

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-02-05 20:40 MR, revision 37328

Remove remark on wxTLW::Maximize that it only works on Windows. It works on wxGTK too, and I see implementation for Mac aswell (in 2.6.x too)

2006-02-05 20:39 MR, revision 37327

Remove remark on wxTLW::Maximize that it only works on Windows. It works on wxGTK too, and I see implementation for Mac aswell.

2006-02-05 16:09 VZ, revision 37326

set USE_QA to 1 for VC builds only by default (real fix for bug 1419152)

2006-02-05 15:19 rgammans, revision 37325

fix for [1357272] . Use temporary unique tokens for 2 and 4 digit years

2006-02-05 14:10 rgammans, revision 37324

fix for [1357272] . Replace the fake year with unique tokens to prevent substring matches.

2006-02-05 14:05 rgammans, revision 37323

Add flags to test dates struct which allow us to skip ecpected failures. Use new flags feature to allow us to test format dates outside the two digit year parse range. Add dates to test for bug #1357272 and a couple of related issues. (eg,6Feb{1856,1857,1937}) .

2006-02-05 14:01 rgammans, revision 37322

Fix for compiler error with gcc 3.3.5 and cppunit 1.10.0 and Improve readablity of test.

2006-02-05 13:00 VZ, revision 37321

renamed AddSubPage() with pos parameter to InsertSubPage()

2006-02-05 12:47 JG, revision 37320

Put previous change under correct heading

2006-02-05 12:41 JG, revision 37319

Mention wxDC::{Begin,End}Drawing deprecation.

2006-02-05 12:39 VZ, revision 37318

set USE_QA to 1 for consistency with the IDE builds (closes 1419152)

2006-02-05 12:36 JG, revision 37317

Mention that wxDC::{Begin,End}Drawing() does nothing and is deprecated.

2006-02-05 12:27 VZ, revision 37316

renamed AddSubPage() with pos parameter to InsertSubPage()

2006-02-05 11:59 JG, revision 37315

Deprecate wxDC::{Begin,End}Drawing()

2006-02-05 09:14 vell, revision 37314

correct include file conditionalization, take 2

2006-02-05 07:27 vell, revision 37313

cleanup - reformatting

2006-02-05 07:15 vell, revision 37312

cleanup - reformatting

2006-02-05 00:23 MR, revision 37311

GTK2: Revert one set_resizable back to set_policy for now, as we need allow_shring to be TRUE right now, due to doing bad things(tm) to the size requests of child widgets inside the toplevel.

2006-02-04 19:53 SC, revision 37310

using common info.plist

2006-02-04 19:44 SC, revision 37309

common Info.plist for XCode projects

2006-02-04 18:49 vell, revision 37308

added appropriate WX_PRECOMP bracket for new include statement

2006-02-04 16:23 SC, revision 37307

support for default location added

2006-02-04 15:38 SC, revision 37306

linking commands on the individual window level, otherwise built-in handlers override our own (eg Paste is handled internally in a textcontrol without going through our own, resulting in changing 'read-only' unicode textcontrol)

2006-02-04 15:35 SC, revision 37305

deactivate read-only implementation for unicodetextcontrol because it cannot be selected otherwise

2006-02-04 13:06 MR, revision 37304

I'm no fan of that focus ring being drawn inside the wxMiniFrame close button after a click (and release not on the button), making the button look weird. So... don't focus on click.