes: only use a border for wxDisclosureTriangle if wxCollapsiblePane itself has a border; don't set hardcoded background colour

2009-06-11 18:00 VZ, revision 61000

account for the label size in wxDisclosureTriangle under Carbon

2009-06-11 17:57 VZ, revision 60999

GetTextExtent() is not virtual any more (since r60984)

2009-06-11 17:37 RR, revision 60998

Remove ugly flicker during resizing

2009-06-11 17:21 RR, revision 60997

GTK: In virtual list mode, map first row to 1, not to 0 as this is reserved for an invalid item

2009-06-11 17:10 RR, revision 60996

In virtual list mode, map first row to 1, not to 0 as this is reserved for an invalid item

2009-06-11 08:58 SC, revision 60995

backport of event implementation for single line, fixes #10854

2009-06-11 08:54 SC, revision 60994

adding missing release for editor

2009-06-11 08:40 SC, revision 60993

adding events to single line textcontrols (password is not fully supported)

2009-06-10 22:51 JMS, revision 60991

Added note about 'Py' prefix no longer being necessary when reimplementing property member functions in wxPython

2009-06-10 22:50 JMS, revision 60990

Added note about 'Py' prefix no longer being necessary when reimplementing property member functions in wxPython

2009-06-10 22:36 JMS, revision 60989

Allow reparenting wxPropertyGrid(Manager) to work; Show error and suggest calling wxPropertyGrid::OnTLPChanging() if top-level parent changed indirectly.

2009-06-10 19:35 BBE, revision 60988

Added wxEventLoopSource: class encapsulating source of I/O that can be added to event loop and monitored for any kind of I/O. Event sources can currently be added only to wxConsoleEventLoop under Unix.

2009-06-10 18:41 VZ, revision 60984

add virtual DoGetTextExtent() to allow calling the overloaded wxWindowBase::GetTextExtent() on wxWindow objects without any ugly casts/scope resolution operators

2009-06-10 18:19 PJC, revision 60983

Added ribbon panel rendering to the art provider. Added minimum and best size calculation to the ribbon bar. Added sizing and rendering to the ribbon page. Updated ribbon bar and page to inherit from ribbon control. Began to implemented ribbon panel. Extended sample application to add some panels to the pages.

2009-06-10 18:10 PJC, revision 60982

Added new wxRibbonControl class as a base class for ribbon components.

2009-06-10 17:07 VZ, revision 60981

don't disable the use of standard streams/strings by default under OS XE there is no reason to do it

2009-06-10 17:05 VZ, revision 60980

removed the inexistent (at least in 10.4 SDK) and unneeded carbon/carbon.h header inclusion

2009-06-10 16:56 VZ, revision 60979

remove support/detection of Mac OS < X

2009-06-10 16:55 VZ, revision 60978

added --disable-tls option and use it by default under NetBSD which is reported to not have TLS support

2009-06-10 16:54 VZ, revision 60977

don't start menu IDs at 0 to avoid an assert under Mac

2009-06-10 16:44 VZ, revision 60976

document wxBase64DecodeMode and other minor fixes (closes #10882)

2009-06-10 16:43 VZ, revision 60975

add missing DLL export declaration to fix linking in shared library build

2009-06-10 09:09 SC, revision 60974

backporting fixes, see #10876

2009-06-10 09:04 SC, revision 60973

making SetFocus bringing TLW to front as Carbon, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:52 SC, revision 60972

allow mouse events being sent to parents, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:46 SC, revision 60971

allow vetoing on drop, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:37 SC, revision 60970

fixing coordinates for dnd, see #10876

2009-06-10 08:10 SC, revision 60969

misc key-event fixes, see #10876

2009-06-10 07:32 SC, revision 60968

backport: fixes direction for scroll events, closes #10873

2009-06-10 07:24 SC, revision 60967

fixes direction for scroll events, closes #10873

2009-06-10 07:17 SC, revision 60966

backport: adding idle processing in modal loop, closes #10871

2009-06-10 07:15 SC, revision 60965

adding idle processing in modal loop, closes #10871

2009-06-10 07:07 SC, revision 60964

backport: fixing modal dialog quit after nested message box problem

2009-06-10 07:04 SC, revision 60963

fixing modal dialog quit after nested message box problem

2009-06-10 07:03 SC, revision 60962

backport: disclosure triangles on all implementations are able to give their true best size

2009-06-10 07:03 SC, revision 60961

backport of: fixing redraw of combobox on osx_cocoa

2009-06-10 06:53 SC, revision 60960

disclosure triangles on all implementations are able to give their true best size

2009-06-10 06:38 SC, revision 60959

fixing redraw of combobox on osx_cocoa

2009-06-10 06:25 SC, revision 60958

backport of r60956

2009-06-10 06:22 SC, revision 60957

backport of r60955

2009-06-10 06:06 SC, revision 60956

changing disclosure triangle to allow for label

2009-06-10 06:04 SC, revision 60955

fixing border drawing for toplevel controls on dialogs, fixes #10877

2009-06-07 18:01 VZ, revision 60954

fix typo in previous commit

2009-06-07 14:56 VZ, revision 60950

derive wxStandardPathsCF from Unix wxStandardPaths implementation to make it possible to return it from wxGUIAppTraits::GetStandardPaths()

2009-06-07 14:55 VZ, revision 60949

mention support for multiselection in wxDirCtrl

2009-06-07 14:44 VZ, revision 60948

bracket <vector> inclusion by wx/beforestd.h and wx/afterstd.h to avoid warnings in standard headers with MSVC

2009-06-07 14:41 VZ, revision 60947

disable a VC6 warning occurring inside a standard header

2009-06-07 14:38 VZ, revision 60946

work around apparent VC6 bug resulting in warnings about using non-const wxSize/PointRefFromVariant versions

2009-06-07 14:31 VZ, revision 60945

suppress MSVC warning about cast truncating constant value

2009-06-07 14:29 VZ, revision 60944

work around MSVC warnings about using uninitialized variables in optimized build

2009-06-07 14:27 VZ, revision 60943

disable MSVC warning 4275 which is harmless and can't be avoided anyhow

2009-06-07 14:23 VZ, revision 60942

remove inline from IosSeekDirToWxSeekMode() to work around VC6 release build (bogus) warnings about uninitialized variables