

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-09-21 11:28 VS, revision 74853

Add virtual ~wxAnyScrollHelperBase() to fix compiler warning.

2013-09-21 11:28 VS, revision 74852

Fix wxOSX warnings about int-to-void* casts.

2013-09-21 11:28 VS, revision 74851

Set missing Language: headers in PO files.

2013-09-21 11:28 VS, revision 74850

Standardize Project-Id-Version in PO files. Set it to "wxWidgets 3.0". Add where missing.

2013-09-20 19:27 VS, revision 74849

Try loading even English translations if provided. Doing so has negligible cost and can be useful in some situations (e.g. when using symbolic msgids despite gettext best practices). Patch by tmsorensen. Fixes #15522.

2013-09-20 17:21 PC, revision 74848

fix vertical mouse wheel event rotation value, sign was reversed in r74805 fixes #15524

2013-09-20 13:34 JS, revision 74847

Added setters for table row and column count

2013-09-20 08:07 JJ, revision 74846

Update OpenVMS makefile

2013-09-19 20:23 JS, revision 74845

The alignment controls are now left-aligned if the floating controls are not shown.

2013-09-19 15:14 JS, revision 74844

Corrections to border placement

2013-09-19 13:09 JS, revision 74843

Second part of #15224 fix: AddRows, AddColumns (dghart)

2013-09-19 10:38 JS, revision 74842

Fix for #15224: wxRichTextTable: Setting a cell's text colour affects subsequent cells (dghart)

2013-09-19 09:48 JS, revision 74841

Fix for #15520: wxRichTextCtrl: Drawing the selection doesn't respect its container (dghart)

2013-09-19 08:16 PC, revision 74840

fix building with WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 == 0 wxPG_EX_DISABLE_TLP_TRACKING does nothing since r61779

2013-09-19 07:33 PC, revision 74839

fix wxSystemSettings::GetColour() for wxGTK3 closes #15519

2013-09-18 20:02 VZ, revision 74838

Add missing c_str() call to fix wxGTK ANSI+STL build. Closes #15518.

2013-09-18 19:30 VZ, revision 74837

Use std::isfinite() for wxFinite() for C++11 compilers. This should fix compilation with MinGW 4.8.1 cross-compiler in C++11 mode as it doesn't seem to provide finite() any more then. Also, only defined wxFinite() and wxIsNaN() for C++, not C. This makes the checks for __cplusplus >= 201103 simpler and is consistent with how wxIsSameDouble() and wxRound() were already only defined for C++ (this is also the source of most of the changes in this diff, viewing it ignoring whitespace will show the only real changes).

2013-09-18 18:03 VS, revision 74836

Add wxTranslations::GetTranslatedString(). Replace GetString(), which always returns something (possibly the original string) with GetTranslatedString() that returns either a pointer to translated string or NULL. This simplifies the code a bit, all handling of missing translations is now done in wxGetTranslation().

2013-09-18 18:03 VS, revision 74835

Remove unused wxLocale::GetUntranslatedString().

2013-09-18 18:03 VS, revision 74834

Deallocate wxThreadSpecificInfo when wxThread ends. Cleanup wxThreadSpecificInfo after wxThread::Entry returns to be more memory efficient.

2013-09-18 18:03 VS, revision 74833

Make _() and friends safe to call from any thread. The GetUntranslatedString() hack keeps a global copy of all strings, so that it can return a const reference as wxGetTranslation() return value. A global wxHashSet instance shared by all threads won't do, even guarded with a critical section, because it may internally copy values on any insert and thus invalidate pointers that may still be used on another thread.

2013-09-18 18:03 VS, revision 74832

Make storing non-trivial data in wxThreadSpecificInfo possible.

2013-09-18 17:12 SJL, revision 74831

Update vc10 build file versions to 3.0.0. See r74781.

2013-09-18 10:18 JS, revision 74830

Ensure that the overall table border doesn't get overdrawn by cell borders with a different colour

2013-09-17 19:35 VZ, revision 74829

Fix badly translated wildcard string in German message catalog. "*.*" should be "*.*" even in German.